STAFF GUIDANCE NOTES FOR ADMISSIONS TO RESEARCH DEGREES CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 General Admissions Research Studentships and Bursaries Procedure for Transfer in from Another Institution Procedure for Entry for PhD (by Published Works) Procedure for Off-campus, Non UK Resident, Research Student Admissions 1 General Applications Enquiry to Application General Information 1 The University has published a service level guideline of 3 – 61 weeks for processing research degree admissions applications. 2 Enquirers will be advised to contact the Research Degree Tutor (RDT) in the appropriate school in the first instance to determine the likelihood of a viable project and a supervisory team for the project. 3 Application forms are available on the web or from the Research Student Registry (RSR). 4 Application forms may be submitted electronically ( or in hard copy to the RSR. 5 Applicants are expected to submit a project outline (suggested equivalent A4 length) with the application. Staff may assist with the definition of the project. The project needs to be developed sufficiently to assist the school with the admission decision making process. 6 References may follow later but must be received in order to give an unconditional offer. Where references are stated as the condition to the offer, enrolment will not be permitted until such time as these have been received and determined as appropriately satisfying the demands for entry. References for admission may be provided by potential supervisors. 7 Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to produce evidence of language proficiency in accordance with University requirements. Applications Processing Step 1 The completed application form should be forwarded to the RSR in the first instance. Certificates and Transcripts (and references, if available at this stage) should be included with the application. International applicants should also submit a copy of any current passport and visa if held. 1 This will depend whether further information is required to process the application Research Student Registry Responsibilities 1. The RSR will acknowledge receipt of the application direct to the applicant or agent (if applicable). 2. The RSR will enter the applicant’s information on to the relevant student record systems. 3. The RSR will determine residency and fees status. 4. The RSR will provide guidance on equivalence of non UK qualifications 5. The RSR will identify non-standard entrants.2 6. The RSR will liaise with Research Degree Tutors to identify those international students whose project potentially falls under the ATAS scheme. 7. A copy of the application, together with Forms RDSC1, will then be sent to the RDT in the appropriate School(s) for consideration. 8. Where the applicant has indicated a physical or other disability or medical condition, the RSR will in the first instance forward the application to the Research Degrees Tutor for consideration. If the School wish to accept the applicant the RSR will then make an offer of a place and simultaneously forward a copy of the application to Disability Services for assessment of any special needs requirements. Step 2 The application form will be considered by the school. The school’s RDT will act as admissions tutor. School Responsibilities 1. Form RDSC1 will be used by the school to gather information. The school through its own agreed QA process will establish whether a prima facie case exists for admission: 2 Is the candidate suitably qualified? Is there a supervisory team with an experienced supervisor for the project? Is the project feasible and appropriate for the award? Is the project financially viable? Does the school have (access to) the facilities/equipment/space/resources required? Has the School considered Health and Safety/IPR/Data Protection considerations? Would the research project be likely to obtain ethical clearance/insurance/collaboration? Would the candidate obtain DBS Disclosure and Barring Service (previously known as CRB/police) clearance? Non-standard entrants defined as applicants who do not meet the standard entry criteria. See AQA Manual. 2. Where an applicant has been identified as a non-standard entrant, the application should be considered in accordance with Academic Regulations, see also Code of Practice, and the AQA Manual Part 2. Where the need for a portfolio is determined, it must be available within the school, and have been considered as appropriate before the application is progressed further. 3. No case for admission - then Form RDSC1 will be completed and sent to the RSR stating reasons. [See also notes on RDSC1 ] 4. If there is a case for admission - An interview will be arranged with the applicant in accordance with the Code of Practice3. Please note that all potential students require an interview in advance of any offer being made. It is not satisfactory for this to be done on a one-on-one basis, and in all cases, the Interview Panel should include the prospective Director of Studies and the School Research Degrees Tutor (see Code of Practice). 5. For international applicants, the interview panel may conduct the interview by skype/video/telephone conference link. 6. Post interview the RDT and Dean (for offers only) of School will complete RDSC1 and return it to the RSR. (Application form not required as original is held in RSR). 7. Form RDSC ATAS should be submitted by email where the international student falls under one of the JACS codes areas covered by the scheme. Step 3 Forms RDSC1 (and where applicable RDSC ATAS) will be used to draw up the offer or rejection letter. Research Student Registry Responsibilities 1. The RSR will clarify any details with the RDT regarding the admission decision, if necessary. 2. The RSR will send out offer or rejection letters, as appropriate. 3. The RSR will send out post acknowledgement and visa letters once the applicants has fulfilled all conditions of the offer. 