A. School Day: The student day begins at 8:35 a.m.and ends at 3:05 p.m. Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Every Wednesday, school is out at 2:05 p.m.
Because teachers are on various supervision duties in the morning, students are
not permitted in the classrooms until 8:20 a.m. and will be considered tardy after
8:35 a.m.
B. Breakfast: Those who are not bus riders and wish to eat breakfast at school
should be in the cafeteria at 8:00 a.m. This will allow us to serve them before
the bus students arrive at 8:15 a.m. Breakfast is $1.00 ($.30 cents if you qualify
for the reduced price.)
C. School Grounds: All students arriving between 8:00 and 8:20 a.m. should go
directly to the pavilion unless they need to eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Students
arriving after 8:20 are to proceed to their classroom. For safety reasons,
students are not permitted on campus before 8:00 a.m.. We do not have
supervision available until 8:00 a.m. and will not be held responsible for
students before that time.
D. Walkers/Bicycle Riders: Students who walk or ride bicycles should leave
immediately at school dismissal unless detained by a teacher after parent
E. Car-Riders: All regular car-riding students should be picked up by 3:20 p.m.
(2:20 on early release days) in the parent pick-up area. Parents are asked to
stay in their cars and follow the directions of staff members on duty in the
car rider area. Smoking is not allowed on any School Board property.
F. Bus Riders: All dismissals at the end of the day will be directed over the
intercom. Students are to remain in the classroom until their bus is called.
A. Absences: The expectation of the Lake County School Board and School Board
and Leesburg Elementary School is that all students will be in attendance each
day of the school year. Whenever a student is absent or tardy without the
permission of the person in charge of the school, the parent/guardian of the
student will, as soon as practical after the absence, report and explain in writing
the cause of such absence to appropriate school personnel.
B. Excused Absences: An absence will be excused in case of illness or injury of the
student; illness or injury of the student's immediate family necessitating the
student's absence; death of a member of the student's immediate family; doctor
or dental appointments which can not be scheduled outside of school hours; prearranged absences (5 day notice required) of educational value and with the
principal's prior approval; recognized religious holidays. ALL OTHER
absences are responsible for making up all work and assignments within five
days after their return to school. Arrangements to make up the work are to be
made with the teacher and are the responsibility of the student.
C. Excessive Excused Absences: More than 10 excused absences in a semester is
considered to be excessive, and a written statement of a licensed practicing
physician verifying an illness or injury, must be provided after that point for the
absence to be considered excused.
D. Tardies: Students are expected to be in class on time (8:35 a.m.). Excessive
tardies may result in detention.
E. Leaving School: A parent/guardian must sign out their child through the school
office prior to leaving school during school hours. A security code will be required
upon checking out a student. When you assign your child’s security code, reveal it
only to those you wish to give permission to check your child out.
F. Medical Appointments: When a medical appointment is scheduled for your
child, please send a note or card with the student to the teacher. The note should
include the time that you would like to call at the office for your son/daughter,
and this will be used also for an excuse upon returning to the classroom.
A. Students Who are Sick: Parents will be notified by phone to pick up ill students
since we do not have personnel or facilities to keep students that are sick. For
the comfort, safety, and convenience of your child, it is important for parents to
list emergency phone numbers on the information sheet and keep them
B. Telephone: Because school phones are business phones, students will be
allowed to use the phone ONLY in emergencies. Please impress upon your
child the importance of being responsible for his/her lunch, supplies or after
school activities so that calls will be kept to a minimum.
C. Physical Education: Students may be excused from a physical education
activity for one or two days with a note from parents. Longer periods of time
may require a doctor's note. Students should dress appropriately for PE,
including tennis shoes.
D. Excused from Physical Education Because of Illness: A child who reports an
illness during the day may be excused from PE that day upon teacher
recommendation. Children with temporary or permanent handicaps must have a
doctor's recommendation for limited activity. The child may be required to sit in
the fresh air and sunshine during PE class.
E. Medication at School: Because medication can get into the wrong hands and
cause a serious problem, there are strict regulations regarding medication at
school. Before any medication can be taken at school, the proper forms must be
picked up in the front office and completed. Medicine of any form is not
permitted on campus until proper procedure has been followed and required
paperwork has been submitted to the person delegated to dispense the medicine.
Children are not permitted to carry any medicine to, from, or during school.
Please contact the office for proper procedures.
F. School Accidents: Accidents covered under school insurance should be reported
to the school office promptly in order to obtain a claim form. (We recommend
taking the school insurance. ) Parents will be notified of students in accidents or
G. Visiting: We welcome parents who wish to visit the school. However, we do
expect that visitors will come to the school office and receive a recognizable
visitor sticker to wear. It is important to all children that classes are not disturbed
and that such visits add a positive dimension to the school day.
