Course Selection Information Page 2

Chemistry 122 – This course covers such topics as: organic chemistry, thermochemical changes, equilibrium, acids and bases and
electrochemical changes. Mastery of grade 11 topics is required. Prerequisite: Chemistry 112; Prerequisite/co-requisite Pre
Calculus 110
Physics 112 – This course covers such topics as: wave motion, sound and light, electricity and magnetism, atomic and nuclear
structure including harnessing nuclear energy. This course is designed to engage students in relating physics concepts to societal
contexts and applications. Prerequisite: Both grade 10 math classes and Science 10; co-requisite: Foundations in Math 11
Physics 122 – This course covers such topics as: linear motion, forces, two-dimensional motion, impulse and momentum, work
energy and power. Prerequisite: Physics 112 and Foundations in Math 11
Intro to Environmental Science 120 – In this course, topics covered include: environmental structure and attitudes, the
ecosystem concept, natural resources and population, urbanization, energy and current environmental problems such as acid rain.
Prerequisite Science 10
Science 122 - The topics of study include oxidation-Reduction Electrochemistry, Atomic and Nuclear Structure, Magnetism,
Electromagnetism, Application of Electromagnetism. It is intended for student preparing to take post-secondary study in
chemistry, physics and branches of engineering. Prerequisite/co-requisite Chemistry 122 and Physics 122 AND Pre Calculus 12A
Physical Geography 110 - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will appreciate the changing nature of the
earth’s surface. The course explores the forces that shape the surface of the earth. Emphasis is put on the language of geography,
the description of planetary systems and processes, the conditions that led to the formation of the Earth and its natural
landscapes, and an introduction to key natural disasters.
Exercise Science 120 – A good course choices for those intending further study in Kinesiology at the University Level.
Course Descriptions – Fine Arts
Visual Arts 110 – This course builds on the grade 10 program and involves drawing, painting, printmaking and 3-dimensional
work. It stresses personal expression and the development of individual imagery and art criticism and history.
Visual Arts 120 – This course builds on the grade 11 course. Students work through an introductory review of skills and concepts
and choose blocks that lead to advanced work on a particular medium. Students are required to critique in writing aspects of
process and product.
Theatre Arts 120 – This course deals with the major aspects of theatre performance, including acting and interpretation, stage
craft, play management and theatre history. Students have the chance to deal with both practical and theoretical issues as they
relate to drama and theatre arts.
Music 112 – This course consists of practical performance, music theory, prescribed scores, listening and music history. Students
may choose from Music 112-Instrumental, Music 112-Vocal and Music 112-General
Music 122 – This course is designed for the advanced and serious student of music who wishes to pursue the subject as an
avocation or who may be interested in further studies at the post-secondary level. The course assumes an advanced level of
musical literacy, good aural skills, a sound theoretical background, knowledge of historical styles and forms and an interest in
improving upon and expanding their areas of musical knowledge and expertise.
Graphic Art and Design 110 – This course allows the students opportunity to manipulate art and text to create
Applied Theatre Technology 110 – Technical Theatre explores the specific skills related to the technical side of theatre.
Student projects and learning will focus on the following technical areas: Costumes, Lighting, Makeup, Properties, Set, Sound and
Management. It also includes a history of theatre component.
Fine Arts 110 - Art appreciation course that explores the parallels between the development of music, theatre and Visual Arts. The
only hands on work are written reports and group discussions
Theatre Arts 110
Advanced Theater 120 -This course is a continuation of Theatre Arts 120and is an advanced acting class with a strong
emphasis on performance. Topics that will be covered include emotion, character creation, comedic and serious acting, scene
studies, directing and theatre appreciation.
Music 120 - This non-performing course would of interest to the student who would enjoy learning more about music. It has been
designed to encourage research, presentations, discussions and musical learnings in and about a variety of different world musical
Course Descriptions – Trades Courses
Residential Finish and Insulation 120 – This course examines the work required to finish a family dwelling once it is framed-in.
Topics covered include: insulation, wall cladding, doors windows, cornice trim and roof covering.
Mill and Cabinet Work 120 – This is a finish woodworking course where students develop the necessary skills, knowledge and
work habits required to construct cabinets and other miscellaneous mill work typically found in residential dwellings.
Framing and Sheathing 110 – This course will provide students with skills and knowledge associated with the framing-in or shell
construction of typical single family dwellings. Students will participate in construction and planning activities which includes
interpretation of the National Building Code, blueprint reading, estimating and material layout.
Electrical Wiring 110 - This is a residential wiring course with an emphasis on the lighting and power circuits normally found in
a single family dwelling.
Introduction to Applied Technology 110 – Students receive hands on training on the use of wood working tools.
