QTL Module 1 Day 2 Closing the Gap NPQSL Wednesday 8th May

Quality Through Leadership
Level 2 Leadership Curriculum
Module 1 Day 2 : Closing the Gap
Wednesday 8th May 2013
Shane Morton and Shelley Kinteh
Protocols – reminder
•Phones off
•Be on time
•Keep it confidential and ‘in the room’
•Be supportive and a critical friend
•Be willing
Icebreaker – think, feel, say, do
Think, Feel, Say, Do
Icebreaker – think, feel, say, do
Where will your school be in three years time?
Organisation / Leadership?
Curriculum / Teaching and Learning?
Using Post-It notes place at least one comment in each
An overview of the:
• Speed dating – School Improvement Task
• Self Awareness – Fake 360
• Coaching – Data Analysis Tool
• Market Place – Framework for Action resource
• Reflection - Action Planning
• Generate ideas – Key School Improvement Drivers
• Reflection - School Sponsors
• Draft - Final Assessment Task One
Intersessional Task Reminder
• Identify your gap from ‘data’ – what did it say?
•Think about how to close this gap – what challenges does it
present you with?
•Engage in an online discussion – what strategies are you
considering to tackle this gap so that there is a quantitative
impact on pupil outcomes?
(360 feedback later)
Speed Dating
School Improvement Task ‘Headlines so far’
Focus on Navigation, Management, Partnership
In your colour groups meet a speed dating partner and
share your progress with the intersession task.
2.5 minutes each.
We will swop at least three times.
Role Play
Fake 360 scenarios.
Feedback from your ‘coach’ and responses required from
you. How will the feedback affect your challenge?
Focus on Self awareness / Personal drive
Is anyone brave enough to share their real feedback?
Break into coaching
Think about a coaching session:
Coach a ‘novice’ to identify gaps using Data Analysis Tool.
Competency: Information seeking
How do you systematically gather information, understand
issues, dig deeper develop your understanding and a wider
Coach in pairs for ten minutes.
Group feedback.
Framework Video
Denis Mongon Video
Market Place
Learning Conversation
Resource ‘Framework for Action D. Mongon and
In fours: read & represent a section visually (N,M, P)
Sell: your part of the ‘framework for action’ to the other
Bring the shopping home: Report on Navigation,
Management or Partnership
Private time
Reflection time to write / adjust:
Closing The Gap action plan.
(Must be included in Task One Assessment)
Focus on:
Information seeking
Analytical thinking
Holding others to account
Over lunch: Review WSV
Key Drivers for School Improvement
Middle Leader development
Using data to raise standards
Standard Operating Proceedures
Pupil Voice
Talking Walls
Narrowing the Gap CASE STUDIES
Reducing Within School Variation
Key Drivers for School Improvement
‘Why, What and How’
Blue Sky Questions on each wall mounted flip chart page
Action Learning
Closing the gap challenges and school sponsors;
matters arising
Confidential, safe environment, trust essential
In two groups explain your matters arising for discussion
and decide which to work on together in further detail.
Work your way around each person.
Shane and Shelley to be time keepers.
6 Key Elements
A3 copy provided of 6 Key Elements Page 7 Final
Assessment Guidance for tick boxing / cross referencing
Draft Assessment
A3 copy provided of Final Assessment Task One for drafting
bullet points
Signing off on Module One completion.
This will trigger an email from the National College to
In what ways have your views of Senior leadership altered?
What have you gained from Module One?
What went well
Even better if
NPQSL: Additional Slides
NPQSL: Overview
March 2013 – April 2014
2 essential and 2 elective modules
2 F2F days per module (8 days)
50 hours ‘blended’ learning per module (200 hours)
Includes F2F, 360 diagnostic, facilitated discussions online,
workplace leadership challenge & self directed study online
going through the module links.
Level 2:Foci
NPQSL – Level 2 Modular Curriculum
Leading beyond a team within an organisation.
Educational Excellence
Operational Management
Strategic Leadership
Essential and Elective Modules
Essential Modules (both) dates decided
Closing the gap
Succeeding in senior leadership
Elective Modules (2 only) dates to be arranged when selected
Improving the quality of teaching
Research and development in teaching
Effective whole-school management
School self-evaluation
Leading professional development
Leading change for improvement
Leading in a diverse system
Effective partnership working
Assessment: Registering
Task one: Closing the gap
Task two: Leading a school improvement priority
In writing present your; selected priority, sources
of information, critical analysis, plans and school
evidence, knowledge of learning theories and
self awareness. Your effectiveness in leadership
will be verified by a Sponsor and Head Teacher.
Final Assessment: Sponsor
You will need a Sponsor (Senior Leader) who will
verify your work and the evidence provided in your
final assessment submission.
They complete your written submission to help to
confirm your effectiveness as a senior leader.
Your Head Teacher will need to agree to the
sponsor and also verify evidence.
NPQSL Competencies: 19
Your effectiveness will be assessed against
competencies that define characteristics needed
to be successful school leaders.
These include some specific technical
knowledge, skills, motives and abilities which
are expressed in actions or behaviours.
Your Sponsor will give examples of meeting
these competencies.
19 Competencies
Strategic Leadership
Educational Excellence
Operational Management
Self awareness and self
Delivering continuous
Efficient and Effective
Personal drive and
Modelling excellence in
Analytical thinking
Resilience and emotional
Learning focus
Relationship management
Conceptual thinking
Partnership and
Holding others to account
Future focus
Impact and Influence
Developing others
Organisational and
community understanding
Educational excellence
Strategic Leadership
Learning focus
(Task 1: Document 3
download forms &4)
(Task 1: Document 5
using framework 9As)
Information seeking
(Task 1: Document 1)
Modelling excellence in
leadership of teaching
and learning
Impact and influence
Analytical thinking
(Task 1: Document 2)
Delivering continuous
Personal Drive
Holding others to
360: Self awareness
You will send the NCSL 360 diagnostic to your
colleagues who will rate you. You will also rate
yourself by the same measures.
This will lead to some self diagnoses of your
skills, attributes, areas of strength and those for
development. It may influence your school
improvement project.
Access to: 360 online
Accessing the 360
My College
My Programmes
Bottom left
NCSL: Online Community
Respond to the email invitation to become a member of the
NCSL to see the Licensee Community and the NPQSL module
Update your membership personal profile if you are already
a member of the NCSL.
Iain Barnes: Lead Online Facilitator