Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Glasgow Caledonian University Course profile BA Business and Management BBB BA Business Studies BBB BA Accountancy/BA Joint Accountancy BBB BA Media & Communication ABB BA/BA(Hons) International Business BBB BA/BA (Hons) Social Science ABB Designated Units For Progression Analysis 1+ 2, Calc 1 + 2 & 2 additional maths modules (or Equivalent NQ Units) Analysis 1+2, Calc 1 +2 & 2 additional maths modules (or Equivalent NQ Units) Algebra 1, Calculus 1, (or Equivalent NQ Units) Additional Maths 1+2 Additional Information Contact Students select their own themed pathways from Level 2 of this qualification Graham Scott 331 3401 Graham Scott 331 3401 Although GCU will consider Access courses, applicants are encouraged to undertake the HND Accountancy Interview may be required Siobhan White 331 3365 Catriona Miller 331 8097 Ian Baxter 331 8462 Students are expected to express an interest in social sciences in personal statement. Criminology is no longer offered as a distinct degree, there are now a number of criminology options within social sciences. Annie Tindley 331 8434 English – Higher level or equivalent 1 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Course profile BA (Hons) Social Work BBB BSc/BSc (Hons) Psychology BBB Designated Units For Progression English and Maths - int 2 level or equivalent. Additional Information Contact Limited places. Applicants should apply by 15th January deadline. Entrants are expected to have had experience relevant to social work and to supply an appropriate reference Maths units 1, 2, 3 normally expected. Access Science or Access Humanities courses are acceptable for admission Maths and English required SOH central admissions team 331 3334 Lynn Sheridan x 3106 Paul McCarthy 331 8081 2 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Course Profile BA (Acting) A/B BA (Contemporary Performance Practice) with Hons. BBB BA Technical and Production Arts BBB Designated Units For Progression Additional Information All candidates require to be interviewed and auditioned. Practical experience of acting necessary. Knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm for theatre, film & TV essential Limited places (12 per year). All applicants are interviewed & auditioned. We look for applicants committed to the social function of theatre. Places subject to interview, experience and qualifications. Experience of / enthusiasm for theatre desirable but, in addition to this, applications from carpenters, electricians, artists, designers and other related trade or arts backgrounds are encouraged. Contact Hugh Hodgart 0141 270 8288 Deborah RichardsonWebb 0141 270 8234 Ros Maddison 0141 270 8326 3 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course BA All Languages (French/Spanish) Profile BBB BA Business Law BBB BA Business Studies BA Economics BBB BBB Designated Units For Progression 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. It is now a requirement by GTCS that all candidates require int. 2 maths pass for secondary teaching options. 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Additional Information Contact If these courses are to be taken with Education (for Secondary teaching) then Higher English or Communications 4 and Literature 1 required. Combination courses available in most subjects. Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Combination courses available. Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 As above Combination courses available. Combination courses available. Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 4 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course Profile Designated Units For Progression Additional Information Contact BA English & Scottish Literature BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. It is now a requirement by GTCS that all candidates require int. 2 maths pass for secondary teaching options. If these courses are to be taken with Education (for Secondary teaching) then Higher English or Communications 4 and Literature 1 required. Combination courses available in most subjects. Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 BA Film & Media BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BA Finance BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BA History & Scottish History BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. If these courses are to be taken with Education (for Secondary teaching) then Higher English or Communications 4 and Literature 1 required. Combination courses available Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 5 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course Profile Designated Units For Progression Additional Information BA Human Resource Mgt BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BA International Management Studies BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BA Journalism Studies BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BA Law BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. Contact Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 6 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course Profile Designated Units For Progression Additional Information BA Philosophy BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BA Politics & International Politics BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. If these courses are to be taken with Education (for Secondary teaching) then Higher English or Communications 4 and Literature 1 required. Combination courses available in most subjects. It is now a requirement by GTCS that all candidates require int. 2 maths pass for secondary teaching options. BA Psychology/ Sociology/Social Policy/Criminology BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. BA Public Management & Administration BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. Contact Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 7 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course Profile Designated Units For Progression Additional Information Contact Available only in combination courses If these courses are to be taken with Education (for Secondary teaching) then Higher English or Communications 4 and Literature 1 required. Combination courses available. Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 BA Religious Studies BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. BA Retail Marketing BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. BA Sports Studies BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BA Tourism Management BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 8 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course Profile Designated Units For Progression Additional Information BAcc Accountancy BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Combination courses available. BSc Computing BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. BSc Management Science BBB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. If these courses are to be taken with Education (for Secondary teaching) then Higher English or Communications 4 and Literature 1 required. Combination courses available in most subjects. Combination courses available. LLB Law ABB 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. No specific guaranteed places but Access applicants very welcome Contact Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 9 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course Profile BA/BSc in various subjects plus Professional Education (Secondary) qualification (professional) ABB BA Global Cinema & Culture BBB Designated Units For Progression 4 units at 'H' from approved list. It is now a requirement by GTCS that all candidates require int. 2 maths pass for secondary teaching options. 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Additional Information Contact Higher English or Comms 4 + Lit 1 Undergraduate necessary. Limited places available but Admissions Office applications very welcomed. A personal statement, however, must 01786 467044 indicate an applicant's commitment to secondary teaching and they must demonstrate that they know the difference in teaching younger and older children. Also show commitment to the teaching subjects(s). It may be felt by students that a separate Personal Statement would be beneficial and if this is the case then it should be sent direct to the UG Admissions Office at the University, quoting the UCAS number. Combination courses available. Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 10 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course BA in Social Work (the Degree includes Professional Registration) Profile BBB Designated Units For Progression 4 Units at 'H' from approved list. Psychology and Sociology at 'H' Level preferred but not mandatory. Maths at Int 2/ O/SG/Core 4 equivalent required. Additional Information Limited Places all subject to additional written tasks and, exceptionally, an interview. Contact Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 An additional reference, registration with SSSC and Criminal Record check also required. Experience in care setting also required. It is essential that UCAS applications are submitted by 15th January. No Specific guaranteed places but Access applicants very welcome. 11 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes Stirling University Course BA/BSc in various subjects plus Professional Education (Primary) qualification (professional) Profile ABB Designated Units For Progression 4 units at 'H' from approved list. Additional Information This is NOT a BEd course, but professional primary teaching qualification with subject specialisms in Languages, the Environment or Early Years Contact Undergraduate Admissions Office 01786 467044 Higher English or Comms 4 + Lit 1 necessary. No reserved places but applications very welcomed. Interviews will be necessary and also an updated academic reference may also be required. A personal statement, however, must indicate an applicant's interest and, preferably, experience in specialism applied for. For the Environment specialism, Higher units or previous Higher in Science/Maths or Geography and Science are required. 12 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes For the Language specialism previous study in a Language at Higher level required. Early Years previous Higher in Psychology or Biology or 2 units in Psychology : Understanding the Individual and Investigating Behaviour at Level 6 and 1 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour at Level 5 It may be felt by students that a separate Personal Statement would be beneficial and if this is the case then it should be sent direct to the UG Admissions Office at the University, quoting the UCAS number. 13 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of Glasgow College of Arts You can study a range of subjects within the Faculty structure. These include: Archaeology Arts & Media Informatics Celtic Civilisation Celtic studies Classics Comparative Literature Czech English Language English Literature Film & Television Studies French Gaelic Geography German AAB Practice Exam Required When applying entry is to the Faculty you should use the UCAS code for the subject or subjects that interest you most. An adviser of studies will assist you in making choices as the beginning of term. Neil Croll 0141 330 3193 Please note that there are exceptions e.g. music and you should check the web-site for further information: egrees/arts/ *If you are interested in Honours Psychology you must use the UCAS code for psychology. 