January Newsletter - Cardonald Primary School

Cardonald Primary School
January 2012
P4 Football Training and Food Standards Agency
Our Primary 4 classes are currently benefiting from a six week
programme which is in collaboration with Glasgow’s Football
Development Team and The Food Standards Agency. This programme
looks at healthy and safe eating and also has activities that are geared
to develop pupil fitness.
M&M Productions ‘Cinderella’
On Thursday 19th January the school was visited by M&M Productions
who entertained the pupils with their play ‘Cinderella’. The show proved
to be very popular among the pupils who fully engaged with the
performance. The cast of the play asked me to pass on their thanks
and praise for the excellent audience that the pupils made
February ‘12 Diary
Friday 3rd
Wednesday 8th
Friday 10th
Mon 13th /Tues 14th
Wednesday 15th
Thursday 16th
Tuesday 21st
Thursday 23rd
Date Reminders
– P1-P4 Visit from Gladigators
- Cross Country South Finals at Nether Pollok
- Valentine Disco
P1 – P3 6pm – 7pm
P4 – P7 7.15pm – 8.15pm
School closed for mid term break
In-service Day – School closed to pupils
-School reopens for pupils 8.55am.
-Senior Choir competing in ‘Quest for Talent’ –
7pm, David Lloyd Club
-Netball Tournament Rosshall Academy
Graeme Beacham (Head Teacher)
Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity (if it is not too late) to wish all our
parents and carers a very happy new year. It seems like a long time ago as we
have quickly gotten back into the swing of activities that make up the day to
day life of the school. We have already had many things happen this term and
are very proud of some of the achievements made.
Christmas Service
It was lovely to see so many people who were able to attend our Christmas
Service which took place at Cardonald Parish Church. Despite the lack of space
caused by water as a result of the loss of the church’s metal roof, a most
enjoyable time was had. I would like to thank Rev McLeod for his input at the
service. Many thanks also go to all the pupils who helped us to celebrate the
occasion with their readings, singing and violins. I was most impressed with the
excellent behaviour of our pupils. They once again made us proud with how well
they behaved and how well they participated in the occasion.
Valentine’s Disco
This years Valentine’s Disco will take place on Friday 10th February. Tickets
for the Disco will go on sale during the week beginning 6th February. There will
be a limited number of tickets available for the two discos and they will be
issued on a first come first served basis for the pupils. Disco times are listed
in the Diary date section of the newsletter.
Our Senior Choir is currently in rehearsal to take part in this year’s ‘Quest for
Talent’ held annually by the Paisley Rotary. The first heat of this will take
place on Tuesday 21st February. I am sure you will join me in wishing them the
best of luck. Rehearsals are also ongoing for both the Junior and Senior Choirs
who will be competing once again at this years’ Glasgow Music Festival.
Sporting News
On Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd February a group of our pupils will
be taking part in this year’s Glasgow Swimming Competition. This group
of P6/P7 pupils will compete in a range of races including freestyle and
breast stroke. I am sure you will join me in wishing them all the best in
their respective races.
Our Netballers have and will take part in a couple of competitions over
the next few weeks. The first was on Friday 27th January when they
competed against schools at a tournament at Scotstoun Leisure Centre.
On Thursday 23rd February the Netball team will join other schools at
Rosshall Academy from the south west in a special tournament
organised by the Active Schools Coordinators. After their excellent
success on Friday, winning all their games, we wish the team the best
of luck for the matches on 23rd February.
Our Active School’s Coordinator has also organised three after school
clubs for us. The first two begin on Tuesday 31st January. One is a
Girls Football Club. The funding for this was secured through a grant
from the Glasgow Housing Association (GHA). As a result of this grant
the Glasgow City Girls Team Coach will be taking this club which will
run until 13th March. It will culminate in a special Football Festival at
Pirie Park for the ten schools who are taking part in this programme.
The second club beginning on 31st Jan is a P3 Fun and fitness Club
which will help develop the fitness of some of our P3 pupils. This club
will run until 20th March.
In addition to this our link with Cardonald College through Active
Schools continues and students from the college will continue to run
clubs for us on a Thursday afternoon. Currently they are running a 5
week netball club for P6. This will be followed later in the term by a
hockey club which will be offered to P4.
Mid Term Break
Please remember that the school will be closed for its mid term break
on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th February. The school will also be
closed to pupils on Wednesday 15th February for an in-service day.
School reopens to pupils on Thursday 16th February at 8.55am.
Young Booze Busters Programme
As part of our ongoing commitment to the lifelong health of our pupils the P6
and P7 classes are currently involved in a 4 week programme run by the
‘Glasgow Council on Alcohol’. The programme is designed to teach children
about the dangers of alcohol and looks at tackling its misuse in our society.
This initiative has been well received by the pupils and helps to deal with one
of the areas of major concern across Glasgow City and the west of Scotland.
Our P7 pupils received input last session on this and the work done this year
has built on their knowledge and understanding from last year.
Expensive Toys / Games / Mobile Phones
Many of our pupils were very lucky to have received some exciting gifts over
the festive period. Unfortunately some of the children have been bringing
their games and toys into school to share with their friends and play at break
times. I would like to remind parents and carers that we can not take
responsibility for these items and ask that they are not brought into school
unless it is for a special event or a specific Golden Time Club they may be
involved in.
We continue to have a problem with pupils having their mobile phones out
during the school day, either in the playground, at breakfast club or in class.
Our policy for mobile phones remains that the bringing of them to school is
discouraged. If for any reason children bring them to school they must be
switched off and kept in their school bags at all times once they enter the
playground. Thank you for your help in these matters.
Jewellery and P.E.
As you will be aware, in order to comply with Health and Safety legislation, the
school does not allow the wearing of jewellery by pupils when they are taking
part in P.E. We have had several pupils return from their recent break with
pierced ears. As a result these pupils have not been able to take part in P.E., a
very important part of our curriculum, as they are unable to remove the
So that pupils do not miss out on P.E., we ask that you:
-Ensure your child knows how to remove and put in earrings worn to
school; and
-Not get your child’s ears pierced during term time .