our latest financial update

The principles of Park Bank when it was founded in 1915 began with “strength”, “character”
and “integrity”. Sound familiar?
We hope so. Digging through the bank ’s archives in preparation for our 100th anniversary, I
ran across some fascinating documents, including our first anniversary report. Our founding
board of directors and first president clearly articulated their vision for the bank. They
identified these essential factors:
• Strength, described as “character and integrity of the men who guide its affairs”
• Security, based on our large financial resources and reserves
• Safety, of our depositors’ funds
• Service, by going beyond expectations and giving our best advice on matters of investment
• Conservatism, that is genuinely constructive, not obstructive
Considering Park Bank ’s values then and now, I’m proud of the consistency. Integrity,
character and a constructive outlook remain at the heart of our work today. As an
independent and locally owned and managed bank, we continue to take a long-term view
and do what’s right for our customers’ immediate needs and future success.
Financial strength also remains a Park Bank hallmark. As of September 30, 2015, net income
is $6.9 million and total assets are $894.8 million. With total capital of $90.7 million, we
continue to have the resources to help businesses with their growth and financing needs.
With such a strong foundation, we’re excited about the future for Park Bank, for our
community and for the businesses and individuals we serve. If your business is looking for a
proven partner who can truly understand and advance your vision, please give us a call. We’d
love to learn about your business and share our approach and outlook with you. We build our
business one customer at a time, as did our founding directors 100 years ago.
If you have any questions or comments, I encourage you to contact me at 414-270-3231 or
email at DaveW@ParkBankOnline.com.
Best Regards,
David P. Werner
President and CEO
330 E. Kilbourn Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202
7540 W. Capitol Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53216
14870 W. Greenfield Avenue
Brookfield, WI 53005
Member FDIC