Teaching Faculty Hiring Procedures

Appendix ii
Hiring Procedures for Full-time Teaching Faculty
Approved by Administrative Council February 7, 2006
Effective February 8, 2006
Revised by the Administrative Council on May 29, 2007
1.000 Introduction
The purpose of this section is to present procedures of Northern Virginia Community College that apply to the
hiring of full-time teaching faculty members consistent with the goals of the institution. Using these
procedures the campuses will continue to recommend, and the President will continue to hire, talented and
highly qualified individuals so that NOVA students continue to be served by a faculty of superior quality.
Further, these procedures will support the college in realizing its strategic goal to increase the diversity of
NOVA faculty and staff to reflect the diversity of students being served. These procedures are designed
specifically for the College.
1.100 Recruitment
1.101 Role of the Campus Provost
The campus provost is responsible for assuring that the recruitment and selection process on the campus is
consistent with institutional goals and college-wide policies and procedures. The provost also has final review
and recommendation authority for the campus in the recruitment and selection process, and is responsible for
recommending all candidates for initial appointment to the college faculty to the President.
1.102 Role of the Academic Dean
The academic dean is the employing administrative supervisor of the faculty member to be selected and is
responsible to the provost for the initiation of the recruitment and selection process for a specific vacancy on
the campus and for coordinating the candidate screening and interview process on the campus. The dean also
makes the initial recommendation for salary placement and academic rank placement, in accordance with the
VCCS 29 and College procedures
1.103 New and Vacant Positions
No later than November 15, the Administrative Council defines all regular full-time teaching faculty positions
that may be filled for the following academic year. The Campus Provost notifies Academic Deans of the
positions that Administrative Council has approved to be filled. Academic Deans with assistance from
Assistant Division Deans or Program Heads, as appropriate, will confer with the Provost to develop the
Position Descriptions and Notices of Vacancy (Form 105-089), consistent with the goals of the institution.
1.104 Notice of Vacancy (Form 105-089)
The Notice of Vacancy must include closing dates and information on advertising preferences. These
preferences may include, but are not limited to, discipline- specific publications, publications of professional
organizations and associations, and especially graduate school placement offices.
The Dean, through the appropriate Campus Provost, sends the Notice of Vacancy to Human Resources.
1.105 Advertising the Position
Advertising the position must relate directly to the unit academic plan, the college affirmative action plan, and
the hiring goals of the institution as framed in the college’s “Faculty of the 21st Century” statement, Appendix
ii-A, page (ii-9).
Appendix ii
The Department of Human Resources reviews each Notice of Vacancy and in cooperation with the Academic
Dean develops appropriate wording and selects the appropriate placement for the position announcement.
Starting salary ranges will be published in the advertisement for each position.
The Department of Human Resources will communicate the final version of advertisements, including
publication dates and sites to Provosts and Deans. In addition, all advertisement information will be posted in
the public folder for each position.
The Academic Dean must actively seek to reach a qualified diverse pool of candidates and may use reasonable
methods to do so, including a) sending position announcements to traditionally minority institutions; b)
selecting diversity oriented publications in which to advertise; and, c) convening a group of NVCC minority
employees to help with the recruitment and advertising process.
The Application Process for Individuals Seeking Employment
The Application Packet
In order to be in the applicant pool, a candidate’s Application Packet must include all of the following: a) a
cover letter of no more than two pages; b) a Curriculum Vita/or resume; c) an official state application; and d)
unofficial transcripts of all post- secondary education.
When incomplete packets are received, an HR professional will contact the candidates, by phone and/or
electronic mail, to request necessary documents. Incomplete packets will not be posted in Faculty Public
2.101 Official State Application
Applicants may submit a current Application for Employment either on paper or electronically. Applicants
may download an electronic version from http://jobs.state.va.us/eo_appl.htm. The official Application for
Employment requires the applicant’s original signature, which must be obtained by the time of or as part of the
interview. The official application should contain supplemental pages as appropriate.
2.102 Transcripts
The transcripts submitted by applicants for initial review may be unofficial copies; however, official copies of
all post-secondary education must accompany all employment recommendations (see section 6.103).
The college will accept foreign transcripts only if they have been previously translated and evaluated by an
appropriate evaluation agency. Applicants may obtain a list of appropriate evaluation agencies from either the
college Department of Human Resources or the Campus One-Stop Centers.
3.100 Screening of Applicants
3.101 Review of Applications
The Department of Human Resources conducts a preliminary review of all applications in a timely manner. All
qualified applications will be posted in appropriate Faculty Public Folders. The Provost, Dean, and Hiring
Committee members for each vacant position will be granted access to the Faculty Public Folder for that
position. The Provost or Dean may request access to the public folder containing all application materials,
including those of unqualified applicants.
