Signing Authority/Director`s Rep

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Supplement No.: 1200-2013-1
Effective Date: August 16, 2013
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: G. SAM FOSTER
Station Director
Date Approved: 08/16/2013
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Print
on blue paper and post by document name. Remove the entire superseded document and replace it
with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement
to this title was 1200-2011-1 to FSM 1230.
New Document(s):
6 Pages
Superseded Document(s)
by Issuance Number and
Effective Date
1230 (Supplement 1200-2011-1, 5/19/2011)
6 Pages
Digest of Changes:
1230.41 – Removes the Deputy Station Director position.
1236.24 – Removes references to the Deputy Station Director position.
1236.25 – Changes Lab Oversight responsibilities to delegated Line Officer.
RMRS SUPPLEMENT: 1200-2013-1
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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1230.41 - Line Officers
Line officer authority is delegated to the following specific positions in the Rocky Mountain Research
Station (RMRS):
Station Director
Assistant Station Directors
Science Program Managers
As line officers, these positions are delegated authority and assigned responsibility as outlined in the
Washington Office Forest Service Manual (FSM) 1230.41.
1236.24 – Station Signing Authorities
Depending upon its content, correspondence and other documents must be signed by one of the
1. Station Director. Authority reserved for the Station Director:
a. Important or broad policy matters on which no previous up-to-date decision has been made.
b. Correspondence to Congressional contacts and chief executive officers of other agencies or
c. Formal cooperation (except extramural research) that requires the signatures of Regional
Foresters, other Station Directors, or other officials of comparable level.
d. The following categories of long-term Experimental Forest and Range (EF&R) and Research
Natural Area (RNA) management commitments:
1) Those co-signed jointly or concurring with a National Forest System Line Officer, such
as memoranda of understanding (MOUs) or National Environment Policy Act (NEPA)
2) Documents regarding EF&R occupancy by research apparatus belonging to extramural
organizations for periods of five years or more, such as weather stations or National
Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) towers.
3) Other documents specifically delegated to the Station Director by regulation, such as
EF&R establishment, disestablishment, and boundary change proposals and special use
permit approval (FSM 4062) and RNA designation and management plan concurrence
and research approvals including temporary instrumentation, except in Congressionally
designated RNAs (FSM 4063).
In the absence of the Director, the Acting Director will sign such documents for the Station
RMRS SUPPLEMENT: 1200-2013-1
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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2. Assistant Station Directors. Assistant Station Directors (ASD) may sign documents for
which they have been delegated authority over their own titles. In the absence of an ASD, their
designated “Acting” will sign for their respective areas.
3. Program Managers. When signing administrative documents as leaders of their units, they
should use the title of Program Manager. In correspondence with other scientists, Program
Managers may use their scientific operating titles.
Program Managers who supervise the Scientist-in-Charge of an EF&R will be responsible for
signing agreements with the National Forest System regarding specific one-time management
activities on EF&Rs, all EF&R-related research documents, such as study plans, and also those
initiating research with organizations external to the Forest Service, such as MOUs, cooperative
agreements, and similar external agreements, unless reserved for the Station Director.
4. Group Leaders. Group Leaders are responsible to perform, evaluate, and recommend actions
within their specific function areas. They are authorized to sign correspondence of a routine
nature that establishes functional operations within their areas of responsibility and existing
policy, and to parties both inside and outside the Station and Forest Service.
5. Director’s Representatives. Director's Representatives at field laboratories are authorized to
sign correspondence dealing with overall administration and coordination of activities at those
locations over the title “Director’s Representative” (see 1236.25 below for responsibilities).
Such correspondence must not conflict with Station policy nor commit the use of money,
personnel, or other resources beyond that already authorized and approved.
6. Special Titles. In the performance of official duties, special signatures and titles are often
required. In those cases, individuals are authorized to sign over their titles, such as Contracting
Officer, Editor, Property Management Officer, Committee Chairperson, or Certifying Officer.
Such signing authorities are distinct from those requiring signatures by line officers.
7. Scientists (including EF&R Scientists-in-Charge and RNA Regional Liaisons). All Station
research scientists and professionals may sign correspondence to others both inside and outside
the Forest Service for exchange of ideas and information on scientific and technical subjects,
including pre-decisional communications regarding management actions by Scientists-inCharge of EF&Rs and by RNA Liaisons, and not involving matters of policy, questions of
administrative decisions made by superiors, or commitment of funds, equipment, personnel, or
property. Scientists must clear any questionable correspondence with their immediate
supervisor before mailing.
Forest Service policy is to prepare and finalize most of our letters in the correspondence database.
There are a few exceptions to this (for example, “official use only” letters). Whether letters are created
in the database or have been approved to be created outside of it, they must follow Forest Service
protocol and reflect a positive and professional image of the Station.
RMRS SUPPLEMENT: 1200-2013-1
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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Correspondence to other Forest Service units should be addressed to the head of the receiving unit,
such as the Chief, Station Director, Regional Forester, etc., and be signed by a line officer. Use the
appropriate file code(s) to ensure the letter reaches the intended audience.
Line officers may delegate signing authority to their staff members on an individual basis for routine
correspondence. Delegations shall be in writing.
Based on the file code and/or content, incoming correspondence will be routed by the mailroom to
designated individuals to handle for the Station. If the correspondence needs to be shared with other
Station employees, a cover letter will be prepared and sent through the correspondence database with
the appropriate signature block. Forwarding via e-mail message should be done only when there is a
short turn around time on a reply due letter or the information is time critical. Cover letters should be
written in a clear, concise manner and include information relevant to Station recipients, including
reply due date and submission format (when appropriate), contact information for questions, etc.
It is important that we meet our reply due obligations to the Washington Office. Our official reply
letters to the WO shall be prepared with the Station Director’s signature block and transmitted through
the correspondence database.