Housing and Interior Design 120 – This course requires creativity and individuality in designing a living environment with a
focus on interior décor.
Internal Combustion Engines 110 - This course provides for the study of the operation of the internal combustion engine
including the construction, theory of operation and function of its systems. Students disassemble and assemble engines, checking,
servicing and repairing components and systems.
Metals 110 - This course is a study of standard machine shop processes used in the manufacturing of metal products. Proper
operating instruction will be given on a variety of machine tools common to the machine shop trade.
Tune Up and Emissions 120 - This course introduces the student to the theory and operation of automotive fuel and emission
systems. Course content will include both carburation and injection fuel systems along with components and systems used for
emission control.
Course Descriptions – Other Electives
Information Technology 120 – This course provides considerable hands-on computer experience through the use of an appropriate
integrated software package. Students will be given an introduction to word processing, data base, spreadsheet, communication and
graphic oriented software.
Business Organization and Management 120 – This is an introductory course in business organization, operation and
management aimed at giving students an understanding of business operations. Students will also cover legal forms of ownership,
marketing, finance, set up and operation of a small business and labor/management relations.
Women, Media and Culture 120 – The broad objective of this course is to heighten students’ awareness of how media texts
construct images of people and the world. Through an examination of the students’ personal life experiences, advertising, film,
music and literature, the concepts of racism, sexism and classism will be discussed. Students who choose this course may find
some of the ideas and material challenging in terms of personal value systems and beliefs.
Introduction to Accounting 120 – This course introduces the student to accounting procedures, concepts and applications. Course
topics include nature of business, accountancy as a career, bookkeeping procedures, accounting cycle and theory, subsidiary ledgers,
accounting and inventory control systems, payroll, adjustments, accruals, partnerships, corporations, statement analysis and
electronic accounting through recommended software.
Entrepreneurship 110 – This course provides information on the entrepreneurial process, which recognizes the importance of
nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit for personal and group success in the context of entrepreneurship.
Coop 120 – This course provides experimental work-based education that extends the learning process into the workplace. It is a
course that integrates classroom theory with employability and career skill development thereby furthering the career exploration
process of youth. Students are placed in work environments where they learn by doing.
Child Studies 120 – This course explores how children develop physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually. It includes a
variety of human centered experiences from conception through to the development of the school age child. Thus, ongoing
observation and experiences with children is an essential part of this program.
Independent and Family Dynamics 120 – The aim of this course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge skills and
abilities to meet the challenges of our dynamic and complex society. The course focuses on the development of resourcefulness to
help students view the family from various perspectives and to make informed decisions about solutions to difficulties occurring in
every day life.
Nutrition for Healthy Living 120 – This course studies the science of food relating to Canada’s Food Guide and the relationship
between food, nutrition and wellness.
Economics 120 – This course provides a basic understanding of our economic system and how it works. It is designed to develop
an understanding of the concepts and techniques needed in making economic decisions and to develop an awareness of the major
economic problems and issues of the day.
Early Childhood Services 110 – These courses explore the role of the caregiver and the child care profession through the study of
early childhood education.
Business Communications 110 – This course provides basic communication skills forstudents who wish to concentrate on
grammar, spelling, pyunctuation, vocabulary, letter writing and public speaking.
Culinary Technology 110/120 – An introduction to the food service industry
Sample Entrance Requirements
For your information, listed below are the Entrance Requirements for the Degree Programs at UNB (from the 2012-2013calendar).
It is important to note that not all Universities have the same requirements, please check with Guidance to make sure that you
sign up for the right courses to get you into the programs – at the Schools – you are interested in.
Bachelor of Arts – English 122, 5 approved, academic electives
Bachelor of Bus. Admin. – English 122, Pre Calc. 12A and 12B and 3 approved, academic electives
Bachelor of Nursing – English 122, Pre Cal. 11 or Foundation of Math 12,Chemistry 122, Biology 122 and 2 approved academic
Bachelor of Science – English 122, Pre Calc. 12A and 12B, Chemistry 122, Physics 122 or Biology 122, and 1 approved academic
Bachelor of Science (Engineering) – English 122, Pre Calc. 12A and 12B, Physics 122, Chemistry 122 and 1 approved academic
Bachelor of Science (Forestry) – English 122, Pre Calc. 12A and 12B, Chemistry 122 and Bio. 122 or Physics 122 & 1 approved
acad. elective
Bachelor of Computer Science – English 122, Pre Calc. 12A and 12B, Biology 122, Physics 122 or Chemistry 122 & 2 approved
acad. electives
Bachelor of Education – High school students can be guaranteed admission to the BEd program provided they achieve a minimum
admission average of 80% and meet the teachable subject admission requirements for education within their first degree and meet
progress criteria.