The Department of Human Resources retains a record of all Applications for Employment.
3.102 Evaluation of Applicant Pool
Appendix ii
NVCC has a responsibility to determine to the best of its ability the diversity status of individuals in the
applicant pool. At the close of the announced period for receiving applications, the Director of Legal Affairs
and Affirmative Action, in consultation with the Director of Human Resources, will evaluate the applicant pool
to determine whether it is representative of diversity based upon their availability. The Director of Human
Resources will report these findings in writing to the campus provost and the academic dean, who must defend
the status of the applicant pool or extend the search. If the applicant pool is not representative, the Director of
Human Resources will extend the deadline for applications and expand recruiting efforts. If the pool is
representative, the appropriate campus administrator may proceed with the screening and selection process.
3.103 Screening Committee
The Academic Dean appoints the Screening Committee. The Screening Committee may also serve as the
Interview Committee. The minimum composition of the committee should consist of:
 at least one member of the teaching faculty from the position discipline; the discipline may be
represented by either a full-time faculty member from the division, a full-time faculty member from
the discipline from another campus, or an adjunct faculty member from the discipline;
 at least one member of the teaching faculty from outside the discipline of the position;
 at least one member who is not a member of the teaching faculty; and
 at least one member who must meet the Affirmative Action criteria established by the College. (These
criteria are available from either the Department of Human Resources or the Office of Affirmative
Action/Minority and Legal Affairs).
Academic Deans will submit through the Campus Provost the membership of the Screening/Interview
Committee to the Department of Human Resources, which will review the membership to ensure compliance
with Affirmative Action guidelines before actual screening takes place. The Department of Human Resources
will notify the Dean and the campus provost of acceptance or non-compliance. The members of the Screening
Committee must participate in an affirmative action orientation if they have not done so within the last 24
Upon the approval of the Screening Committee by the campus provost and the Department of Human
Resources, the dean and the provost will discuss with the screening committee other aspects of the vacancy,
such as economic considerations, College affirmative action plans, unit and College academic plans,
institutional hiring goals, and other matters which may affect the recruitment and selection process.
Screening Criteria
The Screening Committee will develop and agree upon the screening criteria and evaluation format which will
be used to rate all applicants. The Screening Committee should use criteria consistent with the goals of the
institution and with the institution’s goals for diversity in its teaching faculty. The screening criteria must
evaluate candidates based upon the required and desired qualifications listed in the Notice of Vacancy for the
In assessing the desired qualifications of the candidate, the Screening Committee should consider, as a major
evaluation criterion and rating factor, the quality of experience of the candidate in addition to other agreed
upon criteria.
The Screening Committee will convene to discuss the screening criteria and their individual ratings of the
candidates to be interviewed. The Screening Committee will submit, to the Academic Dean, the names of the
candidates to be interviewed.
In making its recommendations, the Screening Committee will attempt to select a broad, representative group
of applicants for interview. After consultation with the Committee, the Dean may add names to the list of
candidates to be interviewed in order to insure a broad representative interview pool.
Appendix ii
Number of Candidates to be Interviewed
A minimum of three candidates will be selected for interview. Exceptions to this policy may be made by
agreement of the Academic Dean, the Office of Affirmative Action/Minority and Legal Affairs, the
Department of Human Resources, and the Campus Provost.
Selecting Candidates for Interview
The provost and the academic dean are responsible for insuring a broad representative interview pool for each
Academic Deans provide the names of the individuals selected for interview to the Department of Human
Resources, which reviews the applications of those selected for interview. All individuals who appear to hold
qualifications above the maximum qualifications required for entry level for the position are notified by the
Department of Human Resources of the rank and salary limitations of the position.
Within five days of receiving notice of the individuals selected for interview, the Department of Human
Resources provides the Academic Dean with a complete list of the candidates cleared for interview. If any of
the individuals cleared for interview declines to be interviewed, the committee may choose to include other
applicants to be interviewed. These individuals must also be cleared by Human Resources.
Travel for Out of Town Candidates
When a regular teaching faculty position is allocated and authorized for recruitment, the college will provide
up to $1,200 per faculty vacancy to be used to offset the travel costs of candidates who live more than 100
miles from the hiring campus. The funds will be placed in a central account and expenditures tracked by the
Controller’s Office. Provosts may use their discretion to provide additional funding from their own resources
in support of candidates’ travel expenses. Nothing in the college’s rules prohibits a campus or administrative
unit from reimbursing the full cost of travel for an interview so long as the travel expenses are appropriate
under the State’s travel reimbursement policies. The Academic Dean is responsible for obtaining all
appropriate information from the visiting candidates and providing the necessary forms to process a travel
reimbursement. Candidates to be reimbursed will complete the Travel Reimbursement Form during the
interview process. All designated travel funds not expended by the academic division revert to the college.
