Our Curriculum Policy

Our Curriculum
Curriculum Entitlement
Our curriculum offer takes account of the differing abilities and experiences of our students
and will provide an education appropriate to individual needs. It will give pupils the
opportunity to develop and learn within a supportive atmosphere and foster positive
attitudes to learning that lead to success and achievement.
The curriculum at Montacute is skill and context based and encourages active
engagement in learning. The curriculum focuses on developing the fundamental core
strands of
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Physical and/or sensory
Spiritual, Social, emotional, personal and health education
all transferrable skills that equip children and young people for life beyond the school.
These link directly to the main long term areas of the new Education Health Care Plan and
progress in these areas are reviewed and reported on as part of the Annual Review
The Montacute curriculum will:
 provide stimulating activities and tasks
• set challenging, achievable targets for individual students
• develop effective communication skills
• develop IT skills in order to engage students in the advancing world of technology e.g.
iPad use
• encourage the tolerance of opinions and beliefs and reflect the multicultural nature of
society whilst supporting our pupils to understand their rights as children under the UNCRC
• develop self-confidence and skills towards independent living
• encourage a caring, respectful attitude towards each other within the community
• ensure continuity and progression
• help pupils develop lively enquiring minds
• enable access for all students
• use extra-curricular activities to enhance the education offered to students
• engage professionals within the community, including sports coaches, artists, musicians
Learning Readiness
At Montacute School, we recognise the importance of Learning Readiness and are
developing a method of using Maslow’s (Expanded, 8 part) Hierarchy of Needs to identify
what strategies individual pupils might need to maximise their engagement and learning.
We use research based strategies as well as a common sense approach to ensure pupils’
needs are met. Staff act as advocates for pupils who are not able to express their needs
by tuning into their communication and closely observing behaviour. We work closely
with parents who are expert in their own children’s communication.
We also work together with other professionals, particularly our Speech and Language
Therapy team and Occupational Therapist, to develop individual programmes designed
to support pupils’ readiness for learning. These programmes may focus on increasing
tolerance of situations and sensations, regulating alertness, limiting sensory seeking
behaviour, increasing attention span and decreasing avoiding behaviours. The school
has an Emotional Literacy framework that supports pupils’ development in managing
emotions. Pupils body comfort levels are also monitored, for example: the effects of
medication, tiredness following a seizure, need to go to the toilet, to eat, to feel safe, and
to be at the right temperature.
The aim is for pupils to develop along the skills of generalisation, maintenance,
awareness, curiosity, investigation, discovery and anticipation, initiation and persistence
by ensuring, as far as possible, all other needs are met. In this way, we believe pupils will
make the best progress with their learning.
We accept that meeting some of these needs, for example, going to the toilet, will
impact on classroom time. We base Individual Learning targets on our four core
curriculum strands to ensure that these situations become learning opportunities for
communication, physical and/or sensory and PSED; we consider what each child may be
missing at these times, and how we can compensate, and we consider ways of
incorporating physical needs, for example: joining in a class singing session while having
stretches to maintain mobility.
Learning Readiness programmes or activities may be
-planned, for example: a sensory diet, or
-incidental, foe example needing pad changed, or
-episodic, for example when a change of behaviour is noted.
In the latter case, techniques are tried to support the child or young person. It is
sometimes the case that things that work on one day, don’t on another, and Learning
Readiness activities can include a range of things from toilet charts, behaviour
programmes or change of group. Records are kept, for example ABC charts to evaluate
the effectiveness of any strategy.
See appendix for Maslows Need and what we may look for and how we support
Montacute School
The Whole School Approach to Curricular themes
We believe that maintenance of skills, knowledge, processes is an important part of
learning at Montacute. Across the school repetition of daily and weekly routines is
vital in order to improve awareness, understanding and independence.
Repetition and rehearsal of information enhance a process called consolidation, the
process by which memories are moved from temporary storage in the hippocampus
(a small structure within the brain) to more permanent storage in the cortex (the
outer layer of the brain) (Richards, 2003, p. 24).
