Program Learning Outcomes - Northeast Alabama Community College

Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Business (BUS) program are able to
Communicate effectively in a business setting both orally and in writing (BUS
Apply communication principles to the production of faxes, memos, emails,
letters, résumés, and reports (BUS 215)
Demonstrate an understanding of the legal and social environment of business, in
particular civil and criminal law, consumer protection, contracts, employment and
personal property rights (BUS 263)
Demonstrate competence in financial accounting processes and systems (BUS
Prepare income statements (BUS 241)
Demonstrate competence in budgeting, performance evaluations, differential
analysis, product pricing, and capital investment analysis (BUS 242)
Demonstrate competence in corporate and management accounting (BUS 242)
Demonstrate an understanding of macroeconomic theory, analysis, and policy
applications, including supply and demand and market equilibrium, the American
banking system, and the Federal Reserve system (ECO 231)
Demonstrate an understanding of microeconomic theory, analysis, and policy
applications, including international trade and the global economy, production
and cost theory, and the economic role of government (ECO 232)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
BUS 215: Business Communications
BUS 242: Principles of Accounting II
ECO 231: Principles of Macroeconomics
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
BUS 241: Principles of Accounting I
BUS 263: The Legal and Social Environment of Business
ECO 232: Principles of Microeconomics
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A.S.—Child Development
Graduates of the Child Development (CHD) program are able to
Explain ethical and professional behaviors related to early childcare profession
(CHD 100)
Provide an environment that is healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for
children (CHD 100)
Explain the principles of child growth and development (CHD 201)
Provide developmentally appropriate activities for creative experiences for
children (CHD 202)
Select developmentally appropriate books for children and read to young children
in an engaging manner (CHD 203)
Plan, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate activities for young
children (CHD 204)
Plan programs for child development (CHD 205)
Value safe and healthy management practices in a childcare setting (CHD 206)
Develop an awareness of the roles of childcare facility administrators (CHD 208)
Plan activities that support the development and interaction of children and their
families (CHD 209)
Explain concepts related to educating exceptional children (CHD 210)
Demonstrate skills necessary for working in a childcare facility (CHD 215)
Demonstrate ability to perform CPR (EMS 100)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
CHD 100: Introduction to Early Care and Education of Children
CHD 202: Children’s Creative Experiences
CHD 204: Methods and Materials for Teaching Children
CHD 206: Children’s Health and Safety
CHD 209: Infant and Toddler Education Programs
CHD 215: Supervised Practical Experience in Child Development
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
CHD 201: Child Growth and Development Principles
CHD 203: Children’s Literature and Language Development
CHD 205: Program Planning for Educating Young Children
CHD 208: Administration of Child Development Programs
CHD 210: Educating Exceptional Young Children
EMS 100: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation I
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A. S.—Computer Information Systems
Graduates of the Computer Information Systems (CIS) program are able to
Demonstrate knowledge of computer terminology and components (CIS 149)
Explain basic computer operating systems (CIS 146)
Demonstrate the ability to use word processing, spreadsheet, presentation
graphics, and database software (CIS 146)
Install, configure, and upgrade a computer operating system (CIS 268)
Diagnose and troubleshoot an operating system (CIS 268)
Install and troubleshoot computer hardware (CIS 269)
Demonstrate the ability to use the polynomial, rational, exponential, and
logarithmic functions of algebra (MTH 112)
Demonstrate the ability to employ algorithmic design techniques (CIS 110)
Demonstrate the ability to algorithmically solve problems using sequence,
selection, and repetition control structures (CIS 110)
Demonstrate knowledge of networks and data communications technology (CIS
Explain and utilize C++ programming (CIS 251)
Create Java application programs and applets (CIS 255)
Develop a hierarchical class structure necessary to the implementation of an
object-oriented software system (CIS 285)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
CIS 110: Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming
CIS 149: Introduction to Computers
CIS 255: Java Programming
CIS 269: Hardware Support
CIS 285: Object Oriented Programming
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
CIS 146: Microcomputer Applications
CIS 251: C++ Programming
CIS 268: Software Support
CIS 273: Introduction of Networking Communications
MTH 112: Precalculus Algebra
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Cosmetology (COS) program are able to:
Apply principles of shampooing, hair shaping, and hair styling. (COS 111, 112,
123, 190)
Apply permanent waves, chemical relaxing, and soft curls. (COS 113, 114, 123,
Analyze scalp and hair. (COS 113, 114, 121, 122, 190).