Interview and Selection Process
Interview Committee
The minimum composition of the Interview Committee should consist of at least three people:
 at least one member of the teaching faculty from the position discipline; the discipline may be represented
by either a full-time faculty member from the division, a full-time faculty member from the discipline
from another campus, or an adjunct faculty member from the discipline;
 at least one member of the teaching faculty from outside the discipline of the position;
 at least one member who is not a member of the teaching faculty; and
 at least one member who must meet the Affirmative Action criteria established by the College. (These
criteria are available from either the Department of Human Resources or the Office of Affirmative
Action/Minority and Legal Affairs).
The Screening Committee may also serve as the Interview Committee.
Role of the Interview Committee
Appendix ii
The Interview Committee reviews the screening criteria (see Section 3.104), and develops a list of interview
questions that must be used for each applicant interviewed for the position. The Interview Committee must
review the Affirmative Action guidelines on the use of appropriate and inappropriate interview questions.
Members of the Interview Committee must ask the same prepared questions, preferably in the same order, of
all candidates. The Interview Committee may vary the questions only slightly in wording to avoid stilted
language. The Interview Committee may ask only appropriate follow-up questions in order to provide
Information Conveyed to the Candidate Prior to the Interview
The Academic Dean or designee contacts the candidates electronically or by either telephone or letter to
arrange for the interview. The communication with the candidates must include the date, time, scope, and
place of the interview. The communication should include directions to the campus and that a parking permit
will be provided. Time permitting, parking permits should be mailed to the candidates. The Academic Dean
or designee reviews with the candidates the criteria for the position and determines if each candidate is
interested in continuing in the selection process. The Academic Dean should provide information about the
process to be followed on the day of the interview, including the teaching demonstration and the writing
sample. The dean must inform candidates of the teaching aids that will be available to them for the teaching
The Interview
All members of the Interview Committee must be present for all interviews. The Chair of the Interview
Committee defines for each candidate the parameters of the session, including the length of the interview.
Interview questions will be written and copied for the benefit of the Committee only and should not be given
to the candidates prior to or during the interview. Members of the Interview Committee must ask the same
prepared questions, preferably in the same order, of all candidates.
Teaching Demonstration
All applicants must give a teaching demonstration of no less than 15 minutes. Students may be invited to
attend the teaching demonstration. Committee members will look for evidence of good teaching practices in
the teaching demonstration.
Writing Sample
Each candidate will prepare on site a writing sample on a topic common to all candidates. All candidates will
have the same amount of time to complete the writing sample.
The Selection and Recommendation Process
Role of the Campus Provost
The campus provost is responsible for assuring that the recruitment and selection process on the campus is
consistent with college-wide policies and procedures. The provost also has final review and recommendation
authority for the campus in the recruitment and selection process, and is responsible for recommending all
candidates for initial appointment to the college faculty to the President.
Steps in Recommendation Process
Appendix ii
The Interview Committee deliberates on the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate interviewed. The
Interview Committee should consider qualifications, communication skills, and the teaching skills of each
candidate as they move toward selection of qualified finalists for the teaching vacancy. The Committee
recommends preferably no more than three candidates to the Academic Dean. The Chair of the Interview
Committee completes the Candidate Evaluation Form (NVCC 105-23A) for those candidates not selected for
interview and submits it to the dean. The dean forwards the form to the Department of Human Resources,
along with all original applications in the committee’s possession, as part of the hiring recommendation
The Academic Dean interviews the three top candidates. The Dean or designee obtains at least two telephone
references for the top candidates. With the institutional goals in mind, the Dean makes either a hiring
recommendation to the Provost or recommends that the interviews or search be extended.
The Provost meets with or interviews the finalists prior to forwarding the hiring recommendation and Hiring
Packet to the President through the Department of Human Resources. The provost will consider the dean's
recommendation and select individuals from among the candidates interviewed by the committee and deemed
by the committee to meet the minimum requirements for the position. The provost may also reject all
recommendations and request additional recruitment. The Campus Provost makes final campus-level
decisions regarding hiring. The decision of the provost will be conveyed to the academic dean and the
Upon receiving the Campus Provost’s decision regarding a hiring recommendation, the Academic Dean
contacts the candidate who is being recommended, and, using a script prepared by the Department of Human
Resources, informs the candidate that a recommendation for hire is being sent to the President, making it clear
that this does not yet constitute an offer of employment. If the candidate indicates a continued interest in the
position, then the Academic Dean completes the Proposal for New Faculty Appointment (Full) [NVCC Form
105-47] and the Faculty Qualifications Summary (VCCS 10). The dean compiles the entire packet of
documents, with a cover recommendation, and forwards the materials to the Campus Provost, who also
provides a hiring recommendation before forwarding the package to the President through the Department of
Human Resources.
