NPQH - The Professional Alliance Offer

NPQSL - The Professional Alliance Offer
NPQSL Elements
What does this involve?
Seven hours of face-to-face learning, during
which you will:
have the opportunity to use our
360 degree diagnostic tool
plan your activities for NPQSL
select a placement school
decide whether you would like
the support of a coach
throughout NPQSL
reflect on the desired leadership
development outcomes for
whole-school learning in both
your home and placement school
gain an understanding of the
assessment process
learn with peers
How will the Professional Alliance add value to the NPQSL
programme for you?
You will receive a warm welcome from the Professional Alliance
– run by outstanding leaders who have outcomes for children at
the heart of all they do. Our motivation is to help you make the
most of NPQSL so that we grow outstanding leaders for schools
across the West Midlands – ‘Outstanding leaders, growing
You will be matched with a professional partner who will be your
first point of contact for the operational aspects of the
Your coach will support you with your professional development
throughout NPQSL.
Regular, informal networking events will be held to give you the
opportunity to raise your profile amongst senior leaders and
network with colleagues.
Expert speaker events will supplement your programme, giving
you access to innovative practice as it develops in schools.
A placement of approximately 20 hours at a
selected school, during which you will:
Placement school
lead on a strategically
challenging project
participate in agreed activity
alongside the headteacher of
your placement school
learn from an effective role
practise and develop your
leadership skills in a different
reflect on key leadership
behaviours of highly effective
leaders, and identify how to
develop your own leadership
style and skills
Engage in day-to-day leadership
development in your current school, during
which you will:
Home school*
lead on a strategically
challenging project
engage in challenge and
support from your headteacher
integrate learning from NPSL
into your leadership practice
negotiate and tackle specific
Your placement will be in one of our network of over 200 good
or outstanding schools, over 40 of which are run by NLEs or
All placements are bespoke to you – designed to support you to
demonstrate the leadership skills identified in your 360 degree
Head teachers of placement schools will be supported by the
Professional Alliance to make sure they offer you the best
possible experience during your placement.
The Professional Alliance will work closely with you and your
current head teacher to shape your leadership challenge and
help you make the most of your home school experience.
Head teachers will be invited to attend an introductory event to
discuss support for you throughout NPQSL and beyond.
school improvement priorities
NPQSL modules require up to 50 hours of
blended learning. This typically consists of
workplace learning (approx 20 hours),
practice activities, face–to-face activity,
including peer and facilitated learning and
reading, reflection and online learning The
balance of each module will vary, however
normally almost half of the module activity will
be work-based.
The Professional Alliance will offer all modules – you choose a
bespoke selection.
All modules are delivered by NLEs, LLEs or senior leaders from
good and outstanding schools.
You will complete two essential modules, built
from outstanding practice, and will be able to
choose two further elective modules to
Optional coaching for leadership
improvement will be available through
licensees. Coaching will give you the
opportunity to:
draw together, synthesise and
integrate your learning
reflect on progress, build on
strengths and identify any further
development required
build self-awareness and
improve your own leadership
build coaching behaviours into
Our coaches are either practising senior leaders from good or
outstanding schools or School Improvement Advisors from
Your coach will support you throughout NPQSL and your
applications for senior leadership positions.
Our programme will also offer support throughout the first year
of a senior position in a school.
your own leadership
Final assessment
Your work throughout the development phase
will be assessed on completion. There will be
one extended school improvement task
drawn from the two essential modules and a
paper summarising your learning from the
elective modules.
Our commitment to you continues beyond successful
assessment. If you need to resubmit, our professional partners
will support you.
* Those not currently working in a school will undertake these activities in the school that you have identified, and who has committed to support you.