4. Enrolment will not be permitted until the admissions process is fully complete The Forms RDSC1 This form is the authorisation from the Dean of School to accept an applicant. It also provides confirmation from the RDT and Dean of School that the appropriate procedures have been followed in reaching this decision. Please note the Dean of School is not required to sign the RDSC1 for rejected candidates. Completion of the RDSC1 3 See AQA Manual Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 These sections will be completed by the RSR when the application is returned with a decision. The RDT/proposed supervisor will work with the applicant to draw up the project in sufficient detail for the school to determine the project viability. A satisfactory project outline containing the aims methodologies and research activities involved in the project should either be contained in the application form or appended on a separate sheet to the RDSC1. The project title should be entered in this section. The school should undertake an initial assessment to determine whether to proceed to interview or to reject the applicant. At this stage further information may be sought in order to reach a decision. If the decision is to reject, the reason(s) for rejection must be completed in Section 3 Following Interview Section 3 should be completed. The interviewers’ names and the date of the interview should be recorded. The outcome of the interview should be recoded in this section. (Rejected applicants: the section detailing the reason[s] for rejection must be completed in all instances). Section 4 Details to be entered for successful candidates only. This information will form the basis of the offer letter which the RSR will send out. All information relating to the target award, mode of study and start date must be completed. (NB students are only admitted on the first day of each quarter. The offer cannot under any circumstances give a backdated appointment date). References For standard entrants, 2 academic references are required. Where references are not available the offer letter will make receipt a condition of acceptance. These must be received prior to enrolment. Members of the proposed supervisory team may act in the capacity of academic referees. Schools must determine the financial viability of a project and how all aspects will be funded, including any specialist equipment, facilities, or access required. NB This includes projects for self–funding students as they have cost implications for schools too. Additionally consideration should be given to the section on Bench fees. Bench fees can be charged on any project but only if the amount is specified in the offer letter. ATAS Information – to admit international students in certain discipline areas further information is required for International students in order to obtain approval from the Academic Technology Approval Scheme. A JACS code is required for the appropriate discipline area. Section 5 The supervisory team must be determined before admission. The school should ensure that the team has the appropriate level of supervisory experience (two completions at target award level or above) [NB See section 5 for off-campus applications]. The Director of Studies will be based in the school but the rest of the team may be drawn from elsewhere, either in the University or other institutions. Schools are reminded that where staff from other Schools are on the team the Dean of that School must agree to their inclusion and where supervisors external to the University are used then appropriate arrangements and agreement should be made. All supervisors must be research active and have suitable research experience to bring to the project. Section 6 Collaboration must be set out in a detailed letter from a suitably authorised official of the organisation with whom collaboration is intended. Schools are reminded that collaborators will usually require sight of or to approve the thesis before submission. Collaboration should not be confused with co-operation. (For students who will be studying at overseas universities contact the RSR) Section 7 This section acts as a checklist for the schools to ensure no issues arise at the Research Programme Approval stage. The following resources and governance points should be taken into consideration and issues should be clearly stated on the RDSC1 form. Health & Safety Any laboratory or field work must comply with Health and Safety legislation. Further information on risk assessments and other considerations for fieldwork and placements can be obtained from Facilities Management (refer to FM HSE 009 in particular). Insurance Insurance Clearance - care must be taken to ensure that the student is covered by the University’s insurance. For example it should be noted that projects based in North America or including travel to this region are not covered and the student will be required to obtain separate insurance. Students cannot visit war zones or areas deemed at risk by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (refer to travel advice on their website). Certain project work may not be covered eg medical intervention, including taking blood, nuclear materials or some work with human subjects. Contact Purchasing Office for advice. Ethical Clearance While formal ethical approval is not required before an offer of admission is made, in admitting a student schools must be assured that the project will receive ethical approval at an appropriate time and certainly before any fieldwork/data collection commences. Schools are reminded that national guidelines for ethics are regularly reviewed and it should not be assumed that clearance will be obtained on the basis of earlier projects. External ethical approval may also be required in some cases. Advice may be sought from (The University’s insurance may be invalidated if ethical clearance has not been obtained and the Code of Conduct for Research will have been breached. (DBS) (CRB/Police) Clearance DBS (Police) Clearance - Some projects may require the student to obtain Police Clearance. (Typically, projects involving contact with children). The need for clearance will often depend on the environment in which the research is undertaken. Usually the external organisation involved will advise. Advice may be sought from Carole Knight, Head of Admissions. Please note clearance timescales can be prolonged. