Respiratory Virtual Clinics 2014-15 Guide for Primary Care Practices 1. Introduction This document sets to explain the requirements to have an effective virtual clinic within your practice with the Kings’ Health Partners (KHP)/Lambeth and Southwark Integrated Respiratory Team. The information in this document aims to clarify what to prepare in advance and the expectations during and after a Respiratory Virtual Clinic. For example, one practice found it helpful to prepare in advance “Patients reviewed prior to Virtual Clinic to see who would benefit from discussion with specialists” As part of the medicines optimisation Prescribing Dashboard all practices are required to achieve a ≥3% reduction in high-dose Inhaled Corticosteroids items out of all inhaled corticosteroid items, measured between October and December 2014 (Q3). Respiratory Virtual Clinics will additionally form part of the Medicines Plan for 2014-15, as one of the optional elements. Undertaking a virtual clinic will support your practice in meeting this target. 2. What are virtual clinics? A respiratory virtual clinic (RVC) involves case discussions between members of the KHP/Lambeth and Southwark Integrated Respiratory Team (IRT) and the primary care clinicians. We regard it as a clinical session, not just a meeting. Accordingly, practices need to protect and provide adequate time (i.e. 2 hours) for virtual clinics to be most effective (i.e. a meeting over lunch would not be appropriate). The KHP/L&S Integrated Respiratory Team is a long term airways disease team led by an integrated respiratory consultant. The team includes specialist respiratory nurses, physiotherapists and pharmacists, and works closely with local respiratory GP leads. The RVC is therefore aimed at focusing on your COPD and asthma patients’ care. The main component of the RVC is case discussions with the aim of improving outcomes for patients with COPD and asthma. This focus should therefore be on reviewing patients with a view to optimising high value care. High value care in COPD and asthma means: Accurate diagnosis with quality assured spirometry Providing evidence based stop smoking support Offering patients access to pulmonary rehabilitation Responsible respiratory prescribing including inhaled corticosteroids for the right patients Access to long term oxygen therapy for appropriate patients Recording and acting on exacerbations Offering patients supported self-management Advanced care planning The RVC should also be used to discuss patients causing diagnostic difficulty, “hot” or “complex” cases and those where on-going support by the IRT at home might be helpful. 3. How many sessions are offered? All practices in Southwark and Lambeth will be offered one respiratory virtual clinic session for the year. Practices that choose respiratory within the Medicines Plan (option E) will be required to undertake a virtual clinic and submit the required paperwork to receive payment. The majority of sessions will be undertaken by Dr Irem Patel, integrated respiratory consultant at KHP/L&S CCG, supported by a respiratory pharmacist, specialist nurse or physio from the IRT. Practices will also be able to access additional support from the IRT by telephone or e-mail, and shadowing opportunities within the team can be agreed for practice staff at the RVC. Afternoon session timeslots will be made available for the RVC and it will be necessary to book into these pre-advertised slots. Ad hoc sessions will not be available due to capacity and other clinical commitments. Practices may be recommended to have a follow-up / second visit (depending on individual practices’ needs); this will be capacity-dependent. 4. Who is expected to attend the virtual clinic? All clinical practice staff are encouraged to participate, and as a minimum the following need to attend: 1 x GP any practitioner with an interest in respiratory disease Many practices invite the whole clinical team, as it is a chance to engage with, and learn from, the experts in the IRT. 5. What is expected to prepare in advance? The practice lead clinician must communicate the virtual clinic session date to all relevant practice staff and confirm attendance. Patients to be discussed at the virtual clinic need to be identified. Searches will be made available to be uploaded on EMIS by practices in advance (see section 9). Select the patients to discuss within the virtual clinic based on search results. The following patients are to be prioritised for review at RVCs: a. COPD patients with FEV1 >50% predicted who are on high dose ICS b. COPD patients with frequent exacerbations (> 2 per year) or high respiratory symptom burden c. COPD patients with FEV/FVC ratio above 0.7 d. COPD patients who are on monotherapy with ICS, even if not high dose e. COPD patients who are housebound f. Asthma patients who are on BTS Step 4 therapy g. Asthma patients over 35 who are also smokers – could they have COPD? It is helpful if patients selected for discussion have had up-to-date investigations performed. For example spirometry including FEV1% predicted, MRC score and a record of exacerbations in the last 12 months. If patients are on COPD and asthma registers it would also be helpful to have access to reversibility results. Merge the with the search. This document will need to be reviewed for each individual patient and any relevant missing information added in preparation for the clinic 6. How will the virtual clinic(s) session be conducted? Identify all patients with mild/moderate COPD that are taking inhaled corticosteroids using the EMIS web search (to be supplied). Complete the EMIS respiratory virtual clinic proformas for each patient Members of the IRT will attend the practice at the agreed time to undertake the virtual clinic It is recommend that a minimum of 40 patients are discussed as part of the virtual clinic Patient-specific issues will be discussed, and interventions agreed for individual patients. A clear action plan for each patient discussed should be agreed. The practice will be expected to document the action plan on EMIS/practice system. Following the virtual clinic: o implement actions identified o review any remaining patients not discussed. o Identify patients appropriately on high dose ICS and issue them with an inhaled corticosteroid safety card when patient is next seen within the practice. A clear action plan for each patient discussed should be agreed. The practice will be expected to document the action plan on EMIS/practice system. If the practice is participating in the Medicines Optimisation Plan option E element, outcomes will need to be recorded on the standard proforma and anonymised data submitted to the Medicines Optimisation Team at the CCG, by end of March 2015. NB all patient-identifiable data should remain within the practice – only anonymised data (eg with EMIS number to retain a unique identifier) should be shared. Virtual clinic bookings can be made from 1 April 2014 7. What are the expectations after the virtual clinic? Patients with specific action plans should be reviewed as soon as possible to discuss and agree actions. Practices are requested to complete the IRT feedback form, to allow ongoing evaluation of the service. Practices can access the respiratory Single Point of Referral using the standard EMIS referral templates for any additional support / queries / referrals between virtual clinics. If another session is agreed, the practice will need to arrange this with the IRT (see section 8) to confirm a date. If undertaking an additional clinic, practices may need to provide an update on how they have implemented previous actions discussed (i.e. patient has been recalled, contacted, seen etc) at the following virtual clinic. 8. How to book your respiratory virtual clinic? Contact Stu Lindsey (medical secretary to Dr Irem Patel, IRT) to book your RVC. Telephone: 0203 299 4740 Fax: 0203 299 2631 E-mail: Virtual clinics are offered on Monday, Thursdays and Fridays between 2pm and 4pm: Dates available for virtual clinics 9. Resources available to support practice to prepare for Virtual Clinic: The following resources can be downloaded from: 2014/15 Medicines Optimisation Prescribing Resources EMIS searches to identify patients to be discussed at virtual clinic EMIS respiratory virtual clinic proforma to collect individual patient data for discussion at virtual clinic (also available in word document) Respiratory virtual clinic guide and checklist (this document) COPD Standard Operating Procedure Asthma Standard Operating Procedure Asthma EMIS Web template COPD EMIS Web template 10. Additional respiratory resources Inhaled corticosteroid safety cards – request via Availability of placebo inhalers - list of suppliers Integrated Respiratory Team training events Community Pharmacists: o Medicines Use Reviews – refer using free text on EPS2 o New Medicines Service – refer using free text on EPS2 o Repeat dispensing o Influenza vaccinations Respiratory Single Point of referral