HALDANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK WELCOME Haldane Elementary enrolls approximately 350 students from Kindergarten to Grade 7. Our school is made up of two buildings – a primary annex (Kindergarten – Grade 2) located at the east end of the village core; and 1.5 km to the west, is Haldane Elementary (Grade 3 – Grade 7). The students are drawn from the town of Chase, the valley of Chase Creek, Turtle Valley, Adams Lake, Pritchard, China Valley, Duck Range, Martin Prairie, Pinantan Road, Bear Creek Valley, Little Shuswap Reserve, Adams Lake Reserve, and Neskonlith Reserve. The two predominant cultures are English, 60% and First Nations, 40%. The purpose of this handbook is to provide a general outline of school guidelines and practices related to student expectations. It is recommended that parents review this handbook with their child. MISSION STATEMENT Haldane Elementary School, supported by parents and community, provides a safe, nurturing environment in which students are given equitable opportunities to succeed in all areas of the curriculum. Students are encouraged to work toward becoming co-operative, self-disciplined, responsible citizens who take pride in striving to reach their individual potential. Everyone working together in a safe, kind, respectful environment to help students achieve their best. SCHOOL HOURS Haldane Annex 8:20 am 8:20 am Doors Open for Students 8:25 am 8:25 am First Bell 8:30 am 8:30 am Classes in Session 10:15 am (15 min) 10:10 am (20 min) Recess Break 10:30 am 10:30 am Classes in Session 12:00 pm (55 min) 12:00 am (55 min) Lunch Period Begins 12:55 pm 12:55 pm Warning Bell 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Classes in Session 2:30 pm 2:30 pm Dismissal SCHOOL ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS Haldane Elementary School 530 Cottonwood Avenue, Box 380 Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Phone Number: (250) 679-3269 Fax Number: (250) 679-3483 Haldane Annex 310 Shaw Street, Box 380 Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Phone Number: (250) 679-3207 Fax Number: (250) 679-3296 HALDANE ELEMENTARY * 2007/2008 Planning Calendar Su M September 2007 Tu W Th F Sa October 2007 M Tu W Th F Su 1 1 2 4 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 5 16 17 23 24 4 5 14 28 21 22 23 28 29 3 30 2 13 20 11 NID 27 12 18 1 7 13 3 19 25 4 14 20 26 27 1 15 21 2 1 16 4 22 3 28 10 5 3 2 1 9 4 2 17 5 23 24 4 29 3 Sa 2 8 3 1 31 3 6 H 26 5 5 2 19 25 4 4 2 1 24 3 1 5 12 18 5 November 2007 Tu W Th F M 6 1 17 Su 3 11 5 4 2 29 2 16 5 2 10 3 22 4 1 4 15 NID 27 1 9 H 15 21 3 26 8 4 20 2 25 14 3 19 1 7 4 13 2 18 8 3 12 1 5 7 2 3 5 Sa 4 5 30 ** NID 5 30 December 2007 Su M January 2008 Tu W Th F Sa Su M February 2008 Tu W Th F 1 2 3 4 NID 9 10 11 5 16 30 6 17 12 18 7 2 1 5 23 5 1 13 2 19 1 8 3 20 7 15 13 22 20 4 25 26 27 28 WB WB WB WB WB 3 4 WB WB WB 8 9 10 11 29 27 2 15 5 21 24 2 WB 1 14 4 3 1 5 14 3 2 6 4 Sa 21 ** Rep. 5 22 28 29 10 19 5 11 17 26 18 12 24 19 25 2 26 M April 2008 Tu W Th F 7 13 F Sa 2 20 14 27 21 16 3 22 2 28 5 9 3 15 2 1 4 8 2 1 5 3 5 Th 1 5 4 3 4 6 5 4 31 1 4 4 25 2 30 3 12 4 24 1 W 3 18 3 23 5 Tu 1 4 17 2 M 5 3 16 1 Su 23 NID 29 1 2 May 2008 W Th F 31 WB Su M March 2008 Tu W Th F Sa Su 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 9 10 11 3 16 23 6 5 12 4 5 18 19 SB SB SB 24 25 26 SB 7 1 13 17 H 30 5 4 1 6 7 14 SB 27 4 21 15 13 1 22 20 29 27 5 21 22 1 2 28 29 1 2 31 M Tu 10 11 23 12 Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 26 Half Days (Early Closures) 8 * Thursday, October 25, 2007 * Thursday, November 29, 2007 * Thursday, March 27, 2008 15 * Thursday, June 19, 2008 9 10 4 16 4 22 23 4 29 30 SH 5 25 17 5 24 5 1 18 1 25 19 26 4 5 11 12 H 3 1 18 5 30 4 5 11 5 25 4 6 5 NID 19 June 2008 W 4 5 24 3 6 2 12 2 19 2 26 Tu 2 4 18 4 M 1 5 17 3 Su 5 5 4 16 2 4 4 3 15 1 Su 9 2 14 H 28 8 1 2 20 3 8 2 3 3 Sa 7 3 13 14 3 20 21 3 27 AD 28 7 8 1 2 13 14 1 20 5 27 5 2 21 1 28 1 3 5 9 3 15 3 22 2 29 2 Sa 10 4 16 17 4 23 3 30 3 24 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL The single most important element in a student’s success at school is effective communication between the home and the school. Although newsletters, back and forth books, classroom bulletins, notes to the teachers, portfolios, etc. are all important, there is nothing as effective as direct communication between the teacher and the parents. Parents are encouraged to phone the school and talk with the teacher directly or to make an appointment for a parent-teacher conference if they have any questions or concerns, or just to keep the lines of communication open. Parents do not have to wait for school-wide interviews to talk with their child’s teacher about any matter related to the education, health or safety of their child, or any other matter that they have questions about. In fact, it is probably better to make your own appointment at a mutually agreeable time than wait for the rush when only a short time is allotted. School-wide issues or unresolved concerns should be referred to the principal