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Introduction to Risk, Return, and the

Opportunity Cost of Capital


Most investors generally dislike uncertainty or risk and agree that a safe dollar is worth more than a risky one. Investors will have to be persuaded to take higher risk by offering higher returns. This chapter is the first of the three chapters, which deal with the risk and return tradeoff, and its implications to incorporate finance and the opportunity cost of capital for investments. The chapter deals with risk as faced by individual investors holding portfolios of securities. Later chapters will connect this to the opportunity cost of capital for corporations.

Chapter 7 starts with a detailed description of the historic performance of different securities in the U. S. capital markets. This lesson is used to provide basic benchmarks for risk and return.

The chapter also describes how we can measure the risk of securities and the role of diversification in reducing risk. The statistical measures of variance and standard deviation are used to measure the risk of individual securities and portfolios. Individual stocks are more risky than portfolios. As the number of the stocks in a portfolio increases, the risk of the portfolio is reduced. The reduction in risk however levels off once the number of stocks in the portfolio reaches a certain number. Thus, there is a certain level of risk that you can never diversify away.

This undiversifiable risk stems from economy-wide perils that affect all businesses; it is called market risk. The risk a security adds to a well-diversified portfolio depends on its market risk.

This risk is called beta and finds extensive applications in later chapters.

Statistics: This chapter uses some basic statistical concepts and will be easy to follow if you already know some elementary statistics. The text gives all the necessary definitions, but you may want to refresh your memory from a statistics textbook. It will help if you are familiar with the terms such as variance, standard deviation, and covariance, and normal distribution.


A Historic Lesson in Risk and Return: The chapter begins with a description of the performance of five different classes of securities over the 72-year period from 1926. The five portfolios are: the U. S. treasury bills, the long-term U. S. government bonds, long-term corporate bonds, common stocks of large companies represented by the Standard & Poor's 500

(popularly known as the S&P 500), and a portfolio of small firm common stocks. The five portfolios represent different risk classes. The treasury bills are considered risk-less and the benchmark for the safest investment possible. On the other extreme the portfolio of smallcompany stocks has provided the highest historic returns, but has also carried the highest level of


risk. The S&P 500 portfolio is considered representative of the stock market as a whole. The portfolio, while comprising only 500 stocks of over 8,000 shares in the market, accounts for more than seventy percent of the market value. The historic returns for the Treasury bill portfolio have averaged 3.8 percent in nominal terms compared to the S&P 500 portfolio return of 13 percent and the small-firm portfolio’s return of 17.7 percent. These historic averages are often used to estimate required rates of returns or opportunity cost of capital.

Use of historic returns: Historic data are often used for valuation or cost of capital estimation.

Two types of average measures are calculated from the historic data: the arithmetic average and the geometric mean. The arithmetic average will be higher than the geometric mean and is the appropriate yardstick to use for valuation or cost of capital estimation.

Interest rates change frequently, and the expected return on the market will change with them.

However, the risk premium on the market (the difference between the market return and the return on the risk-free investment (t-bill) is fairly stable. Therefore, when we wish to estimate today's expected return on the market portfolio, we should take today's treasury-bill yield and add to it the normal risk premium (the long-term average) equities have earned above treasury bills.

As an example, the current t-bill yield is about 4.5 percent. The long-term average risk premium is 9.2 percent. Therefore, the expected market return can be estimated as 4.5 + 9.2 = 13.7 percent.

Risk: The idea of risk is a familiar one and implies uncertain outcomes. It also means that there are a number of possible outcomes and some of the outcomes are not desirable. The return from an investment in a stock or a portfolio of common stocks cannot be predicted with any accuracy.

It is risky. The use of statistics helps us to analyze this type of risk in a precise way. The spread of past returns gives a good indication of the range of uncertainty about future returns. Hence, the need for the history lesson above. The spread, or the uncertainty of outcomes, is measured by the standard deviation or the variance.

The standard deviation of the annual returns on the Standard & Poor's Composite Index over the

72 year period analyzed in the Brealey and Myers text is 20.3 percent compared to only 3.2 percent for the portfolios of treasury bills. The higher risk of the stock portfolio explains its high return, which is 9.2 percent over that of the t-bills.

Diversification and Risk: Diversification is an important concept with powerful implications.

