Top 5 questions:

Why did you join the Board in the first place?
SJ: I was invited to attend a Board meeting by one of my colleagues. At the time I was
looking to get more involved, but didn't know how. By attending the meeting, I was able
to see firsthand how much "behind the scenes" activity the Board is involved in.
KB: I was invited to attend a Board meeting, at that meeting Dr. Dave Caban asked me to
serve on a committee (and so I became the chair of the PR sub-committee). During the
next "election cycle" I was asked to run for a director position.
AS: Even before my first day of optometry school, I knew I was entering a 'legislated
profession'. I have seen time and again, during optometry school and in everyday
practice, the importance of organized optometry in maintaining the ability to practice full
scope optometry and get paid properly for it. This does not happen on it's own. I wanted
to be active in making this profession continue to be what I love.
JB: I joined the NHOA board relatively early in my career as an optometrist since I
wanted to interact with other optometrists and learn more about our profession.
Optometry school teaches about being a good clinician. Being a successful optometrist
involves also understanding legislation, business, and most importantly contributing to
the optometry community in NH.
SH: I sat next to someone in the meeting just before an election, it was a past president,
who asked if I had considered serving, I had but was timid, she encouraged me to run for
an open board position. Then another volunteer who I had done a little committee work
with also asked if I had considered it, I took it as a sign it was time. I have always been
involved and know our organizations are only ever as good as those who are willing to
volunteer and work together.
GL: I joined the Board after attending meetings for a couple of years as NHOA's
newsletter editor. My first edition came out in January, 1994. By 1997, my name was
among those listed on the front page as a Director because there was going to be a
vacancy for the Nominations Committee, and I was attending the meetings anyway.
Why did you choose stay on the board?
SJ: The NHOA does so much good for optometry in the state of NH, and I appreciate
playing a part in that. Additionally, I believe being on the Board gave my NHOA
membership more value. I used to feel like a "nameless face" at meetings, sitting alone
and occasionally making small talk. Since becoming involved I definitely feel more a
part of the organization.
KB: As a new member of the Board I feel like I’m still learning what I want my role to be
and I know I haven’t reached my full potential yet. I feel like there’s still a lot that I can
do to support my chosen profession.
AS: The people I have gotten to work with are incredible. I have made strong friendships
and rewarding professional networks. I've found mentors that have made me a better
doctor and better business person as well. I am inspired by the commitment and hard
work that I see from other people on the board, and it keeps me going.
JB: I plan on practicing optometry in NH for several years. Policy changes decided today
will likely have a big impact on the way we can practice, earn a living and serve our
patients in the future. I choose to remain on the board in order to have a voice in how
today's policy changes are made.
SH: I quickly realized how much goes on that is easy to miss, how little nuances about
optometry in NH are important to know for the health of individual practices, or for the
health of our profession or both. It was interesting to be at meetings and hear these
things, and I felt like it was easy to put in a little work and make a difference for
GL: I have chosen to stay because I want to remain "in the loop". Although "helping to
shape the future of the profession" might sound a bit cliche, there's no better way to learn
the “whys” and “hows” of the Association than to serve on its Board.
What have you personally/professionally gained from being on the board?
SJ: Personally I have gained friendships and a sense of pride from contributing to an
organization that supports my profession. Professionally it's given me opportunities to
network with many OD's from around the state.
KB: Personally, I have gained many friendships that I may not have developed by just
attending the CE meetings. Professionally, I have been able to make connections with
other ODs that aid in the referral process. I also feel like I’m “in the know” in terms of
what’s going on with our legislative effort, TPC developments, national news, etc.
AS: The things I mentioned above - the relationships, friendships, networks, mentors. I
learn things from other board members that I can take back and implement in my own
practice. I feel proud of my contributions to the association and the profession. Because
of my work on the board, I was in the right place at the right time to find and purchase
the practice of my dreams. It doesn't get more rewarding than that!
JB: Interacting with other optometrists has taught me a lot about myself. It has also
opened doors to discussions with other NH optometrists that otherwise would have been
unknown to me.
SH: A lot of connections and friendships as well as some improvement to confidence and
public speaking. I feel like I have a broader awareness of optometry and how our
profession is evolving and the work that it takes to get us positive changes which
provides me great respect for the leadership who are currently doing that work or who
have done it before, and also respect for how my dues dollars are utilized and what a
bargain membership is.
GL: (See number 2.)
What is the time commitment really like?
SJ: The time commitment is what you make of it. Minimally, you're expected to attend
the Board meetings (around 7 a year). If you have lots of time to give, there are plenty of
volunteer opportunities within the committee structure. If you don't have much time to
offer, it is fine to choose one area that interests you (advocacy, membership, community
outreach, etc.) and any volunteer work you can provide is greatly appreciated.
