Florida International University - College of Engineering – Department of Biomedical Engineering – Miami BME 4XXX Medical Imaging Catalog Description: Fundamentals of major imaging modalities including x-ray radiology, x-ray computed tomography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear imaging (PET and SPECT), and optical imaging. Course Objectives: The course is oriented towards introducing the fundamentals of various medical imaging modalities to undergraduate biomedical engineers. The objectives of this course are to: (i) understand the basic principles and physics behind the major and emerging medical imaging modalities, which include x-ray radiology, x-ray computed tomography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear imaging (positron emission tomography, PET and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT), and optical imaging; (ii) understand the engineering and instrumentation developed over the years in each of the imaging modality; (iii) perform image analysis using mathematical tools such as differential equations, calculus, and Fourier Transforms, and basic physics principles; (iv) develop team work abilities and creativity skills through projects, and active class discussions; and (v) generate interest in students to pursue research in biomedical imaging-related areas. Learning Outcomes: The outcomes of the course is to be able to: (i) apply the physics of radiation transport in different imaging modalities; (ii) perform image analysis using advanced mathematical tools; (iii) the design imaging instruments used for diagnostics, prognostics, and therapeutics; and (iv) develop/improve team work abilities, independent research skills, and communication skills through group projects and class participation. Major Topics: Introduction to Radiation Physics Physics of different imaging modalities: x-ray radiation, x-ray computed tomography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear imaging, and optical imaging Physics of contrast-aided imaging modalities Applications of different imaging modalities, including advantages and drawbacks of each modality. Instrumentation of different imaging modalities Image analysis techniques Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor Textbook: None Reference Texts: 1. Foundations of Medical Imaging - by Z. H. Cho, Joie P. Jones, Manbir Singh, JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., 1993. 2. The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging (2nd Edition) – by Jerrold T. Bushberg, J. Anthony Seibert, Edwin M. Leidholdt Jr., John M. Boone, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001. Florida International University - College of Engineering – Department of Biomedical Engineering – Miami Program Educational Objectives: BME 4XXX Medical Imaging Show the program objectives that are directly supported by this course and briefly describe how each objective is achieved relative to course topics and practices employed in the course. Biomedical Engineering Program Educational Objectives 1. Broad and in-depth knowledge of biology, physiology and engineering science and principles in the major fields of Biomedical Engineering, including transport, mechanics and instrumentation for effective engineering practice, professional growth, and as a base for life-long learning; 2. Ability to apply advanced mathematics (including differential equations and statistics), science, and engineering to solve problems at the interface of engineering and biology; 3. Ability to make measurements on and interpret data from living systems, addressing the problems associated with the interaction between living and non-living materials and systems; 4. Ability to utilize analytical and experimental methods and modern computer technology for decision-making and engineering design and to solve realistic biomedical engineering problems; Mark X if Applies X Description Fundamentals of different medical imaging modalities, which will be taught in the current course, provide a broad and introductory knowledge of imaging to biomedical engineers. X Design of imaging instruments and image analysis involves advance mathematics (differential equations and calculus) and engineering principles. -- -- X 5. Ability to work effectively with others in a team while simultaneously maintaining independent and creative thought; X 6. The ability to communicate effectively and to articulate technical matters using verbal, written, and graphic techniques; X 7. An adequate background to pursue graduate studies in engineering and other fields and occupations; X 8. A sense of professional and social responsibility, including a commitment to protect both occupational and public health X Image analysis requires the understanding and derivation of fundamental imaging principles, related to biomedical engineering problems. Group projects will be assigned to the students as a term paper, where team work abilities will be required, and individual contributions highlighted (to maintain the independent creative thought). Class participation, homeworks, projects, exams, and class presentations will assess and improve the communication skills. The introductory course lays a strong foundation to pursue future graduate students in medical imaging-related research areas (which currently exist in the department) Practical applications of biomedical imaging related to human health, such as cancer diagnosis, prognosis, Florida International University - College of Engineering – Department of Biomedical Engineering – Miami and safety, development through consideration of moral, social, and ethical paradigms related to the engineering profession and practice. and therapeutics, and neuro-imaging will be highlighted, thus increasing the awareness of medical imaging and its significance to human health. BME 4XXX Medical Imaging Program Educational Outcomes: Show the program outcomes that are directly achieved by this course and describe how each outcome is achieved in terms of specific tools employed in the course. Biomedical Engineering Program Educational Outcomes Mark X if Applies a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. X b. Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. X c. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. X d. Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams. X e. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. X f. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. X g. Ability to communicate effectively. X Description The students will be able to correlate physics and mathematical principles involved in the science of different medical imaging modalities. Intepretation of the images and analysis will be carried out for different imaging modalities The fundamental principles of biomedical imaging taught in relation to various modalities and their instruments, will enable students to design basic imaging in their research projects as well as lay a foundation for their future research studies related to medical imaging. In real world, imaging is everywhere. The students will be able to realize and apply the fundamentals of imaging to multidisciplinary areas of biomedical engineering and beyond. Having oriented the students in the fundamentals and engineering design of basic biomedical imaging, the students will be able to identify and solve imagingrelated engineering problems that arise in their research projects. Team work in group projects, involving individual contributions, will help the students face a professional challenge and responsibility to realize the difference between team work abilities and independent skills. Active class participation will improve the Florida International University - College of Engineering – Department of Biomedical Engineering – Miami h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life long learning. X j. Knowledge of contemporary issues. -- k. Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. X l. Knowledge of probability and statistics, including applications to Biomedical Engineering. -- m. Knowledge of mathematics and of basic and engineering science necessary to carry out analysis and design appropriate to Biomedical Engineering. X n. Ability to apply advanced mathematics through multivariable calculus and differential equations. X communication skills of the students to question, reason, and discuss the physics and engineering of imaging. From the practical applications of biomedical imaging that would be taught in class, the students will have a broad perspective in terms of understanding the significance of imaging to the society. Recognizing the practical applications of imaging in every aspect of engineering and science related to biological systems and beyond, as taught in the class, the students can develop an interest to relate to medical imaging in their future career(s). -Basics of imaging applied to biomedical engineering will in itself enable the students to apply the fundamentals in their engineering practice. -Students will be able to use and improve upon their application of mathematical tools, which bridge the gap between imaging and its physics, to appropriately design imaging instruments in biomedical engineering. Designing of imaging instruments and understanding the physics behind any given imaging modality will enable the students to apply advance mathematics and calculus to biomedical engineering applications.