As a general rule, e-mail messages to all Station employees may be sent by Leadership Team (LT)
members or support staff as directed by an LT member, Group Leaders (GL), or those who have been
delegated authority for a specific function or area. Messages sent by any other employee must first be
cleared by their LT member or GL. It is important that all correspondence, whether on official letterhead
or via e-mail message, be professional and sent only to the appropriate audience. It should not include
personally identifiable information (PII) or anything of a controversial or confidential nature.
1236.25 - Research Project Leaders
The following roles and responsibilities have been delegated by the Station Director in order to provide
leadership and oversight at all RMRS lab locations:
Line Officer with Lab Oversight: The Station Director will appoint a Line Officer with oversight
responsibilities for each lab location. Responsibilities of the Line Officer with Lab oversight include:
Line authority for local lab issues.
Assist the Director’s Rep in execution of their responsibilities. Serve as the first line of contact
for the Director’s Rep, especially when dealing with multi-program and controversial or
delicate situations.
Approve local lab budgets.
Approve space allocations and usage of lab space and common use equipment, considering
recommendations from the Local Lab Coordinating Committee and, if necessary, following
consultation with Program Managers, other Leadership Team members with staff at the
location, and the Union.
Determine supervision of the lab Business Manager in consultation with the Director’s Rep.
RMRS SUPPLEMENT: 1200-2013-1
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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Director’s Representative (DR): Each field location shall have one individual appointed as the
Director’s Representative. This appointment shall remain in effect until changes are made at the
Station Director's discretion. Responsibilities of the Director’s Rep include:
Represent the Station Director in general contacts with visitors, universities, Federal agencies,
and other Forest Service units, as requested.
Inform the Station Director of conditions, problems, and opportunities at their location that
might affect the Station and its work. Keep Program Managers, the Business Manager,
Operations staff, and others informed as needed.
Be a point of contact for employee and tenant input, coordination, questions, or concerns on
laboratory related issues.
Be a point of contact for Program Managers, local Program Representatives, the Business
Manager, Operations staffs, and others seeking information or having questions.
Coordinate with the Business Manager and local Program Representatives to schedule and
conduct lab-wide reviews and meetings. Work with the Business Manager to communicate
with the local lab community regarding issues affecting lab employees, including scheduling
and agendas for lab-wide meetings and other functions.
Authorize administrative leave for emergencies, keeping Station Headquarters informed. This
authority may not be re-delegated.
Supervise the Business Manager and assist them in executing their delegated responsibilities,
including common property; laboratory safety, security, and housekeeping; and handling
laboratory visitors. In cases where they do not supervise the Business Manager, they will
provide input to the Business Manager’s performance standards and evaluation.
Work with the Business Manager to develop and monitor the local lab budget. Make budget
recommendations to the Program Manager with Lab Oversight.
Serve as chair of the Local Lab Coordinating Committee (LLCC). Solicit input and
consultation from the LLCC in developing options and recommendations regarding local lab
issues, including budget and space allocation and utilization. Responsible for implementing
action items.
Make recommendations regarding lab budget and space allocation to the Program Manager
with Lab oversight, and implement decisions.
Designate an “acting” DR when they will be absent from the lab. Delegation shall be in writing
and be provided to all lab tenants, including specific delegated duties.
Local Lab Coordinating Committee (LLCC): Each lab will have a Local Lab Coordinating
Committee consisting of the Director's Rep (who chairs the committee and also represents their
Program), Program Representatives (appointed by the PM) for each Program with staff at the location,
the Business Manager, a union representative, and (as necessary) the local Facility Manager.
Participation by other lab tenants will be up to local discretion. The LLCC is expected to act as a team,
balancing Program with corporate interests and priorities. Responsibilities of the LLCC include:
RMRS SUPPLEMENT: 1200-2013-1
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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Discuss options, provide analysis, and develop recommendations on issues related to allocation
and utilization of office and laboratory space. Where consensus cannot be reached, the DR will
forward their recommendation, along with alternate proposals, to the PM with lab oversight.
Provide input to the DR on development and periodic review of the lab operating budget.
Review and recommend safety and security procedures to responsible Program Managers,
including emergency plans. Ensure there is an active lab safety committee.
Recommend scheduling and agenda topics for lab-wide meetings and other functions.
Coordinate with Station Facilities Management to identify and prioritize safety, maintenance,
and equipment needs.
Coordinate “green” activities to promote conservation and reduction of the labs environmental
Serve as a forum to provide input and consultation about local lab issues, and for employees to
daylight issues of concern.
Program Representatives: Each Program Manager (PM) with staff at a lab where they are not
physically located will appoint a Program Representative to represent the Program while also keeping
corporate Station interests in mind. The PM may delegate (in writing) decision making authority to the
Program Representative. Responsibilities of the Program Reps are, in consultation with their PM, to:
Represent the Program in contacts with visitors, universities, and other agencies.
Serve as the primary point of contact for their respective Program Manager, assisting in
conveying and acquiring information from local Program employees.
Be the local Program point of contact for the Director’s Representative.
Provide information to the Program Manager on potential opportunities and/or situations that
might affect the productivity or advancement of the Program's work.
Serve as the representative (voice) for the Program on the LLCC. Represent Program interests
on issues related to:
o Allocation and utilization of office and laboratory space.
o Facility needs.
o Development and review of lab budget.
o Performance review input for Business Manager and facility maintenance staff.
o Safety and security procedures, including emergency action plans.
Provide local Program coordination regarding issues such as:
o Procedures regarding government vehicles.
o Equipment storage, use, etc.
o Storage area use, cleanliness, and safety.
In consultation with the Program Manager, designate a Program representative to serve on the
local lab safety committee.