Committee Booklet - Rhodes University

Senate and Senate Standing Committees
Joint Senate and Council Standing Committees
Council and Council Standing Committees
In terms of the Senate Rules of Order,
additional members may be co-opted to serve on committees, where a need arises.
20 August 2015
Dr S MabizelaVice-Chancellor
DVC Academic & Student Affairs
DVC Research & Development
Ms F Loliwe Min Ed rep
Dr R Maharajh Min Ed rep
Mr MK Rune Min Ed rep
Ms T Lewin Min Ed rep
Dr S Mosoetsa Min Ed rep
Professor DA Sewry Senate (2011 – 2014)
Professor L Strelitz Senate (2015 – 2019)
Professor RB Walker Senate (2013 – 2016)
Professor G Wells Senate (2014 – 2017)
Dr S Khamanga Academic staff rep
Mr A Vena Admin staff rep (1 - 5)
Ms G Armstrong Admin staff rep (6 - 15)
Clr N Gaga Makana Mun
t.b.a. Makana Mun
Dr B Rayner Board of Governors
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President (2015)
Mr C Rafael PGLSC Chairperson
Ms M Schoeman Apptd by Council
Mr C Staple Apptd by Council
Mr V Kahla Apptd by Council CHAIR
Judge J Jones Apptd by Council
Ms M Schoeman Apptd by Council
Mr N Woollgar Apptd by Council
Dr N Stubbs Apptd by Council
Mr T Tagg Co-opted by Council
Mr B Steele-Gray Co-opted by Council
Ms N Pityana Co-opted by Council
Mr E Motala Co-opted by Council
In attendance:
Registrar - Dr S Fourie
Executive Director: IOF – Dr I L’Ange
Director: Finance – Ms D Philipson
Director: Information Technology & Services – Ms N Ripley
Director: Library Services: Ms U Satgoor
Director: Human Resources - Ms L Govender
Director: Development & Alumni Relations - Mr G White
Director: IPU - vacant
Chairperson of Council – Mr V Kahla
Vice-Chairperson of Council - Mr N Woollgar
Vice-Chancellor – Dr S Mabizela
Professor D Sewry.
Mr T Tagg
Mr E Motala
Dr BS Rayner
Ms M Schoeman
Dr N Stubbs
In attendance: Registrar
Vice-Chancellor – Dr S Mabizela
DVC: Research & Development Dr P Clayton
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs Professor C Boughey
t.b.a. Chairperson of Council or nominee
Professor D Sewry Council
Dr B Rayner Council
Mr T Tagg Council
Mr Staple Council
Professor G Wells Council
Mr N Woollgar CHAIR Vice-Chairperson of Council
In attendance:
Registrar - Dr S Fourie
Executive Director: IOF – Dr I L’Ange
Director: Finance – Ms D Philipson
Director: Human Resources – Ms L Govender
Director: Information & Technology Services: Ms N Ripley
Director: Development & Alumni Relations: Mr G White
Dr B Rayner CHAIR Council
Mr T Tagg Council
Mr G Bowker Co-opted
Mr B Steele-Gray Council
Mr C Staple – Council
In attendance:
The Vice-Chancellor
Executive Director: IOF – Dr I L’Ange
Director: Finance – Ms D Philipson
Risk Manager - Mr L Kruiskamp
AGSA – Representative – Mr N Minnaar
Chairperson of Council CHAIR – Mr V Kahla
Chairperson of F&GP – Mr N Woollgar
Chairperson of the Audit Committee – Dr B Rayner
One external member (i.e. not staff or students of the
institution) of Council nominated and elected by Council and
the Vice-Chancellor - Mr E Motala
The Vice-Chancellor
In attendance:
Deputy Vice-Chancellors (A&SA) & (R&D)
Executive Director: IOF – Dr I L’Ange
Director: Human Resources
Secretary: Registrar
(Only members of the Committee have the right to attend meetings,
however, others such as remuneration experts may be invited to
attend as required.)
The Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs
DVC: Research & Development
The Registrar Secretary
Professor R Adendorff
Mr T Amos HoD Management
Ms G Armstrong Admin.Support, 6 - 18
Professor GF Baines
Professor P-H Bischoff
Professor NT Bishop
Professor A Booth Dean of Science
Professor C Boughey Dean of Teaching & Learning
Professor P Britz
Dr B Brown HoD: Education/Deputy Dean: Education
Professor A Buckland Drama
Professor M Chithambo
Dr C Christie HoD: HKE (1/7/2012 – 30/6/2015)
Professor A Cowan Director: EBRU
Professor A Craig
Dr J Dames HoD Biochem, Micro & Biotech
Professor R Dorrington
Professor WN Ellery
Professor G Euvrard
Professor A Faure
Professor G Fraser
Professor P Froneman
Professor R Fox
Professor J Gambiza Hall Wardens Rep (2015)
Professor M Goebel
Professor G Gordon
Professor M Graven
Ms G Harrison Director: CSD
Professor K Helliker HoD Sociology
Professor F Hendricks
Professor M Hendricks Director, ISEA
Professor MP Hill
Professor A Hodgson
Professor D Hughes
Dr V Jagernath Deputy Dean of Humanities
Professor J Jonas
Professor LO Juma
Professor R Kaschula
Professor D Klopper
Dr R Krüger Dean of Law
Professor JL Limson
Professor H Lotz-Sisitka
Professor L Louw Deputy Dean of Commerce
Professor C Macleod
Professor M Marais
Professor T Martin Dean Humanities
Distinguished Professor C McQuaid
Professor KI Meiklejohn
Professor P Mwepu Head of School of Languages
Ms J Nash Information Systems
Professor H Nel
Distinguished Professor T Nyokong
Dr C Oltmann Deputy Dean Pharmacy
Dr J Owen Deputy Dean of Humanities
Professor T Palmer IWR
