Pupil Placement Panel What is the purpose of the panel? The Pupil Placement Panel (PPP) is a multi-disciplinary collaborative group including officers and secondary school headteachers, which has been re-established and will begin to operate in September 2005. The panel will consider the cases of those pupils who have either been permanently excluded or who are at serious risk of permanent exclusion. The aim of the panel will be to prevent exclusion and to aid re-integration of pupils. The PPP will be the final stage in the intervention and support element of the graduated response to meeting a child or young persons needs. The panel will consider the following options in terms of cases they review: the appropriateness of the pupil making a permanent move to another high school (managed move) if a temporary placement in a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) would be appropriate to meet the pupils needs with a re-integration to their current school if it would be more appropriate for older pupils i.e. Years 10 and 11 to be provided with a permanent package of alternative support from the PRU to better meet their needs In the future it is possible that it may be appropriate for the PPP to suggest that some pupils be placed temporarily at New Park High School. The PPP will also be responsible for the management of the re-integration of permanently excluded pupils into a high school placement or flexible Key Stage 4 alternative provision package as appropriate – trying to ensure a more equitable distribution of pupils across all schools. Who is on the panel? The panel will include four permanent members: Assistant Director – Strategy and Commissioning Admissions and Exclusions Manager Education Inclusion Manager Headteacher of New Park High School In addition to this secondary headteachers will be represented on the panel by two of their colleagues, one representing community schools and one representing voluntary aided schools. How often will the panel meet? The panel will meet monthly. What is a managed move? In a small number of cases a school may conclude that they have taken action to meet the behavioural, emotional and social needs of a pupil and that the pupils needs remain so substantial that that school is not able to meet them effectively within the resources normally available to the school. Managed moves will only be appropriate for those pupils who have perhaps experienced a breakdown in relationships at a particular school and where the current school feel that it is still appropriate for the pupil to be placed in another high school. The decision to request a managed move should be made at a planning or review meeting which includes all the relevant professionals. The school must consult and gain the agreement of the parents or carers of the pupil concerned before making a request for consideration to the panel. A request for a managed move can only be made by a school. Schools are limited to one referral to the panel each month. This will ensure that only those pupils at serious risk of permanent exclusion are referred, the Panel can give full consideration to those cases to be considered and also that receiving schools will not be overburdened with requests to admit challenging pupils. What will happen at the panel meetings? The panel members will all have received referral papers prior to the meeting and each case will be considered. The panel will reach a decision about the most appropriate intervention for that particular child or young person based on the information available to them at the meeting. Requests from the PRU to consider the re-integration of a pupil to another school will also be considered by the panel. One of the fundamental aims of the panel is to try to ensure a more equitable distribution of challenging pupils across all school so whilst consideration will be given to the parent or carers’ preference of school it might not always be possible to meet this preference. What if I have any questions? The Admissions and Exclusions Team are responsible for the administrative support to the panel and the Admissions and Exclusions Manager will sit on the panel. If you have any questions or queries please contact: Lesley Taylor Admissions and Exclusions Manager 0161 778 0411 lesley.taylor@salford.gov.uk