1 Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology “Approved” ___________ Prof. Ilnytsky I., Chairman, Department meeting Protocol № 1, 28.08.2014 CURRICULUM of the Lectures in Phthisiology for IV Year English Medium Students of Medical Faculty Specialization: Medicine ( 10 hours) № Topics 1. 2. Tuberculosis as scientific and practical problem. The history of tuberculosis. Epidemiology of tuberculosis. Etiology and pathogenesis of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis immunity. Standarts for revealing and diagnosis of tuberculosis. 3. Treatment of tuberculosis: basic principles and methods. 4. Prophylaxis of tuberculosis. 5. Primary and secondary tuberculosis. Total Responsible for the course Date Hours 05.09.14 (2 hours) 19.09.14 (2 hours) 03.10.14 (2 hours) 17.10.14 (2 hours) 31.10.14 (2 hours) 10 hours Assosiate Prof. Nevzhoda O. 2 CURRICULUM of the Practical Lessons in Phthisiology for IV Year English Medium Students of Medical Faculty Specialization: Medicine (40 hours) № 1 1. Topics 2 Epidemiology of tuberculosis. Etiology and pathogenesis of tuberculosis. Tuberculous immunity. Clinical classification of tuberculosis. 2. Standarts for diagnosis of tuberculosis. Special methods of revealing and diagnosis of tuberculosis (bacteriologic examination, chest radiography, tuberculin skin test). 3. Treatment of tuberculosis: basic principles. Anti-TB drugs. Standart drug regimens. 4. Prophylaxis of tuberculosis. 5. Primary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis of unknown location. Tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymphatic nodes. Primary complex. Pathogenesis. Symptoms and sings. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Prognosis. Treatment. 6. Disseminated tuberculosis. Miliary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis of nervous system. Tuberculous meningitis. Pathogenesis. Symptoms and sings. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Prognosis. Treatment. 7. Focal and infiltrative tuberculosis. Caseous pneumonia. Tuberculoma. Cavitary tuberculosis. Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis. Cirrhotic tuberculosis. Pathogenesis. Pathomorphology. Symptoms and sings. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Prognosis. Treatment. 8. Pleural tuberculosis. TB pleuratis and empyema. Pathogenesis. Symptoms and sings. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Prognosis. Treatment. Examination of the patients. Complications of secondary tuberculosis: hemoptysis, hemorrhage, spontaneous pneumothorax, chronic cor pulmonare, amyloidosis of internal organs. Pathogenesis. Symptoms and sings. Diagnosis. Treatment. Case report defence. 9. Pulmonary tuberculosis combined with professional pulmonary disease. Tuberculosis in HIV/AIDS patients. Symptoms and sings. Diagnosis. Peculiarities of the course and treatment. Coordinated care in different settings. 10. Concluding module control Total: Group 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hours 3 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 40 hours Date 1 04.09 12.09 05.09 03.09 10.09 09.09 02.09 01.09 2 18.09 26.09 19.09 17.09 24.09 03.09 16.09 15.09 3 02.10 10.10 03.10 01.10 08.10 07.10 30.10 29.09 Responsible for the course 4 16.10 24.10 17.10 15.10 22.10 21.10 14.10 13.10 5 30.10 07.11 31.10 29.10 05.11 04.11 28.10 27.10 6 13.11 21.11 14.11 12.11 19.11 18.11 11.11 10.11 7 27.11 05.12 28.11 26.11 03.12 02.12 25.11 24.11 8 11.12 19.12 12.12 10.12 17.12 16.12 09.12 08.12 9 25.12 10 08.01 26.12 24.12 31.12 30.12 23.12 22.12 09.01 21.01 14.01 13.01 20.01 19.01 Assosiate Prof. Nevzhoda O. 3 CURRICULUM of the Out of Class Working for IV year English Medium Students of Medical Faculty Specialization: Medicine (40 hours) №№ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Topics Strains of M. tuberculosis, their types, virulence, infectivity and transmission. Persistance and reversion of M. tuberculosis. Transmission of tuberculosis. TB drug resistance, its clinical significance. The main epidemiological indices. Methods of early revealing of tuberculosis. Timely, untimely, lately diagnosed tuberculosis. Prompt identification of persons with pulmonary tuberculosis. High risk groups for TB infection and TB disease. Selected high-risk settings. Nonspecific therapy of tuberculosis (hygiene-dietary regimen, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment). Surgical treatment. Facilities in sanatoria and health resorts. Tuberculosis of the peripheral lymphatic nodes. Bone and joints tuberculosis. Symptoms and sings. Diagnosis. Treatment. Differential diagnosis of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. Differential diagnosis of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. Differential diagnosis of fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and pregnancy. Tuberculosis in patients with diabetes mellitus, gastric and duodenal ulcer. Categories and groups of tuberculous patients. Total: Responsible for the course Hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 40 hours Assosiate Prof. Nevzhoda O. Practical Skills in Phthisiology Necessary for Concluding Module Control for IV year English Medium Students of Medical Faculty Specialization: Medicine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To identify categories of persons at high risk for development TB disease. To carry out history taking in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. To identify and explain the pathologic pulmonary x-ray abnormalities. To formulate diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis relative to its classification form. To evaluate Mantoux skin test results. To explain the role of microscopic and bacteriological examination of sputum. To diagnose tuberculosis of respiratory organs based on historical data, clinical, x-ray findings, laboratory studies. 8. To explain the main principles of treatment of tuberculosis and to determine a management plan with drug prescription. 9. To determine criteria of cured TB. 10. To diagnose urgent cases and to render urgent aid in patients with tuberculosis. 11. To demonstrate practical skills in keeping of medical documents in TB clinic: to fill in a history case. 12. To choose the persons for preventive therapy. Responsible for the course . Assosiate Prof. Nevzhoda O.