At Montacute School each Phase Department has devised a 3-6 year topic cycle as
a vehicle for delivering a broad and balanced curriculum to all students. Each
department has there own topic cycle covering a wide range of themes. Students
may stay within a department for up to 6 years, therefore they may repeat a topic
during their time in Lower, Middle and Upper School. By repeating a topic, our
students have the opportunity to use their prior knowledge and learning, in order to
access similar information and activities with new awareness, understanding and
Constant repetition and a great deal of support will be needed to generalise
learning into new situations. (About profound and multiple learning disabilities,
Mencap, PMLD Network, p. 4)
It is vital that our students have the opportunity to show their ability to learn and
progress laterally. Therefore, by re-introducing a theme with a different approach or
different emphasis, with possibly a new teacher, new support staff, different peers,
and in a new classroom/environment, they are able to consolidate what they have
learnt, and generalise that learning in a different environment and in a new context.
Furthermore, as teachers it means we are able to effectively measure the progress of
our students. Through repetition of a theme we will have the opportunity to compare
and contrast how a student is able to access and engage with a theme compared
to their attainment 3 years prior.
Since our "thinking cap" is strongly influenced by patterns, not facts, remembering
information is maximized when it is provided in contextual, event-oriented situations
which include motor learning, location changes, music, rhythm, and novelty…. We
do poorly when we "piecemeal" learning into linear, sequential facts and other outof-context information lists".
(Jensen, 1998, Super Teaching, p. 26)
The curriculum model at Montacute School aims to offer interdisciplinary coherence
for all learners with CLDD (Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities). The range
of learning needs of such a group is multifaceted but inherent for all is the need to
understand ones self and the world within which we live. The curriculum model and
Montacute School
the themes delivered therein, seeks to explore, engage and develop understanding
and skills of these crucial areas of ‘self’ and ‘the wider world’, through a broad and
balanced learning experience
A holistic thematic approach is applied, offering learners opportunities to develop
self awareness as a foundation. It is imperative that each individual knows who they
are, what they like, what makes them happy etc before one can begin to explore
more complex aspects such as relationships etc. Teaching approaches are delivered
within the themes at a pace and level appropriate for each learner offering stretch
and challenge ensuring that all learners reach their full potential.
Lateral learning offering rehearsal, transference of skills and the development of skills
in context are imperative for learners with CLDD. Therefore themes are revisited
within each curriculum area, on each occasion offering opportunities to expand and
develop knowledge in more depth:
School Organisation
In September 2014 we moved towards three departments or Phases:
Lower School
Middle School
Upper School
N- Year 1/2
Years 1/2 – 9
Years 9-13
However, we believe that it is important to be able to offer our pupils an appropriate
peer group and learning pathway, so occasionally pupils may be in groups out of
their normal age group.
Montacute School
We have three core curricula or Learning Pathways which meet the range of
learning needs of all our children and young people.
A multi sensory approach required by students with profound and
multiple learning disabilities. Students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
(PMLD) are provided with an informal curriculum which is specifically designed to
meet their needs in connecting and responding. These students are generally
working within Bands 1 and 2.
An active and interactive personalised learning style required by
students with ASD and/or challenging behaviours. These students are generally
working within Bands 1-3.
Pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) benefit from a semiformal and collaborative curriculum which promotes life-skills and is highly
stimulating. Able and Gifted students may be grouped in a separate group where
possible. These students are generally working in Bands 3-5.
However, we recognise that some of our students have no dominant learning style
but may require an approach which uses elements of all the above learning
pathways. Sometimes where student numbers allow, these students may be grouped
together within a Department Phase.
Students are assessed within the year through the Annual Review process in
consultation with Parents/ Carers and other professionals, and at the end of year to
ensure their ‘pathway’ remains appropriate.
Our curriculum is differentiated into 5 bands, (and is based on the work of Latham &
Miles 2013) and reflects a functional and developmental cognitive and
communicative framework that links to the p scales (DfEE 1998+) / milestones and
therefore provides nationally recognised indicators of progress.
We recognise that using this developmental approach to the curriculum, we put
communication and interaction at the heart of our curriculum. There are clear links
between communication and cognitive development. Latham & Miles found that
an approach to developing communication skills based on the band system was
also effective for developing cognitive skills.
The differentiated curricular framework is not only a planning tool but also supports
teachers with their classroom practice. The Framework reminds teachers of the most
effective teaching styles and interactive techniques.