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) IPR – some projects may have IPR implications, often but not always, as a result of a contract with a collaborator. In the case of the latter then the school should agree clarification of ownership in the contract. Data Protection Data Protection Act projects must comply with the University’s notification under the DPA . Contact the School Data Protection Officer for further advice. Completed Forms Completed RDSC1 forms should be signed by the RDT and Dean(S) of School and returned to the RSR. Please note the Dean of School is not required to sign the RDSC1 for rejected candidates. 2 Research Studentships and Bursaries 1 Introduction It is intended that the following procedures will provide guidelines on the principal aspects of studentships, including arrangements for advertising, interviews, offers and payment of grants for Research Students on University studentships or bursaries. These procedures also set out the division of responsibilities between the Research Student Registry, Schools/Centres, and Financial Services in the administration of such studentships. 2 Prior to Advertisement Once the studentship or bursary has been agreed by the School, the principal researcher should complete the Studentship Notification and Project Description form (see Annex 1 ) and obtain appropriate authorisation. These details are required in advance to allow sufficient time for the Research Student Registry to arrange preparation of application packs before an advertisement goes to press. The school should also ensure that an appropriate purchase order is raised (consult RSR for costings). For pre-defined projects, before a studentship is advertised, the school must ensure that appropriate checks for the research governance of the project must have been undertaken and any collaborative agreements or contracts must be in place. In such cases section 2 of the form must be fully completed at this stage. Contracts must be signed before an offer can be made. If the advertisement is in the format of a general invitation to apply for a funded place i.e. there is no predefined project for the studentship or bursary, then for governance purposes form RDSC1 must be completed at an appropriate juncture in the post application phase but prior to an offer being made. Incomplete forms will be returned to the school. 3 Advertisement of Research Studentships 1. The University requires that all new, internally and externally funded research studentships and/or bursaries are advertised at least once. This includes those from Research Councils, the University and those arising from collaborative ventures. Advertisements should be channelled through the Research Student Registry and are placed in a publication or suitable website of the School’s choice. All studentships and bursaries will be advertised on the University’s website. 2. The Research Student Registry is responsible for arranging advertisements for all research studentships. Where appropriate it will advise on requirements relating to specific publications, application closing dates and the format of the advertisement. 3. Once the arrangements for advertising have been agreed with the principal researcher, the Research Student Registry will liaise with approved advertising agencies to reserve advertising space and to place the advertisement. Schools should note that strict copy deadlines exist when booking advertising space. 4. The school is responsible for raising the purchase order as per the University’s financial regulations. 5. The Research Student Registry will respond to all requests for details of studentships and will arrange to send application details to prospective applicants. Completed applications forms should be returned to the Research Student Registry by the closing date. 4 Payments for Advertisements 1. The school must raise a purchase order at the point the documentation is sent to the RSR. 2. The Research Student Registry will instruct the advertising agency to direct the invoices to the Financial Services Business Partner Unit (BPU) for payment of advertisements. Any requirement for re-advertisement of a studentship (e.g. in the event that a successful candidate withdraws from the appointment) will also be paid for from the appropriate school budget. 5 Applications for Studentships 1. The Research Student Registry will log application forms received. 2. The principal researcher for the project being advertised should arrange to collect completed application forms and any references received the day after the closing date. 3 Any references received after this time will be forwarded directly to the principal researcher. 6 Arrangements for Interview 6.1 School Responsibilities 1. The school is responsible for making arrangements for interviewing candidates for studentships. This responsibility includes: writing to selected candidates for interview and sending out interview expense forms; arranging a venue/refreshments for the interview; reserving accommodation as required; selection of an interview panel; taking up of references, preferably prior to interview ensure candidates meet University entry requirements (consult RSR as necessary). The panel must be constituted in accordance with the guidelines in the University's Code of Practice Relating to the Supervision, Examination and Administration of Research Students (i.e at least two academic staff which must include prospective Director of Studies and Research Degrees Tutor). 