2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 How Good are Ocean Buoy Observations of Radiative Fluxes? R. T. Pinker, H. Wang, and Semyon A. Grodsky Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 February 2009 For Submission to: Geophysical Research Letters 35 36 37 Abstract 38 evaluated against ground observations over land but to a lesser extent over oceans that 39 cover larger portion of the Earth surface. In this study new surface radiative flux 40 estimates from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) are 41 evaluated against buoy measurements of downwelling SWR in the tropical oceans. As a 42 benchmark for achievable accuracies from satellites, similar evaluation is performed over 43 land against the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) observations, believed to 44 be of highest available quality. Comparable accuracy of the new satellite SWR data is 45 found over land and over oceans. Satellite-derived surface shortwave radiation (SWR) has been extensively 46 47 1. Introduction 48 Many attempts have been made to estimate surface shortwave radiation (SWR) 49 from satellite-observed radiances and atmospheric and surface variables, on both regional 50 and global scales [Pinker and Ewing, 1985; Ramanathan, 1986; Raschke et al., 1991; 51 Pinker and Lazlo, 1992; Zhang et al., 2004; Gupta et al., 1999; Mueller et al., 2004; 52 Rigollier et al., 2004]. Most methods are implemented with observations from 53 geostationary satellites that capture the diurnal variability of clouds but have coarser 54 spectral and spatial resolution than low temporal resolution polar orbiting satellites. 55 Observations from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) 56 [Rossow and Schiffer, 1999] (version D1) are widely used for estimating surface radiative 57 fluxes at global scale. They are provided at a nominal resolution of 2.5◦ at 3-hourly time 58 intervals and use sampled pixels at 30 km spatial resolution. The inference schemes that 2 59 utilize the ISCCP data require auxiliary information from independent sources that are 60 not consistent in space and time with the satellites observations used to derive the SWR. 61 In this study we use three years (2003-2005) of global scale estimates of SWR 62 and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) (0.4-0.7 µm) at 1ox1o grid cells as 63 derived from MODIS observations from Terra and Aqua satellites [Wang and Pinker, 64 2009]. They are evaluated against a comprehensive set of buoy observations over the 65 oceans (SWR only) and ground observations over land (SWR and PAR). 66 67 2. Satellite estimates of surface SWR fluxes 68 2.1 Satellite observations 69 The MODIS instrument is a state-of-the-art sensor with 36 spectral bands with an 70 onboard calibration of both solar and infrared bands. The wide spectral range (0.41-14.24 71 µm), frequent global coverage (one to two days revisit), and high spatial resolution (250 72 m for two bands, 500m for five bands and 1000m for 29 bands), permit global 73 monitoring of atmospheric profiles, column water vapor amount, aerosol properties, and 74 clouds, at higher accuracy and consistency than previous Earth Observation Imagers 75 [King et al., 1992]. The largest uncertainties in satellite estimates of surface SWR are due 76 to inadequate information on cloud properties such as cloud fraction, cloud optical depth, 77 and cloud thermodynamic phase. Hence, improvements in estimating SWR greatly 78 depend on better detection of cloud properties. 79 The MODIS cloud mask is applied globally at single pixel resolution; it uses 17 80 spectral bands (visible at 250m and infrared at 1000m resolution) to improve cloud 81 detection and to mitigate past difficulties experienced by sensors with coarser spatial 3 82 resolution or with fewer spectral bands [Ackerman et al., 1998]. Three bands in the 83 infrared window regions of 8-11 µm and 11-12 µm are used to differentiate cloud phase. 84 Spectral bands, including window regions in the visible and near-infrared, as well as 1.6, 85 2.1 µm shortwave infrared bands and 3.7 µm mid-wave infrared bands are used for the 86 retrieval of cloud optical depth and cloud particle effective radius. Seven channels are 87 designed to measure aerosol properties over oceans and three bands over land. 88 We use Level-3 MODIS Atmosphere Daily Global Product (MOD08_D3, 89 MYD08_D3) model input parameters that include: Optical Depth for Land and Ocean, 90 Cloud Top Pressure Day, Cloud Optical Thickness Liquid, Cloud Optical Thickness Ice, 91 Cloud Effective Radius Liquid, Cloud Effective Radius Ice, Cloud Effective Radius 92 Undetermined, Cloud Fraction Liquid, Cloud Fraction Ice, Cloud Fraction Undetermined, 93 Cloud Optical Thickness Undetermined, Total Ozone, Atmospheric Water Vapor. Clouds 94 with undetermined phase are treated as water clouds in the computation of radiative 95 fluxes. 