REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT JOB SHADOW – STUDENT CHECKLIST STEP 1 – PRE-ENROLLMENT STANDARDS Career Research Completed career research for the occupation being shadowed. If not, resources are available in the Career Center or online at Website requires a user ID (0100942) and password (reardan). STEP 2 – ENROLLMENT AND DOCUMENTATION Job Shadow Enrollment Form Permission to Participate Request for Waiver of Accident Plan Coverage Student Driving Authorization and Consent Copy of Proof of Insurance or Auto Insurance Card Copy of Driver’s License No request will be made until forms are complete and turned in to your Reading teacher. STEP 3 – STUDENT PREPARATION Call the contact person and schedule the day/date and time of your appointment. Be sure to double check directions, parking, dress requirements, and any other special instructions. Sample Telephone Script: “Hello, my name is ________ and I am a student from Reardan High School. ____________ gave me your name and suggested I call you to check into the possibility of doing a job shadow. {If they agree to the job shadow ask.}When would be the most convenient time for you? Also, what is acceptable dress for your business?” Finish your call with “Thank you” and tell him/her that you are looking forward to meeting them. Make arrangements for transportation. Complete a planned absence form and turn it in to the office. STEP 4 – AT LEAST 3 DAYS BEFORE APPOINTMENT Prepare your question sheet: Highlight those questions you select from the Question Sheet included with this packet and then add at least two of your own personalized questions. Return completed planned absence to the office. Call your job shadow contact and re-confirm at least 24-36 hours before your scheduled appointment. Sample Telephone Script: “Hello (Mr./Mrs. __________), this is (your name) from Reardan High School, and I am calling to confirm my job shadow appointment with you for (day and date) at (time). Will this appointment time still work well for your schedule? Would you mind if I take some pictures during the job shadow? Thank you for hosting me.” If it is possible to take pictures during your job shadow they will make a nice addition to your senior project, especially if you choose to do a PowerPoint presentation. If you do not have access to a digital camera talk to Mr. DeWalt or Mr. Leonard. STEP 5 – DAY OF THE JOB SHADOW Review the question sheet. Make sure you have the Employer Evaluation Form. Dress appropriately (hats or shorts may not be worn; no gum). Be polite! Try to make a good impression for yourself and your school. Remember that your host is giving up valuable time to help you. Act interested even if you find that you do not like their job. These employers have jobs for future Reardan graduates! CONDUCTING THE ON-SITE INTERVIEW OR JOB SHADOW: 1. Show up on time – that means 10-15 minutes early. (If you are sick or have a problem, call your contact person and tell them that you will be late or unable to attend. Also, call the high school office (796-2701 ext 120) to let Bev know about your situation). 2. When you arrive, introduce yourself to the front desk and ask for your job shadow contact. 3. Introduce yourself to your contact person and shake hands.. 4. Listen carefully and observe. At the appropriate time, ask questions from the question sheet. Be flexible – feel free to omit or add questions. Let them talk and share from their experiences. Pay attention and listen carefully. Remember to take GOOD notes. 5. Give him/her the employer evaluation form and ask them to return it to the address on the bottom of the form. In case of any problems, the office phone # is 796-2701 ext 120. STEP 6 – FOLLOW-UP You are REQUIRED to complete a thank you letter within 3 days of the completed job shadow experience. A sample thank you letter is included in this packet.. . Put copies of your student reflection sheet and thank you letter in your portfolio. REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT JOB SHADOW ENROLLMENT FORM Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Birth Date: _______________ Parent Name: ________________________________________ Work Phone: Mailing Address: Zip: Home Phone: ( ) Grade Level: Do you know of a learning site where you would like to complete your job shadow? Please respond to option A or B below. Option A: Yes I can arrange my own job shadow. Have you contacted the person you want to shadow? Yes No Fill in: Business Name: Contact Name: Address: Phone: Date of your scheduled shadow: Option B: No, need help finding a placement List the type of local businesses you would like to shadow – specific business and contact names can help us find placements for you. __________________________________________________________________ THE SECTION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED AFTER THE STUDENT HAS BEEN GIVEN THE NAME OF A JOB SHADOW CONTACT PERSON. Have you contacted the person you want to shadow? Yes No Fill in: Business Name: Contact Name: Address: Phone: Date of your scheduled shadow: REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE I hereby give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the Reardan High School Job Shadow. I accept full responsibility for the cost of treatment for any injury which my child may suffer while taking part in the job shadow. We assume all risks, hazards, and injuries incident to such participation and do hereby waive, release, absolve, and agree to hold harmless the Reardan-Edwall School District, School District personnel and School Board members from any claim arising out of an injury to my child except where the injury is caused by the negligence of either party, school district or worksite. Every effort is made to provide a safe learning/work-site environment and proper supervision for all student participants. But not withstanding these precautions, there is an inherent risk in any work-based learning experience. Parents are advised to discuss their concerns about possible risks with their child and to ensure that the student has adequate accident insurance coverage. I understand that there is no state industrial insurance coverage for the job shadow and no wages are involved. Our signatures below indicate we have read, understand and agree to the foregoing. Signed: Date: (Parent/Guardian Signature) Signed: Date: (Student Signature) REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT STUDENT DRIVING AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT FORM Reardan-Edwall School District offers a Job Shadow Program as a means of providing relevant learning and training experiences for students. In order to participate, the student and parent must accept the following responsibilities: Provision for transportation to and from the job shadow site and school or home will be made by the student and parent unless otherwise provided by the school district. If a student is permitted to drive, transporting another student is not permitted. The student will arrive to the job