Montacute School
P levels
P1, P2
M1 M2
Band One – Pre-Intentional
Method of
Development of
Thinking skills
Understanding of
Familiar and
Child expresses self
through crying,
stilling, smiling
and vocalising
Engages in sensory
Relates to people
Or objects
Explores objects by
Mouthing or
Needs time to
Engage in non
Routine activities
Band One – Intentional
Method of
Development of
Thinking skills
Expresses themselves
People and object
Play is integrated
Facial expression
Adult needs to:
Respond to child’s
Explores the function Attempts to
Of objects
Combines objects
Join in with turn
Taking activities
Uses everyday
Objects in play
Band Two
An adult needs to
respond to and
interpret behaviours
Developmental language 5-9 months
Gains attention
Gives information
Responds by
Indicating yes/no
Understanding is
Related to routines
Developmental language 0-5 months
Developmental language 9-18 months
Method of
Development of
Thinking skills
Requests more,
Actions and help
Asks for the names
Of objects and
Attempts to say
Indicates own
Indicates things
That have gone or
Indicates where
Things should go
Describes qualities
Such as ‘Yuk’
Expresses through a
Combination of
Methods such as:
Vocalising and using
Learns through own
Leading to using the
Formal system of
Signs, symbols and
Words at a one word
Combines objects
Simple pretend play
e.g. with dolls
sorting in play
An adult needs to
Play, respond,
And comment on the
Montacute School
Band Three
M5 M6
Developmental language 18- 36 months
Method of
Development of
Thinking skills
Gives information
Use words, and signs
And symbols in short
Sentences and
e.g. “ Daddy go work”
Sequences ideas in
Questions “who?”
“what?”, “where?”
Basic understanding Misunderstandings
Of size, colour,
Number and position Answer questions
Needs to relate to
The here and now
Adults needs to:
Make communication
Understands and
Expresses in short
Band Four
Developmental language 3-5 years
Method of
Development of
Thinking skills
Understands and
Uses complex
Reasons and
Containing joining
Words such as
Plans activities
“and”, “because”
Questions to find out
Abstract ideas and
Language out of
Early number and
Alphabet skills
Ability to pronounce lete
Letters/blend sounds
Begins to use
Uses pronouns
Practising new
Questions (why??)
P7 P8
M7 M8
Band Five
An adult needs to be:
An active listener to
Share ideas, clarify
Meanings and explain
Supporting vocabulary
1-2,000 words
Developmental language 5-8 years
An adult is needed to:
Method of
Development of
Thinking skills
andformed sentences
Using a clear and
Can follow
Instructions whilst
Completing another Promote positive
Activity at the same Interaction with peers
Montacute School
Entry Level
Subject specific
Vocabulary e.g.
Numerical functions
Questions “how?”
And “when?”, “why?”
“because?”- using
Questions to help
Problem solve
About past and/or
Future using correct
Use of tense
System including
Signing, speech
Solving problems for
Extend Vocabulary
2-5,000+ words
Can internalise
Thinking: reading,
Planning etc
Make use of
Comments rather than
Over use of
Can categorise
Knows Left/right
Support attention and
Listening skills
Will initiate and take Provide opportunities
on responsibility
To develop awareness
Of rhyme, rhythm and
Understanding of
Word patterns
Own feelings and
Can describe them
Can use strategies
To manage feelings
Can distinguish
Between reality and
Phase teams are responsible for:
 Planning over views, schemes of work and ensuring topic/ curricular cycles link
to the whole school plan
 writing the Scheme of Work reflecting the different needs of individual students
and groups.
