1. Welcome back! Please sit in your assigned seat. 2. Once there, take turns sharing three good things with someone near you. HOMEWORK • Make sure you can look up your grades online by WEDNESDAY! • If you don’t have Family Access, go to the office for help. BELLRINGERS • Keep them in the AVID section of your binder. • Be sure to include the # and date. • Answer all questions in complete sentences (at least 10 words in a sentence) unless otherwise stated. • Keep up with them because I will check them randomly! BR #1: Tuesday, 1.6.15 Answer the following: 1. What were my greatest academic strengths last semester? 2. What should I focus on working on / improving upon this semester? *Once you’ve written your answers, share with someone near you. AVID II BR #2: Wednesday, 1/7/15 • Reflect on your behavior and the behavior of others during yesterday’s class. 1. Write down 3 positive things that happened yesterday in class. 2. Write down 3 negative things that happened yesterday in class. 3. Write 1-2 sentences describing how class behavior can be improved. Next… Please line up in alphabetical order by your last name AVID II BR #3: Friday, 1/9/15 • Go to the AVID II page on the website: www.sweetwateravid.weebly.com • Read the articles. • Write a sentence that explains your position. BR #4 : Monday, Jan. 12 1. Define the word “norm.” *You can use your Ipad or phone to look up definitions. 2. List 5 social norms that we adhere to on a daily basis. AVID II BR #5: Wednesday, 1/14 • On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the best, how organized are you? • Explain in 2 complete sentences. AVID II BR #6 : 1/15/15 • Hypothetical situation: You’re in tutorials and the presenter has a POC from geometry (which is a class that you are NOT in) involving finding the area of a circle using an equation. What are 5 leading questions you can ask the presenter to help them? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guest Speakers • Happy long weekend Friday! • Please take Cnotes. • Turn Cnotes in to the box before we begin teambuilding. SLANT • Guest Speaker Protocol • Sit up, Lean forward, Ask questions, Nod your head, Take notes AVID II BR #7: Wednesday, 1/21/15 Happy tutorials! 1. Please grab a new TRF from the back shelf. 2. Look over to see if you can find the new section. 3. Write 2 sentences in which you describe what you think should go in the “Identify…” section. AVID II JUSTDOIT: 1/22/15 • Get out your binders and agendas. • Pull out any Cnotes you have from this week. • We are going to be checking them today! AVID II: Friday, 1/23/15 Today’s Plan • Check over your bellringers and make sure you have 7 total. • Let me know if you didn’t get an AVID shirt • I’ll pass back work while y’all get into groups and play games (Team Building) AVID II: Monday, 1/26/15 GOOD MORNING! Today, we are going to get organized! And make vocab flashcards. Pull out your agendas and begin to fill in this week’s classwork. AVID II BR #8: Wed., 1/28/15 • Jot down everything that you can remember about Cnotes. • You need to have at least 5 things! AVID II: Thursday, 1/29/15 • Make sure I give you your progress report! • I need binder checks from: Robbi • I need agenda checks from: Paige, Nick, Jonathan, Crystal, Robbie, Jasmin, and Chase