H. Lunch with Your Child: If you wish to have lunch with your child, it is helpful
to notify the teacher with a note. Children will be excused to eat with parents,
grandparents, and/or guardians only during their assigned lunchtime. You are
welcome to eat in the cafeteria or sit in the picnic table area that was installed
especially for visitor use.
Disaster Alerts: The school, under law, does all within bounds to follow proper
procedures for disasters. Bus evacuation drills are held each semester; fire drills
are held monthly; and tornado/strong storm drills are held at least once each year.
Drill routes for outside evacuation are posted in each room.
Pledge to the Flag: All students pledge allegiance to the United States flag
unless prohibited by religious beliefs. A student leads this pledge each morning
over the intercom or closed circuit television. After the pledge there will be a
short period of silence for personal reflection.
K. Messages from Parents: In case of emergency, a message will be given to your
son or daughter during the school day, providing it is received before 2:45 P.M.
If at all possible, make transportation arrangements prior to school so a note can
be sent rather than using the school phone. After 2:45 P.M. (1:45 P.M. on
Wednesdays) on a regular school day, activity increases in the office area and
especially during rainstorms it may be impossible to get through phone lines.
L. Withdrawals: Students withdrawing from school should report to the school
office on their last day of attendance to obtain a withdrawal form, turn in books,
and receive grades. This is important for entering their new school.
M. Change of Transportation: If a student will be going home in a different
manner than usual, a note from the parent/guardian signed and dated, must be
sent to school on the day of the change. If there is no note, students must go
home in the usual manner. Students must ride their regular bus and get on/off at
their regular stop unless the parent notifies the school of a change due to an
N. Textbooks and Library Books: Each student is responsible for their books,
which are provided at no cost. Students will be charged for lost or damaged
books. If a lost book is found, the money will be refunded. Receipts are issued
for collections.
O. Bicycles: Bicycles must be parked in the racks designated for such use.
Students will be asked to use the back exit and not to ride on the campus. Please
advise your son or daughter to obey all traffic rules and regulations because
highways are very busy and drivers may fail to obey the speed laws. Locks for
bikes are suggested.
P. Lost and Found: Please mark all items with student's name in permanent ink so
the item may be returned. All articles found will be left in the classroom or
placed in the lost and found box, which is in the teacher aide workroom. Items
not claimed will be given to the Goodwill Industries at the end of each semester.
Q. Lunches: The lunch period is 30 minutes. Each child must have lunch, and
either eat the prepared meal or bring a nutritious lunch from home. Lunch
includes milk and costs $1.75. Parents are encouraged to purchase lunch by the
week or month. Make checks, in the correct amount, payable to Leesburg
Elementary School. Please include the child’s name and lunch number on the
R. Free and Reduced Lunches: Parents requesting free and reduced lunches ($.40
cents) must file a new application each year. This is vitally important since a
number of programs are tied to the number of students on the Free and Reduced
Lunch Plan.
S. Student Charges: Student charges for lunches are not allowed. If your child
does not have lunch money, he/she will be provided with a peanut butter and
jelly sandwich.
T. Weapons and Miscellaneous Articles: Children are not permitted to bring
pocket knives, weapons of any kind, or toys that look like weapons to the bus
stop, on the bus, or to school. If by chance a student has one of the items
mentioned by accident, it should be given to the bus driver or the teacher
immediately to avoid consequences.
U. Electronic toys: Walkman, tech-toys, and other objects not concerned with
schoolwork must be left at home. Toys of this nature are rarely used at school,
can be distracting, and are easily stolen.
V. Snacks: A time for student snacks is scheduled each morning. We encourage
nutritious snacks such as fruit or raw vegetables. Glass containers are prohibited
for safety reasons. Chewing gum is not permitted in the classroom, on the
school grounds, or on the school buses.
W. Field Trips: Parents are encouraged to serve as chaperones on field trips.
Because of liability and potential distractions, younger brothers and sisters are
not permitted to accompany parents on these trips. Those adults attending are
requested to park their cars in the back of the school where there is room for
many vehicles.
X. Bus Riders: Students riding the bus will be picked up in the area in front of the
100 building. Student dismissal to the buses will be directed over the intercom.
Once the student has boarded the bus, he/she will not be allowed to leave the
bus. Students will not be allowed to ride a different bus than regularly
assigned unless the parent notifies the school that an emergency exists.
Y. Transported Students: A list of bus rules and the responsibilities of bus
students as outlined by County Policy are as follows:
(1) Every bus student must ride the bus home in the afternoon unless he
has written permission from the parent not to do so.