 Moderating
Class teachers are responsible for:
 termly planning differentiation to meet individual needs of students within our band system
 using a range of teaching and learning strategies, techniques and resources
 attending training as appropriate
 using ‘assessment for learning’
Specified Subject leaders (see Leadership & management Structure in appendix) are
responsible for:
 writing and implementing their related ‘subject’ policy
 identifying the content coverage across the Phases and monitoring
planning done in Phase teams
Montacute School
monitoring development
keeping up to date with developments and initiatives
highlighting training opportunities
planning development
monitoring and scrutinising progress of students for their subject
PARRC Team (Planning, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Celebration) are
responsible for
 Strategy and overview of the curriculum
 ‘Our Curriculum’ policy
 assisting in the planning of the whole school curriculum framework to ensure
 highlighting training opportunities
 writing and implementing the policies for Literacy and Numeracy
 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Curriculum through ‘Progress Meetings’ with
subject leaders and class teachers by reviewing and scrutinising:
 scheme of work documentation
 examples of planning
 school resource audits
 analysis of ‘P’ levels, progress data and accreditation
 observation of lessons with specific focus
 learning walks with specific focus
 work sampling and moderating
 RAG rating of individual student progress
Links to other Learning Opportunities for our students
UNCRC- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
We have recently been awarded with ‘Recognition of Commitment’ by UNICEF for
our work on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We believe that our
students should learn about their rights and their responsibilities to others, including
other children, as British citizens.
With the support of the School’s Speech and Therapy team we are promoting ‘Pupil
Voice’ to enable our students to learn to self advocate, contribute, discuss, and cooperate.
All our Phase Curriculum Framework theme cycles and planning documents highlight
where learning about the articles can take place.
Social, Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Education (SSMC)
We recognise the importance of teaching our students about the cross curricular
themes listed above. Developing an understanding of morals, rules/laws, expected
behaviours, democracy and government helps our students to understand how to
contribute appropriately in society.
Montacute School
Learning about different faiths, cultures and beliefs supports the development of
tolerance and mutual respect. Commitment and celebration of our country’s diverse
population makes us collectively stronger, tolerant and respectful of the differences
in our community and the wider world.
At Montacute School we aim to make this meaningful for our students through our
enrichment activities, community visits, lessons, inclusion links, and assemblies.
All our Phase Curriculum Framework theme cycles and planning documents highlight
SSMSC learning opportunities.
Lower School Curriculum Framework
Children in the Lower School Phase, which includes children in the Early Years
Foundation Stage, follow the statutory EYFS curriculum.
The curriculum in Lower School is based on the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning
stated in the Early Years Foundation Stage. We have a topic/theme cycle in place to
ensure breadth of learning over a three year rolling programme.
Children are assessed using the Developmental Journals recording and assessment
system. The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is completed for pupils when they
reach the end of the Foundation Stage and a comment is made on the
Characteristics of Effective Learning.
Assessments are used in order to plan the next steps in a child’s programme, which
are drawn up into an Individual Education Plan (IEP), and to inform parents of
progress and achievements as part of their Annual Report.
In the Early Years at Montacute we believe strongly in learning through play. On entry
to school many pupils are not ready for formal adult led activities and so it is
important for staff to begin working with pupils at their level and gradually
encourage them to accept more adult guidance as they mature and develop.
Although at many times it may look to an outsider like the children are ‘just playing’,
staff should always be aware of the pupils individual targets and the purpose of the
activity, and will be working towards encouraging the development of skills.
The Areas Of Learning:
In Lower School a wide range of learning opportunities are planned around the
seven Areas of Learning. A variety of teaching styles is used to deliver the curriculum
and a strong emphasis is placed upon multisensory experiences. Many skills, but
especially communication and social skills, are cross-curricular in nature and are
therefore planned into and worked upon in various curriculum areas.
Montacute School
The development of communication skills is a vital aspect of pupils’ learning. In Lower
School we use a range of strategies, in close liaison with the Speech and Language
Therapist, to assist our children to develop their communication skills. All staff are
trained in the use of ‘Signalong’, and this, in conjunction with Objects of Reference
and picture symbols are used constantly to aid children’s understanding of the
spoken word. We refer to this as total communication. The objects and symbols are
used to create a visual timetable of the days’ events to assist pupils’ understanding
of the passage of time. Pre-verbal children are encouraged to use signs, objects and
symbols to express their needs and many go on to use the Picture Exchange
Communication System (PECS). A range of switches and electronic communication
aids are also used according to individual need.
Pupils in Lower School benefit from a high level of speech therapy input. This can
take the form of group communication and literacy sessions, individual work (for
example, PECS training, or the setting up of communication aids), ‘messy play’
sessions, and liaison with parents, teacher, key worker and other professionals. The
Speech and Language Therapist also advises on feeding issues and has involvement
with snack and lunch times on a regular basis. She generally works alongside pupils in
the classroom in order to develop skills in every day, functional settings.
