Happy New Year! More or less? Or something different? Out with the old... QA obs - 90% Good or better lessons Learning Development groups - more personalised CPD FSM focus - learning walks and work scans Focus on quality of feedback and move towards DIRT 4 matrix Aspirational targets Introduction of PLCs in some subjects Learning@stonehenge and Magic Mondays In with the new... THE BEST RESULTS EVER! Life after levels and use of 1-8 grades Further development of the Big 4: Feedback, Challenge, Questioning, Independence (LDG) More work to 'close the gaps' for FSM/LAC 30% Outstanding - lesson study opportunity Gifted and Talented focus Aspiring Middle leaders, aspiring Senior Leaders Show My Homework Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 Staff GRH, SRO, JRF, JAR, MSB, SPA, SAI, PMJ, AEL, DJA, AJP, JCB, RCH, NDR, MJE, HSB, CSL, NMC, DGR, TJS, FKS, RCE, JPC, DPW, JLH, GJW, NJH, TLR, EVS, NSL, DMA, SMH, WJH, AJR, KAD, MRF, ELB, SCB, JMR, EVJ, MAC, DYO, CAD, Focus Marking and feedback Assessment SOLO Homework Hinge Questions Most able Home Groups Read the information in pairs and discuss the ideas as a table to fully understand the topic or ideas promoted Benefits? Application to AGAT teaching? Away Groups Explain the concept to the members of the other groups What was new? Or an idea to explore further? New Year’s resolutions?