Transported students are always transported by bus until we are notified of a
(2) Children who are not bus-transported students are not permitted to ride
the buses.
(3) Transported students are not allowed to change buses or bus stops until
the reason for the change has been cleared through the school office and the
change approved by the principal, or the coordinator of transportation.
(4) The same discipline is maintained on the bus as in the classroom.
Pupils who fail to maintain proper discipline may be suspended from school or
Z. Rainy Day Procedure: It is very important for parents to discuss with their
children exactly what they want them to do should it be raining at dismissal.
Some of our parents want their children to ride/walk on home if there is a light
rain. Others want their child to stay at school and wait to be picked up. This is
your decision. Please be sure, however, that your child knows exactly what you
want him or her to do. During the last half-hour of school on a rainy day it may
be impossible to get through the phone lines, or if you do at the last minute,
impossible to get to the child before s/he leaves the campus as a walker.
Planning ahead makes it safer and easier for all concerned.
A. Conferences: We believe that your child's progress will be enhanced by the
communication you and the teacher develop during the school year. Conferences
can be scheduled by sending a note to the teacher or calling the school office one
day in advance. Emergency conferences can be scheduled with the
Administration, Guidance Counselor, or Curriculum Specialist at any time.
B. Deficiency Notices: Deficiency Notices or mid-term Progress Reports are issued
every fifth week of the nine-week grading period. Parents will be notified any
time a child is achieving below ability level.
C. Report Cards: Report cards are issued four times a year, at nine-week intervals.
Parents should sign and return the appropriate portion. New students to the
school must be present 20 days before a report card will be issued.
Homework Policy: Homework will be carefully selected to provide practice in
subject matter learned in class. All homework assignments for each week will
be sent home Monday in the classroom newsletter or on an individual sheet.
Spelling/vocabulary will be handled in the same manner and should be studied
daily for a test on Friday (except kindergarten and special areas). Parents are
encouraged to study and review daily papers each night with their child. No
homework (this includes studying for a test) will be assigned on Friday, except
when make-up work is necessary. Any change from specific policy will be in
the teacher’s newsletter.
KINDERGARTEN (10 Minutes*)-It is suggested that parents set aside time
every night to read, review daily papers, and give praise and encouragement to
their child.
FIRST GRADE (15 Minutes*)-Parents should reinforce all classroom work.
Any incomplete work should be finished and returned the following day.
Occasionally, a homework sheet will be assigned. This paper will be stamped
SECOND GRADE (20 Minutes*)-Math homework will be assigned only on
Tuesdays by the homeroom teacher. Any language arts assignments will be in
Monday's newsletter. Parents are encouraged to check over these papers each
THIRD GRADE (30 Minutes*)-Math, science, or social studies homework will
be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays by the homeroom teacher. Language arts
will be assigned by the reading teacher on Mondays and Wednesdays. It is
suggested that parents continue to be involved with their child's school work.
FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADES (45 Minutes*)-Homework will be either in
the form of a specific homework assignment, classwork not completed, or time
spent reading.
ESE CLASSES-Homework in ESE classes will vary according to the age and
ability of each child. Each ESE teacher will provide a specific homework policy
to parents.
* Recommended times
**SPECIAL NOTE: Several times a year there may be special assignments
such as projects or book reports that will be ongoing projects to be completed at
the student's own pace and deadline consideration.
(A) Discipline Policies: Each student is subject to the policies of the Lake County
School Board and the local school. There is a discipline policy on file and a
discipline committee that addresses any needed change. Parent input is always
welcome. The following are used as consequences for misconduct:
(1) Conferences: Members of the instructional staff and the principal will use all
appropriate means to correct any serious problems that arise.
(2) Parent Notice: This is our way of letting you know that your son or daughter
has misbehaved or been sent to the office for misbehavior. Your support is
essential since there is no substitute for a strong home-school relationship.
(3) Detention: Detention may be assigned for a period not to exceed sixty (60)
minutes in the media center for continued infractions or misconduct of a Level II
(4) Wednesday School: This detention may be assigned for a period of three
hours for continued infractions or misconduct of a Level II status.
(5) Saturday School: This alternative to suspension may be assigned for any
Level III Offense that does not require suspension and any Level II or repeated
violation of Level I.