Dr A Paterson Director, SAIAB
Professor S Prevec, HoD Geology
Professor BI Pletschke
Professor J Prinsloo
Professor L Quinn HoD: CHERTL
Professor S Radloff
Mr C Rafael PGLSC Chairperson
Professor BS Ripley
Professor K Rowntree
Ms U Satgoor Director: Library Services
Professor W Sauer
Professor M Schäfer
Professor D Sewry Dean of Commerce
Professor C Shackleton
Professor S Shackleton
Professor R Simango HoD: Eng Lang & Ling
Professor O Skae Director, RBS
Professor JD Snowball
Professor E Stack
Professor L Strelitz
Professor A Terzoli
Professor D Thorburn
Professor D Thram Director: ILAM
Ms B Thomas Director: NELM
Mr M Vabasa Director: Albany Museum
Professor L van der Walt
Professor R van Niekerk Director: ISER
Mr A Vena Admin.Support, 1 - 5
Dr S Vetter Acting HoD: Botany
Professor M Villet
Professor LD Vincent
Professor RB Walker Dean of Pharmacy
Dr L Watkins HoD: Music & Musicology
Professor G Wells Acting Dean of Science
Professor E Wentworth
Professor L Wilbraham
Professor J Williams HoD Accounting
Professor D Wilmot Dean of Education
Ms J Wolvaardt Executive Director: DSAE
Professor D Wylie
Dr S Zschernack Hall Wardens Rep(2015)
SRC Representatives (SRC Executive)
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Mr Z Maqubela SRC VP
Mr L Zungu SRC Secretary-General
Mr G Kadzere SRC Treasurer
Ms T Ware SRC International Affairs
Ms H Raselabe SRC Student Benefits & Sponsorship
Senate Academic Representatives
Dr G Cundill
Professor E Msindo
Dr G Muller
Professor S Srinivas
Dr H van Coller
1 vacancy
In attendance:
Executive Director: IOF – Dr I L’Ange
Director: Finance – Ms D Philipson
Director: I&TS – Ms N Ripley
Director: Human Resources – Ms L Govender
Director of Special Projects – Ms S Smailes
IPU (for Director) – Ms R Andrews
Director: E&IC – Ms P Nhlapo
Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
DVC Academic & Student Affairs
DVC Research & Development
The Registrar - Dr S Fourie
Professor T Martin Dean of Humanities
Professor A Booth Dean of Science
Dr R Krüger Dean of Law
Professor D Wilmot Dean of Education
Professor D Sewry Dean of Commerce
Professor R B Walker Dean of Pharmacy
Professor C Boughey Dean: Teaching & Learning
Senate representatives
Professor R Krause
Professor R Simango
Professor M Villet
Professor L Vincent
Deputy Deans:
Dr V Jagernath Humanities
Dr J Owen Humanities
Ms J Sewry Science
2nd Dep Dean of Science – t.b.a.
Professor L Louw Commerce
Professor L Juma Law
Dr B Brown Education
Dr C Oltmann Pharmacy
Mr Z Maqubela President SRC
In attendance:
Director: IPU (when required)
Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs
DVC: Research & Development
Executive Director: IOF – Dr I L’Ange
Chair: Council
Chair: Finance & General Purposes
All members of Finance & General Purposes Committee
Director: Equity & Institutional Culture ex officio
Director: Human Resources ex officio
Director: Institutional Planning Unit ex officio
Director: Communications ex officio
Director: Information & Technology Services ex officio
Director: Library Services ex officio
Director: Finance ex officio
Director: International Office ex officio
Director: Research Office ex officio
Director: Student Affairs ex officio
Director: Development & Alumni Relations ex officio
Deans of the Faculties
Deputy Dean of Humanities
Professor J Arendse Senate
Mr L Coopasamy Senate
Professor E Msindo Senate
Professor J Williams Senate
Mr Z Maqubela SRC Treasurer
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Mr R van Rooyen NTEU
Ms N Platjie NEHAWU
Research Office deals with this Committee.
The Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
Dean of Commerce
Dean of Education
Dean of Humanities
Deputy Dean of Humanities
Dean of Law
Dean of Pharmacy
Dean of Science
Six members recommended by the Vice-Chancellor in
consultation with the Deans
One representative NTEU observer – Mr R van Rooyen
In attendance:
Director: Human Resources
13/11/2013: As per the CSD review recommendations, the following
structure (as proposed by the Task Team for the new CSD Management
Board) was approved:
Dean: Education Chair
HoD: Education or Nominee
Director: CSD – Dr G Harrison
Director: Community Engagement – Ms D Hornby
Community Representatives x 2 - Mr R Domingo - Director:
Gadra Advice
Development Specialist / Nominee – Mr A Westaway
CSD Staff Representative – to be elected by the CSD staff
Members of the Education Faculty x 2 (one with Literacy
expertise and one with Numeracy expertise) - Ms S Murray
and Professor M Graven
Department of Education Representative – Mr Diamond
Department of Social Development Representative – t.b.a
HoD: Sociology / Nominee – Professor K Helliker
HoD: Psychology / Nominee – Professor Lindy Wilbraham
Co-opted Members x2 – Dr M Cocks and Professor G Euvrard
Treasurer – From Finance Division
It was further agreed to only have the CSD Management Board and not an
Executive Committee.
