ADDENDUM 1 DATE: November 9, 2011 PROJECT: Job Order Contracting RFP NO: 744-1202 OWNER: University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, Texas TO: Prospective Proposers The following questions were received before the question deadline: 1. I saw the sample contract requires an estimating program, “PULSAR, by Estimating Systems, Inc.” Also required is the 2007 edition of RS Means. I am having a hard time locating this software on-line. When I go to the Estimating Systems, Inc. site, it doesn’t look active. Do you have any information where this required program can be obtained? Or if it in fact is required. In my search I also could not find data on the PULSAR program w/ the RS Means 2007 database. ANSWER: I have revised the sample agreement so this section now states: 4. 08 Project Cost Estimating: The Contractor will obtain and use, at the Contractors expense, for estimation standardization purposes, the most current version of R. S. Means Facilities Construction Cost Data. This is what our current JOC contract states. There were a few other revisions that I needed to make to that contract, so I have uploaded a new copy to the bid listing website. 2. What is your current coefficients your JOC’s are under and what year RS Means book are you using and if so, will it change to a newer version during the terms of the new contract? ANSWER: We cannot provide information like that on current contracts – if you want to know the current coefficient you would need to submit an open records request through our legal department. The new contract will utilize the current calendar year’s RS Means. 3. The RFP calls for Pulsar estimating software, however, Pulsar has gone out of business and is therefore obsolete. Is JOC Works an acceptable replacement? ANSWER: A revised copy of the Sample Agreement has been posted to our website, and that removes this software requirement. It now states: Project Cost Estimating: The Contractor will obtain and use, at the Contractors expense, for estimation standardization purposes, the most current version of R. S. Means Facilities Construction Cost Data. 4. The RFP references both the 2007 and current versions of the RS Means catalog. Please indicate the version that will be utilized for the duration of this contract. ANSWER: You will use the current calendar year’s RS Means [Type text] RFP 744-1202-JOC Page |1 [Type text] 5. Please clarify the contract terms. The RFP references 5 year and 6 year total terms. Is the term indeed a 1 year term with 4 option years? ANSWER: Yes – this was also corrected in the revised Sample Agreement. It is a one year base contract with the option to renew for 4 additional 1-year terms. 6. Is a HUB Subcontracting Plan required in response to this solicitation? ANSWER: No 7. On page 6 of 27, item 1.12.1 Statement of Probability indicates that “UTHealth has determined that a HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) is not required as a part of the respondent’s proposal. However, for awarded proposers, if a single task order exceeds $100,000, a HUB Subcontracting Plan will be required.” Section 4 – Format of Proposals, item references that section 3 of the proposal is a HUB Subcontracting Plan. Please clarify whether or not an HSP is required as part of our response. If not, is there then only 2 separate documents to submit? 1. Qualifications and 2. Pricing & Delivery Proposal? ANSWER: A HSP is NOT required with this proposal. Yes, you should submit two documents, Qualifications and Pricing. 8. Please clarify how you would like to receive the proposals. Since there are 2 sections that should be submitted separately, should we submit 6 spiral bound copies of each? Example: 6 copies of Criteria One: Pricing Proposal (includes section 6) and 6 spiral bound copies of Criteria Two: Respondent’s Qualifications (includes responses to section 8)? Also, where which Criteria should Section 7: Execution of Offer and the letter of bondability be included? ANSWER: Include these items with the Qualifications. Pricing should be submitted separately (but does not need to be spiral bound – they can just be stapled). 9. Should Addendums be acknowledged in our cover letter? If not, where/how should we acknowledge? ANSWER: I will post a page to the website “Addenda Checklist” that you should submit with your Qualifications response. 10. Item 1.4.11 requests 6 identical copies of the proposal. Will it be acceptable for the contractor to provide one original signature volume and five identical copies, or does the University request 6 original signature volumes? ANSWER: You can provide one original and five copies. 11. Who are the incumbents on this contract now? ANSWER: The Trevino Group and CBIC 12. What is the historic annual volume of this contract? What is the anticipated program annual volume for this new contract? ANSWER: See the response to question 23. 13. How many awards are anticipated? How is work distributed among the awarded contractors? ANSWER: We may choose one, or more. A final decision has not been made as to how many contractors we would like to utilize. [Type text] RFP 744-1202-JOC Page |2 [Type text] 14. Section references the proposals shall be submitted as three separate documents 1) Qualifications, 2) Pricing and Delivery Proposal with Execution of Offer in a sealed envelope, 3) HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP). a. Item 1.12.1 states that a HUB Subcontracting Plan is not required with this proposal (noting it may be required on task orders). Please clarify the reference to HSP in Section ANSWER: A HUB is not required as part of this proposal submission. b. Item 4.2.1 requests proposals be bound together separating each Criteria Response in Section 3 by tab. Since Criteria One is the Pricing Proposal, please clarify how the University would like the pricing submitted (i.e.: in a sealed envelope, or bound into our submittal) ANSWER: Please submit the pricing in a separate sealed envelope. 15. Item 2.2 references using R.S. Means unit price books for the current calendar year. Will the quarterly updates issued by R.S. Means be incorporated into this contract? ANSWER: No 16. How many Job Order Contracts have been awarded by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston? ANSWER: 5 previous contracts 17. Is (are) there an incumbent JOC contractor(s) in place? ANSWER: Yes. 18. How many months remain on any existing JOC contract(s)? ANSWER: The current contract term ends 2/28/12 19. How many years have they been under contract? ANSWER: Start date was 3/1/09 20. Approximately how many projects were performed by contractor by year? ANSWER: FY09 – 44 projects and 2 projects, FY10 – 58 and 4, FY11 – 33 and 5, FY12 – 4 and 0 21. What was the approximate total dollar value of the projects by contractor by year? ANSWER: FY09 $1,225,000; FY10 $1,225,000 FY11 $1,400,000, FY12 $219,000 22. What were/are the coefficients of the contractors by year? ANSWER: We cannot provide this information on a current contract. If this information is needed you would need to submit a formal open records request through our legal department. 23. How many UTHSC persons are assigned to project/program management of the JOC? I ANSWER: There are about 6 different project managers. Each job under the JOC will be managed by one of these PMs. 24. How is the JOC utilized, i.e., what type project would typically be routed to the JOC program. ANSWER: A wide variety of individual building maintenance, repair, and renovations tasks. [Type text] RFP 744-1202-JOC Page |3 [Type text] 25. If multiple JOC contract awards are made (understanding that you may award one, or more), how do you intend to distribute the work among the various contractors? Will it be by low-bid, best value bid, performance-based selection, or rotational assignment? ANSWER: Typically performance based. If an estimate seems high or unreasonable we may ask the other contractor to price the work or solicit pricing through a formal bid. 26. Can UTHealth provide who the current Contractor is? ANSWER: CBIC and The Trevino Group 27. Is this a Recompete, new or adding to another contract? ANSWER: Current contract ends 2/29 with no renewal terms so this contract will replace that. 28. Will there be a Pre-Proposal Conference? ANSWER: No 29. When a potential Task Order is approved, if this is a Multiple Award, will each contractor be bidding on the Task Order or will UTHealth just choose a contractor to provide the work? ANSWER: If the JOC contract is awarded to more than one vendor, the project managers will decide which vendor they want to do which tasks. 30. Could UTHealth provide an estimated number of Task Orders to be issued per year? ANSWER: It varies each year anywhere from 10 to 50. 31. Could UTHealth provide total estimated value of contract per contractor? ANSWER: No 32. Can UTHealth provide the current prevailing wage determination to be used? ANSWER: This is in the Special Conditions document posted with the RFP document: 1.1 Minimum Wage Requirements - Contractors shall use the most recent Davis-Bacon minimum wage requirements for Harris County, Texas. Rates can be obtained at 33. Can UTHealth please confirm/Verify if this will be a Multiple Award Contract or a Single Award? ANSWER: We have not made a final decision on this yet. 34. Can UTHealth provide the current Coefficients? ANSWER: No. Since the contract is still in effect, you can only get this information by doing a formal open records request through our legal department. END OF ADDENDUM 1 [Type text] RFP 744-1202-JOC Page |4 [Type text]