Extra Curricular Clubs Timetable 2009-10

Issue No.2
SQA Exams 2010
This is an important year for all S4-S6 students. The focus from now until May
should be firmly on the exams. To this end all those involved in the exam system
have been or will be issued with an SQA Newsletter entitled ‘Your Coursework’.
Any S4 – S6 student who did not receive this may have been absent at that
particular assembly and they should see Mr Meechan or Mr Gough to ask for their
copy. It provides very clear guidelines for those who have to submit coursework
as part of the award in particular subjects.
Timing and how you manage the workload is important to all students. It is
important that the work for all subjects is not left until the last minute but is done
as and when possible. This will help take pressure off nearing the exams.
The Prelims will provide the first big focus of this session, allowing all pupils
sitting SQA exams to test their knowledge and skills in the different subjects. An
intensive approach to studying for the prelims will make the preparation for the
final exams much easier and will provide valuable evidence in the event an appeal
is necessary next August
Please encourage your son/daughter to put the effort in now as this will make the
year ahead easier and more rewarding for the young people.
 S5/6 reports issued mid-November
 S5/6 parents night
Wed. 25th November
 Interfest
Mon. 30th November
 S4 prelims
Thurs. 7th Jan. to Wed. 20th Jan. inclusive
 S5/6
Wed. 10th Feb. to Wed. 24th Feb. inclusive
 School Concert
Tues. 15th Dec. and Wed. 16th Dec.
 Christmas Service
Tues. 22nd Dec. am.
P.T. Mathematics
Congratulations to Mrs McCarthy who was the successful candidate at the
interviews which took place last month for P.T. Maths in Hillhead High.
We wish Claire well in her permanent appointment.
Home Economics Department
What’s Cooking?
Find out on the school website
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 Curriculum
 Subjects
 Home Economics
 What’s cooking
Early morning sewing
 All welcome
 M203
 8.00 – 8.50
Every day of school
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Home Economics
Early morning sewing
Extra Curricular Clubs Timetable 2009-10
Girls Allowed S1
Badminton S1-6
Basketball S1-2
3.30 – 5.00
3.30 – 5.30
T. Coyle
P. Rawnsley
I. Donaldson
J. Campbell
Gym 1
Games Hall
Gym 2
Bleep Test
Fitness S3-6
Table Tennis S1-6
Netball S1-3
Netball S3-6
3.30 – 5.00
3.30 – 5.00
3.30 - 5.00
3.30 – 5.00
6.00 – 7.30
M. Gowans
M. Gowans
M. Gowans
M. Gowans
M. Gowans
Gym 1
Fitness Suite
Gym 2
Games Hall
Games Hall
Girls Basketball S3-6
Wii Club S1-3
Volleyball S1-6
Staff Badminton
3.30 – 5.00
3.30 – 5.00
L. McEwan
P. Rawnsley
B. Rennie
L. Flanagan
PE Room
Games Hall
Gym 2
Basketball S1-6
Rowing Club S1-6
Basketball S3 -6
Short Tennis
3.30 – 5.30
3.30 – 5.00
J. Campbell
F. Gilchrist
J. Campbell
P. Murray
Games Hall
Fitness Suite
Games Hall
Gym 1
Basketball S1-6
8.00 – 8.45am J. Campbell
Games Hall
Football U13s - F. Gilchrist
Football U16s - T. Coyle
Football Senior - T. Gough
Football Girls - P. Murray
Chess Club
The Chess Club meets in T18 in the Terrace building at lunch times between
1.10pm. and 1.40pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. New players are
welcome, particularly S1.2 pupils.
MTA Venues and Activities
Most MTA (Minority Time Activities) groups take place in school but several have
more exotic locations! Where the venue is an occasional one or involves transport
arrangements, permission forms will be issued. Other regular school venues,
such as the Firhill Complex for football, are considered as part of the normal
school arrangements.