When stocks are combined into portfolios, it is observed that the risk of the portfolio decreases as the number of stocks in the portfolio increases. The risk in a diversified portfolio is lower than for a single security because the returns of different stocks do not move perfectly together.

Statistically, individual stock returns are less than perfectly correlated. When we hold many stocks, the risks, which are unique to each one, tend to cancel, as they are largely unconnected.

Some risks, though, stem from uncertainty about factors, which affect the whole of the market.

This market risk cannot be eliminated by diversification and must be borne by investors, and investors can expect to earn a higher return for bearing it.


Calculation of Portfolio Returns and Risk Measures: The chapter describes how the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio may be calculated from the characteristics of the individual stocks. It also describes how we can calculate the risk that a particular stock adds to an incompletely diversified portfolio. The section on formulas and computations describe the methods. If these seem too complicated to you, the chapter also gives the following useful rule of thumb to the benefits of diversification. The variance of a portfolio consisting of equal holdings of N stocks is equal to:

Average covariance + (1/N) (average variance – average covariance)

The average variance of annual returns on individual stocks is about 1,500, and the average covariance between pairs of stocks is about 400. As N becomes larger, 1/N becomes very small and the significance of the individual variances becomes less and less. Thus, the variance of the portfolio returns gets closer to the average covariance of 400. The standard deviation of the returns from a portfolio is simply the square root of their variance, and would approach 20 percent.

Beta: The contribution each security makes to the risk of a well-diversified portfolio depends on the security’s covariance with other securities in the portfolio. This will depend on how sensitive it is to the changes in the market portfolio. Beta measures this sensitivity. The average stock return will tend to move up and down nearly in tandem with the market. It will move up 5 percent when the market moves up 5 percent. Of course, sometimes it will go up (or down) more or less than the market. However, on average, it moves one for one with the market. This means that its beta is 1. A stock that is more sensitive to market movements might tend to move twice as far (10 percent) in response to a market rise of 5 percent. Conversely, it would tend to fall 10 percent if the market fell 5 percent. This stock is twice as sensitive as the average, and its beta is


The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of the betas of the stocks included in it. In other words, if a portfolio consists of 30 percent of stocks with betas of 1.5 and 70 percent of stocks with betas of 0.8, the beta of the portfolio is (0.3 x 1.5) + (0.7 x 0.8) = 1.01. When a portfolio is well diversified, the amount of unique risk it contains is negligible. In this case, the standard deviation of the portfolio will be its beta multiplied by the standard deviation of the return on the market portfolio. This makes beta an important number. Beta measures how much a stock contributes to the risk of a well-diversified portfolio.

Diversification and Value Additivity: Diversification is good for individual investors. Since it would be relatively easy for investors to diversify directly by holding a variety of stocks, they have no reason to pay more for the stocks of companies, which are already diversified. This has implications for corporate attempts at diversification for the purpose of risk reduction. The implication is that the value of a project does not depend on how its returns mesh with the returns from other activities of the company, which undertakes it. If the capital market establishes a value


PV (A) for asset A and PV (B) for asset B, the market value of a firm that holds only these two assets is:

PV (AB) = PV (A) + PV (B)

This is known as the value-additivity principle.

Explanation of Formulas and Mathematical Expressions: The chapter describes a number of formulas for calculating expected returns, standard deviations, variances, and betas of securities and portfolios.

Expected return of portfolios: The expected return of a portfolio of stocks is the weighted average of the expected returns on the individual stocks. Expected portfolio return, r p

, i.e. given by: r p

= x

1 r


+ x

2 r


+ …….. + x n r n where x


= proportion of portfolio in stock 1, r

1 = expected return on stock 1, etc.

Example: Stocks A, B and C have returns of 12 percent, 16 percent, and 11 percent respectively.

What is the expected return of a portfolio which includes 40 percent of its value invested in A, 40 percent in B, and 20 percent in C?

Expected return = (0.4 x 12) + (0.4 x 16) + (0.2 x 11) = 13.4 %

Portfolio variance: Portfolio variance is not the simple weighted average of the individual standard deviations (unless they are perfectly correlated). The portfolio variance is a function of the individual variances of the different stocks and the covariance of all the pairs of stocks in the portfolio.

Portfolio variance = x



  x

     

  x


2 

 x



 x

N x


 x

1 x






 x

    x


N x


   x

1 x


 x




   x


2 


 where,

= variance of stock 1 (

 is its standard deviation)


 = covariance between stock 1 and stock 2, =


 where

 is the correlation between stock 1 and stock 2.