6.103 Recommendation for Appointment
The campus provost will review all materials to insure completeness and prepare an appropriate
recommendation for the President, to include a summary report of the criteria upon which the selection was
based. The final hiring package must contain
1. The provost's recommendation including a statement on how the recommendation relates to the
institutional hiring goals for new faculty.
2. Recommendation from appropriate campus administrator;
3. Signed State Application Form
4. Proposal for New Faculty Appointment (full-time) NVCC 105-47
5. Official transcripts of all post-secondary education. In cases where official transcripts have not yet
been received, unofficial transcripts can be considered from institutions other than the one
that awarded the degree and any subsequent coursework that is being used to justify rank and
6. Three or more letters of recommendation and two telephone references
Appendix ii
7. Faculty Qualifications Summary, VCCS-10
The Job Offer
The President has the right to refuse to accept the recommendation of the Provost. If the President exercises
this right, it shall be done in a timely manner. The President notifies the Provost and the Provost notifies the
Academic Dean.
If the President approves the Provost’s recommendation, the Department of Human Resources notifies the
Academic Dean of the approval, and the dean in turn contacts the candidate, informing him/her that an offer of
employment is forthcoming and confirming that the candidate is still interested. A rank and salary proposal is
sent to the candidate through the Department of Human Resources. The President signs a letter approving the
hire action and sends it to the Provost. The Provost notifies the Academic Dean of the approval.
New faculty members are normally placed at a salary level no higher than the midpoint of the faculty salary
range in accordance with standardized criteria of teaching and non-teaching experience, academic preparation,
and other relevant criteria. The President may authorize a salary placement above the midpoint of the faculty
salary range in exceptional circumstances related to the quality of College academic programs or to meet other
vital College objectives.
The Department of Human Resources notifies the Academic Dean upon receipt of the signed rank and salary
The Academic Dean or designee notifies all candidates who interviewed for the position informing them of the
hire decision. This occurs only after notification has been received from the Department of Human Resources
that the College’s job offer has been accepted. Applicants who were not considered for interview receive
letters from the Department of Human Resources.
The Unsuccessful Search
Positions that go unfilled will remain with the campus for a period of one year and may be filled at any time
during that year. The Academic Dean may request of Human Resources that a targeted recruitment effort be
undertaken. At the end of the one year period, all vacant positions revert to the College.
Bringing the New Hire on Board
The Academic Dean ensures that the new hire attends the new faculty orientation, receives orientation to the
College, orientation to the Division, and receives a faculty mentor. When notified that the applicant has
accepted the job offer, the Dean submits all paperwork necessary to establish telephone and electronic
accounts for the successful candidate.1
Approved by Administrative Council for implementation effective 2/8/06. Revised by the Administrative Council on May
29, 2007.
Appendix ii
Appendix ii-A
Recruiting a 21st Century Faculty for
Northern Virginia Community College
Located close to the nation’s capital, Northern Virginia Community College is Virginia’s largest institution of
higher education and one of America’s largest community colleges. Enrolling 60,000 students on its six campuses and
Extended Learning Institute, NVCC serves the higher and post-secondary educational needs of students from over 170
nations enrolled in over 100 degree and certificate programs. The college meets the educational and training needs of the
region and its people with excellent and affordable courses and programs, offered by an inspired and inspiring faculty.
Northern Virginia Community College seeks faculty members who share the institution’s strategic vision to create
educational opportunity for all people as the Gateway to the American Dream. NVCC’s faculty embraces the rich diversity
of the multicultural area that it serves and demonstrates its commitment to student success by fostering an environment of
world-class teaching and learning. Faculty members maintain currency and contribute actively to their disciplines. They are
sensitive to different learning styles and are knowledgeable about best practices in higher education. They model efficient
use of appropriate technologies in the learning process, preparing their students for further academic study and the demands
of the 21st century workplace. Outside the classroom they are actively involved in the broader life of the college as members
of governing committees, as student advisors, and as participants in college and community projects.
Northern Virginia Community College is an integral part of a region rich in history and tradition, yet the global
crossroads of the information technology economy, an important center of biotechnology and biomedical facilities, and the
progressive home to America’s fastest growing international airport. With excellent public schools and extensive cultural
amenities, the region boasts an enviable quality of life. Our past is rich, and our future is bright. We invite applications from
those who share our vision and our commitment.