96 Since the MODIS atmospheric water vapor is retrieved only when at least 9 out 97 of 25 Field of Views are cloud free, precipitable water from the National Centers for 98 Environmental Prediction Reanalysis Data [Kistler et al., 2000] is used for conditions 99 with large cloud fraction. Missing aerosol optical depths under cloudy conditions and 100 over arid areas are filled with information from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectro- 101 Radiometer Component Global Aerosol Product [Martonchik et al., 2002)] and monthly 102 global aerosol climatology, derived from 'typical-year' aerosol transport model results 103 [Kahn, 2001]. Spectral surface albedo on 1ox1o grid cells is taken from the Filled Land 104 Surface Albedo Product provided by the MODIS project [Moody el al., 2005]. Monthly 4 105 mean sea ice extent on 1ox1o grids from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager is 106 provided by the NOAA National Climate Data Center [Ferraro et al., 1997]. Daily snow 107 cover data are from MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily Global 0.25 Degree Geographic 108 Climate-Modeling Grid [Hall et al., 2002; Riggs et al., 2005]. Surface albedo of ice over 109 oceans in visible and near-infrared is set to 0.77 and 0.33, respectively. The surface 110 elevation on 1ox1o grid is calculated from the global Digital Elevation Model adopted in 111 the Penn State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research meso-scale model 112 (known as MM5). 113 2.2 Ground observations 114 2.2.1 Ground Observations over oceans 115 In-situ measurements from the Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic 116 (PIRATA) moorings in the tropical Atlantic (Bourles et al., 2008), and the Tropical 117 Atmosphere Ocean/ Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network (TAO/TRITON) moorings in 118 the tropical Pacific Ocean (McPhaden et al., 1998) are used for comparisons with the 119 satellite estimates. Downwelling SWR is detected by the Eppley Laboratory 120 pyranometers that have nominal resolution 0.4 W m-2 and relative accuracy of ±2% in the 121 0-1600 W m-2 interval in laboratory conditions [Cronin and McPhaden, 1997]. 122 123 2.2.2 Ground observations over land 124 Over land we used eighteen BSRN sites [Ohmura et al., 1998] from the United States, 125 Europe and Africa. Since 1992 the BSRN stations provide data for the calibration of 126 satellite-based measurements of radiative fluxes and other climate applications such as 127 validation of radiative fluxes from numerical models. As of June 2008 there are 43 5 128 stations contributing to the BSRN. The BSRN stations over the United States (previously 129 known as SURFRAD [Augustine et al., 2005]) also use independent instruments to 130 measure PAR. These observations were used to evaluate the MODIS based PAR 131 estimates. 132 133 3. Methodology 134 A forward inference scheme was developed to derive surface, Top of the 135 Atmosphere (TOA), and atmospheric spectral shortwave radiative fluxes at global scale 136 using satellite based information [Wang and Pinker, 2009]. The model takes into account 137 all atmospheric constituents and a multi-layered structure of the atmosphere that accounts 138 for surface elevation effects and the vertical distribution of radiative fluxes. Spectral 139 fluxes such as PAR and near-infrared radiation can also be estimated. The model is 140 implemented with products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer 141 (MODIS) sensor both on Aqua and Terra at 1ox1o grid cells on global scale, for a three 142 year period (2003-2005). The new model (UMD/SRB_MODIS) takes into account both 143 water and ice clouds, the variation of cloud particle effective radius, and their 144 corresponding optical properties by adopting a new cloud parameterization scheme. In 145 the near-infrared band three spectral intervals are used so that characterization of spectral 146 change of water absorption and cloud optical properties could be incorporated. The 147 parameterization of water vapor absorption uses a scheme based on an extensive 148 spectroscopic database and incorporates a water vapor continuum model [Edwards and 149 Slingo, 1996]. The aerosol models used include several aerosol types following Hess et 150 al. [1998]. In addition, the layered structure of the new inference scheme facilitates the 6 151 treatment of surface elevation effects. The forward approach of the new inference 152 scheme avoids intermediate steps such as narrow to broadband conversions and angular 153 corrections needed if the original satellite radiance were to be used; instead, we utilize 154 geophysical parameters derived independently from MODIS. 