or vice-principal. NEWSLETTERS The school newsletter is prepared by administration and is sent home monthly and occasionally the mid-month when the need arises. The purpose of this newsletter is to inform parents about the many sports, social activities, events, school-related learning programs, etc. that take place within the school or community. Community contributions are welcomed and can be submitted to the office. A calendar of monthly events is usually included. You can also access our newsletter on our website @ http://haldane.sd73.bc.ca. SCHOOL CLOSURES DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR Public schools are closed in observance of all statutory holidays. In addition, contract agreements provide for the closure of the school for staff professional development and an administrative day. Please refer to the school calendar of events on page two for closure dates. ACCESS TO STUDENTS AND RECORDS We cannot legally provide information regarding students to unauthorized persons. We will not divulge phone numbers, addresses, or even information regarding the child’s attendance without the authority of the parents or guardians. If there is a separation or divorce within your family and one parent has legal custody, please provide a copy of the legal documents relating to custody to our office. Such information can prove invaluable. PARENTAL ACCESS TO CLASSROOMS Parents are welcome in their child’s classroom as parent volunteers and helpers. A schedule for these duties is arranged with the teacher at a mutually convenient time. As a rule, parents are not encouraged to enter the classroom for the sole purpose of observing their child. There are no provisions in the School Act, Regulations or School Board Policy, for a parent to enter a classroom without the teacher’s or principal’s permission. Such permission is never granted to parents who may have concerns about or issues with the teacher. Such matters must be dealt with through the principal and established personnel practices. REPORTING TO PARENTS Our school reports on student progress five times a year. Three reports are written in November/December, March, and June. The other two are informal reports; one of which will be a conference and the other in the form of an interview, phone call, portfolio of work, 3-way conference, or an interim report. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers and staff concerning their child’s progress. Please call to make an appointment. LIBRARY AND INTERNET USAGE Our library collection includes a wide range of non-fiction and fiction books, and resource materials. Students may sign out books for a one-week period. Our school uses the Accelerated Reader program as part of each classroom’s reading curriculum. This program is set up to help each student to experience success, improvement, and enjoyment in reading. Students read books at their own level and then take a comprehension test on the computer. The Internet can be a valuable research tool, and there are times when we encourage students to use it. However, we also have some specific guidelines for its usage by students. Students are not allowed on the Internet unless under the direct supervision of a teacher and can only access web sites which have been prepared in advance by the teacher. There are to be no unauthorized searches or use of email by students. BUS TRANSPORTATION The majority of students at Haldane Elementary require bus transportation to and from home, as well as to different school events. Written permission from a parent is needed for bus drivers when a change is made such as to allow a student to ride the bus to a friend’s home or to get off at a different stop. If your child rides the bus to and from school, please notify the office when you are picking them up at school. We need to make sure all students are accounted for when boarding busses to go home. Students are closely supervised after school to ensure they get on the correct bus. If a student cannot follow the bus rules, the driver will issue a BUS SLIP to the student outlining the concern. To get back on the bus, a student must return the bus slip signed by their parent. If a student receives three bus slips, there will be a loss of bus privileges for a specific time period. For your information, the full text of the School District Bus Safety and Behavioural Regulations is included below. SCHOOL BUS SAFETY AND BEHAVIOURAL REGULATIONS 1) Conduct must be orderly at all times. Shoving or pushing will not be permitted. 2) There is to be no moving around on the busses while such vehicles are in motion. Students shall take seats assigned to them by the bus driver when told to do so. 3) Students must remain in their seats until the bus comes to a complete stop. 4) Students are not to put heads or arms out open windows. Eating of lunches or other articles of food shall be at the discretion of the bus driver. 5) Students are to refrain from throwing articles. Snowballs or rocks must not be thrown in bus stop areas. Paper or other articles are not to be thrown from bus windows. 