The following is a quick guide, for parents and pupils:
Bird watching and Biodiversity - local area, permission slips issued
Canoeing - local school pools and occasional trips to Loch Lomond and Castle
Semple (permission slips issued)
Football - Firhill Complex - pupils make their own way during lunch break
Mosque - pupils make their own way during lunch break
Ten Pin Bowling
- the Quay - permission slips issued
Tennis - Kelvingrove Park - pupils make their own way during lunch
The Climbing Wall: Ibrox - permission slips issued, pupils make their own during
West End Activities - various locations in West End, supervised walks
To give a flavour of what pupils do in MTA, we intend to carry occasional reports
from different activities, starting with Bird watching and Biodiversity.
Birdwatching and Biodiversity M.T.A. observes birds and all other life forms in the
school, at our bird feeding station at the end of the Home Economics corridor, in
the school grounds and local parks, particularly Kelvingrove.
Depending on the time of year, we see grey herons, dippers, goosanders and
grey wagtails in the River Kelvin, a vast array of plant species in the school's
Victorian Garden including many types of fungus, the school windows are home to
spiders of various sizes and blackbirds nest in the shrubs. One of last year's
memorable finds was a four leaf clover on the perimeter wall of the terrace
On the first look around the garden this session, pupils watched a gull throw
rubbish out of the bin at the garden seats. The gull scattered the contents around
as it fed on leftovers which had been carefully binned by pupils earlier. This
illustrates nicely that pupils don't cause all the litter in or around the school! Once
the gull flew off, the birdwatchers cleared up the mess and continued with their
Art Competitions
 Gold Medal
While at Primary school, Hayley Mills of 1B won a gold medal at the annual art
competition hosted by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. Only 4 gold medals
are awarded. Hayley has also been awarded a "Highly Commended" certificate in
the past for this competition and it looks like we might have a budding artist in
our midst. We look forward to seeing Hayley continue her successes while at
 The St. Enoch Centre Gallery Competition
Congratulations to Magdileena Rodrick and Helen Murray for their achievements
in the above competition. More than 1,000 pupils from Glasgow schools entered
the Art competition. Magdileena’s painting was awarded first prize and she will
be presented with a cheque for £500 and the school will receive a cheque for
Helen who won 2nd prize will be awarded £300.
Young Ambassadors Conference, Scotland
The Young Ambassadors Conference took place last month in Edinburgh - what a
fabulous event!
Hillhead High School is Glasgow’s representative for this National project with two
GOLD Young Ambassadors from our senior school leading the initiative – they are
Erin McQuarrie, and Sean Doherty. It is a pupil led project called ‘Spirit of the
Games’. It is designed to promote and facilitate sporting opportunities in the lead
up to the London Olympics and the Glasgow Commonwealth Games.
Zaiyang Li, a student from S6 last year.
Last year Zaiyang sat AH Pure Maths and AH Mechanics. He scored 99% in Pure
Maths and 100% in Mechanics. SQA were so impressed with his performance
that they have written to commend him.
Glasgow Schools Swimming
On Monday 5th October Sonn Breslin (S3) and Arnold Law (S5) represented the
school at the Glasgow Schools Swimming Gala. Arnold won a silver medal in the
100 metres breast stroke and Sonn narrowly missed out on a bronze medal.
Both pupils recently competed in the Scottish School Time Trials.
Children in Need
£4,433 raised.
Senior pupils, staff and parents again rose to the challenge to raise as much
money as possible in a morning for Children in Need. A superb effort from
Hillhead High School - £4,400 was raised. In true Hillhead High tradition, led by
Mairi Gowans in the P.E. department, pupils in S5/6 looked out their fancy dress
costumes and gathered in the cash in their buckets from pupils, parents, staff and
the Glasgow public.
A huge thank you to all who contributed.
‘Hillheads for winning ways’ in Season 2009 – 2100
The schools football season is well upon us and Hillhead staff and pupils are
optimistic about doing well this year. The school has entered four teams into
various competitions from the Glasgow Schools Football Association League and
Cup, as well as the Scottish Cup.
A new partnership of Mr Coyle and Dr.Gavin have taken over the management of
the combined S3/S4 under 16’s team. They have been compared to Smith and
McCoist or Mowbrey and Grant but Mr Coyle and Dr. Gavin deny they’re anywhere
near as bad as that!
The team have already established a regular Friday afternoon training routine at
the Firhill Complex after MTA and this will hopefully lead the boys to a successful
season this year.
