CURRICULUM POLICY Mayfield School Curriculum Policy Statement at Mayfield School Mayfield School is a day school for pupils between the ages of 2 - 19 years, all of whom have a special educational need. Whilst we recognize that all of our pupils have significant learning difficulties we value all highly as individuals and acknowledge that they are entitled to the kind of education that will best meet their particular needs. Therefore all pupils will receive their full entitlement to the National Curriculum. With this in mind we aim to provide for our pupils an education that is appropriate and stimulating in a safe, caring and happy atmosphere. For this to be accomplished we feel as a school that certain common values must underpin our curriculum philosophy and must be internalized - we hope these will be respected by all who come into contact with our pupils. We all agree that positive relationships are the foundation of all learning and therefore have developed an ethos that values these above all else. Providing good role models for our students is essential if we expect considerate, appropriate behaviour from them. We also believe that praise and encouragement is the best way to improve self-esteem and foster motivation amongst our pupils. We want to enable pupils to generalize the skills they learn in school, so that these become useful in helping them to understand the world outside. Most of all we want our pupils to make their own informed and meaningful choices wherever possible. The above values will be at the forefront of our minds, both at work and play in and out of school. We also believe that all children learn best when their basic needs are met. Therefore we will work closely with parents and other agencies to ensure that pupils are safe, nourished, warm, appropriately mobilized and provided with the means to communicate. We also recognize that children learn best in practical activities which may be in school but equally provided through local, regional, national and international communities. We will ensure that pupils have access to a broad range of learning activities outside of the classroom including residential opportunities. Being an all age school presents us with many challenges to provide learning that will eventually prepare pupils for the adult life beyond school. Person centered planning is central to our work with students as they reach transition. From 14years old students follow the Moving On curriculum which will provide accreditation of their achievements and support preparation into adulthood. Mayfield School welcomes the opportunity to work parents, members of the local community and other agencies, with a professional interest in the well being of our pupils. We endeavor to provide all pupils with extended opportunities and encouragement to participate, achieve and enjoy their learning. The whole curriculum is defined is as comprising: The Foundation Stage curriculum the core and other foundation subjects of the Primary and Secondary curriculums religious education additional subjects beyond the ten subjects of the NC The Moving On curriculum cross-curricular elements extra-curricular activities therapeutic activities Further contribution to the curriculum will be made through: the spirit and ethos of the school using the most effective teaching methods the effective use of ICT for learning and disability access issues the efficient and imaginative management of the curriculum and the school community 2 The main aims of our curriculum are: to develop the potential of every pupil recognising that outcomes will vary greatly from one pupils to another. to offer a stimulating, challenging educational environment where pupils individual needs are met at an appropriate level. to encourage high standards of personal achievement and to recognise, value and celebrate attainment and effort. Pupils will access a personalised curriculum. This will be in direct response to the relationship between a pupil's individual needs, determined through Person Centered Planning, their statement of educational need, the annual review process and the learning plans devised by staff in consultation with a range of other professionals. School Organization As Mayfield School is designated as a school for pupils with severe and profound & multiple learning difficulties, we do have separate classes for these two pupil groups. This is in order that they may have access to expertise and facilities that will help them access the National Curriculum. As far as is possible, pupils are placed within their year groups, and key stages including the Foundation Stage. Exceptions in the main body of pupils occur where poor social groupings would impede the education of an individual or their peer group. Every attempt is made, however, to ensure that correct year / key stage groupings are observed. Although our pupils may be based within distinct classes, they are integrated with their peers for certain subjects where the timetable allows. Each class has an appropriate number of support staff and class numbers are usually no more than 10 pupils. In very extreme circumstances a pupil may have a totally personalized curriculum away from their peers if that meets their needs. In both secondary and primary departments we now teach in ability groups. The primary