6) Students are to refrain from talking to the driver while the bus is in motion. 7) While talking among students is permitted, there is to be no undue noise. 8) Students must line up for the bus as instructed by the driver or supervisor, to embark on the bus. 9) Students must remain on school grounds in front of the school and not on the road while waiting for the bus. a) Upon exiting from a bus, students living to the right hand side of the bus must wait for the bus to move away before proceeding on home. b) Students living to the left hand side of the bus and road must cross the road. Pupils are to cross the road in front of the bus. All pupils are to stop in front of the school bus in one group, look right and left for on-coming traffic, then proceed across the road only when it is safe to do so. c) Because of the changing condition of areas and traffic, pupils must obey the orders of the driver in the interest of public safety. 10) 11) A note from the parents must be submitted to school principals in cases where a student does not intend to go home by bus. (This applies to all bus routes over 6 miles.) 12) Drivers shall report all vehicle accidents to the Transportation Supervisor or School Board Office and Police as soon as possible. 13) Students must obey orders of the bus driver and may be refused a ride on the bus in the morning pickup as a result of improper conduct on the previous evening’s ride home. All cases of misbehaviour on school busses shall be reported by the driver to the Principal and Supervisor who will contact parents. This may result in suspension from riding the school bus. 14) Any wilful damage to a bus must be paid for by a student or his/her parent. 15) Students must not smoke on the bus. CODE OF CONDUCT Our direction comes from the Ministry of Education, the Kamloops Thompson School District and Haldane Elementary School. The Ministry of Education School Act states: 1) A student shall comply: a. With the school rules authorized by the Principal; b. With the code of conduct and other rules and policies of the Board. 2) A student attending a school shall participate in an educational program as directed by the Board or by the Principal of the school. School District #73 (Kamloops/Thompson) Code of Conduct states that: 1) The Code of Conduct is intended to encourage acceptable student behaviour and to provide an atmosphere where all individuals feel a sense of respect, safety and belonging. 2) Students are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner when going to and from school, in classrooms, within schools, on school grounds, during extended classroom activities on school busses. 3) Students are expected to apply themselves in all curricular areas and to set high standards for personal achievement. 4) Students are expected to attend school and classes on a regular basis and be punctual. 5) Students are expected to dress in a manner, which reflects purpose and propriety. 6) Students are expected to conduct themselves in a polite, respectful and cooperative manner at all times. 7) Students are expected to be considerate of the thoughts, feelings and heritage of others. 8) Students are expected to be sensitive to and responsible for the school environment. 9) Students are expected to be free of illegal drugs/alcohol, possession, use of influence, during any time under the jurisdiction of the school district. 10) Students are expected to be aware of their rights and responsibilities when under the jurisdiction of the School District within the school community. BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to be well behaved at school or any school-related activity and on their way to and from school each day. Our approach in this area is based on the understanding and acceptance of the following set of student rights and responsibilities: 1) I have the RIGHT to learn in a supportive, learning environment. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to listen to instructions, help others, work quietly, respect cooperative and individual efforts, and stay on task. 2) I have the RIGHT to hear and be heard. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to use good manners, appropriate language, and a quiet voice. 3) I have the RIGHT to be respected at school. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to be respectful of others, by giving encouragement, being helpful, and treating others with dignity. 4) I have the RIGHT to be safe in my school. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to keep my hands, feet and objects to myself, to walk in the school, and to respect the privacy and property of others. 5) I have the RIGHT to privacy and my own personal space. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to respect the personal property of others, and accept their right to privacy. 