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs CHAIR
Director: Community Engagement – Ms D Hornby
Faculty of Humanities representative – Mr J Jackson
Faculty of Science representative – Ms J Sewry (2015)
Faculty of Commerce representative – Mr M Maritz (2015)
Faculty of Pharmacy representative – Ms W Wrench (2015)
Faculty of Education representative – Dr K Ngcoza (2015)
Faculty of Law representative – Ms VJ Heideman (2015)
CHERTL (Service-Learning) – Dr M Hlengwa
2 Members nominated by Senate –
Mr J Davy and Dr G Cundill
Director: Student Affairs or nominee – Dr C Vassiliou
Director CSD or nominee – Ms G Harrison
Director Equity & IC – Ms N Nhlapo
Director RUMEP or nominee – Mr C Chikiwa
Director ISER or nominee – Professor R van Niekerk
Director: Marketing & Comm or nominee – Mr Z Matiwana
Head: Sports Administration or nominee – Mr S Magopeni
SRC Community Engagement – Mr G Sandi
NTEU nominee – Ms D Bekker
Community Partners’ representative - Ms ND Nkayi
Co-opted members –
Ms C Knowles, Professor P Tabensky and Ms C Deutschman
Dean of Law or nominee ex officio CHAIR Dr R Krüger
Ms S Smailes Senate
Professor G Glover Senate
Professor M Göbel Senate
In attendance:
Director: Equity & Institutional Culture CHAIR
Dean: Teaching & Learning
Director: Library Services or nominee
HR Employment Equity and Industrial Relations Specialist
Manager, Student Affairs
Manager, Student Wellness
Manager, Student Recruitment
Chairperson, Concessions Committee
Deputy Director, Facilities Services
Head: Sports Administration
One NTEU representative
One NEHAWU representative
SRC Activism Councillor
Safety, Health & Environmental Officer
Co-opted members: Mr R Poole (Academic Staff)
Ms N Nkontsa (Support Staff)
Ms T Ngcai (Student)
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs CHAIR
Registrar or his representative
Director: Student Affairs – Dr C Vassiliou
Director of Special Projects – Ms S Smailes
University Prosecutors – Mr G Barker / Ms S Driver
Deans’ Forum Chair or nominee
One Member of Senate (who is not Warden, Proctor or
Prosecutor): Professor J Williams
Four Hall Wardens Representatives:
Mr L Juma Hall Wardens rep
Ms C Deiner Hall Wardens rep
Dr S Zschernack Hall Wardens rep
Mr M Mostert Hall Wardens rep
Three Student Representatives (one being the Chair of the
Student Defence Council):
Ms A Butcher SRC Secretary General
Chair of Student Defence Board
Chair of Student Disciplinary Council
One GENACT representative: Ms B Padayachi
All Proctors:
Dr R Kruger
Adv C Renaud
Ms B Padayachi
Ms A Haller-Barker
Ms J Hillier
Ms T Cooper-Bell
Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
Chair: Teaching and Learning Committee ex officio
Vice Chancellors nominee (from previous winners)
Dean: Teaching & Learning ex officio - Professor C Boughey
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Ms H Raselabe SRC Student Benefits
In attendance:
CHERTL Secretary
Replaced by the new committee: NAMING COMMITTEE
Senate approval: Nov 2007; Council approval: Dec 2007
Executive Director: IOF or nominee- Dr I L’Ange
Professor T Martin Dean of Humanities
Professor T Booth Dean of Science
The four Senate representatives on Council:
Professors Strelitz, Walker,Wells & Sewry
Mr G Steele Hall Wardens’ rep.
Ms C Deiner Hall Wardens’ rep,
Ms R Sikwane SRC Project Manager
NTEU Mr R van Rooyen
Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs (alternate Chair)
Faculty Deans
Dean of Teaching & Learning
Director: Student Affairs or nominee
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations & Finance
Director: Equity and Institutional Culture
Director: Special Projects
Director: HR
2 NTEU representatives - Mr R van Rooyen & Prof M de Vos
2 NEHAWU representatives: Mr A Vena and Mr T Boma
2 SRC representatives:
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Mr L Zungu Activism & Transformation
Chair: Language Committee
GENACT Representative – Ms D Mohoto
Member of Council – Ms M Schoeman
3 Nominees of the Vice-Chancellor to ensure diversity of
representation and views.
In Attendance: Equity & IC Project Officer
Senate 25 October 2013: Senate approved the recommendation that the
Equity & Institutional Culture and Employment Equity & Institutional Culture
Committees operate as a joint committee reporting to Senate and Council.
Professor M Goebel Human Kinetics & Ergonomics CHAIR
t.b.a. Pharmacy
Professor S Srinivas Pharmacy
Dr M Stolp & Professor L Saville-Young Humanities
Ms P Henderson Humanities
Dr D Parker Science (2015)
Ms H Kruuse Law (2015)
Professor M Graven Education (2015)
Professor G Foster Commerce
Dr J Marx nominee HoD, Psychology ex officio
Professor C Boughey CHERTL
Director: Community Engagement or nominee: Ms S Paphitis
DVC: R&D or nominee: Ms J Roberts
Director: Centre for Postgraduate Studies ex officio –
Professor H Lotz-Sisitka
Human Sub-Committee
Dr J Marx Psychology
Professor M Goebel Human Kinetics & Ergonomics
Dr S Zschernack Human Kinetics & Ergonomics
Professor R Dowse Pharmacy
t.b.a. Pharmacy
Animal Research & Teaching Sub-Committee
Ms H van Zyl Psychology
Professor A Craig Zoology
Dr D Parker Zoology
Professor H Kaiser Ichthyology
ALF AGREED - Deans Committee to deal with matters from this committee
Representative: Student Affairs Division : Dr C Vassiliou
Professor L Quinn Senate
Mr R Pool Senate – CHAIR
Professor JM Williams Co-opted
1 member of Psychology Department - ex officio: Mr J
Registrar ex officio, CHAIR
Director Finance ex officio
Director: Student Affairs Division ex officio
Dean of T&L: CHERTL ex officio
Ms J Harris Hall Wardens’ rep.
Ms T Chambers Hall Wardens’ rep.
Ms P Qwesha Senate
Professor G Watkins Senate
SRC Treasurer
SRC Student Benefits & Sponsorship
SRC Residence
Co-opted (2015): Ms E Coetzee
In attendance:
Financial Aid Administrator
Financial Aid Administrator (Postgraduate)
Research Office deals with this Committee.