pupils have Maths taught in ability groups and the secondary pupils have both English and Maths taught in ability groups. Additionally in the secondary department there are Enterprise groups which are of the pupils own choice on Thursday mornings. In addition to classroom bases, we have a number of subject rooms; i.e. food technology, design technology / science, art, music and I.C.T. We also have multi-sensory rooms, a hydrotherapy pool, two soft play rooms and extensive grounds. The Primary Care Trust provide the support of two part time speech therapists, two part time physiotherapists and two part time physio assistants. They also part fund a full time pediatric nurse. We also employ lunchtime supervisors on a part time basis. As well as our three admin team, we also employ three resource staff, a part time network manager and a part time ICT technician Planning the Curriculum The curriculum comprises all subjects of the Early Years curriculum 2-5 years, National curriculum 5-14 years, and the Moving on curriculum 14-19 years It also includes, SEAL, PSHE, Careers education and Transitions Choice and Change which develop work related learning opportunities. Collective worship is managed departmentally. Curriculum coordinators have planned their subject’s scheme of work for each key stage on a two (Primary)or three ( KS3) year rolling programme. The medium term planning sheets take regard of the National Curriculum’s programs of study as well as QCA and Equals schemes of work. Learning objectives are devised to enable pupils’ access to a broad breadth of study in each subject over their time at school. The planning sheets are available on the school share. Class teacher’s have the responsibility to plan the subject’s delivery as appropriate to the needs of their pupils. They plan their teaching activities and have in mind the learning outcomes for 3 each pupil taking into consideration their IEP (including BLP) targets, and their assessed P levels / NC levels or Moving On targets. All medium term plans are submitted to the curriculum coordinator at the beginning of each half term. The coordinator then produces a report to the Primary assistant head teacher which summarizes what is on offer to the pupils, what assistance and resources are available and identifies any development needs. Regardless of Key Stage, ‘Literacy’ and ‘Numeracy’ and PSHE are the foundation stones of everything we do. Speaking and Listening and Communication skills are essential for pupil progress in other aspects of the curriculum: knowledge and understanding enables pupils to apply themselves, move around and generally make sense of their environment. We also recognize that students will need to revisit aspects of their learning throughout their school careers. The Foundation Stage follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils will follow a predominately class based curriculum provided by their own class teacher. At Key Stages 1 and 2 and within the PMLD classes, the curriculum maybe theme or topic basedand is based on the National Curriculum. Staff plan the general content of the topic looking at individual subject planning sheets, to ensure balance and progression. More detailed planning is then undertaken by individual class teachers. Where it is impractical to teach discreet modules of work within the theme or topic these are planned separately to run alongside the theme e.g. History, Geography, Maths and Science, so that all programmes of study are addressed. At Key Stages 3 the curriculum is organized primarily on a subject specific basis for the core aspects and in a thematic approach for foundation subjects. Class teachers plan and deliver Literacy and Numeracy lessons that are usually delivered in the mornings to ability groups. In the afternoons they have their own groups for all other teaching. In Key Stage 4 the curriculum other than Literacy and Numeracy is delivered through the Moving On curriculum modules of Explorer and Traveller. In both Key Stages 3 and 4 there is an additional element of work related learning for which we use the local community and the construction, car mechanics, plumbing and hairdressing modules at Combe Pafford Business and Enterprise College. In the Further Education Unit 1 the curriculum focuses more on Life Skills and makes greater use of the community as a means of developing learning. The curriculum is the delivered through the Voyager and Globe Trotter modules of the Moving On curriculum and through this transition planning is developed. The Further Education Unit 2 which is for pupils with a higher level of need the Moving on module used is Adventurer. The curriculum for all pupils is differentiated according to the individual needs of pupils. Generally differentiation is offered through: IEP targets individual outcomes based on assessment in B squared or Moving On levels adapted activities and resources increased support from therapists increased support from class staff or school based teams such as the pastoral or Language intervention teams Resources The school prides itself on having resources that are of high quality and range. Many of the resources will have been made by resource staff to provide the modifications teachers require to support curriculum delivery. 