shadow site on time and return to the school or his/her home on time. Job Shadow Site: Phone: Address: The district is not directly supervising, controlling, or providing the student’s transportation, the student and his/her parents or guardian(s) will defend and hold harmless the Reardan-Edwall School District and the job shadow site from any and all claims and losses resulting from student travel between sites. Do you have a valid Driver’s License? Yes No Have you had any moving violations in the past three years? Yes No If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have insurance in the minimum amounts of $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury/liability, and $100,000 property damage, or $300,000 combined single limit? Yes No Is your automobile safe, in good working order and with operable seatbelts? Yes No I understand I am to obey all traffic laws relative to my operation of the vehicle and that I am required to wear a seatbelt when the vehicle is in motion. Yes No Please attach a photocopy of your driver’s license and proof of insurance card to this form. Student Signature: Date: Reardan High School Student Grade Level: STUDENT DRIVING AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT FORM – CONTINUED The undersigned parent(s)/guardian(s) hereby consent or agree that their child (student) is permitted to participate in Job Shadow activity and hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Driving Authorization and Consent Form. Current automobile liability insurance will be in force at all times during program participation. Your insurance will be the primary coverage in the event of any liability arising out of this activity. It should be further understood that the district’s coverage may or may not respond, but, in any event, only in excess of any valid collectible insurance; and the district’s insurance will not respond to damage to the vehicle itself under any circumstances. Parent/Guardian Signature: Work Phone: Date: Home Phone: Alternate Contact Person: Work Phone: Home Phone: My student has permission to drive the following insured family vehicles: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT JOB SHADOW QUESTION SHEET 1. How did you get started in this job? 2. What training or education did you have before beginning this job? 3. What skills, training, and experience are necessary to enter this field today? 4. Where is the best place to get the training necessary for this field? 5. Is this industry headed in any new direction? 6. What do you see as the projected employment outlook for this type of job in the next five years? 7. How has your job changed since you first started working here? 8. What are your responsibilities? 9. What is the earning potential in this field? 10. What do you LIKE about your job? 11. What is the most difficult aspect of your job? 12. What advice do you have for someone interested in training for this career? 13. Can you recommend someone else in this field I could contact? 14. As a student, what could I be doing NOW that might help me prepare for this career? 15. What type of the following academic skills are needed for your career: Math: Communication/English: Technology: Science: World Language: Other: REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT JOB SHADOW STUDENT REFLECTION SHEET Name: _________________________________________ Date: Community Host: To help us plan for future Community-based Learning activities, we ask that you answer the following questions in complete sentences, word processed, or neatly written in ink. 1. What type of work did you observe during your Job Shadow? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the place of work you visited. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What did you like best about your Job Shadow experience? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did you like least about your Job Shadow experience? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What surprised you most about the experience? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. What do you think was the most important thing that you learned from this experience? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Would you consider a career in this field? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Write a brief summary about what your Job Shadow meant to you. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT JOB SHADOW THANK YOU LETTER GUIDELINES It is important to thank the person you shadowed. A thank you letter does not have to be lengthy; however, try to personalize it. Let your host know why the job shadow was important to you. Your letter must be word processed and handed in within two days of your Job Shadow. At that time, you will need to address your envelope for mailing. Use the following format for your letter. EXAMPLE: Date Contact Name Business Name Address City, State, Zip Dear Mr./Mrs. __________: The following thoughts give you an idea of what you should incorporate in your letter. The more specific you can be, the better your note will be. Paragraph 1: Thank your host for their time. Tell them why you appreciate their time. Paragraph 2: Write about something that you learned or found interesting. Give specific examples about what you enjoyed during your Job Shadow. Paragraph 3: Explain what this experience meant to you. Sincerely, Your Name Your High School REARDAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT JOB SHADOW EMPLOYER EVALUATION We appreciate you taking time to host a Reardan High School student at your place of work. Please take a few minutes to share your assessment of the job shadow experience. Your feedback will be very valuable to the student and the continued success of the program. NAME: TELEPHONE #: TITLE: STUDENT NAME: COMPANY: DATE OF JOB SHADOW: ADDRESS: ****************************************************************************** Using the following scale of 1-4, please rate the student in the following areas: 4 – Exceeds Expectation 3 – Meets Expectation 2 – Below Expectation 1 – Needs Improvement 1. Punctuality: - Reported to Job Shadow at appropriate time 4 3 2 1 2. Professional appearance: - Dressed appropriately - Groomed appropriately 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 3. Professional Conduct: - Confirmed appointment in professional manner - Behaved in a professional manner at the work site 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 4. Communications: - Related well to host and others - Asked appropriate questions - Demonstrated interest in the experience 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 5. Overall evaluation: - Student seemed to benefit from the experience 4 3 2 1 6. Do you have any suggestions for improving our Job Shadow program? 7. Would you be willing to host another student in the near future? 8. Comments: (Please feel free to offer any additional comments on the back of this form). Please use the stamped addressed envelope to return this form. Thank you again for your help.