Chairperson (identified and voted for by the Forum)
Director: HR or secundus:
(Interim Chair May 2015: Dr S Hunt)
(Should the Chairperson not be a Senate member, Senate
members on the committee would be elected as rapporteers to
Director: Student Affairs or nominee – Dr C Vassiliou
2 Senate reps:
Dr J Marx Senate
Dr D Nkomo Senate
Safety, Health & Environmental Officer – Ms N Kohly
Head: Counselling Centre – Ms N Mrwetyana
Head: Career Centre – Ms C Lewis
Head: Campus Health Care – Ms H Ferreira
1 NEHAWU representative – Ms M Diko
1 NTEU representative – Ms D Bekker
SRC Activism & Transformation – Mr L Zungu
Individuals identified by the Committee itself:
Any member of the University may apply to join the committee
or may be co-opted by the committee as and when required
See the attendance list for the names of the co-opted members.
Institutional HIV and AIDS Officer – Mr T Mzizi
Head of Counselling Centre / Health Care Centre – Ms N
Mrwetyana CHAIR
Head Sister of the HCC – Sister H Ferreira
Human Resources representative – Mr S van der Merwe
DVC: R&D or nominee – Ms P Jacob
CHERTL representative – Dr A Hlengwa
Health, Safety and Environmental Officer – Ms N Kohly
Community Engagement representative – Ms D Hornby
SHARC representative – t.b.a.
Faculty of Pharmacy representative – Dr C Knox
Relevant portfolio member from SRC –
TAC Chairperson – Ms U Lugangdo
SHARC Chairperson
NTEU representative (one) – Ms D Bekker
NEHAWU representative (one) – Mr P Dukashe
CSD representative – Ms I Khwababa
Head: Sports Union – Mr S Magopeni
Oppidan Union – Ms C Deiner
One Warden nominated by the Board of Residences (womans’
residences) – Ms T Chambers
One Warden nominated by the Board of Residences (mens’
residences) – Mr G Wilmot
Any interested members of academic departments, or
representatives of departments with an interest in HIV/AIDS
Where possible an HIV positive student
Where possible an HIV positive staff member
Research Office / HoD Economics deals with this Committee.
Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs
DVC: Research & Development
Chairperson of Council or nominee – Professor L Strelitz
Dr S Khamanga Council
Professor RB Walker Council
Dr A Edkins Senate
Professor C Shackleton Senate
Professor S Srinivas Senate
Professor L Wilbraham Senate
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Mr Z Maqubela SRC Vice-President
Mr L Lungu SRC Sec-General
One representative GENACT: Dr S Hunt (2015)
Ms G Armstrong NTEU
Professor P Maylam Co-opted
In attendance:
Research Office deals with this Committee.
Research Office deals with this Committee.
Dr S Khamanga Council
Ms J Sewry Council
Professor L Strelitz Council
Dr S Matthews Senate
Professor J Larena Senate
Dr S Mabizela Management
Dr S Fourie Management alt (2015)
Professor C Boughey Management
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Mr Z Maqubela SRC VP
Mr L Zungu SRC Secretary General
Mr G Kadzere SRC Treasurer
Mr T Majongwe SRC Academic
Mr G Sandi SRC Community Engagement
Mr J Lekalakala SRC Activism & Transformation
Ms S Tyobashe SRC Oppidan
Ms H Raselabe SRC Student Benefits
Mr A Rendera. SRC Residence
Mr M Matika NEHAWU
Mr R van Rooyen NTEU
t.b.a. Non-professorial staff rep.
t.b.a. Non-professorial staff rep.
Mr P Ranchod Community (Makana Municipality)
t.b.a. Community (Makana Municipality)
One representative from the following:
- Equity & Institutional Culture – Ms N Nhlapo
- CHERTL – Professor L Quinn
- Oppidan – Mr R Harris
- PGLSC – Mr C Rafael
- GENACT – Ms S Smailes
Full membership (18)
Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
DVC: Academic and Student Affairs
DVC: Research and Development
6 Deans of the Faculties*
1 Deputy Dean of Humanities*
Dean, Teaching and Learning*
2 Council representatives –
 Professor L Strelitz Council
 Ms J Sewry - Council
2 Senate representatives –
 Dr G Muller Senate
 Professor L Wilbraham Senate
2 SRC representatives (one of whom should represent
postgraduate students) Mr V Mafuku SRC VP and Mr L
Zungu SRC Activism
In Attendance (15)
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations and Finance
Director, Communications & Marketing
Director, Community Engagement
Director, Information & Technology Services
Director, Development & Alumni Relations
Director, Equity & Institutional Culture
Director, Finance
Director, Human Resources
Director: International Office
Director, Institutional Planning Unit
Director, Library Services
Director, Research Office
Director, Special Projects
Director, Student Affairs Division
NTEU representative – Mr R van Rooyen
*Academic (the IPC operates on a principle of having a majority of academic
‘In attendance’ means full participation, excluding voting rights.