If there are N equal-size holdings (i.e. x t

= l/N), portfolio variance = (l/N) 2 [N x average variance + (N 2 - N) × average covariance]

= average covariance + (1/N) × (average variance - covariance)


A security’s contribution to portfolio risk:

From the top row of the portfolio variance calculation:

Stock l's contribution to risk = x




Proportionate contribution to risk = x


  x






   x


 ) where

P is its covariance with the portfolio and


2 is the variance of the portfolio.









 is the sensitivity of stock 1 to changes in portfolio value.


= beta, beta measures a stock's contribution to the risk of the market portfolio.

The effect of individual stocks on portfolio risk : The risk of a well-diversified portfolio depends on the market risk of the securities included in the portfolio. Beta (

) measures the market risk of a stock as its sensitivity to market movements. Stocks with betas greater than one are usually more sensitive (than the average stock) to market movements. Stocks with betas less than one are less sensitive to market movements. The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of the beta of the securities included in it. That is,


= x



+ x




   x



The standard deviation of a well-diversified portfolio is its beta times the standard deviation of the market portfolio. A diversified portfolio of high-beta stocks is therefore more risky than a diversified portfolio of low-beta stocks. Beta is important because it measures how much a stock contributes to the risk of a well-diversified portfolio.



The Treasury bill rate is 3.5 percent. The market risk premium (the difference between the return on the market portfolio and that on Treasury Bills) has historically been about 9.2 percent, and the standard deviation of annual market returns has been about 20 percent.

Flybynight Funds offer you a mutual fund with an expected annual return of 21 percent with a standard deviation of 20 percent.


The market portfolio offers an expected return of 12.7 percent (3.5 + 9.2) with a standard deviation of 20 percent. The prospective investment seems to offer a greater expected reward with less risk and therefore looks attractive! However, you might want to check out the antecedents of the company.


Calculate the standard deviation and expected return for the portfolio given below, and work out how each stock contributes to the portfolio's risk.



Stock 1

Stock 2

Stock 3

Percentage held




Expected return




Standard deviation




Correlation among stocks

Stock 1 Stock 2 Stock 3








To work out the standard deviation of a portfolio, we need to first calculate the covariance between stocks.


 ij


 i

 j

 ij

Given below is a table of all the covariances. All values are rounded off to whole numbers.




Stocks Stock 1

Stock 1 18x18x1 = 324

Stock 2

18x24x0.1 = 43

Stock 3

18x36x0.4 = 259

Stock 2 24x18x0.1 = 43 24x24x1 = 576 24x36x0.5 = 432

Stock 3 36x18x0.4 = 259 36x24x0.5 = 432 36x36x1 = 1296

Notice that this table is symmetric about the diagonal (that is,







,etc.). To get the portfolio covariance, each covariance (

 ij

) is multiplied by the percentages held in each of the stocks (x i x j

). The table below gives the values for covariance multiplied by the corresponding x i x j


Stocks Stock 1 Stock 2

Stock 1 0.4x0.4x324 = 51.8 0.4x0.3x43 = 5.2

Stock 3

0.4x0.3x259 = 31.1

Stock 2 0.3x0.4x43 = 5.2 0.3x0.3x576 = 51.8 0.3x0.3x432 = 38.9

Stock 3 0.3x0.4x259 = 31.1 0.3x0.3x432 = 38.9 0.3x0.3x1296 = 116.6

The portfolio variance is the sum of the values all the cells.

Portfolio variance = 51.8 + 51.8 + 116.6 + 2(5.2 + 31.1+38.9) = 370.6

Portfolio standard deviation =


370.6 = 19.25 %

Portfolio return = (0.4 x 15) + (0.3 x 16) + (0.3 x 20) = 16.8 %

The sum of each row in the variance calculation shows how much each stock contributes to the total variance.

Contribution by stock 1 =

Contribution by stock 2 =

Contribution by stock 3 =













= (51.8 + 5.2 + 31.1)/370.9 = 0.24 

= (5.2 + 52.1 + 38.9)/370.9 = 0.26

= (31.1 + 38.9 + 116.6)/370.9 = 0.50


To get the sensitivity of each stock to changes in the portfolio value or beta of the stock with respect to this portfolio, we need to divide the proportionate contribution by the percentage of each stock in the portfolio.


