B. Classroom Procedures

Classroom Procedures
1. Entering the classroom:
The students will walk into the classroom. The adults in the classroom will greet
each student. The students will place their bus tags into the appropriate paper
pocket attached to the homework shelf.
The students will place their homework binders in either the red or blue bin and
their folders in the green basket.
The students will place their coats, book bags and other belongings in their
If the student brought his/ her lunch from home he/she needs to place it by the
sink next to the refrigerator.
The students will sign in with their name clothespin on the attendance chart.
2. Pre-Breakfast Activities: The students will find their calendar folders and color
in the next day on their hundreds chart. The students will then open their folders
and write today’s date in the appropriate square. The students will have a teacher,
teacher aide or student intern check their work. The student will then put their
calendar folder in the file holder.
3. Breakfast Procedures: If the student wants breakfast he/ she will go to one of the
tables that is set up for breakfast. The student will eat breakfast and not get up
until he/ she is finished eating. When finished eating the students will pour any
left over cereal into the colander in the sink. The students will also pour any
leftover milk into the sink. The students will place their remaining trash into the
large waste cans.
4. Post-Breakfast Procedures: After the student has cleaned up from, he/
she will use the classroom restroom and then wash his/ her hands. If it is before
9:25 am the students will go to the counting jar. At the counting jar table the
students will locate the post-it with his/ her name on it. The students will dump
out the counting jar and count he items. The student will print the number and
draw a representation for that number, such as tally marks or circles. The student
will then place the items back in the counting jar. The student will have the
“Checker” verify that his/ her answer is correct. The “Checker” will place a star
on the post-it or direct the student to make the necessary corrections. If there is
still time before the pledge, the students make look at books from the browsing
5. The Pledge: When the announcement has been made to say the pledge all
students no matter what they are doing will stop, stand up face the flag and say
the pledge unless they are not permitted to because of religious reasons. In that
case they will still stand to show respect.
All students need to stop what they are doing, clean
up and go to their seats on the rug.
6. Morning Whole Group:
a. Attendance: Attendance is taken by saying good morning to each child.
The student should also respond with good morning.
b. Lunch Count: Ask each student if they need a school lunch. The
response will either be yes please or no thank you.
c. Choose two students to take the attendance card to the office. Do this by
pulling two Popsicle sticks from the yellow bin. The students’ names are
written on the sticks.
d. Choose two students to take the lunch count folder and the breakfast bag
upstairs to the cafeteria. Do this by pulling two Popsicle sticks from the
yellow bin. The students’ names are written on the sticks.
e. Paperclip Count-Counting the number of days of school.
Each day add 1 paperclip. Teacher & students will count all paperclips.
Count by 10’s when possible.
f. Morning Message: The Morning Message can be found at the beginning
of each Harcourt reading lesson in the teacher’s manual. Print it on the dry
erase board before the students arrive. The students will try to read the
message. (Pair-Share) Pair the students with someone sitting close to
them. The students will discuss with each other possible answers to
complete the sentence. The students need to remember what their partner’s
answer is. Pick a Popsicle stick and ask that student what their partner’s
answer is. Repeat about four times.
7. Whole Group Literacy Piece:
Follow the directions for the literacy piece in the Harcourt Teacher’s
manual. Frequently have the students pair-share for responses.
8. Transition to Small Groups:
Reading groups will be called and students will go to the appropriate
tables. Students assigned to literacy centers will look at the center chart for
their assignment and precede to that center.
9. Small Group Reading:
Meet with the reading groups in the following order:
a. Intensive Reading Group: Seat students around perimeter of kidney
shaped table. Do not seat students next to you unless absolutely necessary.
Students seated next to you will not be able to see the table chart, the
pocket chart or the chalkboard as easily. Have all materials set up for
today’s lesson prior to the students’ arrival in class. Students must raise
their hands and wait to be called on in order to ask questions and to
respond to questions.
b. Strategic Reading Group: Seat students around perimeter of kidney
shaped table. Do not seat students next to you unless absolutely necessary.
Students seated next to you will not be able to see the table chart, the
pocket chart or the chalkboard as easily. Have all materials set up for
today’s lesson prior to the students’ arrival in class. Students must raise
their hands and wait to be called on in order to ask questions and to
respond to questions.
c. Benchmark Reading Group: Seat students around perimeter of kidney
shaped table. Do not seat students next to you unless absolutely necessary.
Students seated next to you will not be able to see the table chart, the
pocket chart or the chalkboard as easily. Have all materials set up for
today’s lesson prior to the students’ arrival in class. Students must raise
their hands and wait to be called on in order to ask questions and to
respond to questions.
10. Literacy Centers:
Students will find their names on the literacy center chart. Icons represent
the centers. Individual center rules are posted at each center.
11. Vocabulary Program:
The aides will teach the vocabulary program.
12.Wilson Fundations:
Students will sit in whole group on the rug. Everyday, the teacher will
review Wilson Fundation Alphabet Chart with the students. Teacher will
follow the rest of the Wilson plans for that day.
13. Lunch:
Rules for sitting at the tablea. Student should go to the appropriate table as directed by the teacher.
b. Students should sit in the chair & pull the chair close to the table.
Rules for getting luncha. Students who brought their lunches from home should get their
lunches as directed by the teacher.
b. School lunches & milk will be distributed to the other students.
Rules for opening luncha. Open milk first & place straw in the carton. Close the carton around
the straw.
b. Unwrap the lunch. Teachers/ Aides will collect the plastic wrap.
Students are not to get out of their seats to throw out trash.
Rules for eating luncha. Students are to eat “growing foods” first, not desserts or chips.
b. If the students are not sure if they like what is being served, they
need to at least try it. There are no alternative lunches.
c. Students may talk during lunch, but need to be reminded not to
speak with food in their mouths and to chew with their mouths
Procedure for cleaning up after luncha. Students are to raise their hands if they are finished eating.
Students will then clean up their area and throw out any trash and
food that was not eaten. Milk should be poured in the sink.
c. Students line up to use the restroom & wash their hands.
d. Students may read books after using the restroom while waiting for
the other students. If they did not complete the counting jar activity
in the morning they may use this time to complete this activity.
14. Language for Learning:
a. Students will be called for Language for Learning Groups
b. Other students will be sent to center activities
15. Math:
a. All math materials must be prepared prior to the lesson & readily
b. Students go to the appropriate tables as directed by the teacher.
c. Third group of students work with math activities in the center they
are assigned to.
d. Every 20 minutes the students are directed to line-up and the groups are
Rotated so that every student has worked with both teachers and worked
with math center activities.
16. Science:
a . All science materials must be prepared prior to the lesson. Review
appropriate handling of materials.
b. Students go to the appropriate tables as directed by the teacher
c. Third group of students will complete a reinforcement activity with
teacher’s aide.
17. Social Studies:
a . All social studies materials must be prepared prior to the lesson. Review
appropriate handling of materials.
b. Students go to the appropriate tables as directed by the teacher
c. Third group of students will complete a reinforcement activity with
teacher’s aide.
18. Snack:
a. If students are served drinks with their snacks they will eat at the
b. If students are not served drinks they may be given snack on the rug.
19. Dismissal:
a. When the student’s name is called by the teaching assistant, the students
will get their folders and homework notebooks. The student will go to
his/ her cubby and get his/ her book bag, coat, etc. The student will then
get his/ her bus tag. When all of these activities have been completed the
student will go to his/ her pot on the rug.
b. When all of the students are on the rug and the dismissal bell chimes the
students who are walkers will be lined up first and taken outside by a
c. The teaching assistant will line up the bus students by the color of their
bus tag string (bus number).
d. The teaching assistant will drop of the bus students to their appropriate
bus rooms.
e. The teaching assistant will return to the classroom to monitor the bus
students assigned to our classroom (113).
f. After receiving a telephone call announcing the arrival of the bus, the
teaching assistants will escort the bus students to the bus. One assistant
will be at the front of the line and one at the end of the line. If a teaching
assistant is absent one of the teachers assigned to room 113 will take her
g. The windows need to be locked and the shades pulled down before
leaving the room.
h. The classroom door should be locked.
i. The keys need to be hung on the key rack in the office.
j. The teacher may then exit the building.