Vice Chancellor CHAIR
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs
DVC: Research & Development
Chair of Deans’ Forum
All Faculty Deans
Dean of Teaching & Learning
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations & Finance
Director: Human Resources
Director: Institutional Planning Unit (Ms R Andrews)
Director: Information and Technology Services (I&TS)
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs CHAIR
DVC: Research & Development
Executive Director: IOF
Chair of Deans’ Forum (or nominee)
All Faculty Deans
Director: Institutional Planning Unit (Ms R Andrews)
Director: Information & Technology Services (or nominee) –
Ms N Ripley
Head: Sports Administration – Mr S Magopeni
Chair: Aesthetics Committee – Professor H Nel
Estates – Mr K Wolhuter
Mr G Sandi SRC Community
Ms C Idensohn SRC Environmental
Vice Chancellor CHAIR
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs
DVC: Research & Development
All Deans
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations and Finance
Director: Development & Alumni Relations
Director: Research
Director: Special Projects
DVC: Research & Development CHAIR ex officio
Executive Director Infrastructure & Operations and Finance
ex officio
Director: Information and Technology Services ex officio
Director: Library Services ex officio
Director: Finance ex officio or nominee
Director: Communications or reporting line of Web Unit ex
Registrar ex officio
HoD : Computer Science ex officio
HoD: Information Systems ex officio
HoD: Journalism & Media Studies ex officio or nominee
Representative from CHERTL Educational Technology
Senate – five members representing Senate
SRC – two members representing the SRC preferably from
Computer Science, IS or School of Journalism and Media
In attendance:
Manager Operations, I&TS Division
Manager Service Delivery, I&TS Division
Manager MIS, I&TS Division
Manager Applications Development, I&TS Division
Manager: Web Unit
Representative from Library Information Technology Support
Business Process Specialist, Infrastructure and Operations
The ITSC has powers to co-opt additional members for
purposes of subject specific knowledge, information gathering
or stakeholder representation on the ITSC Committee,
Executive, sub committees, task team and working groups.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Development (Chair)
Dr P Clayton
Registrar - Dr S Fourie
Director: International Office - Ms O Quinlan
Director: Institutional Planning Unit - t.b.a.
Director: Confucius Institute - Professor M Vermaak
Director: Student Affairs - Dr C Vassiliou
Dean’s Representative (elected by the Dean’s Forum) –
Professor L Louw (2015)
School of Languages Representative –Ms U Weber
2 Senate reps – Ms C Martinez-Mullen, Dr D Nkomo
2/more persons (appointed by the Committee) to serve as
“Academic Ambassadors” in specific parts of the world –
Professors P-H Bischoff, R Fox and S Srinivas and Dr A
PGLSC representative – t.b.a.
SRC: International Councillor – Ms T Ware
SRC: Media – Mr I Blazic
SRC Student Benefits & Sponsorship – Ms H Raselabe
Faculty of Law – Professor L Juma
Faculty of Commerce – Professor L Louw
Faculty of Pharmacy – Professor S Srinivas
Faculty of Humanities – Ms U Weber
Faculty of Education – Dr A Hlengwa (2015)
Faculty of Science – Dr H Tsikos / Dr S Zschernack
In attendance:
Assistant Manager – Ms H Pienaar
International Programmes, Projects & Events Officer –
Mr A Magubane
Professor D Wilmot Dean of Education Chair
Professor M Hendricks Director
Dr S Fourie Rhodes University Council
Professor RD Adendorff English Language and Linguistics
Ms E J Wolvaardt Dictionary Unit for South African English
Ms B Thomas National English Literary Museum
Dr B Brown Education Faculty
Prof P Mwepu School of Languages
Prof D Klopper Department of English
Prof L Strelitz Journalism and Media Studies
Prof R H Kaschula School of Languages
The Dean of Education raised concerns that the economics of the ISEA were
not clear and that opportunities might be missed as a result of this. The
investments and returns on investments of ISEA should be tabled annually,
and a rolling three-year budget and an annual budget should also be
presented and approved annually at the ISEA Board meeting. The Dean of
Education undertook to ensure this happened.
Dean of Humanities CHAIR (2014)
Professor R van Niekerk Director, ISER
Professor D Sewry Dean of Commerce (or nominee)
Professor T Martin Dean of Humanities or nominee
Professor P-H Bischoff Senate
Ms N Cattaneo Senate
Professor E Webster (UJ) ISER nominee
Professor Y Sayed (UCT) ISER nominee
In attendance (non-voting members):
Professor R Surender Professor of Social Policy
Dr John Reynolds Head of Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit
Research Office / HOD: Sociology deals with this Committee.
Joint Physical Planning Committee replaced at the end of
2010 with the IPC Infrastructure Planning Sub-Committee.
Name changed to RESEARCH COMMITTEE – 1 April 2011.
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs Convenor / CHAIR
Mr A Vena Council
Mr T Amos Council
In attendance:
Director: Human Resources
Human Resources Officer
Dr P Mwepu Head of School of Languages nominated by the
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs
Faculty Deans or nominees
Deputy Dean of Education or nominee - Professor M Joseph
Dean of CHERTL or nominee – Professor L Quinn
Two representatives from School of LanguagesOne representative from the School of Journalism
Faculty of Law - Adv C Renaud
Director: ISEA - Professor M Hendricks
Faculty of Pharmacy - Dr ED Goosen (2015)
One rep from the Psychology Department – Mr S Bazana
One rep from the English Language and Linguistics
Director of HR or nominee (Mr Schalk van der Merwe)
NEHAWU representative – Mr V Jacob
NTEU representative Professor M de Vos
SRC Representative Ms M Thabane Sec-Gen
Director: Communications nominee – Ms J Jangara
Library Committee composition:
DVC: Research & Development Chairperson
Director: Library Services ex officio
Director: I&TS ex officio or nominee
Head: User Services & Research Support Services - Library ex
Head: Technical Services – Library ex officio
Head: Cory Library ex officio or nominee (Dr C Thomas)
Senate - 2 members representing the Senate
- Professor C Peter and Dr G Thondhlana
CHERTL – 1 member representing CHERTL – Dr JA Vorster
Faculty of Humanities – 2 members representing the Faculty
Ms P Boshoff (2016); Dr D Seddon (2015)
Faculty of Science - 1 rep - Prof B Irwin (2015)
Faculty of Law - 1 rep – Prof L Juma
Faculty of Pharmacy - 1 rep – Ms YL Irwin (2016)
Faculty of Commerce - 1 rep – Prof M Bunting (2015)
Faculty of Education - 1 rep – Ms B Moore
SRC – 2 members representing the SRC
Postgraduate Students Liaison Committee (PGSLC) – 1
member representing the PGSLC
NTEU – 1 member representing NTEU
Executive Director: IOF CHAIR
Mr B Steele-Gray Council
Professor T Martin Council
Professor H Nel Council
Professor G Wells Council
Ms N Ripley Director: I&TS
Mr D van Dyk Deputy Director: AF&P: I&O
Ms W Lombard Deputy Director: FS: I&O
Registrar CHAIR
Director: Student Affairs or nominee ex officio
The Chair of Council or nominee – Ms G Armstrong
Two Senate representatives:
Professor Dr R Krüger and Dr R Pithouse
One representative from Language Committee –
Professor R Kaschula
One NTEU representative – Professor M de Vos
One NEHAWU representative – P Kepe
Student representative:
SRC Environmental
PGLSC representative: t.b.a
One Old Rhodian Union representative –
Professor RB Walker
One Hall Warden / House Warden elected by the Board of
Residences – Prof J Gambiza (2015)
Three nominees of the Vice-Chancellor (one of whom must be
a member of the administrative support staff)
 T.b.a.