2. Feedback may be given by the Chair of the interview panel to the successful candidate and all other candidates informed of this decision (see 3 below). Chairs should advise that the formal offer will be made in writing by the RSR and will detail the terms and conditions pertaining to the studentship. 3. Before a formal offer can be made the school should check that: any current course of study will be completed and assessed before the studentship begins; non-standard qualifications are checked for equivalence to the entry requirements; any international student selected meets the University's English Language requirements; in the case of an International applicant, sufficient time is allowed for gaining ATAS and Visa clearance prior to the proposed commencement date. 4. The Chair of the interview panel is responsible for advising the Research Student Registry of the outcome by sending a completed Notification of Appointment form (Annex 2). This form must include details of the appropriate budget code from which payment of grant, allowances and fees will be made. The appointment form must be authorised by the budget holder as well as the Dean of School if these are not the same person. Failure to complete these details may cause delays in arranging payments to students. 5. Application forms for all candidates, together with the successful candidate's references should be returned to the Research Student Registry along with the Notification of Appointment form and Interview Log. 6. Candidates' interview expenses for studentships will be paid for by the school. It should be noted that claims for expenses must be submitted with valid receipts. Claims for reimbursement of travel expenses from candidates travelling outside the UK will be calculated from the UK point of entry only. 6.2 Research Student Registry Responsibilities 1. The Research Student Registry will be responsible for sending written confirmation of a candidate's offer of a studentship or bursary and also for writing to unsuccessful candidates. Successful candidates on University and industrially sponsored studentships will be sent a form for grant assessment purposes (UCLRS3 - Annex 3) with their appointment letters, together with copies of the Academic Regulations and University's Code of Practice governing research. Candidates will be required to provide written acceptance of the appointment. 7 Financial Arrangements for New Research Studentships & Bursaries 7.1 Research Student Registry Responsibilities 1. Candidates accepting an offer of appointment for a studentship will be asked to complete and return form UCLRS3 (see Annex 3) to the Research Student Registry, who will forward this to Financial Services Business Partner Unit (BPU) together with a copy of the Notification of Appointment form. 2. a) A full-time University studentship or bursary award normally consists of one of the following: tuition fees at the UK/EU rate and maintenance grant, plus approved project-related expenses (where appropriate) or tuition fees at the UK/EU rate or maintenance grant International Applicants appointed to full-time studentships consisting of payment of tuition fees will be required to pay the difference between the International and UK/EU fee rate unless the Dean of School has authorised payment of tuition fees at the International rate. The University’s full-time studentships and bursaries are paid according to the provisions set out in the Terms and Conditions of Research Studentships (documents ASM8, ASM8a, ASM8b). b) A part-time University studentship or bursary normally consists of the following: tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus approved project related expenses (to a maximum limit) or tuition fees at the UK/EU rate The University’s part-time studentships and bursaries are paid according to the provisions set out in the Terms and Conditions of Research Studentships (document ASM9, ASM9A). 3. Candidates with studentships and bursaries funded by other organisations will be advised in the offer letter that terms and conditions will be in accordance with those of the sponsoring organisation. Payments may also vary from standard University studentship rates. 4. The Research Student Registry Financial Services Business Partner Unit with copies of ASM 8,8a,8b and ASM 9, 9a each year. 7.2. School/Finance Responsibilities 1. Financial Services Business Partner Unit (BPU) is responsible for notifying Financial Services of the payments schedule. 2. University studentships and bursaries are paid in quarterly instalments normally on 1 October, 1 January, 1 April and 1 July. 3. Financial Services Business Partner Unit (BPU) is responsible for providing written notification to students of any changes to the arrangements for payment of their quarterly grant. 4. RSR is responsible for notifying Financial Services Business Partner Unit (BPU) if an award is to be interrupted or discontinued (withdrawal). Financial Services should be notified accordingly. 8 Financial Arrangements for Continuing Students 8.1 The Research Student Registry Responsibilities 1. Research Student Registry will provide Financial Services Business Partner Unit (BPU) with written notification of any increases in the agreed grant and allowance levels before the beginning of an academic session. (ASM 8 & ASM 9) ANNEX 1 RESEARCH STUDENTSHIP NOTIFICATION FORM RESEARCH STUDENT REGISTRY NOTES & GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETING FORM RSHIP1 Studentship Identity Reference Number: This is obtained from the Research Student Registry (RSR). Advertising Project Title and Description: Please ensure this section is completed accurately with as much detail as possible. This information will be placed in the advert. Proposed Start Date: Must be either 1 Oct, 1 Jan, 1 Apr or 1 Jul. Please note if an international student is appointed, the start date may need to be later to ensure sufficient time for them to complete the admission & Home Office requirements. Supervisory Team: A