155 Information on Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) (0.4-0.7 µm), is 156 needed for applications dealing with biogeochemical processes such as net primary 157 productivity and ecosystem modeling [Running et al., 1999; Platt, 1986; Prentice et al., 158 1992, Nemani et al., 2003]. When implemented with MODIS products the 159 UMD/SRB_MODIS model can estimate SWR fluxes in several spectral intervals, one of 160 which is the PAR region. 161 Ground measurements of PAR are very limited. There are far fewer ground 162 stations measuring PAR than total SWR. Satellite observations are the only source of 163 consistent information on PAR. MODIS observations have been previously applied to 164 estimate PAR using simplified radiative transfer models over land and over oceans [Van 165 Laake and Sanchez-Azofeifa, 2004]. Those simplified models are limited in their 166 capability to deal with multiple scattering by clouds and aerosols and lack transferability 167 to global scale. 168 169 170 1. Results To illustrate products derived from from MODIS observations we show the global 171 distribution of the time-mean surface SWR on a 1ox1o grid averaged over 2003-2005 172 (Fig.1a), while the illustration for the PAR (Fig. 1b) focuses on the July mean (averaged 173 over the three Julys) that is the peak season for the northern Hemisphere (where te 7 174 ground truth comparison is done).. These three year data sets have been evaluated against 175 the best available observations both over tropical oceans and over land. 176 In Figure 2 we show results for daily mean surface SWR fluxes against PIRATA 177 and TAO/TRITON buoy observations. Small fraction of data are eliminated from the 178 comparisons (1.1% for PIRATA and 1.3% for TAO/TRITION). The removal of extreme 179 outliers was done by eliminating cases where the difference between estimated and 180 observed flux was larger than three times the standard deviation of the differences. After 181 averaging for each buoy network and averaging in time over the three years of records 182 the bias of the time-space mean of daily DSWR is 3 and 1 W/m2 for the tropical Atlantic 183 and the tropical Pacific, respectively. The difference between instantaneous daily satellite 184 and buoy data is better characterized by corresponding RMSE that is 25 and 36 W/m2, 185 respectively. If monthly average data is used instead of daily average data, the bias 186 remains low at 2 and -1 W/m2 for the Atlantic and Pacific, correspondingly, while the 187 RMSE is reduced to 13 and 11 W/m2 which is about 5 % from the observed mean values. 188 In Figure 3 we present evaluation of daily mean surface SWR fluxes estimated 189 with the UMD/SRB_MODIS model against measurements at 18 BSRN stations over land 190 for the same time period. For daily average data (IS THIS DAILY AVERAGE OR 191 INSTANTENEOUS???), the bias is -3 W/m2 while the RMSE is 21 W/m2. Both biases 192 and RMSE are similar for the ocean and land comparisons for downwelling SWR.. 193 Similar good comparison is found for daily mean surface PAR fluxes against the 194 SURFRAD (BSRN) measurements over the United States for January, 2003 to December, 195 2005 (Fig. 4). No data were excluded from the analysis. The PAR estimates agree well 196 with ground measurements, with a correlation coefficient of 0.96, a bias of 0 Wm2 and a 8 197 RMSE of 11 W/m2 (14%) for the daily time scale and coefficient of 0.99, a bias of 0 198 Wm2 and a RMSE of 5 W/m2 (6%) on a monthly time scale. 199 200 201 4. Summary The need for improving air-sea fluxes in atmospheric re-analyses products, which 202 are widely used to study climatic changes in the ocean and the atmosphere, has been 203 recognized (e.g., US-CLIVAR Program). A major component of these fluxes are 204 radiative.. The advantages of using reanalysis fields in climate research are that they are 205 readily available and that they provide basin-wide coverage, but their quality must always 206 be tested by independent means. Radiative fluxes are particularly difficult to obtain from 207 global atmospheric analysis models, since their cloud schemes often are unrealistic, 208 especially when relatively high temporal and spatial