6) I have the RIGHT to make mistakes. It is my RESPONSIBILITY to learn from them. DISCIPLINE Misbehaviour is dealt with in a variety of ways. The main goal is to have the inappropriate behaviour stop permanently. Minor behaviour such as running in the hall is dealt with through a verbal warning and/or being recorded. Serious infractions such as bullying or threatening usually involve consultation amongst the teacher, parents and administration prior to a consequence being assigned. Consequences vary depending on the seriousness and frequency of the misbehaviour. In school and out of school suspensions for up to ten days may be assigned by the school before referring the matter to the attention of the school board. RESOURCE ROOM Our school has the benefit of a resource room that is available to assist students having difficulties coping in the classroom setting. Students are referred by their teachers and monitored. If too many referrals to the resource room are made, parents will be contacted to discuss options of how best to meet their child’s needs rather than removal from the classroom. TELEPHONES The secretary works from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm daily. If you phone, and there is no answer, please try again because we are not away from the office for long. Similarly, if you phone after these hours or during the lunch break, please let it ring a little longer, as other staff need time to get to the phones. There is a pay phone in front of the office for students to use non-school topics such as arranging time to visit friends after school. ATTENDANCE We encourage punctuality. Please ensure your child arrives at school in time to commence classes. The school doors open at 8:20 am. All students should be in their classrooms by the 8:25 bell, ready for learning. You can help minimize disruptions to your child's education by avoiding absences. Please try to make medical and dental appointments, music lessons and such after school. Try to schedule family holidays to coincide with school holidays. When your child does miss a day of school, please have them check with the classroom teacher for any lessons or assignments that were missed. SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM * LATES AND ABSENCES We have a very effective Safe Arrival Program sponsored by our Parent Advisory group. If your child will be away from school, or late, for any reason, please phone the safe arrival number * 679-8317 and leave a message on the answering machine. Volunteers will phone you when the classroom teacher indicates your child is not at school, and we have not received a message phone call from you. Before we can use your phone number for the Safe Arrival Program, you must give your permission to allow parents to contact your home if your child does not show up for school and you have not let the school know ahead of time. Your signature on a form sent out in September gives us such permission. VISITORS All visitors, including former students, are asked to report to the office FIRST rather than going directly to classes or to the playground. If you wish to drop off lunches, homework, gym strip, etc., please leave them with the secretary in the office, and she will contact your child at the first convenient break. If you require immediate access to your child due to an urgent matter, by all means, go directly to your child’s teacher. FIELD TRIPS Field trips are designed to compliment the instructional program of the school. Field trips to the McQueen Lake Environmental Centre, places of interest in the community, sporting activities, and sometimes out of town locations are typical examples of school excursions. Parents can expect to be notified in advance and must sign a permission slip giving consent for their child to participate. Parent volunteers often accompany the children. ASSEMBLIES Assemblies are held during the year in the school gym. They provide opportunities for recognition, for students to perform in front of a large audience, for entertainment, and for discussion of matters relating to the operation of the school. Parents and pre-schoolers are invited to attend. FIREDRILLS Students have been taught procedures for fire drills. Drills are taken seriously and practiced regularly. SAFETY COMMITTEE A safety committee consisting of administration, teaching staff, and support staff meet on a monthly basis to discuss safety issues and concerns. The purpose of this group is not only to respond to issues that arise, but also to plan courses of action in the event of situations that may affect the safety of our students and staff. Part of this involves instructing and practicing procedures for fire drills, earthquake drills, etc. A school evacuation plan is in place, and is outlined in the School District #73 Emergency Procedures Manual. All staff members are in possession of this manual, which is reviewed regularly by the safety committee as well as by the instructional staff as a whole, and offers specific guidelines and procedures for dealing with a wide variety of situations. REPORTING CASES OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Please report occurrences of infectious diseases in your family to our school office. Some children suffer