Apply all phases of hair coloring and lightening. (COS 121, 122, 190)
Create styles using basic and advanced techniques. (COS 111, 112, 123, 143, 144,
Administer facials, remove hair, and provide care for the skin. (COS 123, 131,
132, 190)
Provide basic nail care. (COS 111, 112, 123, 190)
Demonstrate competence in management skills and the technology available for
use in a salon. (COS 123, 133)
Demonstrate personal and professional development. (all)
Utilize safety and sanitary precautions. (all)
Exhibit a positive work ethic. (WKO 106)
COS 111: Cosmetology Science & Art
COS 112: Cosmetology Science & Art Lab
COS 113: Chemical Methodology
COS 114: Chemical Methodology Lab
COS 121: Colorimetry
COS 122: Colorimetry Applications
COS 123: Cosmetology Salon Practices
COS 131: Aesthetics
COS 132: Aesthetics Applications
COS 133: Salon Management Technology
COS 143: Hair Designs
COS 144: Hair Shaping and Design
COS 190: Internship in Cosmetology
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A.S.—Drafting and Design Technology
Graduates of the Drafting and Design Technology (DDT) program are able to
Practice safety (all courses)
Employ basic operating system functions (DDT 104)
Use CADD software and the printer/plotter (DDT 104, 127)
Draw geometric figures and construction (DDT 111)
Sketch and draw orthographic views of objects (DDT 111)
Create drawings (DDT 124, 127)
Create viewports and plot using paperspace (DDT 127)
Produce pictorial and multi-view working drawings (DDT 128)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
DDT 104: Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting and Design
DDT 124: Technical Drawing I
DDT 128: Technical Drawing II
DDT 111: Fundamentals of Drafting and Design Technology
DDT 127: Intermediate Computer Aided Drafting
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A.S.—Emergency Medical Services
Graduates of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program are able to
Assess vital signs and obtain a SAMPLE* history (EMS 140)
Manage patient airways in the emergency setting (EMS 140)
Perform patient assessment/management for the trauma patient (EMS 141)
Perform patient assessment/management for the medical patient (EMS 141)
Manage resuscitation efforts for a cardiac-arrest patient (EMS 142)
Adapt communications and assessment techniques to the needs of pediatric and
geriatric patients (EMS 142)
Function in a clinical setting as an entry-level EMT (EMS 143)
Prepare for service, dress professionally, and act in a safe manner (EMS 143)
*SAMPLE: Signs and Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past medical history,
Last oral
in-take, Events leading up to illness or injury
EMS 140: EMT Preparatory and Prehospital EMS Operations
EMS 142: EMT Medical Emergencies and Pediatric Care
EMS 141: EMT Assessment and Trauma Related Injuries
EMS 143: EMT Basic Clinical Competencies
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A.S.—Industrial Electronics Technology
Graduates of the Industrial Electronics Technology (ILT) program are able to
Practice safety (all courses)
Apply concepts related to DC electrical theory (ILT 106)
Apply concepts related to AC electrical theory (ILT 107)
Use electrical measurement instruments (ILT 106, 107)
Design, troubleshoot, remove, and replace electrical circuits.(ILT 106, 107, 112)
Construct circuits using various logic gates (ILT 112)
Apply concepts of digital electronics (ILT 112)
Apply concepts related to semiconductors by constructing various types of
rectifier, transistor, and thyristor circuits (ILT 111)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
ILT 106: Concepts of Direct Current
ILT 111: Concepts of Solid State
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
ILT 107: Concepts of Alternating Current
ILT 112: Concepts of Digital Electronics
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A.S.—Medical Assisting
Graduates of the Medical Assisting (MAT) program are able to
Interpret medical terms used in medical records (MAT 101)
Demonstrate an understanding of the foundation of the anatomy and physiology
information for allied health professionals, as well as how disease and injury
affect the function of the human body (MAT 102, 103)
Demonstrate competence in medical office exam room procedures (MAT 111,
Apply specific communication techniques, including telephone etiquette,