We also use intensive interaction throughout the day and as individual one to one
sessions for pupils when appropriate. We base these sessions on supporting and
encouraging fundamentals of communication, including; shared attention, taking
turns, eye contact, facial expressions, and vocalisations.
In Lower School many communication and language skills are learned through play.
In play based activities the children learn many basic speaking and listening skills
such as negotiation and turn taking. The children enjoy a range of stories, rhymes
and songs both individually and as part of a group.
Cognition and Learning
Literacy sessions take place each week, where the group share a big book, either
commercially produced or home made. A range of props and interactive activities
to engage the pupils’ attention and to encourage participation supports the text.
Children are encouraged to recognise their own photograph and if appropriate, to
recognise their name and other key words. The children also have frequent
opportunities for sensory tactile experiences and when they are ready, to make
marks and form letters using a range of media.
Opportunities for mathematical development are built in throughout the curriculum,
in play based activities as well as in taught Numeracy sessions. The main areas
focused on in the Foundation Stage are number and shape, space and measure.
Number involves counting, recognising numbers and using numbers in practical
contexts. Shape, space and measure involves exploring different shapes and their
properties, positional language, making comparisons, and following the daily
timetable and routine. Much of the work is implemented through songs, books, and
Montacute School
practical activities. Short individual or group tasks also take place for more formal
learning when appropriate.
Understanding the World
A knowledge and understanding of the world is developed through learning about a
range of topics, each with a different curriculum focus. Children are encouraged to
explore and investigate a range of objects and materials as well as different areas of
their environment both in and out of the school. We go on weekly educational visits
to a range of locations including shops, the cinema, cafés, farms, soft play areas,
parks and the beach all of which offer a wide range of learning experiences. From
time to time pupils are given the opportunity to take part in special events which
happen at school. We have a short circle time at the beginning of the morning and
the afternoon to help the children understand the daily routine. Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) is used to support the development of language
skills whenever possible. The main pieces of technology used in Lower School are the
Interactive whiteboard, touch screen computer, and IPad.
Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the year the children are given opportunities to work with a range of
media in art and design sessions and create both 2D and 3D pieces. We have
cookery and messy play sessions where the children are able to explore a range of
different substances with different properties. Children regularly take part in sand and
water play. Throughout the school day there are many times when the children can
listen to and join in with singing. Class music sessions take place where the children
listen to a range of different styles of music and play musical instruments. From time
to time pupils can experience live music and theatre either at school from visiting
groups or on visits to the local Arts Centre.
Physical development
From the Lower School base, pupils have easy access to the school field and
woodland which offers plenty of scope for running and climbing for those pupils who
require regular opportunities to ‘let off steam’. ‘Playtimes’ take place twice a day in
a smaller, secure play area when pupils have the opportunity to use outdoor toys
including ride-on toys, balls and a slide. When the weather is fine we go for walks in
the community and to the local park.
Pupils swim in the school swimming pool once a week where they are taught by the
swimming teacher. We encourage water confidence and fun as well as following
the school swimming programme. Weekly P.E sessions, which may include Sherborne
or Rebound, take place in the hall and children are given the opportunity to use a
range of apparatus. All pupils are given the opportunity to go horse riding on a
regular basis. The Physiotherapist works with a number of children on a weekly basis
and liaises with support staff that follow physiotherapy programmes with those pupils
who need it more frequently.
Personal Social and Emotional development
Personal and Social development is a very important part of our children’s
curriculum. We aim to develop skills such as sharing, co-operation, independence
Montacute School
and an awareness of others through all areas of the curriculum as well as specific
circle time games and activities. Many social skills are learned through independent
and inclusive play opportunities and children are encouraged to play cooperatively
with others. Through visits to places and events within the local community we aim to
develop social awareness and foster appropriate ways of behaving.
We encourage children to develop as much independence as possible when
meeting their personal care needs. Developing skills such as dressing and undressing,
use of the toilet and hand washing, is an integral part of the school day.
(see Lower School Curriculum Framework with cycle of themes in appendix)
Middle School Curriculum Framework
The Middle School Curriculum Framework is based on long term topic/theme cycles
which cover the four core strands of learning: Communication; Cognition and
Thinking; Physical and/or Sensory; Personal, Social and Health Education. For pupils
who are working at Band 3 and above we work specifically on Reading, Writing,
Phonics, Numeracy and Science.
