CHARLES UNIVERSITY PRAGUE 2nd Medical faculty, Department of Anatomy PROGRAMME OF LECTURES AND PRACTICALS FOR STUDENTS OF GENERAL MEDICINE in Winter semester, 2014 / 2015 Week Lecture Practical trainings Introduction to the study of anatomy. General anatomy of Anatomical terminology, Bones of 1. 1.10.bones and joints. the upper limb I. 3.10. 2. 6.10.- The joints of the upper limb, joint movements. Bones of the upper limb II. 10.10. 3.13.10.- The pelvis, joints of the lower limb, joint movements Bones of he lower limb. 17.10. General anatomy of the muscle, its blood supply and Joints of the upper extremity. Joints 4. 20.10.- innervation. General angiology. Structure of spinal nerve. of the lower extremity 24.10. The survey of muscles of the upper limb, osteofascial TEST: general anatomy of bones compartments, the survey of the vessels and nerves and joints, bones of the limbs The survey of muscles of the upper limb, osteofascial Muscles, vessels and nerves of the 5. 27.10.- compartments, the survey of the vessels and nerves II. The upper limb 31.10. survey of muscles of the lower limb, osteofascial TEST: pelvis, joints of the limbs compartments, the survey of the vessels and nerves The survey of muscles of the lower limb, osteofascial Muscles, vessels and nerves of the 6. 3.11.compartments, the survey of the vessels and nerves II. lower limb. 7.11. Vertebrae, ribs, sternum. Connections on the vertebral column and thorax. Muscles of the thorax. Muscles of the abdomen, inguinal Axial skeleton. Joints of the vertebral 7. 10.11.- canal. Surgical approaches to the abdominal cavity. column. TEST: muscles of limbs, 14.11. Vessels and nerves of abdominal wall Muscle groups of the osteofascial spaces back. The skull: principles of development and structure. The Muscles of the trunk. Inguinal canal. 8. 17.11.- neurocranium and splanchnocranium bones. Hernias. 21.11. Connections on the skull bones, parts and spaces of the Bones of the skull. 9. 24.11.- skull. The skull of newborn. Masticatory muscles, mimic 28.11. muscles, their innervation Muscles of the neck; their innervation. Osteofascial Dissections I. 10. 1.12.compartments of the neck. Carotid arteries, internal jugular THU 4.12. – WED 10.12. 5.12. vein. Subclavian artery. General anatomy of the gastrointestinal system. The teeth. Skull as a whole. Skull cavities and 11. 8.12.Oral cavity, the tongue, salivary glands, pharynx; their spaces. Skull of a newborn. 12.12. vessels and innervation. Oesophagus. Stomach, small and large intestine, rectum Muscles and main vessels of the 12. 15.12.- and anus. The pancreas, liver, biliary ducts; their vessels head and neck. TEST: skull + 19.12. and innervation, radiological examination of GIT. vertebral column 13. 5.1.- The peritoneal cavity, peritoneal relations of the organs. The oral cavity, the teeth, tongue, 9.1. Spleen. Abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, portal salivary glands, pharynx TEST: circulation muscles of the head, neck and trunk, inguinal canal, hernias General anatomy of lymphatic system, main lymphatic Oesophagus, stomach, intestine, 14. 12.1.ducts. Structure of lympatic node and central lymphatic rectum. Liver, biliary ducts, 16.1. organs. Lymphatics of GIT, MALT pancreas. prof. MUDr. Rastislav Druga, DrSc. Head