Mr Gilchrist and Mr Burns have moved down a year from coaching last year’s
under 14’s team to this year’s under 13’s. The under 13’s prospects look
promising with a number of very good football players coming into Hillhead in
First year. The boys have made an excellent start to the season.
The Senior pupils organised by Mr Gough and the Under 14’s by Mr Griffin await
the draw for this year’s Glasgow Cup and both teams are hopeful of progressing
beyond the first round.
HMIe – COUNT US IN ( A sense of Belonging)
Hillhead High School was recently commended in the above report for the way in
which it welcomes migrant children and for the school ethos. The approach taken
by staff diversity of culture that is prevalent in the school and in particular the
approach by the staff, especially our EAL department, has been sited as a centre
of excellence across the country.
Chinese Hub Update – Video Conferencing
As you are aware Hillhead High is the Confucious Hub for Glasgow City. We were
very proud to launch our new Video Conferencing initiative last Wednesday.
Along with our own pupils, Mrs Anderson, our Chinese teacher, interactively
taught a number of pupils from five other Glasgow schools.
Friends of Old Station Park
Eden Cooper and Sherrif Koelief, both of S2 are sitting on the committee of
management for FOSP. They are currently looking at ways of developing the
park. They have assisted in a consultation with the local community and are also
assisting the group with ideas for funding and how best the park can be used.
Higher Pupils Live on ‘Brian Taylors Big Debate’
Pupils in 6th Year at Hillhead High were invited to take part in BBC Scotland’s Live
Radio Show ‘Brian’s Big Debate’ in the BBC Studios at the Pacific Key in Glasgow.
The pupils, who are all interested in Politics and studying Higher Modern Studies,
were given the opporortunity to question the panel on current political debates
and put forward there views on these issues. The panel consisted of Margared
Curran Labour MSP, Linda Fabriani SNP MSP, Conservative Shadow Scottish
Secretary David Mundell MP and Alf Young , Assistant Editior of the Herald.
Graham McDougall, one of the students studying Modern Studies stated after the
Event, “Being part of the show made me want to learn more about politics and I
know I will be more interested when learning about these topics in class”. All the
pupils who attended showed real enthusiam and a willingness to learn and were
a credit to school. Well done S6.
Pupils Spend Evening with the First Minister
Three Higher Modern Studies Pupils recently spent an evening with the First
Minister for Scotland Alex Salmond. Sean Doherty, Qasim and Asma Shabir
were chosen to attend a function for the 60th Anniversiry of the People’s Republic
of China at Edinbugh Castle. Other guests included Alex Fergusson, the Presiding
Officer and Madam Tan the Consul General. The pupils enjoyed an evening being
served various Chinese dishes and had the opportunity to discuss issues relating
to China with the First Minister. Sean Doherty stated “ We will be studying China
as part of our Higher Modern Studies course so this was a great opportunity to
gain first hand information from senior politicians”.
S1 Parents Information Evening
Our S1 Parents Informaton Evening was a great success this year. Many parents
and guardians of our S1 were able to attend to find more about Pupil Support
within the school and meet with their child’s Pastoral Care teacher. Parents and
Guardians also able to see a selection of pupils’ work from all the different
department, which highlighted the high level of learning and teaching which is
taking place throughout the school. Those who attended also had the pleasure
of hearing three of our upper school musicians who entertained parents and
guardians throughout the evening with a variety of songs and were also treated
to a variety of woderful and delicious cakes made by our own S1 pupils. All
parents who attended highlighted how happy they were with their child’s progress
at Hillhead High and we thank them for attending in their high numbers. What a
fantastic S1 we have this year.
Kelvin Bridge Mural
Primary and Secondary pupils came together for the official opening of the
Kelvinbridge Mural. Pupils from Hillhead Primary, Willowbank Primary and
Hillhead High School were involved in the project to transform a vandalised wall
near Kelvinbridge Underground Station. Local Councillor George Roberts
organised the initiative which involved the young people taking part in workshops
at the Glasgow Transport museum with street artist Sam Bates. Sam then used
the pupils’ ideas to develop the mural which spans 90 meters and contains
images relating to Glasgow’s transport history. Local residents indicated how
pleased they are with the mural and are delighted that pupils from their local
High School and Primary schools are contributing to the local community.