 Dr J Owen
 Ms N Makhubu
Professor R Krause Senate 2014 - 2016 CHAIR
Professor E Msindo Senate 2015 - 2017
Professor T Palmer Senate 2015- 2017
*(Members are appointed on a 3-year term)
Scrutineers of Senate Minutes:
Professor R Adendorff (6 months)
Professor D Klopper (6 months)
Public Orator:
Professor P Maylam (2011 - )
Senate representatives on Sports Council:
Professor R B Walker
Dr A Mukenge
Ms A de Vos
Mr A Todd
Council representatives on Sports Council:
Ms S Smailes/alternate
Mr G Barker
Ms S Driver
Dr R Kruger
Adv C Renaud
Ms B Padayachi
Ms A Haller-Barker
Ms J Hillier
Ms T Cooper-Bell
Tourism Grahamstown:
Director: Communications or representative
Change to Committee – June 2015
President of the Old Rhodian Union CHAIR
Vice-Chancellor or nominee ex officio
President of Convocation or nominee ex officio
Senate: 1 representative: Dr A Hlengwa
A nominated member of the Alumn
A nominated member of the Alumni Relaltions Office
1 past awardee
1 SRC representative
Research Office deals with this Board of Management.
Director: Student Affairs CHAIR
Registrar’s nominee – Ms D Wicks
Executive Director: IOF or nominee
Director: Development & Alumni Relations or nominee
Dean of Commerce or nominee
Dean of Humanities or nominee
Dean of Science or nominee
The Head: Counselling Centre – Ms N Mrwetyana
The Head: Career Centre – Ms C Lewis
Head: Sports Adminstration or nominee - Mr S Magopeni
Two Hall Warden Representatives –
Mr G Wilmot and Ms D Wicks (2015)
SRC Executive Committee:
President – Mr Z Maqubela
Vice-President – Mr Z Maqubela
Secretary General – Mr L Zungu
Treasurer – Mr G Kadzere
International Affairs – Ms T Ware
SRC Benefits – Ms H Raselabe
Representative: Library – Mr L Naicker
Representative: Facilities Office – Ms J Fourie
The Dean: T&L Convenes meetings of this Committee.
Dean: Teaching & Learning ex officio CHAIR
2 Members of Staff: Law Faculty –
4 Members of Senate – Dr A Edkins, Professor G Glover, Mr
F Botha & Professor L van der Walt
2 Students who have completed at least two years of full-time
attendance at the University nominated by the SRC –
SRC Vice President
SRC Academic Councillor
Senate - 30 October 2009
Council – 3 December 2009
DVC: Research & Development CHAIR – Dr P Clayton
Director: Research Office – Ms J Roberts
Director: Library Services – Ms U Satgoor
Dean of Humanities or nominee - Professor T Martin
Deputy Dean of Humanities or nominee – Dr V Jagarnath
Dean of Science or nominee – Professor G Wells / Professor T
Booth Dean of Science
Dean of Commerce or nominee – Professor D Sewry
Dean of Law or nominee – Dr R Kruger
Dean of Pharmacy or nominee – Professor RB Walker
Dean of Education or nominee - Professor S Mckenna
Council: two representatives nominated by the University
Council – Professor L Louw & Professor M Hill
Senate: six representatives nominated by the University
Senate: Professor C Grant
Dr S Khene
Professor L Louw
Dr P Maseko
Dr G Muller
Dr C Christie
Women Researcher: one experienced woman researcher
nominated by WASA & GENACT – Dr S Matthews
Rhodes University Ethical Standards Committee Chairperson
or nominee - Professor M Gobel
Co-opted by the committee – Professor R Simbao
Post-Graduate Liaison Sub-committee Chairperson or
nominee – Mr C Raphael
Post-Doctoral Liaison Sub-committee representative or
nominee - Dr J de la Mare
In attendance:
Director: Finance or nominee – Ms D Philipson
Manager: Research Administration – Ms P Jacob
Director: Postgraduate Research Centre: H Lotz-Sisitka
Vice-Chancellor ex officio member
DVC: Academic and Student Affairs – ex officio member
Director: Student Affairs – CHAIR
Vice-Chairperson – Dr S Zschernack (2015)
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations & Finance or
Head of Counselling Centre
Head of the Health Care Centre
All the Hall Wardens
One House Warden from each Hall
All the Hall Senior Students
Two additional student representatives from each Hall, one of
which must be the SRC Hall Representative in those Halls
which recognize the position
The SRC President or nominee – Mr Z Maqubela
All SRC Hall Reps
Two Senate nominees – Mr F Botha & Professor C Young
One Estates Division representative - Ms N Kohly
One Finance Division representative – Mr M Oliver
One PGLSC representative – Ms A Sibhukwana
One Registrar’s Division representative – Ms D Wicks
In Attendance: Head CPU and Deputy Director Facilities
Senate - 2 September 2011
Council – 8 September 2011
Professor P Tabensky CHAIR VC’s nominee
Dr R Pithouse Senate
Professor S Shackleton Senate
Professor P Tabensky Senate
Head of Department: Philosophy – Professor M Vermaak
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Mr Z Maqubela SRC VP
Ms A Butcher SRC Sec-General
Ms T Ware SRC International Affairs
Mr T Majongwe SRC Academic
Professor P Kaye Convocation
Professor M de Vos NTEU
Professor J Medved Co-opted
Vice-Chancellor or nominee CHAIR - Professor H Nel
Registrar or his / her representative – Dr S Fourie
Executive Director: IOF, plus one additional member (one
must cover catering, housekeeping and residences)
Dr I L’Ange and Mr S Wright
Director of Finance or representative – Mr R Harris
Acting Manager Horticulture – Mr P Crous
Two members of the Student Representative Council (SRC) –
SRC Community Engagement - Mr G Sandi
