Scholarships available for graduate study in Linguistics, for entry in 2014 Basant Kumar and Sarala Birla Graduate Studentship The Basant Kumar and Sarala Birla Graduate Studentship will be offered to an applicant for DPhil study in Linguistics, regardless of nationality. This award covers full fees and maintenance. Oxford Wolfson Marriott and Faculty of Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics Graduate Scholarship This scholarship will be offered to an applicant for DPhil study in Linguistics. This award is available to an applicant from the UK or EU, and covers full fees and maintenance. AHRC Studentships The Faculty of Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics at the University of Oxford is likely to be allocated two AHRC Doctoral Studentships (funding for three years) and one AHRC Master's Studentship (funding for one or two years) for study beginning in 2014. AHRC Studentships are held by students from the UK and EU: the studentships cover full-time fees and maintenance for UK students, and fees only for EU students from outside the UK. ESRC Doctoral Training Centre Studentships The Faculty is likely to be allocated one ESRC Doctoral Training Centre studentship for an applicant beginning an MPhil and planning to continue to a DPhil (funding for four years), and/or for an applicant beginning a DPhil (funding for three years). In addition, the Faculty will nominate up to five further applicants for ESRC awards, to be allocated in open competition across the Humanities Division. ESRC Studentships are held by students from the UK and EU: the studentships cover full-time fees and maintenance for UK students, and fees only for EU students from outside the UK. In some cases the Faculty may also be able to put a suitable applicant forward for an ESRC Advanced Quantitative Methods award, regardless of nationality. Clarendon Scholarships Clarendon Scholarships provide funding for graduate study at Oxford and are open to all applicants, regardless of nationality. They cover full-time fees and maintenance. We anticipate that we will be able to offer one or two Clarendon Scholarships for Master's or DPhil study in Linguistics. Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities The Faculty will nominate candidates for the Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities. This programme provides full-time fees and maintenance for graduate study at Oxford and is open to all applicants, regardless of nationality. Scholarships are allocated in open competition across the Humanities Division. Students interested in being considered for these studentships must submit their applications by 24 January 2014, and must indicate their interest in these scholarships on the application form. Information for prospective graduate students is available here: Web Address for Applications: For further information contact Ms Silke Zahrir: