rtvf121 syallbus

San José State University
Television, Radio, Film, Theatre
RTVF 121, KSJS 90.5 FM Sec 1 Fall 2011
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Class Days/ Time:
Kimb Massey
Hugh Gillis Hall 213
By appointment
Tuesdays, 6:00PM
HGH 103
Course Description:
Catalogue: Student participation in ongoing radio, television and
film projects including KSJS-FM, Update News, and other
activities supervised by area faculty. Repeatable, but up to 6
units may be used for graduation. Prerequisite: None. Note: The
RTVF Major has changed effective Fall 2010. The previous
number for RTVF 121 was RTVF 192.
RTVF 121 is an activity course that requires work at KSJS in
order to receive course credit. Details will be provided for you the
first week of the classes. This is a CR/NC class that meets Tuesdays
at 6PM, the purpose of which is the operation of San Jose State’s
FM station, KSJS 90.5. This class is open to all SJSU students. You
receive credit for RTVF 121 by working various departments and
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accumulating 114 hours, entering these hours on a log, and
getting them signed off by the student manager of that
department. You are encouraged to work in more than one area,
so it is important that you attend the Tuesday meetings and learn
about the station and the jobs that need to be done. KSJS is a preprofessional experience, and we expect you to take seriously our
mission, our purpose, that of communicating useful information
and entertainment to the Bay Area and beyond.
About the Station: Broadcasting since 1963, our on-air studios
are well-equipped, and in addition to our 24/7/365 broadcasts,
we continue to stream audio to a worldwide audience. If you are
a new KSJS student, these next few weeks will be the most
important of your radio lives. It is in the next few Tuesday nights
that you will be introduced to the senior radio staff, learn about
the various jobs at the station, hopefully bond with one or two of
these individuals, and here begin your radio career with us.
From Metal to Jazz to Urban, to Electronic to News and Public
Affairs to Sports to Promotions, there will be something that fits
your needs
THIS GREEN SHEET IS IMPORTANT. This green sheet is the
required San Jose State University contract between the TRFT
department and you. Please read everything carefully. We will
expect you to complete contracts and assignments. You are
expected to purchase the KSJS Operations and Policy Handbook.
Everything you need to know about how we operate and what we
expect from you in contained therein. Read and understand the
materials, come to the meetings, get involved, ask questions, be
patient and have fun.
two classes designed specifically for radio and KSJS. If you have
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never been on the air, but want to be, you must enroll in RTVF
121, KSJS On-Air Operations. Everyone, of course, must be
enrolled in RTVF 121. And once you have been on the air and
worked in a KSJS department for several semesters, and you feel
like you are destined to be a leader, we want you to apply for a
staff position, as a director or an assistant-in-training, and then
you can take the management class, RTVF 122.
ABOUT THE STATION. KSJS-FM is licensed to San Jose State
University and administered by the Department of Television,
Radio, Film & Theatre. We have a dual mission: As a course of
study, we serve the instructional needs of a diverse groupd of
students form all university majors. But we also have a listening
audience. Like all broadcasters, we are governed by the Federal
Communications Commission, which means we must actively
operated by a student leadership team under the direction of
General Manager Nick Martinez and Faculty Advisors Brad
Stone, Mike Adams and is funded by a combination of
departmental funds, telemarketing revenues and money from your
SJSU Instructionally-Related Activity, IRA, fees.
TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Former Students tell us in later years that
the experience of operating of a real radio station has paid off
well in a future non-radio career. The KSJS experience can make
you a more prepared, responsible citizen, as you are organizing
and communicating your thoughts, ideas and knowledge to a
community audience beyond the university.
should never, ever have doubts about what you should be doing
and learning in this class. We invite you to visit us in our office
hours. It is your responsibility to come in with comments and
questions. We will not know if your have problems otherwise. We
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keep our office hours and will inform you in advance of those
times when we cannot maintain them. We do make appointments
outside office hours by arrangement.
TRFT DEPARTMENT: To find out more about our department,
you can check out our website: www.tvradiofilmtheatre.com. In
addition, the site provides you with information about accessing
our department’s newsletter.
TRFT PRODUCTION SERIES: You can earn hours by working on
productions presented by the TRFT department. Information will
be provided for you at the KSJS meeting. See the TRFT Web for the
season production schedule.
Performance Outcomes for B.A. In Radio-Television-Film
Students will:
(SLO #1) Student Learning Objective #1: Because media literate:
Know the history, processes and current structure of the electronic
media, its ethical parameters, and political effects of electronic
and mass communication (radio, television, film) on an
(SLO #2) Student Learning Objective #2: Tell meaningful stories
through production of good narratives in radio, television and
film. Appreciate the art and aesthetics of media.
(SLO #3) Student Learning Objective #3: Communicate
information and entertainment to diverse cultures using radio,
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television and film. Be sensitive to the ways and processes of, and
the attitudes held by races, religions, political and social groups
that are not their own.