4 Many resources are stored in subject specialist rooms i.e. Food Tech, Art, Science and Design Technology and PE. Other resources are stored in specific resource areas, the resources office or in different classrooms. As well as the usual general teaching resource materials each class has an interactive whiteboard, television, video, cd / radio player and multimedia computer. Providing pupils with the appropriate access to learning is vitally important. The use of switches, communication aids, support from specialist peripatetic teachers, the use of PECS, Makaton, symbols and total communication environment all contribute to achieving this. We have at Mayfield School two library areas and a book store (including big books, sensory teaching boxes and e-book resources). Three sensory rooms are also available for use by the whole school, two soft play rooms, a hydrotherapy pool and a trampoline in the hall which is used for rebound (with properly trained staff). Evaluating the Quality of Teaching and Learning At the beginning of each half term the teachers pass on their planning sheets to the curriculum coordinators for evaluation. The coordinators then pass on their evaluation sheets to the Primary assistant Head teacher to monitor. Feedback is given to the senior leadership team and staff members. Senior leadership staff members visit classrooms regularly as a means of informally monitoring how the lessons are being delivered and to discuss the progress of pupils Each teacher has formal lesson observations on the curriculum linked to school improvement priorities and Performance Management. From these the school can evaluate the quality of Teaching and Learning in a given aspect, provide feedback to teachers and set targets for school improvement. Assessment The school has consistent procedures for ensuring that pupil’s progress is recorded and used to inform planning. These are recorded in the Assessment Policy but are briefly described here At the end of each half term teachers record the achievements of their pupils on the individual pupil school report pages on the school network. Pupil progress is also recorded on the school’s B’Squared electronic assessment package. From the assessments pupils have an Individual Education Plan which provides English, Maths ICT and learning behaviour targets in detail. Standards achieved by pupils are monitored in the following ways: Through classroom observation, pupil tracking and work sampling by senior management Through the monitoring of progress against targets (access, subject specific and end of Key Stage Targets) At the school annual review by a multi-disciplinary team By the annual report to parents Teachers collate Pupils Progress profiles which contain baseline evidence and examples of progress over time. Curriculum Access Statement In our work we endeavor to maintain the conditions most likely to facilitate learning for all pupils through: provision of appropriate information technology, hardware, software and peripherals. appropriate use of positioning and mobility aids. a total communication environment featuring signs, symbols and tactile cues. 5 observance of therapeutic regimes ~ whether based in speech and language therapy, physiotherapy or medication. implementation of strategies to alleviate sensory impairments. consistent and sensitive applications of programmes designed to moderate challenging behaviour. a commitment to inter-disciplinary collaboration and partnership with parents, fellow professionals, pupils and the community of which we are a part. In ensuring access teachers should note that progress for our pupils might: follow similar patterns as that of other pupils but at a much slower pace. take place in some areas but not in others. be followed by regression. apparently reach a "plateau". occur when skills learnt in one situation are transferred to another situation. be demonstrated through responses to sensory stimuli even when there may be no other discernible purpose in acquiring knowledge or skills. deteriorate according to medical condition or syndrome or terminal illness; at best the planning changes to minimize the effects of such. Time Allocation There are many factors which place constraints upon the teaching time available during the week. These include the time taken to move from place to place, transport, the effects of medication on time awake, management of fits and time taken for pupils with eating difficulties to be fed either orally or by tube. Issues of concentration span, time for responses to be made, positioning and the need to assist pupils to relax spasms or the management of challenging, disruptive behaviour all need to be considered in planning. Teachers endeavour to maximize every aspect of the school day in daily routines such as using the toilet, feeding, positioning and taking medication since the time taken for these is unavoidable and cannot be reduced. All staff therefore look for potential learning opportunities around these activities. Supporting Policies Assessment Policy SEN policy Curriculum subject policies Sex Education Policy Drugs Education Policy Collective Worship Policy Total Communication Policy Guidance documents on Pupil Profiles and Pupil Record Folders April 2008 Revised September 2008 Revised November 2008 Reviewed January 2011 Reviewed July 2012 as part of Ofsted preperation 6