Strategic Reading:
Tara Rezendes
Jan Goggin
Allison Burgess
Ann Marie Yule trezendes@plymouth.k12.ma.us
Patty Wheeler pwheeler@plymouth.k12.ma.us
Education Support: Cindy DiCicco cdicicco@plymouth.k12.ma.us
Problem Solving & Applications: Lisa Murray lmurray@plymouth.k12.ma.us
The team maintains a web site with the daily homework agenda, the monthly calendar, the “Blue Bulletin” newsletter which is sent home each Tuesday, a section for “News,” a link to Edline (for students’ grades) and a link to the teachers’ e-mail addresses. Edline also lets teachers post information such as instructions for assignments, due dates, etc., and many teachers use Edline to communicate in this way.
Too often students see staying after school as a punishment, not for what it really is: a chance to get questions answered, catch up on missing work, finish a project or simply get homework assignments finished before going home. Teachers are available for extra help after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays when late buses are scheduled. Each teacher will be here on at least one of those days and there’s always at least one teacher available Tuesdays/Thursdays when late buses are scheduled. It’s a good idea for students to touch base with a teacher the day before they plan to stay for that teacher. That way, students know where they’re going and are able to plan for the work they need to do, so the time after school is more productive.
Mrs. Rezendes: Tuesday * Ms. Goggin: Tuesday
Ms. Burgess:
Mrs. Yule:
Tuesday *
Mrs. Wheeler:
Mrs. DiCicco:
Tuesday *
Tuesday *
Mrs. Murray: Thursday
* Ms. Burgess, Mrs. DiCicco, Mrs. Rezendes and Mrs. Wheeler are usually available after school on Thursdays as well.
An excellent resource for families that can be used to support all students.
Information includes learning strategies, a homework survival guide, tips to help students study and ways to prepare for MCAS.