SRC Environmental – Ms C Idensohn
Five members nominated by Senate:
Professor J Dames, Mr H Gess, Dr A Rajkaran, Dr R Klein &
Professor F Ellery
The Makana Environmental Manager – Mr N Nongwe
The University Librarian ex officio – Ms T Menze
The Safety Officer ex officio – Ms N Köhly
Representative from Botany –Dr A Rajkaran
Rep from Environmental Education – Dr I Schudel
Rep from Environmental Science - Professor S Shackleton
Environmental Officer - Ms N Köhly
Co-opted for 2015: Ms T Chambers or Mr Tren Naidoo;
Professor F Ellery and Mr Y Norman (Chair: RU Green Fund)
Chair Vice-Chancellor Nominee – Ms G Armstrong
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations &
Finance or nominee
Dean elected by Deans Forum – Professor RB Walker
Director of Human Resources or nominee – Mr H Saayman
GMR 2 Appointee / Machinery supervisor – Mr D Martin
ERM Manager – Mr L Kruiskamp
SHE Officer – Ms N Kӧhly
NEHAWU Representative or Alternate – Mr L Nesi
NTEU Representative or Alternate – Ms N Sitole
Wardens Representative or Alternate –
Dr G Steele & Ms C Deiner
Food Services Sub-Committee Chair or Deputy –
Mr X Dyokomba and Deputy t.b.a
Housekeeping Sub-Committee Chair or Deputy –
Mr A Kivitts and Ms F Fourie
Laboratory Sub-Committee Chair or Deputy –
Mr S Abboo and Mr B Godfrey
Maintenance Sub-Committee Chair or Deputy –
Mr J Nell and Deputy t.b.a
Office Sub-Committee Chair or Deputy –
Mr A Jourdan and Ms N Obers
SRC Representative – Ms R Sikwane
Up to 2 persons may be co-opted by the Chairperson
after consultation with the Committee
Executive Director: IOF CHAIR – Dr I L’Ange
Director: Student Affairs or his/her nominee Senate Rep on Sports Council - Professor RB Walker
Hall Warden’s rep – Dr G Steele & Ms V Heidemann
Oppidan Hall Warden – Ms J Harris / Mr R Harris
Vice-President SRC – Mr Z Maqubela
SRC Projects Manager – Mr R Sikwane
SRC President or nominee – Mr Z Maqubela
SRC Media – Mr I Blazic
Health and Safety Committee– Ms N Kӧhly
Campus Protection Unit (CPU) – Mr T Naidu
Communications - Mr L Hashatse
Communications - Editor Rhodos – Mr Z Matiwana
Electrical Services – Mr S October
Engineering - Mr D Martin
Facilities Office – t.b.a.
Grounds & Gardens – Mr P Crous
Sports Admin - Mr S Magopeni
Chief Traffic Officer or nominee ex officio - Mr C Hanekom
By invitation:
South African Police Services (SAPS)
In attendance: Risk Manager – Mr L Kruiskamp
2013: SDC changed. No longer necessary to appoint – previously the
Senate reps on this panel were appointed by the VC in terms of the Student
Disciplinary Code, Section 18.4.2.
DVC: Academic and Student Affairs (Chair)
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations and Finance
Registrar or his/her designate
All Deans (or Deputy Deans or nominee if they relevant Dean
wishes to delegate)
Director: Research Office
Director: CHERTL
Director of Finance
Director of Human Resources
Director: Equity & Institutional Culture
Deputy Director: Human Resources
2 NTEU representatives: one academic and one support staff
(who shall have full voting rights) – Mr R van Rooyen
2 NEHAWU representatives (who shall have full voting
rights) – Mr W Kosi & Mr T Kise
In addition, this Committee may invite certain individuals to
participate in the meetings.
Unless otherwise indicated above, this Committee reports
to (i) Senate on matters related to academic staff; and (ii) to
Council on matters related to support staff.
Frequency of meetings: The committee shall meet four times
a year, once in each term.
Vice-Chancellor CHAIR
Chairperson of Council
Senate representatives on Council:
Professor G Wells
Professor D Sewry
Professor RB Walker
Professor L Strelitz
In attendance: Registrar
Director: Human Resources
Director: Student Affairs CHAIR – Dr C Vassiliou
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs – Professor C Boughey
Deputy Director: Residential Operations
Director: Community Engagement or nominee
Student Services Officer – t.b.a
Head: Career Centre – Ms S Green
Head: Counselling Centre –
Head: Sports Administration - Mr S Magopeni
1 Representative: Sports Council (Chair or nominee) –
Professor RB Walker
Director: International Office or nominee – Ms O Quinlan
Hall Wardens’ rep. – Ms J Harris (2015)
Hall Wardens’ rep. - Mr M Naidoo (2015)
Dr M Hlengwa & Ms V Heideman (reserve)
Mr G Wilmot & Mr J Davy (reserve)
House Warden rep 1 male – Dr G Thondhlana
House Warden rep – 1 female – Ms C Deiner
Professor L Young Vice-Chancellor’s nominee
Mr M Naidoo Vice-Chancellor’s nominee
Dr SD Khanye Senate
Dr PN Mashazi Senate
Sister H Ferreira (Sister in charge) Health Care Centre
Head: Facilities or Campus Protection Unit
HIV & Aids Officer
Staff = 25
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Ms T Ware SRC Vice-President
Mr L Zungu SRC Secretary-General
Mr G Kadzere SRC Treasurer
Mr T Majongwe SRC Academic
Mr A Rendera SRC Residence
Ms H Raselabe SRC Student Benefits and Sponsorship
Mr I Blazic SRC Media
Ms C Idensohn SRC Environmental
Ms T Ware SRC International Affairs
Ms R Sikwane SRC Project Manager
Mr J Lekalakala SRC Activism and Transformation
Mr G Sandi SRC Community Engagement
Ms M Mboya SRC Societies Councillor
Ms S Tyobashe SRC Oppidan Councillor
PGLSC Chairperson – Mr C Rafael
Oppidan Hall Warden –Ms J Harris
Additional member of Oppidan Committee – ?