= 0.24/0.4 = 0.6,


= 0.26/0.3 = 0.87,


= 0.50/0.3 = 1.67

(Note that these are betas with respect to this portfolio and not the market.)


Bulldog Fund has three stocks in its portfolio. The percentage of each stock held and the beta for each stock are: Stock A – 35%, beta = 1.2; Stock B – 45%, beta = 0.9, Stock C – 20%, beta = 1.8. Calculate the portfolio beta.


Portfolio beta = (0.35 x 1.2) + (0.45 x 0.9) + (0.2 x 1.8) = 1.19


This chapter provides the first formal introduction to risk and the measurement of risk. The chapter starts with a succinct description of the history of the U. S. capital market from 1926.

This history lesson is a useful way to understand the risk-return trade off faced by an investor in the capital market. The market performance provides useful benchmarks of risk and return with the U. S. Treasury bills as the risk-free investment and the market portfolio of common stocks as the risky investment with significantly higher expected return. Later chapters use these benchmarks for modeling the risk and expected return of an investment.

The chapter also introduces you to the effects of diversification. Shareholders can, and do, reduce their risk very significantly by diversification. The risk that matters to them is, therefore, the market risk that each security adds to a diversified portfolio. This leads to the risk measure, beta, which is the sensitivity of a security’s return to the return on the market portfolio. It is the beta of a security, that determines how much risk that security contributes to a diversified portfolio. Later chapters will revisit beta and it will be a very useful tool in estimating the opportunity cost of capital for investment projects.

The value of diversification does not imply that corporations can create shareholder value by diversifying their business assets. The value of a project depends only on its cash flows and its market risk and not on how well its returns relate to the other activities of the company. This implies value additivity: the value of project A and the value of project B combined is simply the sum of value of A and the value of B.


Beta (

 



  

Market risk

Market risk premium (r m

- r f


Risk-free rate of return (r f




Market portfolio

Expected market return (r m


Expected return

Standard deviation (


Unique risk

Value additivity


Variance (

 2

) Market return


Fill-in Questions


Combining stocks into a portfolio provides an investor ____________ and risk reduction.


The difference between the risk free rate and the _________is called the ___________.


Standard & Poor's Composite Index is often regarded as the___________.


Diversification cannot eliminate all risk because all stocks are subject to _________.


The average annual _________between 1926 and 1997 was 13 percent.


Diversification reduces ____________.


The principle of ______________ means that PV(AB) = PV(A) + PV(B).


The ______ of the market as a whole is one.


The ___________ of the S&P 500 portfolio has averaged about 20 percent over the 72-year period of 1926 to 1997.


Projects, which have the same risk as the market portfolio, can be evaluated by a discount rate equal to the ____________ plus the normal risk premium for the market portfolio.


The contribution a stock makes to the portfolio risk is measured by its _____.


_______ is the square of standard deviation.


The covariance between two stocks is the product of their standard deviations and the

__________ coefficient between them.


The variability of a well-diversified portfolio depends almost entirely on the average

____________between individual stocks.




S. T. Poor & Company is considering investing in a project which has risk similar to the market risk. The current risk free rate as measured by the rate on treasury bills is 4.5% and the average for the last three years was 5.2 percent. The return on the S&P 500 portfolio for the last three years were 22 percent, 32 percent, and 35 percent. Suggest an appropriate discount rate for the project.


Stock A has an expected return of 16 percent and standard deviation of 28 percent. Stock B has an expected return of 21 percent and standard deviation of 36 percent. Calculate the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio which is invested equally in the two stocks if the correlation coefficient between the stock returns is: (a) 1, (b) 0.5, and (c) –0.5.


Refer to the problem 2 above. If the correlation coefficients of stock returns of A and B to the market portfolio were 0.7 and 0.3 respectively and the standard deviation of market returns is 14 percent, what will be the betas for A and B?


A portfolio of stocks has risks similar to a portfolio consisting of 40 percent of Treasury bills and 60 percent of Standard & Poor's index. The Treasury bill rate is 5 percent, and you expect a normal risk premium of 9 percent on Standard & Poor's index. What return would you expect from the portfolio of stocks?


Refer to problem 4. What will be the beta of the portfolio?


Your investment will give a return of either -10 or +30 percent. (a) Calculate the expected return and the standard deviation of return if these outcomes are equally likely. (b) Calculate them if there is a 0.6 probability of the -10 percent return and a 0.4 probability of the +30 percent return.