managing calls, and properly recording telephone messages (MAT 120)
Demonstrate competencies necessary to obtain and prepare specimens in a safe
and effective manner (MAT 125, 215)
Recognize ethical and legal implications of patient contracts, informed consent,
professional liability, and the medical practice act as they relate to the medical
assistant (MAT 128)
Recognize and competently respond to a medical emergency in the office (MAT
Assist with special procedures, triage patients, and apply interviewing skills
(MAT 211)
Demonstrate correct procedure for performing venipuncture (MAT 215)
Calculate drug dosages, recognize administration routes and sites, and administer
medications prescribed by physicians (MAT 216)
Code diagnoses using ICD-9-CM coding system (MAT 220)
Code procedures using CPT-4 coding system (MAT 220)
Complete an insurance claim form (MAT 220)
Transcribe a dictated letter or report without errors into a mail-ready document
using a computer (OAD 212)
Demonstrate ability to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (EMS 100)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
EMS 100: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation I
MAT 101: Medical Terminology
MAT 111: Clinical Procedures I for the Medical Assistant
MAT 125: Laboratory Procedures I for the Medical Assistant
MAT 200: Management of Office Emergencies
MAT 215: Laboratory Procedures II for the Medical Assistant
MAT 220: Medical Office Insurance
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
MAT 102: Medical Assisting Theory I
MAT 103: Medical Assisting Theory II
MAT 120: Medical Administrative Procedures I
MAT 128: Medical Law and Ethics for the Medical Assistant
MAT 211: Clinical Procedures II for the Medical Assistant
MAT 216: Medical Pharmacology for the Medical Office
OAD 212: Medical Transcription
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Nursing (NUR) program are able to
Demonstrate proficiency in performing advanced nursing skills for individuals
with health alterations in a variety of settings (NUR 201, 202, 203)
Apply therapeutic communication techniques in providing advanced nursing care
for clients throughout the lifespan (NUR 201, 202, 203)
Apply foundational knowledge of the nursing process in providing advanced
nursing care for clients throughout the lifespan (NUR 201, 202, 203)
Utilize critical thinking skills in providing collaborative care for clients with
selected health alterations in a variety of settings (NUR 201, 202, 203)
Formulate a teaching/learning plan for culturally diverse clients with selected
health alterations in a variety of settings (NUR 201, 202, 203)
Demonstrate competencies necessary to meet the needs of individuals throughout
the lifespan in a safe, legal, and ethical manner using the nursing process (NUR
201, 202, 203)
Examine relevant technology for client care and documentation (NUR 204)
Demonstrate professional behaviors and roles of a registered nurse upon entry
into practice (NUR 204)
NUR 201: Nursing Through the Lifespan I
NUR 203: Nursing Through the Lifespan III
NUR 202: Nursing Through the Lifespan II
NUR 204: Role Transition for the Registered Nurse
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A. S.—Office Administration
Graduates of the Office Administration (OAD) program are able to
Communicate effectively in a business setting both orally and in writing (BUS
215, OAD 131)
Apply communication principles to the production of faxes, memos, emails,
letters, résumés, and reports (BUS 215)
Demonstrate competence in financial accounting processes and systems (BUS
Demonstrate an understanding of economic theory, analysis, and policy
applications (ECO 231 or 232)
Prepare income statements (BUS 241)
Explain basic computer operating systems (CIS 146)
Demonstrate the ability to use word processing, spreadsheet, presentation
graphics, and database software with speed and accuracy (CIS 146, OAD 103,
OAD 125)
Use the ten-key numeric touch method to solve mathematical business problems
with speed and accuracy (OAD 130)
Utilize American Records Management Association filing rules (OAD 138)
Transcribe documents from dictated recordings (OAD 200)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
BUS 215: Business Communication
CIS 146: Microcomputer Applications
ECO 232: Principles of Microeconomics
