9th Grade A

9th Grade A.V.I.D. Course Requirements
Mrs. Emmett remmett@gusd.net or
Room 11220
Make arrangements – usually available snack, lunch, before school, after school
Teacher Availability
1) This aspect of any endeavor is vitally important to your success. The more you are
in class the better you will do.
2) Be on time! If you are not in you assigned area when the tardy bell rings, you will
be assigned consequences according to the school-wide tardy policy.
3) Personal needs are to be taken care of during the passing period, so generally passes
to the restroom will not be given.
4) Makeup work is your responsibility. If you are absent, see the Hoover website
and/or your Study Buddy on the day you return. See me about any assignments
missed or to turn in work due during your absence. You have 2 days for each day
absent unless it is a long term assignment/project for which NO late work will be
1) Remember to bring your materials every day! Recommended materials for successful
Students include the following:
Complete and organized AVID Binder with pen, pencil, highlighter, 2 dividers, and
lined paper, a Binder Reminder/assignment calendar. On Tutorial Days – ALSO bring:
Tutorial Worksheet completed, textbook, and current notes.
1) Your grade will be determined by various assignments including the following:
reading, essays, and vocabulary
volunteer and school activities
college investigation activities (in and out of class)
complete AVID binder evaluations
quality Cornell notes in all academic classes
field trips
weekly progress checks
oral activities
online activities
2) A point system is used to determine letter grades.
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
0 – 69% = F
3) Late work receives -15% penalty, but will not be accepted more than 1 day late.
4) Citizenship grades will also be given based on student’s adherence to Hoover Code of
Conduct, attendance, and class participation.
Maintaining Enrollment:
AVID is an elective class designed to support students in achieving their personal
and academic goals of college preparedness. In order to remain enrolled in AVID,
you must demonstrate your willingness to work to achieve your goals. If you
receive 1 or more deficient grades (D’s or F’s) OR your GPA falls below 2.5
during any quarter, you will be placed on AVID Academic Probation. You will
make an action plan that will help you raise your grades by semester. If you do
not fulfill your plan, you will be dropped from AVID.
Participation/Class Behavior:
1) You do not have the right to interfere with another’s education. If you
want respect from others, you must respect others. I’ll be
courteous and considerate of you and expect you to treat others and
me courteously also
Follow these guidelines:
*Talk when appropriate – contribute positively to the class
*Turn all electronic devices off before entering the room
*Leave the classroom when dismissed by the teacher
*Be on time and stay in your assigned work area
*Write on paper only, not on books, desks or other people
*Keep the classroom neat and clean
*Eat and drink in “food” areas only, not in the classroom
*Be respectful of others
*Participate in class discussions, projects, and activities to the
best of your ability
2) Extra credit is credit for work done above the requirements. You may
receive extra credit in AVID if all assignments are
completed/attempted. You will have a variety of options, but one
main option for extra credit is working with a teacher in one of
your academic classes before or after school. You will need to
have the teacher complete and sign the extra credit form, which
indicates you were there for tutoring.
3) Your attitude will reflect your success in this class as well as in all other
aspects of your life. If you try to learn, to participate, to find
success, you will. Come to all your classes daily, ready and willing
to do your best, and you will benefit from what you learn, in how
you feel about yourself and your classmates, and in your grade.
Remember that Learning is a journey; you will be traveling toward a destination.
4) Your AVID teacher is here to help you help yourself. If you are having
a problem of any kind, come talk about it. There is someone to help you.
Good Luck to you in all your classes and projects this year!!!
College is possible if you put in the required effort.
Keep this form in your AVID Binder. After you have signed the form, share it with your parent(s) and obtain his/her
signature. Return to class tomorrow with this form completed.
I understand the above requirements for 9th Grade AVID.
Student signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Student name printed: _____________________________________
Parent signature: _________________________________________
Parent name printed: ______________________________________
Date: __________________________