University Studies Course Approval


University Studies Course Approval

Department of Physical Education and Recreation

College of Education

PER Course Number: 102

Course Title: Slow-Pitch Softball

Semester Hours: 1 SH

Frequency of Offering: Spring Semester

Course Syllabus

This is a 1 credit University Studies course that satisfies the “Physical Development and Wellness” component of the student’s Basic Skills program. Designated University Studies outcomes for this course are listed below

Outcome #1 Learn skills that will improve the quality and length of their lives.

Outcome #2 Make proactive choices leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Outcome #3 Explore dimensions of personal health promotion and disease prevention.

Outcome #5 Understand health as multidimensional, involving the whole person’s relationship to the total environment.

Outcome #6 Utilize physical activity to reduce medical risks and provide relaxation, socialization and balance in their lives.

Outcome #8 Enhance creative use of leisure time.

Outcome #9 Develop skills consistent with efficient levels of human movement.

1. Course Description

This course will develop skills and techniques in softball, including rules and strategies to play.

2. Major Focus and Objectives

Appreciate slow-pitch softball as a lifelong physical activity. (Outcomes #1, 6)

Understand the fundamentals of contacting the softball. (Outcomes #1,9)

Understand the fundamentals of defending the infield. (Outcomes #1,9)

Understand the fundamentals of defending the outfield. (Outcomes #1,9)

Enjoy playing softball as a group activity in the natural environment. (Outcomes


Individuals are encouraged develop a regular groups of slow-pitch softball players that are willing to meet on a regular basis. (outcome #2 and 8)

3. Course Outline

A. History of Softball

B. Care of equipment and grounds (Outcome #5)

C. Health and social benefits (Outcomes #2,3,6)

D. Techniques of playing infield defense positions (Outcomes #1,9)

E. Techniques of playing outfield defensive positions (Outcomes #1,9)

F. Throwing techniques (Outcomes #1,9)

(1) Overhand

(2) Underhand

(3) Backhand

G. Catching techniques (Outcomes #1,9)

H. Outfield relays to all bases (Outcomes #1,9)

I. Double play scenarios (Outcomes #1,9)

J. Base running skills and strategies (Outcomes #1,9)

K. Rules and Scoring

4. Basic Instructional Plan and Methods

Lectures, demonstrations, video tapes, and group activity sessions.

Most classes will begin with an instructional drill/practice session, followed by a game. (Outcomes #1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9)

5. Method of Evaluation

Daily Attendance

Skill Analysis

Written Test

Total points

150 pts.

25 pts.

25 pts.

200 pts.

6. Textbook - None required.

A = 200

B = 179

– 180 pts

– 160 pts

C = 159 – 140 pts

D = 139

– 120 pts

7. Reference

Polk, Ron and Donna Lopiano. Baseball-Softball Playbook.

Mississippi State, MS.
