Anston Hillcrest Primary School FS2 Writing Workshop

Anston Hillcrest Primary School
FS2 Writing Workshop
Preparation for Writing
Children need to develop:
• Handwriting Movements:
Gross Motor Control
Manipulative Skills
Fine Motor Control
Hand Eye Co-ordination
Preparation for Writing
Children need to develop:
• Letter Formation:
Large then smaller scale
Letters and Sounds
Sheffield Handwriting Script
Each lower case letter has an approach stroke and
a finishing stroke which leads to the next letter.
Each letter starts from and returns to the base
line, except where a finishing stroke leaves from
the top. These letters ‘leave from the top’:
Letters and Sounds
• Phase 1:
Taught in FS 1
• Letter Sounds:
Introduced in FS2
• Names of Letters:
Children are taught the
Preparation for Writing
Children need to develop:
• Pencil Control:
Comes from strengthening the
muscles in the fingers
Progression in Writing
Different Stages of Writing:
Progression in Writing
Different Stages of Writing:
Progression in Writing
Different Stages of Writing:
Progression in Writing
Different Stages of Writing:
Progression in Writing
Different Stages of Writing:
What are we looking for?
Early Learning Goals for Writing:
• 9 Scale Points for Writing:
Evidence gathered through
child-initiated and adult led
1. Experiments with
mark making, sometimes
ascribing meaning to
2. Uses some clearly
identifiable letters to
communicate meaning.
3. Represents some
sounds correctly in
9. Communicates
meaning through
phrases and simple
sentences with some
consistency in
punctuating sentences.
8. Begins to form
captions and simple
sentences, sometimes
using punctuation.
4. Writes own name and
other words from
Foundation Stage Scale Points
for Writing
7. Uses phonic
knowledge to write
simple regular words
and make phonetically
plausible attempts at
more complex words.
5. Holds a pencil and
uses it effectively to
form recognisable
letters most of which
are correctly formed.
6. Attempts writing for
different purposes,
using features of
different forms.
• Words that can be sounded
Through Letters and Sounds
• Sight Words sent home.
Tricky Words
First to read
Then to spell when children are ready
• No spelling test in FS!
• Spellings continued in KS1
Practiced in class and at home
We don’t make writing stressful:
• Brave Writing
Children are encouraged to be
brave and have a go.
• Praise
Children are given praise when
they try their best.
• Make it Fun!
Thank you for coming!
If you have any
questions please feel
free to talk to a
member of the
Foundation Stage Team.