(6) Suspension: Suspension from school results when all other methods and
techniques have failed (also applies to bus students.) Since school is a place to
model appropriate behavior and for the safety of all students, those students who
participate in fighting are suspended from school. Parents should accompany
students to school for re-admittance. The following conditions may result in
suspension from school or bus for one to ten days:
(a) Fighting (b) Repeated offenses from a Level I or Level II action (c)
Possession of tobacco products in any manner on school ground (d) Possession
of a weapon, any item considered as, or intended as a weapon or facsimile
thereof (e) Leaving school grounds without permission/evading school
personnel (f) Possession of intoxicating beverage, hallucinatory drugs,
marijuana, glue, etc., which are prohibited by federal, state and local laws. Police
will be notified. (g) Participation in boycott, walkout, sit-ins, strike, or any other
similar disruptive action and interference with the operation of the school. (h)
Willful disobedience (i) Open defiance of authority. (j) Profane and obscene
language or gestures (k) Serious misconduct and non-conditions listed as
grounds for suspension (l) Vandalism or malicious destruction of school
A. P.T.O.: The Leesburg Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization meets monthly
in our Media Center. This organization is vital since it provides an opportunity
for parent/community input to the development of programs, activities and
facility improvement at our school. This organization also plans all the school's
"Fund-Raising Activities" for the year. Many recent school improvements have
been initiated and financed through the efforts of this fine group. We urge you
to join us at our "Open House" and participate in the projected activities.
B. S.A.C.: Our School Advisory Council is composed of staff members, parents,
students, and community businesspersons interested in developing and
monitoring our School Improvement Plan. Membership must be representative
of our student population.
C. VOLUNTEERS: If you are interested in donating your time and talents, please
contact the school office for more information.
D. FINGERPRINTING: Lake County School Board policy mandates that anyone
who will be volunteering at a school, participating in field trips, or visiting the
school campus on a regular basis be fingerprinted. Please contact the main
office for more information. If you were fingerprinted through the school last
year, you will not be required to go through this process again.
SCHOOL MASCOT: Golden Eagles
The primary responsibility for the personal appearance and cleanliness of the student rests with the
parent/guardian. When students are dressed appropriately for school, they realize it is time to work and
learn. Our goal is to maintain a focus on learning and the dress code will provide our students with a
feeling of pride.
Neatness/Cleanliness: All clothes shall be clean and neat. All students will wear shirts/blouses tucked
2. Tops: Students are expected to wear tan, gray, blue, red, pink or white shirts/blouses with a collar,
turtleneck pullovers or knit polo-type shirts. Tops must have a modest neckline and must be neatly
tucked in. The following are not allowed: tee shirts, undershirts, bare midriffs, crop tops, tank tops, off
the shoulder or strapless tops.
3. Pants/shorts/skirts/jumpers: Students are expected to wear khaki, black, or navy pants, skirts, skorts,
shorts, or jumpers. Pants with belt loops are to be worn with belts. Pants of denim material (blue jeans)
are not allowed. Skirts, skorts, shorts, or jumpers must be no shorter than mid-thigh. Pants that are
frayed, cut, or torn are not permitted. Girls will be allowed to wear appropriate shorts underneath
skirts or jumpers.
4. Socks/shoes: Socks or tights in school dress code colors must be worn. Shoes must have closed toes
and closed heels. Thongs, flip-flops, and cleats are not permitted.
5. Jewelry: Students are allowed to wear small post earrings only (no dangling earrings or hoops—for
safety purposes). Expensive and/or excessive amounts of jewelry such as necklaces, rings, and
bracelets are not recommended.
6. Hair: should be clean and well groomed. Bangs may not be worn below the eyebrows. Sweatbands,
curlers, and picks are inappropriate. No beads or hair ornaments that obscure vision or otherwise
provide distraction to the wearer or other students are allowed. No numbers, designs, or writings may
be shaved into the hair. Hairstyles should not obstruct vision. Only hair colors that occur naturally in
humans are appropriate.
7. Hats/sunglasses: Hats or other head coverings may not be worn at school, except for special days or for
medical consideration approved by the administration. Sunglasses are not permitted except with proof
of medical necessity.
8. Fasteners: All belts, buckles, straps, shoestrings, and zippers will be fastened as designed.
9. Clothing: See-through or skin-tight clothing of any kind is not permissible.
10. Symbols: Symbols on apparel, emblems, insignias, badges, or symbols that promote the use of
alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any other illegal activity are prohibited; clothing with slogans or advertising
which is controversial or obscene are prohibited. Apparel worn that may be gang or cult related is also
prohibited. No tattoos, profanity, or hand-written graffiti on clothing or skin is permitted.
11. Make-up: Make-up for elementary children is not allowed unless it is for a school-sponsored
performance and requested by the school.
Parents/Guardians: Because you are a vital part of your child’s life, we expect your assistance in setting
the proper example for our students. If you choose to opt your child out of the uniform policy, you must
complete an opt-out form which is available in the front office. Opted-out students will still be expected to
abide by the Lake County School Board dress code policy.