2015-2016 APPLICATION FORM CHILD’S NAME: MALE FEMALE First BIRTHDATE: Last (month/day/year) Age (in months) as of 09/01/15: mos. DAY PREFERENCES Please rank your preferences…We cannot guarantee your choice of days Ages 6 mos.-12 mos. Tues/Thurs Ages 19 mos-3 years Mon/Wed Age 3+ (birthday between 9/2011 and 5/2012) Ages 13-18 mos Tues/Thurs Mon/Wed/Thurs ______ Mon/Wed Mon – Thurs Placement of your child in his/her classroom is at the discretion of the Director. ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: ZIP CODE: HOME PHONE: MOTHER’S NAME: FATHER’S NAME: OCCUPATION: OCCUPATION: WORK PHONE: WORK PHONE: CELL PHONE: CELL PHONE: PRIMARY E-MAIL: E-MAIL: Child lives with: Both Parents Mother Father Guardians ALTERNATE ADDRESS (if applicable): CHURCH AFFILIATION: I have read and understand the 2015-2016 Application & Tuition Policies. PARENT SIGNATURE: DATE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Office Use Only Date Received: ___________ Class: Fee Ck # _____ Ck Date: __ Amount: ________ Postcard Mailed: Waiting List: __________________ THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARENTS’ DAY OUT 11122 MIDWAY ROAD DALLAS, TX 75229 214-351-4419 anne.hobbs@gsecd.org www.goodshepherdpdo.org Anne Hobbs-Director 2015-2016 APPLICATION & TUITION POLICIES 1. Enrollment for our program (September to May) is held in January/February. Children are enrolled in the following priority: A: Children and siblings of families currently enrolled B: Parishioners of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd C: New families Among each category, enrollment is on a first-received basis. 2. A $200 non-refundable application fee is required with your application. 3. When you apply you have agreed to pay the entire nine months tuition. If you must remove your child from the program, the office must be informed in writing at least 30 days in advance. You will be responsible for tuition through your child’s final day. 4. Tuition is paid as follows: A. September tuition and supply fee is due in the PDO office by May 10, 2015. B. Monthly tuition payments for the remainder of the school year will be due September 1, 2015 through April 1, 2016. C. Tuition may be paid by the month, semester, or in full for the year. 5. Parents’ Day Out is an outreach ministry of The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. We are non-profit and self-supporting. Our program depends on your prompt tuition payments. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month and is considered late after the 10th of each month. A $25.00 late fee will be applied to a late tuition payment. Checks are to be made out to GSPDO with your child’s name and the month(s) you are paying for written in the memo section. Failure to pay will result in immediate removal of the child from the program. Tuition and fees for the 2015-2016 school year are as follows: Tuition Fee: $ 250.00 month for 2x week $ 375.00/month for 3x week (Butterfly class only) $ 500.00/month for 4x week (Butterfly class only) Application Fee: $ 200.00 Annual Supply Fee: $ 100.00 2x week $150 - 3x week $200 – 4x week Late Tuition Fee: $ 25.00 Placement of your child in his/her classroom is at the discretion of the Director.