National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit Summary for Clinical Reference Group Overview of audit aim and structure The aim of the audit is to measure the quality of care received by patients with oesophagogastric cancer in the UK. Its purpose is to assess whether care is consistent with recommended practice and to identify areas where improvements can be made. The principal audit questions will examine: the timescale of the process of care determinants of treatment and outcomes the factors that influence decisions about curative and palliative treatment short-term outcomes of surgical treatment survival at 1 year, quality of life, and patient satisfaction with care The audit will last for three years, and started in October 2006. Collection of prospective data will begin in October 2007 and last for 15 months. The Audit will be managed by a project team consisting of members from: National Clinical Audit Support Service (NCASS) of the Information Centre Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons (AUGIS) British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Clinical Effectiveness Unit (CEU) of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine A Clinical Reference Group of stakeholders will support the project team, including members from (but not limited to) clinical Colleges and Associations whose members are involved in OG cancer care, the UK Association of Cancer Registries, Local Cancer Networks, and DH Cancer Policy Team. The audit will also seek input from the Cancer Registries, to inform the design of the Audit, enable the assessment of case ascertainment and data quality, and ensure existing data are exploited fully. Wherever possible, the audit will use existing information and infrastructure to minimise the burden of data collection. However, to collect data required for the process and outcomes element of the audit, we expect to design a web-based IT solution. This will build on existing IT systems as well as being compliant with current data definition standards. This will allow integration with NPfIT and the development of an electronic patient record. The size of the audit dataset will be kept to the minimum required. January 2007 1 National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit Audit objectives • To analyse existing datasets to provide an initial description of the process and outcomes of care. The analysis will aim to include all appropriate existing data sources such as Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database, Cancer Registry data, and Cancer Wait Times (CWT) database. The analyses of the data will help to refine the audit questions and procedures. The findings should also encourage units to participate in the audit and provide a framework for assessing the quality of the data collected for the process audit and outcomes audit. • To perform an organisational audit that will collect information on the local organisation of care for patients with oesophago-gastric cancer. It will be based on a national survey of all networks and units involved in upper gastro-intestinal cancer care. The survey will include questions on the staff involved and their qualifications, access to diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, referral systems and multi-disciplinary teams. • To undertake a qualitative study to identify determinants of variation in care and outcomes. The study will be based on semi-structured interviews of healthcare professionals and patients, and will be performed early in the course of the audit to provide information on the more complex relationship between determinants of process and outcome than can be studied in a quantitative audit. It will also inform the development of the minimum dataset for the process and outcome audits as well as the mechanism for data collection and feedback. • To undertake a process audit based on analysis of prospectively collected data to answer process related audit questions related to: disease staging and co-morbidity of patients, access to treatment, delays for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, description of therapeutic managements, case-mix adjusted determinants of variation in care. To support the prospective data collection, the audit will develop a web-based IT infrastructure. The system will cover all patients who receive care within oesophagogastric units across England and Wales. The proposed data collection system will feature: o web-based data collection o central patient linkage o individual data value validation and cross-validation o online analysis and feedback The system will provide the facility to upload data from local databases via a csv file and download centrally held data to a local database via a csv file. • To undertake an outcomes audit based on analysis of prospectively collected data to identify case-mix adjusted determinants of variation in outcomes. This will primarily focus on determinants of patient survival up to 1 year. • To perform a patient and carer survey, based on a sample of enrolled patients, on their experiences of diagnosis and treatment, communication and information, satisfaction with primary care, hospital care and palliative care. Patients will be asked to give consent to participating in this survey. Consenting patients will then be asked to complete a questionnaire about their health status, and the care they have received so far. January 2007 2 National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit Audit deliverables The results of the audit will be published in three annual reports. The First Annual Report will contain: An analysis of existing data that will provide preliminary results on process and outcomes of care An organisational audit of all units involved in upper gastro-intestinal cancer care that will describe variation in access to diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, referral systems, multi-disciplinary teams A qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews of healthcare professionals and patients that will be used to identify potential determinants of variation in care and outcomes. The Second Annual Report will describe the results of the prospective audit of care processes. The Third Annual Report will describe the results of the audit of outcomes of care. It will contain a description of the case-mix adjusted determinants of variation in outcomes, and the results from a Patient and Carer survey. Audit organisation and governance: Clinical Reference Group The role of the Clinical Reference Group will be: To represent the views of the associated professional and patient groups To be consulted and to advise on the nature of the audit questions and aims To act as a consultative group on issues such as publication strategy, including identification or anonymity of participating organisations To provide specialist input or advice to the Project Team The project team will work with a Clinical Reference Group, who will oversee the direction and delivery of the audit. The stakeholder organisations or specialties involved in the Clinical Reference Group are expected to include: UK Association of Cancer Registries Local Cancer Networks Patient Representative Royal College of Pathologists Royal College of Radiologists British Association of Cancer Surgeons Medical Oncology Specialist Nurses representative BSG Endoscopal Committee Member AUGIS Audit Committee Member Endo-luminal ultra sound Cancer Policy Team (DH) Healthcare Commission IT Supplier January 2007 3 National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit Proposed time schedule National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit 3 month quarters 1 2 3 4 5 6 Project Management Outline management plan Full management plan Design process and outcomes audit Organisational audit Including analysis Analysis of existing data Qualitative study First Annual report Based on existing data produce Organisational audit and Qualitative study Development data collection procedures for process and outcome audit IT development Pilot process and outcome audits Recruitment of centres / rolling out Data collection process and outcome audits Analysis of process audit Second Annual report Process audit Patient survey Analysis of outcome audit Third Annual report Patient survey January 2007 Outcomes audit 4 7 8 9 10 11 12