A portfolio consists of the three stocks with betas of 0.8, 1.4, and 1.6. If the portfolio is equally invested in each stock, what is the portfolio beta?


The diagram below shows the effect of diversification. Label the diagram with appropriate words for the different letters.







Details of the stocks held in a portfolio are given below.

Stocks Beta Expected return

Stock A

Stock B

Stock C

Stock D









Calculate the expected return and the beta of this portfolio.

Percentage held






Calculate the betas of the following stocks if the standard deviation of the market returns is

14 percent.

Stocks Standard deviation

Correlation coefficient with the market portfolio

Stock P

Stock Q

Stock R

Stock S










The average variance of the annual returns from a typical stock is about 1,500, and its average covariance with other stocks is about 400. Work out what this implies for the standard deviation of returns from: (a) a fully diversified portfolio, (b) a portfolio of 64 stocks, (c) a portfolio of 16 stocks, (d) a portfolio of 4 stocks. Assume equal-size holdings of each stock.


You hold a portfolio of 16 Stocks, each of which has a variance of 1,500 and a covariance of

400 with the other stocks. One stock comprises 25 percent of your portfolio, and the other stocks are held in equal amounts of 5 percent each. (a) What is the standard deviation of your portfolio? (b) How many stocks held in equal amounts would give approximately the same standard deviation?

Essay Questions


Corporate diversification is good for the stockholders as it reduces the risk of the firm.



Why is it that diversification cannot eliminate all the risk?



Describe what is meant by the beta of a stock. Why is a stock's beta more important than its standard deviation?


Is it possible for a company’s stocks to have a high standard deviation but a low beta? What kind of industries will this stock belong to?


Stockholders of publicly quoted companies do not benefit from corporate diversification since they can diversify for themselves. Discuss under what conditions (if any) this principle extends to the case of a privately held company which is 100 percent owned by a single individual.


Fill-in Questions


Diversification 8. Beta


Expected market return, market risk premium 9. Standard deviation


Market portfolio


Market risk

10. Risk free rate

11. Beta

12. Variance 5.

Market return


Unique risk


Value additivity

13. Correlation

14. Covariance



Discount rate = risk-free rate + risk premium

= 4.5 percent + 9.2 percent

= 13.7 percent


Expected return = (0.5 x 16) + (0.5 x 21) = 18.5 percent a.

Variance of the portfolio = 0.5 x 0.5 x 28 2 + 2 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 28 x 36 x 1 + 0.5 x 0.5 x 36 2

= 1024, standard deviation = 32 [Since the correlation coefficient is 1, the standard deviation will be the weighted average of the standard deviations of the two stocks. b.

Variance = 772, Standard deviation = 27.8 percent. c.

Variance = 268, Standard deviation = 16.4 percent.



= (28/14) x 0.7 = 1.4,


= (36/14) x 0.3 = 0.8


expected return = (0.4 x 5) +0.6 x (5+9) = 10.4 percent


Beta of the portfolio = (0.4 x 0) + (0.6 x 1) = 0.6 (The T-bill being risk-free will have beta of zero.)


a. Expected return = 10 percent, Standard deviation = 20 percent.


b. Expected return = 6 percent, Standard deviation = 19.6 percent.


Portfolio beta = (0.8 + 1.4 + 1.6)/3 =1.27


A = Portfolio standard deviation, B = Number of stocks, C =Market risk, D = Unique risk


Expected return = (0.25 x 14) + (0.18 x 10) + (0.23 x 17) + (0.34 x 19) = 15.67 percent

Portfolio beta = (0.25 x 1.1) + (0.18 x 0.8) + (0.23 x 1.4) + (0.34 x 1.5) = 1.25



= (18/14) x 0.7 = 0.9,


= 0.51,


= 1.36,


= 0.6


Portfolio variance = Average covariance + (1/N) (Average variance –Average covariance).

For fully diversified portfolio, N is very large and Portfolio variance = Average covariance.

For others substitute the value of N = 64, 16, and 4 to get the answers. a. Standard deviation = Square root of 400 = 20 percent; b. 20.43 percent; c. 21.65 percent; d. 25.98


a. Variance = 510, Standard deviation = 22.58 percent. b. Variance = 400 + (1/N)(1500-400) = 510, Solving for N, N = 10

