LSMS Primary Music Audit Please go through the following statements and rate your current provision by ticking in the Red/Amber/Green boxes Red – working towards Amber – achieving Green – an area of strength Name of school _____________________________________ Date __________________ Contact details ________________________________________________ Optional Evidence/comments 1. We value music and understand what good practice looks like. 2. We have a music co-ordinator / subject leader who takes responsibility for ensuring the national curriculum for music is an entitlement for all pupils. 3. We deliver the National Plan for Music Education (NPME) including building sustained and high quality partnerships with outside organisations and individuals that bring long term benefits to all groups of pupils. 4. We offer whole class ensemble tuition (WCET) free of charge in the first year and ensure that our pupils are able to continue the following year. 5. We evaluate the quality of teaching and learning in music in the curriculum. 6. We evaluate the quality of teaching and learning of music tuition, instrumental lessons, workshops etc delivered by outside organisations and partners R A G 7. Every child in school benefits from a music curriculum that includes performing, composing and listening to music from a wide range of styles and genres 8. Singing is embedded into the music curriculum and into the life of the school 9. There are regular opportunities for all pupils to take part in extra-curricular activity in music 10. All groups of pupils make good progress in music. We assess the progress that pupils make musically by listening to and analysing their musical responses 11. We collect the views of pupils about music provision in school and involve them in evaluation 12. We provide regular CPD and networking opportunities in music for staff 13. ICT is used effectively as a tool to develop musical understanding. Pupils are given regular opportunities to use ICT to explore, record and manipulate sounds. 13. We provide the following extra-curricular music activities/ensembles/vocal groups/choirs in school Type of activity Number of pupils Frequency of rehearsals / activity 14. We have been awarded Artsmark at Level _______________ 15. Number of pupils who have received an Arts Award ________ 16. Any other comments/ things that the school does to support music 17. We think our overall provision for music is currently R/A/G (please circle) 18. Our next steps are to 19. What support would you like from LSMS? Performances