(SLO #4) Student Learning Objective #4: Understand how to
plan, produce, write, and direct radio, television and
film/cinema projects. Achieve profession-level skills of
production. Select and operate video/television, film, and
audio/radio technologies.
(SLO #5) Student Learning Objective #5: Determine what type of
information is needed for a research question, problem or issue,
and be able to retrieve, evaluate and effectively use such
information to produce scholarship and production in radio,
television and film.
RTVF 121 Learning OutcomesUpon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand how to produce audio programming of for radio using
a federally-licensed FM and on-line broadcast station. You will
appreciate the art and aesthetics of audio media. (RTVF SLO #4)
Communicate information and entertainment to diverse cultures
using radio. Be sensitive to the ways and processes of, and the
attitudes held by races, religions, political and social groups that
are not their own. (RTVF SLO #3)
Understand how to plan, produce, write and direct radio,
television and film/cinema projects. Achieve professional-level
skills of production. Select and operate video/television, film, and
audio/radio technologies. (RTVF SLO #2)
Required Texts/Readings
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The KSJS Operations Manual is available from the AS Print Shop
and on-line
Also visit the KSJS YouTube Channel:
Library Liaison
Our department is assigned a librarian who specialized in our
discliupnes’ information. You might meet him when he makes
presentation in various RTVF classes. (He is also a KSJS DJ) If you
need help with researching a topic at the library, you may
contact him for assistance. Paul Kauppila (408) 808-2042.
Email: Paul. Kauppila@sjsu.edu
Classroom Protocol
Classroom Protocol
We expect you to come to class on time, and to get involved with
the department meetings and activities that follow the main
Dropping and adding
Students are responsible for understanding the policies and
procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, etc Information
on add/drops are available at http://info,sjsu,edu/webdbegen/narr/soc-fall/rec-324.html.
Students should be aware of
the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping
Assignments and Grading Policy
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This is a CR/NC class, the purpose of which is the operation of
San Jose State’s FM station KSJS-90.5. You receive credit for RTVF
121 by working in various departments and accumulationg 114
hours during the semester, entering these hours on a log, and
getting them signed off by the student manager of that
department. Attendance will not be used as a criterion for grading
according to Academic Policy F-69-34.
University Policies
Academic Integrity
Students should know that the University’s Academic Integrity
Policy is available at
ity_Policy_S07-pdf. You own commitment to learning, as
evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and
the University’s integrity policy, require you to be honest in all
your academic course work. Faculty members are required to
report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical
Development. The website for Student Conduct and Ethical
Development is available at
Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating
on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your
own, or the use of another person’s ideas without giving proper
credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the
University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by
the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would
like to include in your assignment any material you have
submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that
SJSU’s Academic Policy F06-1 requires approval of instructors.
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Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act
If you need course adaptations because of a disability, or if you
need to make special arrangements in case the building must be
evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as
possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 9703 requires that students with disabilities requesting
accommodations must register with the DRC (Disability Resource
Center) to establish a record of their disability.
Fall 2011 CONTRACT
This contract is required of everyone participating in any activity of
the radio station. Please complete it and have it signed by a department
head. Once signed, you will be part of KSJS. If we don’t have a signed
contract from you we cannot consider you a participant at the station.
This contract is due on or before Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 6pm.
Please list below your permanent and temporary address and phone(s):
ADDRESS (es):_____________________________________________________
CITY_____________________ ZIP(s)_______________ E-mail:____________________
PHONE (s): _____________________________________________________________
(least one phone that you always answer, your main number)
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Please answer the following:
Circle one: New SJSU Student
SJSU Alumni
Returning KSJS
How many years?
Major/Department: _____________________ Minor/Dept___________
Date of Graduation______________________
How did you become interested in KSJS?
What is your primary interest? (Circle)
behind the Scenes
Are you a KSJS trained on-air operator? Circle: NO
DJ Sports: trainee
RTVF 94/21?
Were you in RTVF 192/121 in past semesters? Which ones?
The Fine Print: KSJS-FM is an instructionally-related activity, a course of study, in the
Radio/TV/Film degree program in the Department of TV-Radio-Film-Theatre, College
of Humanities and the Arts. RTVF 121 Credit is given during Fall, Spring and Summer
semesters to all qualified students who successfully complete the requirements of the
class. Participation is KSJS-FM is only by permission of the Department and SJSU.
I have completed this contract, signed up in a department and I
understand fully what is required for continued privileges as a
participant in KSJS-FM. I have read and I understand the RTVF 121
course green sheet; I promise to read the KSJS Operations and Policy
Handbook; I pledge to follow the KSJS Standards of Conduct. And I
realize that each semester I must sign up for RTVF 121 for continued
participation in the activities of the station. I understand that I must
be evaluated each semester in order to continue as a participant of
YOUR SIGNATURE:________________________________________DATE:______________
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Departments of Interest:__________________________________________________________
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