KB: You can be as involved as you want to be – you can be on one committee or
multiple. You certainly need to make time to attend the Board meetings, regional
meetings (in your area), and CE meetings.
AS: It varies. Some board members put in more time than others. Certainly the officers
put in even more time. But so much of it is flexible to your schedule. There are the
board meetings - 1 night 6-8 times throughout the year. You don't necessarily have to be
physically present at every single one, but you are a more effective board member when
you are able to attend. In addition to the board meetings is the committee work. Each
board member is on a committee and is expected to actively contribute. But most of
these contributions can be done on our own time, between patients, or an hour here, an
hour there at home in the evenings. I never seem to have enough time to do all the things
that I WANT to do for the association, but I'm able to find time for the things I most
NEED to do - and still have plenty of time to focus on my patients, my office, my family,
my personal life, etc, etc. It is easy to find the time to do the things you enjoy!
JB: As with anything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it. Given the return, I
feel the time commitment has been very reasonable.
SH: It can be what you make of it, minimum I would say an hour a week, it would be fine
to start with that. Maximum I ever regularly gave, even as president, was 4-6 hours per
GL: Like any other organization, the time commitment for Board members varies with
the office held. And, generally, you get out of it what you put in. The eight directors
serve on the various commiittees of the association, usually serving as chairs. As entrylevel Board members, they can see where the Association needs input, and volunteer
accordingly. I personally average one to two hours per week on various projects.
What do you do in your current role?
SJ: Currently I am co-chairing the committee that oversees the NHOA's community
outreach project, Diabetes Eye Exam Initiative. I'm also a co-chair of the Meetings
KB: I’m chair of the public relations/information sub-committee, which is part of the
Community Outreach committee. I send out press releases and work on our advertising
campaign. I’m also a liaison to Medicaid.
AS: I do a lot with membership - welcoming new members, reaching out to students or
non-members, trying to improve benefits of being members, etc. That is my primary
committee focus. But I am also actively contributing to legislative efforts, third party
activities, regional meeting planning, and annual/CE meeting planning also. That's a lot
of areas that I am involved in, but I gradually got to that point as I worked my way up
towards vice president. I was involved in much less, though still quite involved, in
previous years. As Vice President, I also attend two national meetings per year at which
we meet with state leaders from all across the country. Very interesting and rewarding
JB: As President-Elect, I am preparing to become President. I assist the current president
and executive council, offering opinions and advice on issues as they come up. I have
oversight of NHOA committees where the business of the NHOA is conducted. During
this time I am making personal connections across the state, as well as at national
meetings and generally learn about the issues facing the NHOA.
SH: I am trying to still be of help on the TPC and have been involved with the current
legislative effort.
GL: I serve on the Effective Management committee, on the operations side. My biggest
role is in elections and awards.
What are the Board meetings like and how often do they occur?
SJ: The Board meetings are held about every 6 weeks (with the exception of summer).
An agenda is distributed about a week prior to the meeting. The meetings follow
Robert's Rules of Order (which, as a relative newer board member, took some getting
used to). The President is usually pretty good at keeping the meeting moving along.
When the meeting ends the board members typically gather for some brief socializing.
AS: Come attend one and find out! Board meetings are open for members to attend.
They are typically about 2 hrs on a week night, 6-8 times throughout the year. We
discuss what each committee is working on, and new issues that develop, new ideas to
enhance the association and the profession.
SH: Meetings are business like but informal, they are 4-6 times per year on a weekday
evening, lasting approximately 2 hours. Anyone can observe, board members vote and
give input as they see fit or as asked for by the president.
GL: Board meetings are held every 6-8 weeks, and usually last 2-3 hours.
If I join the Board as a director am I expected to be president or vice president
SJ: No. You can serve in any capacity you'd like.
KB: Only if you want to.
AS: Not at all. Some people have no desire to move up the ranks, yet still make very
valuable contributions as a board member. Moving up the ranks does involve a greater
time commitment and more active leadership, and that may not be suited for everyone.
JB: That is entirely up to you.
SH: No, you are expected to contribute in some way, at first be on a committee or two
and help out, eventually maybe take leadership on a committee. If you stay on the board
3-4 years the expectation does build, but you could give up being a director and still be at
meetings as a committee chair or for input as you like if you decide after seeing how
things work for a few years that you don't want to go up through the chairs.
GL: This may well be the issue that prevents many from seriously considering running
for a seat on the Board. Although serving as Director is the first rung on the proverbial
ladder, and realizing that there's an expectation that you may do so, serving as an officer
is a personal choice based on your comfort level. Of course, you cannot really anticipate
your level of interest in higher office until you've served on the Board first. Don't let
assumptions of the process prevent you from joining.
If you're not sure whether to proceed, feel free to join one of the NHOA's committees;
there's always work to do. It's a great way to introduce yourself to other members who
have a common interest and interact with those who have decided get more involved.
