Accessibility - Dobcroft Junior School

Dobcroft Junior School
Accessibility Plan 2014
This plan is drawn up in accordance with the Disability Equality Duty 2005 and the
Equality Act 2010. It draws on the guidance set out in "Accessible Schools:
Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils", issued by DfES in July
Definition of Disability
Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA):
"A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has
a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal
day to day activities."
Key Objective
To reduce and, where possible, eliminate barriers to accessing the curriculum for
pupils and prospective pupils with a disability at Dobcroft Junior School.
Compliance with the DDA is consistent with Dobcroft Junior’s aims and equal
opportunities policy, and the operation of our SEN policy. We recognise its duty
under the DDA:
• not to discriminate against disabled pupils in their admissions and exclusions,
and provision of education and associated services
• not to treat disabled pupils less favourably
• to take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial
• to publish an Accessibility Plan.
We recognise and value parents' knowledge of their child's disability and its effect
on his/her ability to carry out normal activities, and respect the parents' and child's
right to confidentiality.
Dobcroft provide all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated
and adjusted to meet the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning
styles. We endorse the key principles which underpin the development of a more
inclusive curriculum:
• setting suitable learning challenges
• responding to pupils' diverse learning needs
• overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and
groups of pupils.
The current situation
Wheelchair Access
 A disabled parking space exists next to the main entrance
 The kerb is lowered allowing access from the car park to the main entrance
 Ramps to all external doors with the exception of the rear Hall door and the
side door to the school end of DASH
 Ramps are fitted to all four doors leading to the courtyard
 Main building free of steps
 A disabled toilet exists but with no shower arrangements
 Mobile classrooms (all current Year 3 and Music Room for all) have ramped
 Access around building is still very difficult for wheelchairs due to crowded
conditions and the fact that the ‘open plan’ design means that classrooms act
as corridors.
 The Hall can be accessed through the main school and DASH can be accessed
through the main DASH building
Hearing Impaired
Child(ren) currently in school receive support from the Hearing Impaired Unit.
Their needs are able to be met by sensitivity to seating arrangements and
knowledge of impairment by staff. Should further provision be considered
necessary to meet needs of individual pupils, then plans would be made in
consultation with parents and drawing on expert advice.
Fire alarm not audible from mobiles. However, session bells have now been
fitted to all mobiles and 10 short rings denotes a fire/ fire drill is taking place.
Visually Impaired
Staff are accustomed to assisting pupils by organising suitable seating
arrangements for the whiteboard and by providing individual copies of books and
worksheets for pupils with visual impairment. Enlarged copies are provided when
The curriculum is appropriately differentiated as necessary to cater for the range of
ability within each year group. Children are organised in sets of similar ability in
Maths and English in Y6. Other year groups are taught in mixed ability groupings.
Children with identified SEN have Individual Education Plans and are supported by
the dedicated part-time SENCo, Deputy Head as Inclusion Manager and/or by
teaching assistants as necessary. Some children with significant need also have a
statement of educational need which will be converted to a new 0-25 Education,
Health and Care plan (EHC plan) on the point of transition to their new school. All
children have equal access to all aspects of the primary curriculum.
Dobcroft Junior will continue to seek and follow the advice of LA services, such as
specialist teachers, learning support teachers and SEN advisors and of appropriate
health professionals from the local NHS Trusts.
School Information
Written information for parents is currently produced in English language form
only. If necessary, we would need to produce translations of this information into
other languages or provide audio tapes for visually impaired. At times, when it has
been evident that parents’ language has been a barrier to understanding of
information, we have made individual arrangements for translation.
Copies of all letters sent out by ‘pupil post’ are kept in a folder in the main
entrance for parents’ reference at any time and are also included on the website.
We will take account of the needs of pupils and visitors with physical difficulties
and sensory impairments when planning and undertaking future improvements
and refurbishment of the site and premises.
Plans for Improvement
Increase space for wheelchair movement around school by ensuring that
‘corridor’ space is maintained and left free of barriers and clutter.
Further ramps need to be provided to allow disabled access to external fire exit
from Hall and to side door of DASH mobile. However, this would need to be
considered alongside the subsequent restricted access by vehicles to the music
mobile and field (including that of fire engines and ambulances). This could be
overcome by purchasing a portable ramp in the future should we admit children
confined to wheelchairs.
Fire alarm bells to be fitted to Y3 mobiles, DASH and music mobiles in addition
to the session bells. There would be a significant cost to upgrading the existing
system to allow this.
See related policies:
Equality Plan 2012-2015 (including Action Plan)
School Development Plan
Teaching and Learning
Equality Act 2010
Updated May 2012
Updated October 2014