Assessments are used in order to plan the next steps in a child’s programme, which
are drawn up into an Individual Education Plan (IEP) based on the four core strands,
and for students working within band 3-5 there are an additional three targets for
Reading, Writing and Numeracy. These Individual Education Programmes are used
to inform parents of progress and achievements as part of their Annual Report. At the
end of each key stage we also review each students progress in terms of P-levels.
Through each topic we focus on specific learning and plan activities and
opportunities which will give students the chance to develop their skills, knowledge
and understanding. These are monitored and assessed by class staff to track
There are the three class bases for children in Years 2 - 9, who will spend most of their
time working in their class group, although they may link and mix with other classes
for some activities. The main features of the curriculum in Middle School include:
Communication and interaction:
The development of communication skills remains a core and vital aspect of pupils’
learning. In Middle School we continue to use a range of strategies, building on the
work covered by Lower School, in close liaison with the Speech and Language
Therapist. All staff are trained in the use of ‘Signalong’, and we continue to use a
total communication approach. The objects and symbols, and schedules are used
to create a visual timetable of the days’ events to assist pupils’ understanding of the
passage of time. Pre-verbal children are encouraged to use signs, objects and
symbols to express their needs through systems such as Picture Exchange
Communication System (PECS) and Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display
(PODD), and apps such as Proloquo and Grid Player on iPads. Where appropriate
we also support pupils who use Intensive Interaction.
Montacute School
Pupils in Middle School continue to benefit from a high level of speech therapy input,
including individual work (for example, PODD or PECs, Communication Aid training,
the setting up of communication aids), advising on feeding issues, trialling new
communication devices, leading a communication session and liaison with parents,
teacher, key worker and other professionals.
In Middle School we often practise and develop communication skills as part of
normal classroom routines. We also practise in ‘Community Role-Play’ where pupils
learn to use communication in functional situations such as going shopping or to the
café. This role play is then taken in to real life situations in the community.
Cognition and Learning
Literacy sessions take place at least three times each week:
 Pupils working with in Bands 3-5 will have specific sessions covering reading,
writing and phonics
 Pupils working within Bands 1-2 will have frequent opportunities for sensory
tactile experiences and to explore and interact with objects, stories and
people. When they are ready around Band 2 they will be supported and
encouraged to start making marks in a range of media, and explore sounds in
the environment in readiness for developing reading and writing. They will be
supported to recognise their own photo and their name and begin to use
symbols to communicate meaning at a one to two word level.
 Every class will share a whole class story/book over a half term and take part in
a range of activities to encourage attention, participation, understanding
book conventions etc This book may be linked to the class termly topic.
 All pupils will be encouraged to use their developing literacy skills and
knowledge in other areas of the curriculum.
 All pupils will have an opportunity to practise and develop literacy highlighted
in their specific IEP targets through ‘Teacch Tasks’ or individual ‘Work boxes’.
(For more information about Literacy please see the Literacy policy)
Numeracy sessions, which include learning about number, shapes, money,
measuring including time, take place at least three times a week:
 Pupils working within Bands 3-5 use ‘DynamoMaths’ which includes
whole class teaching of numeracy skills, group and individual work, and
programmes on the computer which are designed to develop, monitor
and assess progress.
 Pupils working within Bands 1-2 will have opportunities for mathematical
development built in throughout the curriculum and the school day, in
play based activities, community visits, role play and cooking, as well as
in taught Numeracy sessions.
 All pupils will have an opportunity to practise and develop numeracy skills and
knowledge as highlighted in their specific IEP targets through ‘Teacch Tasks’
or individual ‘Work boxes’.
Montacute School
Other areas of learning:
Through the carefully constructed Topic/Theme Cycle, we provide a broad and
lively programme of activities to ensure all students learn about their world. This
includes learning about science, geography & history, technology, RE and
expressive arts ( art, music, drama, dance).
Pupils in Middle School also participate in ‘Forest & Beach schools’ where they
have opportunities to learn about nature, their environment, animals, insects and
other creatures, weather and they learn to explore safely. Forest and Beach
schools include community visits on a regular basis up to once a week, to learn in
these specific environments.