proposed supervisory team must be detailed. An experienced supervisor is one who has two completions at target award level or above. Further Advert Details: Please specify where the studentship is to be advertised together with cost of studentship. A purchase order number must be sent to the RSR before an advert can be placed. Advert Duration: We recommend adverts are placed for at least 3 weeks to maximise response. Governance Collaborator: If there is a collaborator involved details must be included together with information regarding any contract in place & any terms & conditions set by the collaborator. Any conditions to be specified in the offer letter must be included in this section. Health & Safety: Detail any issue(s) or type N/A. See also Facilities Management guidelines on placements & fieldwork. Insurance Cover: Give details of additional cover if UCLan insurance policy not adequate. Consult Purchasing. Ethical Approval Requirements: Give details & list any ethical clearance required from external agencies. Note: No fieldwork can start without clearance & evidence will be required at Research Programme Approval. Consult relevant Ethics Committee chair. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) previously known as CRB: Give details if required or state N/A. Consult Admissions Office IPR Considerations: Give details or state N/A. Consult Research Knowledge Transfer IPR Manager. Any IPR considerations that are to be stated in the offer letter should be detailed in this section. Data Protection Considerations: Give details or state N/A. Consult School DPA Officer. Funding Information This section must state what funding is being offered as part of the studentship. Details of funding will be detailed in the offer letter so must be clearly stated in this section including tuition fees & maintenance grant. The source of funding must be identified (i.e school or externally funded). We require the budget name & the code (if this is available). Authorisation The form must be signed by the Principal Investigator, Research Degree Tutor & Dean of School/Head of Centre. Please state the name of the signatory. A studentship will not be advertised until all signatures are received. Electronic signatures are acceptable as well as emailed authorisation. Research Project/Studentship Description & Research Student Specification These pages are sent out to applicants so must be completed in as much detail as possible. Studentship Restrictions The studentship must be open to all Home/EU & International students (unless funding restrictions apply). Current UCLan research students will not be eligible to apply for research studentships (this will be stated in the advert). RESEARCH STUDENTSHIP NOTIFICATION FORM – RSHIP1 Please ensure all sections are fully completed and return an electronic copy to together with appropriate authorisation. STUDENTSHIP IDENTITY School Centre Reference (obtain from RSR) A. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. RS/13/Click here to enter text. ADVERTISING 1. ADVERT DETAILS Suggested Media NB most adverts in newspapers or journals will be placed through the University’s Advertising Agent. Cost of adverts on is currently £170 (per project). Name of Advertiser (e.g. Click here to enter text. Advert Publication Date Click here to enter a date. Estimate Required for Advert (we require a purchase order number before any external advert can be placed) Closing Date Proposed Interview Date Click here to enter a date. Click here to enter a date. 2. PROJECT DETAILS (please state key wording which should be included in the advertisement). Project Title Project Description Programme Proposed Start Date for Studentship Other Information Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 3. SUPERVISOR DETAILS Proposed Supervisor Team: Director of Studies Name Click here to enter text. 2nd Supervisor Click here to enter text. 2nd Supervisor 2 Click here to enter text. Contact details for Director of Studies: Telephone: Click here to enter text. Experienced (yes/no) Email: Click here to enter text. B. GOVERNANCE CONSIDERATIONS This section is intended to act as a checklist for Principal Investigators, Research Degrees Tutors and Deans of School. Please check that there are no issues which would prevent the project from going ahead and make a note of any points that need clarification. All sections must be completed. 1. Collaborator a. Collaborator Involved (state yes/no) b. Name and address of collaborator 2. Contract/Letter of Required (state yes/no) Click here to enter text. Agreement State any conditions to be set by collaborator 3. Health & Safety 4. Insurance Cover Is University policy adequate? 5. Ethical Approval Requirements 6. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. previously known as CRB 7. IPR Considerations 8. Data Protection Considerations Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. C. FUNDING INFORMATION Please clearly state funding offered as part of studentship. Any maintenance grant should be detailed (current central PhD rate for 2013/14 is £13,726 in line with the Research Councils). Funding Full Studentship (i.e. tuition fees & maintenance grant) Tuition Fee Only Maintenance Grant Only Other Grant Amount (if applicable) Click here to enter text. n/a Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Source of Funding (e.g. school/external) Budget Name Budget Code (if available) Consumable Allowance Please state full allowance. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. NB current central rate per annum is £2100 f/t & £1050 p/t (for records only, consumable amount will not be advertised) Residence Requirements studentship must be open to Home/EU & International students (unless funding restrictions apply). Please state whether international students will be required to pay the difference in tuition fees . International applicants to cover difference in Home/EU fee rate International applicants to receive full tuition fee Other – please detail below: Click here to enter text. D. AUTHORISATION Please note the invoice for the advert cost will be sent directly to the Business Partner Unit. IMPORTANT A Research Project/Studentship Specification must accompany this form. The recruitment process will be delayed until these have been received by the Research Student Registry. A Purchase Order must be raised at the time when the documentation is submitted to the Research Student Registry. GUIDANCE FOR SIGNATURES Studentship cannot be advertised until all the above signatures have been obtained. Electronic signatures and email confirmation are acceptable. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Signed Name Date Name Date Name Date RESEARCH DEGREE TUTOR Signed DEAN OF SCHOOL/HEAD OF CENTRE Signed Business Partner Unit Notified (for RSR use only) BPU Contact Date Sent This form will be sent out to applicants together with student specification University of Central Lancashire Research Project/Studentship Description Project ref: RS/13/Click here to enter text. School Centre Proposed Director of Studies Contact Details Programme (e.g MPhil/PhD) Duration of Studentship Hours (Full or Part Time) Closing Date: Click here to enter a date. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Choose an item. Click here to enter text. Tuition Fees Maintenance Grant Other Allowances (for non UCLan studentships) Any Entry Requirements (e.g. 2:1 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. classification/restricted to UK residences only) Any Special Requirements (e.g. driving licence) Click here to enter text. Project Title Click here to enter text. Project Description Click here to enter text. Research Student Specification Studentship Ref Number RS/13/Click here to enter text. Project Title: Click here to enter text. School: Choose an item. Contact: Click here to enter text. Attributes Essential Closing Date: Click here to enter a date. Desirable Measured By Education/Qualifications Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Experience Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Skills/Abilities Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Personal Details Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. ANNEX 2 RESEARCH STUDENT REGISTRY NOTIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT TO A RESEARCH STUDENTSHIP 1. DETAILS OF STUDENTSHIP REF (i.e. RS/13/): Target Award: Mode: Project Title: School: Proposed Director of Studies: 2. FUNDING Please indicate the source of funding and what funding is allocated. Please ensure information is correct as this will be stated in the students offer letter: please indicate below School Central Centre Match Funding: (i.e Part school/part Central) please indicate amount sourced from each Tuition Fees & Maintenance Grant (please state amount) Tuition Fees Only Maintenance Grant Only (please state amount) £ £ Consumable Allowance: £ Duration of Funding: Budget Name: Budget Code: 3. DETAILS OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE Name of Appointee: Home/EU or International Student: Proposed Start Date: 4. AUTHORISATION Chair or Appointment Panel: Signed Date Print Name Date Print Name Dean of School Signed Other Funded – please give details Other Please state Budget Holder (if different from Dean) Signed Date Print Name ANNEX 3 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE FULL NAME OF RESEARCH STUDENT:............................................................. STUDENT ID NUMBER:................................................................ SCHOOL ........................................................................................................ START DATE: …………………………………………………. PAYMENT OF QUARTERLY - GRANT/ALLOWANCES TO BANK/NATIONAL GIRO OR BUILDING SOCIETY ACCOUNT I wish to have my grant paid into the following Bank/ National Giro/ Building Society: 1. Name of Bank/Giro/ Building Society: ...................................................................................... 2. Address of Bank/Giro/ Building Society: ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 3. Bank Sort Code: ...................................................................................... (If Building Society - Clearing Bank Code) 4. Bank Account Number:.................................................................................. (If Building Society - Clearing Bank Account No.) 5. Building Society Roll No:............................................................................... CHANGE OF ADDRESS: (If Applicable) New Address: ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... Date of Change: ...................................................................................... Signed:.............................................................. Date:................................................................. PLEASE RETURN TO SENIOR RESEARCH ADMINISTRATOR (ADMISSIONS), RESEARCH STUDENT REGISTRY, HARRIS BUILDING UCLRS3 3 Procedure for Transfer from Another University 1 Admission All applicants must be admitted in line with the admissions procedure detailed in Section 1 above. 