At the very least, involvement in our Association should begin with attending our
regional meetings on a regular basis. Because legislators are usually invited to each of
these, they're an easy opportunity to meet these important people.
I think I'd like to be president some day. What is the process and how long does it
usually take?
SJ: I think Guy would be more qualified to answer this. :-) It's probably best to start out
as a committee member or even a chair. Once you feel you have a pretty good grasp on
how things function, you would run for Vice President. The following year you'd be
President Elect, and then the year after that you'd be President. If the current President
decides to hold onto their position another year, that could potentially delay things.
AS: The only true requirement for serving as president is that you have previously served
as president-elect. So technically you could be president after only 1 year of involvement
at the president-elect level. However, it is encouraged to serve on the board first and
serve as vice president, prior to serving as president-elect. Following this path, you could
do 1 year on the board, then vice president, then president-elect, then president.
JB: Great! The issues facing optometry are complex, multi-faceted and always evolving.
If they were easy to solve, it would be done already. Working your way up the ranks is
an important learning process and a great opportunity for professional growth. This may
include a year or more on the board, then vice-president, president-elect and eventually
SH: Start with a year or two of committee activity, thereafter or at the same time become
a director, after a couple of years for learning submit your name as a candidate for VP
and then move on up. Each president has the option of running for a second year or
being done after 1, so the time to be president can vary, but you can ask those ahead of
you what their intents are, just understand they have every right to change their mind.
Time really does go quickly.
GL: As I related above, the first step is to serve as a Director. This is a chance to learn
the way the NHOA operates. Not so long ago, it was customary for Presidents to serve
up to the limit set by the by-laws--two consecutive one-year terms. This meant that
Directors would go on to serve two years as Vice-President, then two as President-Elect,
and then President--a commitment of 5-7 years. More recently, it has become more
fashionable for the President to serve a single term, cutting that commitment to 4 years.
Can I still run for a board position if I can't make it to many meetings?
SJ: You can, although meeting attendance is encouraged. You can always participate
remotely, either via Skype or conference call.
AS: Yes. You should be willing and able to make it to some of the meetings. Meetings
can also be attended remotely via Skype or conference call. You can also miss a few
meetings entirely when necessary. Every effort should be made to attend as many
meetings as possible, but not being able to attend them all should not stop you from
JB: Participation is most important for those sitting on the NHOA board. Attendance and
participation may be closely related but are not exactly the same. With ongoing
improvements in technology such as Skype and phone conferencing, physical attendance
is less important than participation and willingness to move the ball forward. Challenges
with physical attendance can now be easily be addressed and is no longer a valid excuse
to avoid participation in your state association.
SH: You can, and with today's technology if you cannot physically be at a meeting you
can still skype in or join in some form. You should try to make most meetings in one
form or another but if you live a distance away I know the ED and others would welcome
your participation remotely, it isn't so hard these days.
GL: You could run for office without a commitment to attend all of the meetings. The
By-laws, however, require such a commitment when you take your oath of office. The
NHOA members who elect you deserve and expect the members of the Board to do so,
also. If you cannot commit the time for the Board, please consider serving on a
Should I consider a board position even though I feel like I don't know anything?
SJ: Absolutely. I knew nothing when I started. It may seem overwhelming at first, but
you pick things up quickly. The more "seasoned" board members are very willing to help
you along.
KB: Yes! I’ve been involved with committee work and the Board for about two years and
I’m still learning. The only requirement is the desire/willingness to help. Start by asking
the committee chairs what their committees do and find one that sounds interesting and
just jump in.
AS: Yes! We all need to start somewhere. You can volunteer to help on a committee
without having to be on the board if you want another way to get involved. However,
anywhere you volunteer, you will learn as you go. Having fresh new people involved
brings new perspectives and new ideas which help move the profession forward. Being
on the board or volunteering for a committee is a great way to learn more about your
JB: Absolutely Yes. Willingness to participate and learn is all that is needed. You are a
doctor, so we know you intelligent and know how to learn. What we need is greater
participation, and less sitting on the sidelines. We need to learn about these issues
SH: Yes, I think if you are interested in helping our profession and have a bit of time and
energy to give you will learn what you feel you don't know, no one comes into this with
the full range of knowledge, that is why being on a committee or on the board for awhile
is typical before someone runs for any office. We all need time to gain experience and
understand the ins and outs of how the NHOA and AOA work.
GL: As a member, you already know something about NHOA, and this knowledge is
enhanced with every Business Meeting during the CE sessions. "Giving back" is
something we all want to do, and, as I've said since the time I was the editor of the
NHOA newsletter and later, as President, "Membership has its benefits, and its
responsibilities." An interest in serving the Association may well reveal a hidden talent
that you've never tapped.