Chapter 2 – Personality & Sport

Chapter 2 – Personality & Sport
What is personality? The characteristics that make a person unique.
Psychological core – the “real you” i.e., values, motives, beliefs, attitudes.
Typical responses – how we usually respond to the world around us.
Role-related behavior – your behavior changes as your perceptions of the environment
change. Most changeable
Approaches to personality:
1Psychodynamic approach (Freud, Jung, Erickson)
- emphasis on unconscious, instinctual behaviors – id and how they conflict with more
conscious aspects – superego and the ego (conscious personality).
- Focuses on understanding the person as a whole
- views personality as a dynamic set of processes that are constantly changing and
often in conflict with one another
- little impact on sport psychology
- gives little attention to social environment
2 – The Trait Approach –assumes that the fundamental units of personality (its traits) are
relatively stable
 cause of behavior is with the person
 all traits are relative
 can’t predict behavior from traits
3 – The Situation Approach – behavior is determined largely by the situation.
 Based on social learning theory (Albert Bandura). We learn through observation (modeling)
and social reinforcement (feedback)
 Note – you can change the reinforcements.
 Like the trait approach, you cannot truly predict behavior with this approach.
4 – The Interactional Approach – considers the situation and person as co-determinants of
behavior. It’s not only combination, but interaction of the two. Favored by most sport
psychologists. (see case study, p. 32)
Measuring Personality
Trait – an individual’s typical style of behaving
State – the situation’s effect on behavior
Trait and state
Situation-specific (better predictors of behavior)
Sport-specific - much better than regular psychology tests
Using Psychological Measures
 Tests alone cannot predict success
 You MUST be an informed consumer
Principles of Testing & Measurement Error:
Validity – a test measures what it is supposed to measure. Does it “fit” your population?
Reliability – a consistency over time
Know your limitations – you must be trained to use the instrument
Do NOT use psychological tests for team selection
Include explanation & feedback – they should know purpose of test, what it measures,
and how the tests will be used – informed consent
Assure confidentiality
Take an intra-individual approach – how do you feel in relation to how you usually feel
Understand and assess specific personality components (usually the core)
Dos and Don’ts in Personality Testing (Text p. 39)
 Inform participants about the purposes of the test and exactly HOW it will be used
 Allow only qualified individuals who have an understanding of testing principles and
measurement error to give personality tests
 Integrate personality test results with other information obtained about the participants
 Use sport- and exercise- specific tests whenever possible, giving these tests in
consultation with a sport psychologist
 Use both state and trait measures of personality
 Provide participants with specific feedback concerning the results of the tests.
 Compare individuals against their own baseline levels rather than against normative
 Do not use clinical personality tests that focus on abnormality to study an average
population of sport and exercise participants
 Do not use personality tests to decide who makes a team or program and who doesn’t
 Do not give or interpret personality tests unless you are qualified to do so by the
American Psychological Association or other certifying organization
 Do not use personality tests to predict behavior in sport and exercise settings without
considering other sources of information, such as observational data and performance
Personality research in sport & exercise
Personality alone does NOT account for behavior in sport or exercise. They are a useful tool to
help us better understand, monitor and work with athletes and exercises
Research does report:
 athletes who played team sports exhibited less abstract reasoning, more extroversion, more
dependency and less ego strength than non-athletes
 athletes who played individual sports displayed higher levels of objectivity, more
dependency, less anxiety, and less abstract thinking than non-athletes
 compared with female non-athletes, women athletes were more achievement-oriented,
independent, aggressive, emotionally stable, and assertive. 7
Exercise & personality
Type A personality – strong sense of urgency, an excess of competitive drive, and an easily
aroused hostility. Have more heart problems. Exercise does help. The opposite = Type B
Self-concept - improves with exercise as they perceive improvements, don’t have to have real
Mental Strategies Used by Successful Athletes (Text p. 45)
 To enhance confidence, successful athletes practice specific plans o deal with adversity
during competition
 They practice routines to deal with unusual circumstances and distractions before and
during competition
 They concentrate wholly on the upcoming performance, blocking out irrelevant events
and thoughts
 They use several mental rehearsals prior to competition
 They develop detailed competition plans
 They learn to regular arousal and anxiety
Cognitive Strategies & Success
1) Findings of research:
 gymnasts who made the national team coped better with anxiety, used more
internal imagery, and had more positive self-talk than those who didn’t make the
 overachieving athletes had significantly higher scores on coach-ability,
concentration, and coping with adversity than did underachievers.
 elite athletes used more mental preparation, can handle adversity better, and use
goal setting better than non-elite athletes
2) In-Depth Interview Techniques
3) Mental plans
 consider both personality traits and situations
 be an informed consumer
 be a good communicator – it’s more than tests
 be a good observer
 be knowledgeable about mental strategies