from medical conditions whose treatment has depressed their immune system. Chicken pox, measles, mumps, strep throat, and rubella are examples of communicable diseases. MEDICAL POLICY AND PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL If a child has an illness or injury that precludes physical education, or if the parent wants the child to remain inside at recess and noon, please forward a note to the teacher. The school nurse neither treats a recognized illness nor prescribes medicines. Students who are sick at home, or who are not well enough to participate in daily activities, should not be sent to school. This consideration is one of the most practical methods of reducing the spreading of illness around the classroom. If a student requires medical attention while at school, the parent, guardian, or responsible neighbour will be immediately contacted. The student will be under the care of a staff member and will be sent home only after consultation with the parent or guardian. Students with chronic illnesses require a more formal procedure to ensure accurate communication. It is the parent’s responsibility to communicate any medical concerns to the school and to keep the school up-dated on their child’s health. To facilitate communication, parents are required to complete a “Medical Alert Planning Form, Information and Plan While in the Care of the School Form” which is available at the office. This form is completed by the parent and physician, and reviewed by the public health nurse. It is essential that any medication that is brought to school by any student be reported by parents to the teacher in writing, even if the student is solely responsible for its administration. If a student needs to take medication, the teacher, public health nurse, physician and family work together to try and develop a treatment plan, which does not necessitate a student taking the medication at school. Sometimes, such arrangements cannot be made and then the school and parents work together to address the child’s medical needs. If the school has to be involved in administering medication, the parents must get a “Request for Administration of Medication at School Form” from the office. This form must be completed by the parent and physician, and is reviewed by the public health nurse. It is the parent’s responsibility to keep the information on this form current and to monitor the supply and expiry date of all medication supplied to the school. School district employees will administer the medication, although not necessarily the student’s teacher. POLICY REGARDING STUDENT INJURY In the case of serious injury the ambulance will be called and first aid rendered. Parents will be contacted. Staff first aid attendants will attend to student injuries and in most cases contact parents. Parents will not be contacted for very minor injuries. It is of the utmost importance that the school have the parent’s correct home and business telephone number. Please contact the school office immediately if any changes are made during the year. HEALTH SERVICES INFORMATION The school nurse will carry out a program of preventive health checks such as vision, hearing and dental evaluation. Parents or guardians will be advised should a defect be noted. The nurse is available for health counselling and can suggest resources available for problems related to health. All medical (emotional and physical) health referrals or health disabilities of students should be made known to the nurse as soon as possible. All information is kept confidential. Inoculation programs conducted by the Ministry of Health will be accommodated and administered to appropriate students with parents' consent. HEAD LICE Outbreaks of head lice do occur occasionally at the school. Head lice has nothing to do with personal cleanliness, and there are effective treatments to rid your child of the problem. If you discover head lice in your child’s hair, please contact a pharmacist or the South Central Health Unit (851-7300) for treatment instructions. Please advise the school so that we may do our best to prevent further outbreaks. We are in need of parents who would be able to assist with hair checks if necessary at the school. School district policy is to establish a team of volunteer parents who will check students for head lice when necessary. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the school office. PARENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE This advisory group provides another opportunity for consultation between parents and the school. All parents and members of the school staff are encouraged to participate. The parents’ group provides input into school policies, parent programs, social events, and fund raising activities. Meetings are usually held once a month. PARENT VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Sometimes, parent volunteer drivers are required to transport students. Drivers must have a minimum of $1,000,000 public liability insurance, and their vehicle must be in roadworthy condition. Naturally, volunteer drivers must have a valid driver’s license and strictly follow the rules of the road. Volunteer drivers are reminded that students under the age of twelve may not ride in the front seat of a vehicle that has airbags. SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS We depend on volunteers for a variety of services. You may volunteer by talking to your child’s teacher or contacting the school office. Volunteers assist with coaching, classroom activities, fundraising, and other events. We rely on parent volunteers in the school to observe the confidential nature of school-related activities. Issues of concern, which may arise in a parent volunteers’ presence, should be raised with appropriate school personnel. SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS There is supervision on the playground before school, during recess, at lunch and after school for bus students. Unless weather is inclement, students will be encouraged to be outside the building before school starts, at recess, during lunch, and after school. Pupils remaining in the building should have a purposeful activity, under adult supervision. RECESS All students are expected to go outside for recess or to a scheduled recess activity. During inclement weather, students will be allowed to stay inside. Snacks are eaten in the student’s classroom just before the recess break, which takes place from 10:30 – 10:45. LUNCH Children may go home for lunch. If students stay at school for lunch, school support workers and adult noonhour supervisors are on duty as they eat from 12:05 – 12:25. Students should stay in their classroom until all their lunch is eaten, at which time they can play outside or go to a designated activity in the school that usually starts at 12:30. Fundraising events for school and PAC take place at lunch throughout the school year. Typically, the PAC does hot dog day every other week, and the school does a pizza or soup day on the week in-between. Students are given order forms several days in advance of each. More specific information will be provided in the newsletter, which comes out at the beginning of each month. LUNCH BREAK PARENT SUPERVISORS (12:10 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.) Supervisors are responsible to prevent and report inappropriate behaviour to the child’s teacher or administration. If parents have concerns regarding incidents that occur at noon hour, which involve a noon hour supervisor, please contact administration. Do not contact the playground supervisor. Parents interested in becoming a lunch break supervisor may apply at the school office. Lunch break supervisors are assigned to an area on the school grounds or inside with the responsibility to see that the students are safe and behave properly. They receive ten dollars ($10) per hour. AFTER SCHOOL Occasionally it is necessary for a student to remain after school to finish some work. School policy is that students can be asked to remain for up to thirty minutes. Students are allowed to phone home to let you know they will be at school a little longer. LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS Bus students are under the jurisdiction of the school and cannot leave the school premises at any time – morning, noon, or after school – without written permission from the parent or guardian for a specific date. Other students who regularly stay at school for lunch also come under the jurisdiction of the school and cannot leave the school premises without a permission note from their parents. The note must be given to their teacher in advance. HOMEWORK The amount of homework is subject to individual needs, academic requirements for a particular grade, objectives of developing good work habits and the need for drills and reviews. As a general guideline, we encourage home reading for primary grades and thirty minutes for intermediate students. If the homework seems too much or too difficult, please contact the teacher immediately. Each intermediate student should have a daily agenda book listing deadlines. Parents are requested to check this book regularly. MISSED ASSIGNMENTS If your child has been absent due to sickness and you would like some work sent home, please contact the teacher and arrange to pick it up. Intermediate students should check with their teacher for missed assignments. If you are taking your child out of school for a trip or family holiday, it is often better to use the trip as an educational experience rather than ask the teacher to provide work for your child. Activities such as daily diaries, geographic and historical reports, even postcard collections are of value to your child. Please discuss this issue well in advance with your child’s teacher. If you know your child will be away because of extended illness, a home/hospital teacher is available to provide continuity of learning. For more information, please contact your child’s teacher. SCHOOL SUPPLIES The School District operates a School Supply Program. The pupils pay a user fee and are provided with their