resolution is desired (days and 50 to 209 100 km scales). Quality assessment of the reanalysis fluxes involves comparisons with in 210 situ and satellite observations. In situ observations are sparse, however, leaving satellite 211 observations as the only quality-control tool of the fluxes on a basin scale. Satellite 212 observations provide nearly global coverage and routine sampling. The objective of this 213 study was to evaluate comprehensively satellite based estimates of radiative fluxes over 214 the oceans using the most advanced buoy observational systems. It was demonstrated the 215 there are no significant differences between the validation results over oceans when 216 compared to land. It was also shown that PAR results over land are even in better 217 agreement with ground observations than the SWR fluxes. Therefore, it is reasonable to 218 assume that similar results can be obtained over oceans where PAR measurements are as 219 yet not available. 9 220 Acknowledgement 221 We thank NFS for providing support for this work under grant ATM0631685 to the 222 University of Maryland. Support for SG is provided by the NASA OWVST. The work 223 also benefited from support under NASA grant NNG05GB35G to the University of 224 Maryland. We are greatful to the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information 225 Services Center (GES DISC) Giovanni web system for providing excellent support with 226 the MODIS data and to the various teams that produced information used in this study. 227 We also thank the anonymous Reviewers for the sincere effort to improve this 228 contribution. 229 230 References 231 Ackerman, S. 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Res., 109, D19, D19105. 13 310 311 14 312 313 Figure 1a. 1ox1o grid cells as averaged over a three year period (2003-2005). 314 315 Figure 1b. 316 317 Annual mean downwelling SWR derived from MODIS observations at July mean surface PAR derived from MODIS observations at 1ox1o grid cells as averaged over a three year period (2003-2005). Figure 2. Evaluation of daily mean downwelling SWR estimated by 318 UMD/SRB_MODIS (2003-2005) against PIRATA and TAO/TRITON 319 buoy observations. PIRATA and TAO/TRITON data are available since 320 1997/1979, respectively. Cases eliminated: 1.1% (PIRATA); 1.3% 321 (TAO/TRITON). 322 Figure 3. Evaluation of daily mean downwelling SWR flux estimated by 323 UMD/SRB_MODIS against BSRN measurements over land (January, 324 2003-December, 2005). Cases eliminated: 1.6%. 325 Figure 4. Evaluation of daily mean surface downwelling PAR fluxes estimated with 326 the UMD/SRB_MODIS model against the SURFRAD (BSRN) 327 measurements over the United States for January, 2003 to December, 2005. 328 15 329 330 Table 1. Summary of evaluation results for daily mean surface SWR and PAR 331 against tropical ocean buoy and BSRN observations for January 2003- 332 December 2005. 333 Mean of Obs. (W/m^2) 232 212 201 81 Region Atlantic Pacific Land/SWR Land/PAR 334 335 336 Table 2. Corr. Coef. Bias (%) (W/m^2) RMSE (%) (W/m^2) Num. of Obs. 0.89 0.86 0.98 0.96 3 (1) 1 (0) -3 (2) 0 (0) 25 (11) 36 (17) 21 (11) 11 (14) 8478 16317 11439 4391 Summary of evaluation results for monthly mean surface SWR and PAR 337 against tropical ocean buoy and BSRN observations for January 2003- 338 December 2005. 339 Region PIRATA TAO/TRITON Land/SWR Land/PAR Mean of Obs. (W/m^2) 232 219 198 81 Corr. Coef. Bias (%) (W/m^2) RMSE (%) (W/m^2) Num. of Obs. 0.90 0.94 0.99 0.99 2 (1) -1 (0) -3 (2) 0 (0) 13 (5) 11 (5) 10 (5) 5 (6) 295 776 381 146 340 341 342 16 343 344 345 Figure 1. Left: Annual mean downwelling SWR derived from MODIS observations 346 at 1ox1o grids as averaged over a three year period (2003-2005); Right: 347 July mean surface downwelling PAR derived from MODIS observations 348 at 1ox1o grids as averaged over a three year period (2003-2005). 349 350 351 17 352 353 354 Figure 2. Evaluation of daily mean downwelling SWR estimated by 355 UMD/SRB_MODIS (2003-2005) against PIRATA and TAO/TRITON 356 buoy observations. PIRATA and TAO/TRITON data are available since 357 1997/1979, respectively. Cases eliminated: 1.1% (PIRATA); 1.3% 358 (TAO/TRITON). 359 18 360 361 362 Figure 3. Evaluation of daily mean downwelling SWR flux estimated by 363 UMD/SRB_MODIS against BSRN measurements over land (January, 364 2003-December, 2005). Cases eliminated: 1.6%. 365 366 367 19 368 369 370 Figure 4. Evaluation of daily mean surface downwelling PAR fluxes estimated with 371 the UMD/SRB_MODIS model against the SURFRAD (BSRN) 372 measurements over the United States for January, 2003 to December, 373 2005. 374 20