OAD 125: Word Processing
OAD 131: Business English
Northeast Alabama
OAD 200: Machine Transcription
BUS 241: Principles of Accounting I
ECO 231: Principles of Macroeconomics
OAD 103: Intermediate Keyboarding
OAD 130: Electronic Calculations
OAD 138: Records/Information Management
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A. S.—Office Administration
Medical Office Assistant Option
Graduates of the Office Administration (OAD) Medical Office Assistant Option program
are able to
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing (BUS 215, OAD 131))
Demonstrate competence in financial accounting processes and systems (BUS
Demonstrate an understanding of economic theory, analysis, and policy
applications (ECO 231 or 232)
Prepare income statements (BUS 241)
Apply communication principles to the production of faxes, memos, emails,
letters, résumés, and reports (BUS 215)
Explain the basic operating system of a computer (CIS 146)
Demonstrate the ability to use word processing, spreadsheet, presentation
graphics, and database software with speed and accuracy (CIS 146, OAD 103,
OAD 125)
Use the ten-key numeric touch method to solve mathematical business problems
(OAD 130)
Utilize American Records Management Association filing rules (OAD 138)
Transcribe documents from dictated recordings (OAD 200)
Interpret medical terms used in medical records (OAD 211)
Transcribe a dictated letter or report without errors into a mail-ready document
using a computer (OAD 212)
Perform office support tasks required for employment in a medical environment
(OAD 214)
Maintain medical records efficiently (OAD 215)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
BUS 215: Business Communication
CIS 146: Microcomputer Applications
ECO 232: Principles of Microeconomics
OAD 125: Word Processing
OAD 131: Business English
OAD 200: Machine Transcription
OAD 212: Medical Transcription
OAD 215: Health Information Management
BUS 241: Principles of Accounting I
ECO 231: Principles of Macroeconomics
OAD 103: Intermediate Keyboarding
OAD 130: Electronic Calculations
OAD 138: Records/Information Management
OAD 211: Medical Terminology
OAD 214: Medical Secretarial Procedures
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
Northeast Alabama Community College
Program Learning Outcomes
A.A. S.—Office Administration
Paralegal Option
Graduates of the Office Administration (OAD) Paralegal Option program are able to
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing (BUS 215)
Apply communication principles to the production of faxes, memos, emails,
letters, résumés, and reports (BUS 215)
Demonstrate the ability to transcribe legal documents in the appropriate format
(OAD 202)
Explain the role of the paralegal and identify the skills, knowledge, and ethics
required of legal assistants (PRL 101)
Demonstrate the ability to perform legal research and writing (PRL 102, 103)
Demonstrate the ability to apply the elements of a contract, prepare various
business documents, and understand the role of commercial paper (PRL 150)
Explain the elements of specific crimes (PRL 160)
Demonstrate the ability to assist an attorney in preparing a criminal case (PRL
Demonstrate the ability to identify estates, forms of deeds, requirements for
recording, and procedures to enforce rights to real property (PRL 210)
Demonstrate the ability to interview clients, gather information, and draft
documents related to family law (PRL 230)
Draft simple wills and prepare estate forms (PRL 240)
Exhibit an understanding of the administration of estates, including taxation, and
the terms regarding trusts (PRL 240)
Demonstrate the ability to prepare a trial notebook for litigation purposes (PRL
Demonstrate and apply appropriate law office management techniques and
procedures (PRL 282)
Exhibit a positive work ethic (WKO 106)
BUS 215: Business Communication
OAD 125: Word Processing
PRL 101: Introduction to Paralegal Study
PRL 103: Advanced Legal Research and Writing
PRL 160: Criminal Law and Procedure
PRL 230: Domestic Law
PRL 262: Civil Law and Procedures
WKO 106: Workplace Skills
BUS 241: Principles of Accounting I
OAD 202: Legal Transcription
PRL 102: Basic Legal Research and Writing
PRL 150: Commercial Law
PRL 210: Introduction to Real Property Law
PRL 240: Wills, Estates, and Trusts
PRL 282: Law Office Management and Procedures