school supply needs for the year. Most items are consumable and therefore become the student's property. Some non-consumable items remain the property of the school, e.g. math sets, rulers, compasses, scissors, etc. Students moving to another school in the district may have the funds transferred. A pro-rated refund will be given to students leaving the district. You will receive a newsletter in September regarding the fee schedule. We would appreciate receiving these fees as soon as possible. Cheques should be made payable to Haldane Elementary School. TEXTBOOKS Each year the students are provided with textbooks for subjects ranging from Language Arts and Math to Science and Social Studies. Should the textbook be defaced, mishandled or abused, we expect that the student responsible will pay the cost to repair or purchase a new textbook. AGENDA BOOKS Most students will be using an Agenda Book which is a writing tool to help students set goals, outline projects, list test dates and homework, and to communicate with the home. Please take the time to check your child’s Agenda on a daily basis. LOCKERS Intermediate students will have access to a locker to place their jacket, outside shoes, and lunch. We guide students to use these lockers as temporary storage, and not as a closet. Two students share each locker. A lock may be purchased from the office if desired. We require a combination lock of good quality, and the combination number must be submitted to the classroom teacher. DRESS CODE All students are expected to dress and groom themselves neatly in clothes that are conservatively cut and are suitable for school activities. Clothing that is distractive to the learning environment or displays inappropriate language, symbols or pictures is not permitted. Wearing of half shirts or high cut shorts is not acceptable. If a student’s dress does not comply with the school dress code, parents will be contacted and the student sent home to change. Shoes should be worn at all times for safety and in case of fire. During the winter season we encourage pupils to wear a different pair of shoes inside the school than the ones worn to and from home. LOST AND FOUND/PERSONAL ITEMS We take all reasonable precautions to protect students' property. You can help us to return misplaced belongings by putting your child’s name on all articles of clothing and other possessions. Students are discouraged from bringing electronic games and music players to school. Parents are requested to examine our Lost and Found on an ongoing basis as it tends to overflow with unclaimed items. Items that are not claimed after a suitable time are donated to appropriate social agencies. P.E./GYM STRIP All students are required to participate in P.E. classes. Parents are asked to inform us if there are limitations to a child’s participation. All students are required to use complete gym strip: running shoes, shorts, sweat pants, and a T-shirt. When you are buying new runners please check the “skid factor”. Running shoes should not leave black marks when scuffed on the gym floor. All items should be labelled with the child’s name. HATS AND GUM CHEWING Gum chewing is not allowed either in the building or on the playground. Hats are to be removed when entering the building. BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS & ROLLERBLADES Bicycles: Bikes may be ridden to and from school in accordance with accepted safety rules. The bike must be in good repair and the student must wear a helmet and use a lock. Students are to drive their bikes in a safe manner with due care for others on the school grounds and travel directly from the point of entry onto the grounds to the bike racks. No riding is allowed in the staff parking lot. Bike riders are to yield to those walking. Bikes must be parked and locked in the bike racks during the school day. Students are not to play or loiter around the bike racks. Skateboards & Roller Blades: Students are not to bring skateboards or roller blades to school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/INTRAMURAL SCHOOL SPORTS Students are encouraged to get involved in a wide variety of activities, including sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball, track and field), drama (Christmas concert), dance, table tennis, and numerous other events throughout the year. Intramural games are held regularly at noon break in the gym for students from Grades 4 to 7. We believe that it is important for students to participate in these activities, which are not only valuable learning experiences, but also opportunities to develop leadership skills. RECYCLING PROGRAM Everyone at the school is encouraged to recycle metal, plastic and paper products. Recycling bins are located in each classroom. SMOKING POLICY Please be reminded of the School Board policy prohibiting smoking in all school buildings and on elementary school grounds. Matches and lighters will be confiscated, so please do not allow these items at school with your child. Thank you for your continued support with this policy.