Pupil profile: readiness for junior high school by Debby Toperoff (based on the benchmarks for the Foundation level in the Curriculum) Name of Pupil: _______________________ Class: ____ School: ______________ This pupil can: Domain Standard Benchmarks Examples of Performance Can Do Great Social Interaction Access to Information Pupils interact and convey simple messages. Pupils interact using basic vocabulary and comprehensible, but not necessarily accurate, syntax. *Pupils obtain and use information from short oral and written texts in simple language that may include unfamiliar grammatical structures and vocabulary. *Pupils obtain and use information from texts by applying their knowledge of vocabulary, syntax, simple discourse markers, text structure and punctuation. *ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics *express feelings, likes and dislikes *interact for purposes such as directions and making requests *engage in short conversations. *give and receive short written messages *introduce each other *discuss interests *do something according to instructions *tell something that happened *play a game *exchange e-mail/pen-pal correspondence *write a note, an invitation or make a list *decode a written text (using basic reading skills) Teacher: enclose the supplementary “profile for emergent readers” for pupils experiencing reading problems. *understand the general meaning, main ideas and sequence of events in a text and use this knowledge as needed *identify different text types and use this knowledge as needed *use simple information tools *find out and follow short and simple directions and instructions in familiar contexts *extract information from visual data, such as time tables *locate relevant information for a specific purpose *match recipe instructions to pictures *identify texts such as advertisements, telegrams, announcements and extract relevant information *use a glossary, simple dictionary, table of contents *understand classroom language *follow directions on map *respond to song lyrics *plan activities using information from TV guide, community centre schedule, etc. 76 OK Not yet Assessment Evidence (task name + date) Presentation Pupils present information about personal topics, orally and in writing, using basic organizational skills. Pupils use basic vocabulary and simple syntax. Appreciation of Literature and Culture Appreciation of Language Pupils become acquainted with and relate to short literary texts written in simple language, appropriate to their age and interests. Pupils are aware that their culture is different from other cultures. Pupils appreciate that languages are different. *give a spoken presentation with visual aids *prepare a written presentation with visual aids *produce a short piece of coherent writing that conveys personal experiences *describe people, places, objects and events *prepare and improve presentations through self/peer checklists, rubrics *“show and tell”/ multimedia presentation *create poster/ cartoon story with captions, *write story, diary entry *describe family, room, skate-board, party, trip (ORAL or WRITTEN) *design questionnaire and list results *are familiar with age-appropriate literary texts *describe characters, setting and events in literary texts *communicate a personal response, verbally and/or visually, to a literary text *are familiar with different cultural products and practices *read stories for enjoyment *identify words that are the same in English and their mother tongue *know how word order, sound and writing systems in English are organized and how they compare with their mother tongue *are aware that not all words can be translated directly *Evidence will be seen in tasks performed in other domains, for example: *Pronounce cognates correctly e.g. radio, sandwich *Use correct word order and tenses *Use English equivalents of L1 expressions Teacher’s signature: ____________________ Date: ____________________ 77 (including the usage of learned rules of pronunciation, grammar, spelling and punctuation) *re-tell a familiar story *write own story books (based on existing ones), illustrate stories *participate in songs, chants and celebrations of different cultures