14 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes College of Arts Greek Hispanic Studies History History of Art History of Art & Artworld practice Italian Latin Liberal Arts degree at Dumfries Campus Music Philosophy Polish Psychology* Russian Scottish History Scottish Literature Slavonic & East European Studies Slavonic Studies Spanish Theatre Studies Theology & Religious Studies 15 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes College of Social Sciences You can study a range of subjects within the Faculty structure. These include: Anthropology Business & Management AAB Practice Exam Required When applying entry is to the Faculty you should use the UCAS code for the subject or subjects that interest you most. An adviser of studies will assist you in making choices as the beginning of term. Neil Croll 0141 330 3193 You should check the web-site for further information: egrees/lbss/ Accountancy & Finance Business Economics 16 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of Glasgow Course College of Social Sciences Central & East European Studies Profile AAB Designated Units For Progression Additional Information Contact Neil Croll 0141 330 3193 Economic & Social History Economics Geography Modern Languages Politics Psychology Public Policy Sociology & Anthropology 17 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of Glasgow Course BA Community Development Profile AAB Designated Units For Progression Additional Information This is a work-based learning programme. All applicants must have the equivalent two days per week (paid or unpaid) work in the broad field of community development. Acceptance to the programme will be decided by interview. Contact Neil Croll 0141 330 3193 You should check the web-site for further information: egrees/communitydevelopment/ 18 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of Strathclyde Course Profile Designated Units For Progression Additional Information BA Strathclyde Business School AAB Limited Places. Application by 15th January LLB (Law) AAA Limited Places. Application by 15th January BA Social Work BBB Limited Places. Some relevant experience required: preference for candidates with above 6 months in direct service provider role. Application by 15th January. Preferred Contact Ms Lesley Nixon 0141 548 4114 Fiona Barrie 0141 548 3346 Ms Roisin McGoldrick 0141 444 8649 19 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of Strathclyde Profile Course BA Humanities & Social ABB Sciences You can study a range of subjects within the Faculty structure. These include: Education English French History Italian Journalism & Creative Writing Law Politics Psychology Spanish Economics Hospitality & Tourism Management Human Resource Management Marketing Mathematics Designated Units For Progression Additional Information Limited places. Good reference and strong personal statement required to secure an offer. Application by 15th January. Contact Lauren Beattie 0141 444 8409 Entry is to the Faculty and not to an individual course; you should enter only one of the UCAS codes for the BA Humanities & Social Sciences on your UCAS application. 20 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of West of Scotland BUSINESS & LAW Course Profile Designated Units For Progression Additional Information Contact Bachelor Accounting ( B Acc) BBB Available at Ayr, Hamilton & Paisley Campus Mark Thomson 0800 027 1000 BA Business BBB Mark Thomson 0800 027 1000 BA Events Management BBB Available at Dumfries, Hamilton & Paisley Campus Available at Hamilton & Paisley Campus BA Human Resource Management BBB Available at Paisley Campus Mark Thomson 0800 027 1000 BA Law & Business BBB Available at Hamilton & Paisley Campus Mark Thomson 0800 027 1000 BA Marketing BBB Available at Paisley Campus Mark Thomson 0800 027 1000 Mark Thomson 0800 027 1000 21 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of West of Scotland SOCIAL SCIENCES Course BA Social Science Profile BBB BA Social Science with joint or single Honours BBB BA Criminal Justice BBB Designated Units For Progression At least three National Units at Higher level in English/Englishbased subject or Communication 4 and Literature 1 must be included in SWAP programmes completed. Subject to interview. At least three National Units at Higher level in English/Englishbased subject or Communication 4 and Literature 1 must be included in SWAP programmes completed. Subject to interview. Additional Information Available at Hamilton Campus Available at Paisley Campus At least three National Units at Higher level in English or an Available at Hamilton English-based subject or Campus Communication 4 and Literature 1 and must be included in SWAP programmes completed. Subject to interview. Contact Debbie Nicholson 0800 027 1000 Debbie Nicholson 0800 027 1000 Geraldine O’Donnell 0800 027 1000 22 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes BA Social Work ABB At least three National Units at Higher level in English/Englishbased subject or Communication 4 and Literature 1 must be included in SWAP programmes completed. Anne Ritchie Available at Dumfries & Paisley Campus. 0800 027 1000 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES (MEDIA) Course Profile BA Journalism BBB BA Sports Journalism BBB BA Broadcast Production BBB BA Commercial Music BA Filmaking & Screen Writing Designated Units For Progression English language skills must be of a high standard. Subject to interview. English language skills must be of a high standard. Subject to interview. Additional Information Contact Available at Hamilton Campus Amanda Geary 0800 027 1000 Available at Hamilton Campus Elizabeth McLaughlin 0800 027 1000 Subject to interview Available at Ayr Campus Lynn Sinclair 0800 027 1000 BBB Subject to interview Available at Ayr Campus Allan Dumbreck 0800 027 1000 BBB Subject to interview Available at Ayr Campus. Andrew Jarvis 0800 027 1000 23 Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) Higher Education Progression Routes 2013-2014 Access to Humanities Programmes University of West of Scotland SPORT Course BA Sport Development BSc Sport Coaching Profile BAB BAB Designated Units For Progression At least three National Units at Higher level in P.E., English, Science or Maths based subjects. Subject to interview At least three National Units at Higher level in P.E., English, Science or Maths based subjects. Subject to interview. Additional Information Available at Hamilton Campus Available at Hamilton Campus Contact James Adams 0800 027 1000 Julie Mason 0800 027 1000 24