1.1 For students who transfer from another UK university (with or without their supervisor) before an offer of a place is made: all applicants must complete an application form (so a student record can be created) applicants must be interviewed (if the supervisor is not transferring with the student) confirmation that the student has enough time left to complete the project a full supervisory team must be identified funding for consumables in the school/centre must be confirmed governance should also be checked, in particular insurance and data protection, as UCLan arrangements may differ from the previous institution the admission must be confirmed by the Research Degree Tutor and Dean of School for international applicants additional visa checks will need to be undertaken However, academic references are not required as long as the student has been admitted previously to a research degree at a UK HEI. 1.2 For students transferring from a non UK university refer to RSR. 2 Confirmation of Position From the Previous University a) The Research Student Registry should obtain a letter of release from the Registrar (or other appropriate senior official) at the other university to confirm: the applicant has successfully registered at the other institution; the award for which the student was registered; the effective start date at the other institution; the study mode; the title of the project; the date of transfer to PhD (if relevant); any period of suspension and/or extension; no debts are outstanding to the other institution. This information will be used as part of the consideration for admission and for the determination of the lapse date. b) Formal confirmation of withdrawal from the other institution is required before an offer can be made. 3 Offer of a Place The formal offer of a place will be made in writing by the RSR. 4 Enrolment Enrolment must take place upon completion of the admissions process. (NB This may not coincide with the usual commencement dates i.e. 1 October, 1 January, 1 April, 1 July.) Fees are payable from the beginning of the quarter charging period in which the student enrols. 5 Ethical Clearance Clearance from a UCLan based Ethics committee will be required as the insurance policy requires UCLan to provide clearance. 6 Research Programme Approval All research degree candidates who transfer from another institution are required to undertake Research Programme Approval at UCLan. This should be undertaken as soon as possible after enrolment. Form RDSC2 is required to be submitted. The RPA application will require a summary of the programme, the current position and, for a PhD programme, confirmation of the element of originality. The first annual progression exercise should be used to ensure appropriate progress is being made on the project. 7 Annual Progression Exercise In cases where a student transfers in without their original Director of Studies the Annual Progression Exercise for these students should be particularly rigorous to ensure that the student has been making timely progress toward the target award and to confirm the programme is appropriate to meet the award criteria. 4 PhD (by Published Works) Procedures for Admission Staff & Honorary Academics, Graduates of the University of Central Lancashire The standard application form must be completed in order to create a student record (excluding section 8.) The initial application must include a CV and a list of publications. The applicant will need to nominate the topic to be embodied in the PhD thesis. The documentation should be submitted to: The Senior Research Degrees Administrator (Admissions) Research Student Registry Harris Building University of Central Lancashire Preston PR1 2HE Or emailed to Admissions Procedure On receipt of the application, the School will consider if there is a prima facie case for acceptance and an appropriate Director of Studies will be sought (NB the Director of Studies must be experienced, ie two completions at the target award level or above). In line with the University’s Code of Practice applicants will be interviewed before acceptance. When a supervisor has been appointed and the Dean of School has accepted the applicant, an offer of a place will be sent to the applicant by the Research Student Registry. Enrolment Following acceptance of the place by the applicant the student will need to enrol. Fees on application. Registration for an Award (by Publication) Following enrolment Research Programme Approval should then be sought. Research Programme Approval forms are available on the website. 5 Off-Campus Provision, Non UK Residence, Research Student Admissions Applicants may apply to study from a base outside the UK. This can be for full or part-time study. However, additional requirements apply to those wishing to study full-time. In these cases the School is required to consider the application in accordance with the regulations as well as the guidelines agreed by Research & Innovation Committee. In addition, the Off-campus form [RDSC1 (OCP)] must be completed in conjunction with the standard admissions form [RDSC1]. Refer to Section 1 for procedures. Guidelines Information required for all applicants 1 Form RDSC1 (OCP) must be completed and returned to the RSR in addition to the Standard RDSC1 Form. 2 Before an offer is issued a clear plan of time that must be spent at the main Preston campus eg for skills training, has to be established so applicants can estimate future costs. 3 Applicants are responsible for checking whether there are any requirements in their home country to spend particular amounts of time in the UK for the research degree to be regarded as acceptable. Checks required for admission – all applicants 1 the student should demonstrate access, by whatever evidentiary means, to support equivalent to that at the Preston campus in the following areas: learning resources – ie library and specialist equipment internet access (for web based support and e-learning) training opportunities, including skills training availability of opportunities for conference and seminar presentations availability of opportunities locally to converse and communicate in English and which are of a frequency sufficient to support the defence of the thesis 2 where the local research environment and/or the facilities and/or training opportunities are not considered sufficient, appropriate attendance at one of the University’s campuses or partner institutions will be required. 3 supervision should be undertaken by a team led by an experienced Director of Studies ( ie who must hold two completions at the level of the target award, or above), and a local supervisor should be appointed. 4 the means for monitoring progress using the Progress file must be determined and accommodated through a schedule of visits over the duration of the programme and/or email or alternative electronic communication. 