In order to support our pupils to learn skills and knowledge which they can use in
their every day lives, we provide regular structured opportunities to learn in and
about their local community. This may include going shopping, learning to use the
bus or go to a café, or how to cross the road safely. It may include exploring the
sensory elements of a walk in a wood or on a sunny or windy day. Community
visits are planned to meet the needs of each pupil and to support the
generalisation of learning.
Physical and/or sensory
Our pupils have easy access to their classes own outdoor play area, playground,
school field and woodland for running, climbing, using bikes, and exploring.
Pupils swim in the school swimming pool once a week where they are taught by
the swimming teacher. We encourage water confidence and fun as well as
following the school swimming programme.
Weekly P.E sessions, which may include dance, athletics, games,
gymnastics/Sherborne and/or Rebound, take place in the hall. During the school
year we often join with other special schools in Dorset to take part in sports
festivals where we can try new sports, or play small competitive games.
To support pupils who have sensory needs we have sensory circuits daily which
are devised to help the pupils regulate the sensory information they are
processing and settle them for their learning experiences in class. Some students
have their own sensory diet, devised in consultation with the Occupational
Therapist and the Behaviour Analyst, with specific activities in their own individual
Some pupils are given the opportunity to go horse riding on a regular basis. Many
of our pupils will be able to participate in Sensory Yoga, or dance classes
including ballet, tap or modern dance led by our specialist ‘Movement Teaching
Montacute School
The Physiotherapist works with pupils and liaises with support staff to support pupils
who have individual physiotherapy programmes.
Spiritual, Social, emotional, personal and health education
Personal and Social development continues to be an important part of our
Middle School curriculum. We aim to develop skills such as sharing, co-operation,
independence, social awareness and skills, personal hygiene and self help skills for
 Dressing and undressing as part of going swimming or going to PE
 Visiting other places and the local community enables pupils to learn road
safety, sun safety,
 Learning about cleaning teeth, washing hands etc, showering after
swimming, and where appropriate using the toilet
 Cooking and snack time where we can learn to make choices
appropriately about what we like, what is healthy, and how to prepare
simple meals and drinks as independently as possible
 In RE pupils learn about other religions and faiths, different places of worship
(See: Middle school curriculum framework with cycle of themes in appendix)
Upper School Curriculum
On entry to Upper School, there is a re-assessment of learning pathways- at this point
students will follow a functional or academic pathway in relation to English and/or
We do not believe that Post 16 is any more significant than Post 14. The Post 14-19
Curriculum supports this idea.
Pupils are given the opportunity to practise and generalise key skills through joint
learning experiences with mainstream peers, work experience, residentials and
nationally recognised and accredited scheme including OCR- (see Post 16 policy,
see Inclusion policy) both on-site and out in the community.
Teaching and learning focuses on the delivery of OCR Life and Living Skills
Curriculum. In addition the core skills (ICT, Numeracy and Literacy) are taught as
cross curricular key skills where possible in a functional and real-life situation enabling
skills, knowledge and concepts to be transferrable in to the world of work,
independent living and life beyond school.
Access to adult education or college link courses, and visits to other post-school
providers are all arranged to suit the needs of individual students.
Montacute School
Functional Literacy/Numeracy
Upper School we will use the BKSB Assessments Tool which offers an initial screen to
assess individual levels of functionality against the Adult Core Curriculum. The focus is
on application of skills in real contexts as oppose to standard mathematical/english
questioning making it more meaningful. The software is written to respond to the
users entries and questions continue to be asked until such time as it identifies that
questions are too challenging. A simple report is then produced which tells the user
the level that they are functioning at i.e. Pre Entry, Entry 1, Entry 2 etc.
If results achieved reach Entry 1 or above a diagnostic assessment is then offered
where questions are all based at that Level. Upon completion the software
produces a full report detailing areas of strength and areas for development. These
are all mapped to the adult core curriculum and enable us to teach what they don’t
know as oppose to teaching the whole curriculum.
These diagnostic assessments are re-visited on a termly basis to track progress over
time, clearly identifying outcomes of learning, ensuring all individuals are stretched
and challenge. For higher functioning students accreditation is sought through either:
City and Guilds, Adult Numeracy and Literacy, GSCE and Arts Mark. Where
appropriate this may be done through a link provision with a local school or college.
