LEVY-PLUMB GRADUATE STUDENTSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES Applications are invited for a Levy-Plumb Graduate Studentship award tenable at Christ's College from October 2011 from members of the College with an outstanding undergraduate record and who are intending to research at Christ's College in a subject within the Humanities for a Cambridge Ph.D. Degree. The total value of the Studentship will be a contribution towards fees and maintenance of up to £14,000 p.a. for three years (Ph.D.) or four years (M.Phil. plus Ph.D.), subject to satisfactory progress. Tenure of the award after the first year will be conditional upon the successful candidate continuing to apply for other sources of support (AHRC, DRS, etc.). In cases where the costs of study had been only partially met from other sources, the Studentship would then be a top-up award. The Studentship is open to graduate and current undergraduate members of Christ’s College. Applicants would be expected to have been awarded high First Class Honours or equivalent in their final examinations as an undergraduate and normally to have received their first degree not earlier than 2010. Application forms may be obtained from the Admissions Office, Christ's College, Cambridge CB2 3BU (email: admissions@christs.cam.ac.uk). Completed applications must be returned to the Admissions Office in time to be received no later than 24 June 2011.