5 all expenses incurred by the student in order to attend the University for the purposes of supervision, training, presentations, assessment or examination must be borne by the student. 6 Fees to cover cost of supervisory visits are expected to be charged in all cases. (These will be termed ‘bench fees’.) Full-time students Additional Requirements In addition to the requirements in 1-6 above the following also applies to those wishing to study on a fulltime off-campus basis: 1 2 3 3 4 confirmation of current employment will be required to establish the applicant is not going to be working full-time so as to prohibit progress at the level required for a full-time mode student. Those with full-time employment will require a letter of support from their employer showing that they will be allowed sufficient time for their studies. a period of at least 12 months of study must take place here in the UK. This would normally be divided into several periods. there must be: either a visit to UK at least once per annum or at least one visit per annum by the Director of Studies to the overseas place of study a clear plan of work at outset detailing the periods of time to be spent in the UK (primarily for visa purposes). students on a full-time off-campus 'route' must demonstrate they have the required research skills prior to commencing the research degree. Where the student does not have the skills the options for acquiring research skills training are: undertake and successfully complete an MSc/MA (by Research) programme approved by the Head of Graduate Research (see note 1); or undertake and successfully complete a MRes or another programme approved by the Head of Graduate Research (see note 1); or undertake and successfully complete the UCLan Graduate Certificate in Research Skills at the beginning of the programme of research (see note 2) Notes: 1) These programmes will require a separate application. Fees on application. 2) This is run regularly during the year on campus or can be completed online. Details required before the Offer Letter can be issued any conditions eg a skills training course Details of time to be spent on -campus details of any modules or training that should be completed on campus and any details of other training and how that is to be accessed any additional fees, (aka ‘bench’ fees), considered necessary eg administration/ travel by Supervisor / additional resources Standard Conditions Progression will be subject to completion of Research Programme Approval, transfer and annual progression monitoring the student will be expected to present their research findings to an University audience on at least one of their visits the viva will take place on-campus (Preston) and in English the award ceremony can only be conducted on-campus (Preston) details of any skills training arrangements University of Central Lancashire RDSC1 PROPOSAL FOR A RESEARCH DEGREE PROGRAMME OFF-CAMPUS (OCP) (Admission stage) This form must be completed electronically and returned to the Research Student Registry via email to Off-campus provision This form should be used in conjunction with RDSC1 when a student is being considered for admission under a full-time or part-time off-campus arrangement. (The student will be resident outside the UK whilst studying for a research degree.) Please complete the form as fully as possible with as much detail as is available. (Expand as required). The information supplied on this form will be used to assess the practicality of the arrangement for admission and the viability of the project at Research Programme Approval. 1 Name of applicant 2 Facilities and Support 2.1 Local Facilities and Support State what support and facilities are available locally: Facilities Learning Resources Internet Access Opportunities for conference and seminar presentations For communicating conversing in English and 2.2 Supervision How will supervision be effected? Include details of local supervisor . Support 2.3 Dates when student required to be in UK (see notes must be a total of 12 months) Attach a brief plan of work is required detailing when the student will be in the UK 3 Training 3.1 Full-time off-campus students Does applicant have sufficient research skills? If not, details of course to be undertaken at beginning of programme if no Master’s held eg Science & Technology University Certificate in Graduate Skills 3.2 Training Programme (Programme of Related Studies) This section must be completed as these details will be appended to the offer letter. Give details of how induction will be delivered and research and other skills training available locally and any modules or other training which the applicant is required to undertake on the UCLan campus. Training Programme Delivery Method Locally Central Induction Initial training course (Compulsory for full-time off-campus see notes) Research Seminars N/A Presentations Any Other Training (Please Specify) 1. 2. 3.3 Skills Training Indicate how these will be developed Demonstration of Research Skills and Techniques Understanding Environment of Effective Management Research Research Personal Effectiveness Communication Skills Networking and Team working Career Management UCLan Campus 4 Financial Arrangements Applicant will be expected to pay for all expenses relating to (a) travel to and from the UCLan campus); (b) subsistence and accommodation for UK visits or fieldwork; other costs associated with access to other local facilities. Give details of any variations to the above or special arrangements that need inclusion in the offer letter. 5 Additional Fees (Bench Fees) Detail any additional fees eg for administration/supervisory visits/ laboratory resources, which are to be charged 6 Full-time off campus students Confirmation of employment position of the candidate. Append letter of support employer or confirmation of sabbatical June 2014