Vocational studies, Careers and Work-related Education are offered at Key Stage 4
and are an important feature of the post-16 programme.
Wolf report recommendations:
‘While it is true that our economy demands and rewards the highly skilled, many of its jobs do not
demand far greater levels of academic and school-based learning than in the past’
In order to empower all pupils and young people, the school offers a range of
vocational options to enable pupils to make informed choices. These include
catering, horticulture, office skills and animal care and art & design, floristry, cake
decorating. These are delivered through in school topics and through external
agencies where possible.
Recreation, Sport and Leisure offered in Upper School to prepare pupils for adult life –
using their time constructively and developing transferrable skills and knowledge of
how to maintain and develop a healthy lifestyle in their community setting.
Emotional Literacy - see separate policy and plans
The pupils focus on Community Skills, including mobility, use of public facilities, social
sight vocabulary and shopping skills, building on the work they have done previously
in Middle School.
As part of their PSHE and RE curricula pupils learn about citizenship. As older and
responsible members of the school community, some are able to take on the role of
prefects or become members of the School Council.
Montacute School
Residential Experiences are organised and off-site sporting and outdoor adventurous
activities form part of the programme when students can practise generalising the
skills worked on in school
Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is offered to all the pupils in Upper School for
whom it is appropriate. Each part of the scheme takes approximately 6 months to 1
year to complete and includes the following elements; service, skill, physical
recreation and leisure and concludes with the expedition. Many of our students
participate fully in the scheme whilst some may do selected elements which are
more appropriate to their abilities. These students will achieve sectional certificates.
Team Enterprise - The Kann-Do Company was formed in September 1997 by the
Leavers’ Group at Montacute School. The Young Achievers of the Company work
together to produce high quality items such as hand made paper, greeting cards,
candles and a range of handicraft items, both for in-school and out-of-school
markets, local and international. The company have a commercial kitchen on site in
which they cook and serve meals which are bought by staff. Team Enterprise
activities enhance the students’ problem-solving and social skills, and give
opportunities to practise basic skills and interact with a range of outside agencies.
(see Upper School Curriculum Framework with cycle of themes in the appendix)
PMLD- Sensory Learning Approach
The topic/theme grid is based on the Quest thematic units (PMLD) as a starting point,
adapting and incorporating the OCR areas relevant to our students for accreditation
Within this we focus on four main teaching areas:
Communication and interaction
physical /sensory
Spiritual, Social, emotional, health and personal
(Ref: Penny Lacy/ Swiss Cottage school’s Informal Curriculum)
(see Sensory Learning Pathway Cycle of themes for students in Upper School in the
The Therapies
Some pupils have personal priority needs which are central to their learning and
quality of life, and the importance of therapies and paramedical care is recognised.
Montacute School
Provision of these is a legitimate and essential aspect of the curriculum, planned for
and delivered wherever possible as an integral part of class activities.
The Speech and Language Therapists work throughout the school both with
individual children and alongside school staff, setting learning targets, devising
programmes and helping to develop the communication curriculum. The school
Speech and Language Therapist also offers specialised support with eating and
drinking skills and augmented systems of communication. (see S&LT policy)
The Physiotherapist also works with pupils throughout the school, often alongside
school staff, suggesting daily activities to carry out with pupils in order to maintain
and develop physical abilities, and advising on access issues.
The Occupational Therapist visits to advise on equipment for eating and drinking,
using the toilet etc. and to give expert support with the development of hand skills. In
addition we have a Sensory Integration Specialist who undertakes assessments and
provides advice on sensory diets for those students who have sensory modulation
The Music Therapist works for a day and a half a week providing individuals and small
groups of students sessions to support communication and interaction, and social
skills, emotional and personal development.
Quest thematic Units (PMLD)
CLDD Curriculum Birkett House
The Informal Curriculum Swiss Cottage School
The Bridge school curriculum for people with Profound and Multiple Learning
Penny Lacey, University of Birmingham, “How to develop a curriculum for pupils with
The Redway Communication framework
Wolf recommendations 2015
(Engagement process)
(Neuromotor readiness for learning)
http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html (Maslow’s Triangle)