Chairperson of the Student Sports Council –
Mr C O’Donnoghue
1 Representative: Student Defense Council – Mr S Ntuli
Students = 21
All members of the SRC =15
Oppidans = 3 representatives
DVC: Academic & Student Affairs
Dean of Teaching & Learning CHAIR
The Registrar
HoD CHERTL ex officio
One representative from:
Faculty of Humanities –Dr J Owen (2015)
Faculty of Science – Dr S Buettner (2015)
Faculty of Commerce – Prof J Snowball (2015)
Faculty of Pharmacy – Dr C Oltmann (2015)
Faculty of Education – Dr C van der Mescht (2015)
Faculty of Law – Dr EH van Coller (2015)
Professor M Joseph – co-opted
Professor K Barnard – co-opted & Ms T Chambers co-opted
2 Members nominated by Senate:
Ms U Weber
Dr J Williams
Director: IPU or nominee
Director: CE or nominee
Chair: Lecture Venues sub-committee or nominee
Chair: Academic Technologies Roundtable
SRC Academic Councillor – Mr T Majongwe
NTEU representative – Professor I Meiklejohn
Co-opted: Director: International Office
Note: ALL members, except the SRC, will serve for a period
of two years.
Professor D Klopper Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, CHAIR
Professor G Gordon HOD Drama, ex officio
Professor D Klopper HOD English, ex officio
Dr L Watkins HOD Music, ex officio
Professor P Mwepu School of Languages ex officio
Dr A Krueger Theatre Director ex officio
Production Manager ex officio – Ms T du Plessis
Theatre Administrator – Mr K Gabashane
Professor G Euvard Senate
Dr A Krueger Senate
Ms I Louw Senate
In attendance:
Director: Finance or nominee - Mr M Olivier
Executive Director: IOF or nominee - Mr C Dyala
Senate (2014) agreed that the Timetabling Committee be dissolved and in its
place to establish a new committee consisting of:
The Registrar
The Director: I&TS
Two representatives from the Deans’ Forum; and
Professor P Terry
Director: International Office CHAIR – Ms O Quinlan
6 Faculty Representatives from Internationalisation
Commerce Faculty Rep:
Education Faculty Rep:
Humanities Faculty Rep:
Law Faculty Rep:
Pharmacy Faculty Rep:
Science Faculty Rep:
4 Student Representatives:
SRC International Affairs
SRC Oppidan:
SRC Project Manager:
SRC Environmental:
Director: Student Affairs CHAIR ex officio
Mr M Naidoo Hall Wardens’ rep
Ms V Moodley Hall Wardens’ rep
Mr M Mostert Hall Wardens’ rep
Ms D Wicks Hall Wardens’ rep
Professor L Steenveld Senate
Dr A Edkins Senate
Professor J Williams Senate
Professor C Young Senate
Mr Z Maqubela SRC President
Ms G Moyo SRC VP
Mr A Rendera SRC Residence
In attendance:
Manager: Recruitment & Selection or nominee
Mr M Spicer CHAIR
Dr S Mabizela Vice-Chancellor
Mr G de Jager
Mr M Faku
Mr P Harris
Mr S Johnson
Mr V Kahla
Mr SJ Macozoma
Ms I Mkhize
Mr C Molusi
Judge L Mpati Chancellor ex officio
Mr D Neale-May
Ms N Nqweni
Dr BS Rayner
Mr K Rumble
Mr A Sangqua
Mr K Socikwa
Ms C Southey
Mr T Tagg
Mr R Vice
In attendance:
Executive Director: Infrastructure, Operations and Finance
Director: Development & Alumni Relations
Honorary Life Members
Mr A Evans
Mr T Evans
Dr A Gray
Dr RD Hamilton
Mr H Herman
Mr BE Hersov
Mr PG Joubert
Mr C Murray
Dr RA Plumbridge
Mr DB Riley
Dr P Searle
Dr CB Strauss
Mr WS Yeowart
Employer-Appointed trustees:
DVC: A&SA - Council
Mr T Tagg (Chair) – Council
Mr G Bleom – Council
Dr I L’Ange – Council
Member-Elected trustees (2013 to 2016)(16/9/2013)
Professor D Sewry
Professor I Macdonald
Professor M Bunting
Professor G Keeton
Mr L Reynolds
Principal Officer: Mr HA Long
Employer-Appointed trustees:
DVC: A&SA - Council
Dr I L’Ange
Professor G Wells
Mr G Bloem
Member-Elected trustees:
Professor H Nel
Professor O Skae
Ms D Philipson
Ms G Thomas
Principal Officer: Mr HA Long
Employer-Appointed trustees:
Professor L Juma
Ms G Armstrong
Dr I L’Ange
Trustee and Principal Officer: Mr HA Long
Professor H Nel (alternate)
Member-Elected trustees:
Mr P Ngxitho
Mr N Ndzengu
Ms N Yaphi
Mr A Vena
Mr T Boma (alternate).