Sikhs in Scotland Achievement Awards
Mrs Singh has been teaching Panjabi in Central Singh Sabha Sikh Temple since
1985. When she started these classes there were about twenty pupils and now it
has swelled up to over one hundred and sixty pupils. Not only Sikh children come
to learn Panjabi but local Scottish children and adults also attend these classes.
There are ten teachers who teach Panjabi on every Sunday from 11.30am –
1.00pm. Panjabi classes are held in Gaelic School, supported by Central Sikh
temple and Sikhs in Scotland. Mrs Singh supervises these classes and support
teachers in preparing material etc. Every year about twenty pupils sit in GCSE, AS
and A level tests. In recognition of Mrs Singh’s voluntary service to education
Sikhs in Scotland organisation has honoured her with a certificate. This ceremony
was held on 1st October 09 in City Chambers and awards were distributed by the
First Minister Alex Salmond.
Eid and Diwali party
This multicultural event of Eid and Diwali offers people of all nationalities in
Hillhead High School an opportunity to join in these religious festivals together.
This years Eid and Diwali party took place on 1st October in the school cafeteria
and was a successful party. Planning of this event brought together pupils from
all years which was a great opportunity for everyone to interact and get to know
more people. The initial plan of the party was as follows:
Freestyle fashion show
Mehndi Stall
Our very own Mr Wilson and Ms McCue alongside some students provided some
entertainment. Overall it turned out to be a really enjoyable evening. We are
very grateful to the school for providing financial support for allowing us the use
of the resources, eg. Sound and lighting. A big thank you for all staff for their
A very special thank you to Mr Flanagan who supported us every step of the way.
Former Depute Head teachers, Mr Dalrymple and Miss Clark were our special
guests. We were delighted that they accepted our invitation.
Raising awareness of the different cultures and religions within our school is a
priority for the Modern Languages Department. We believe that this will help us
to live in harmony with all members of our society.
Hillhead High School Associate Primaries
Eco Experience
Hillhead High Associate Primary School pupils had a wonderful visit to Hillhead
High recently. Pupils from:
Hillhead Primary
Anderson Primary
Dowanhill Primary
Garnetbank Primary
Kelvinhaugh Primary
Oakgrove Primary
Willowbank Primary
came to the school to meet Eco-expert Phil Williams. Phil, a former TV producer,
talked to the children about the impact that we in Scotland are having on
Ecuador’s rainforests. One primary pupil stated “I really loved seeing the pictures
of the rainforest and want to join Hillhead’s Eco Club when I come here next
Future Events
‘Play in a Day’
Primary 7 in all Hillhead High School Assosicate primaries will participate in ‘Play
in a Day’. This event will involve our primary pupils attending Hillhead High
School for a full day during which they will plan, prepare and perform a play in
one day. Primary parents will be invited to come and watch their child perform
the play at the school. In preparation for this event two of our Drama and two of
our History teachers have been attending our primaries and providing Primary 7
pupils with lesson on Drama and History. All pupils are excited about the
forthcoming event and we are sure they will delight their parents with their acting
Wall Climbing
Pupils from all our Associate Primaries will soon experience a day of climbing and
orienteering at Hillhead High. The company ‘Walk Rock’ will be bringing a 32 foot
climbing wall on which all primary pupils will be able to practice their climbing
skills. When one group is on the wall the other group will get the opportunity to
be involved in an orienteering activity which will not only develop their skills but
also allow them the opportunity to become more familiar with Hillhead High
campus. We hope all the children have a wonderful day.
Primary Teachers of French Visit Hillhead High
Teachers of French in our Associate Primaries visited Hillhead High French
Department recently. The focus of the evening was to discuss areas such as
course planning and progression, the visits by French Assistants and future
development in relation to Curriculum for Excellence. The staff also discussed
topics such as the ‘French Breakfast Morning’ which Hillhead High French
department is hoping to organise early next year. Mrs Maitland our Modern
Languages Principal Teacher expressed the view that the meeting was a great
success and would ensure a smooth transition from the Primary to Secondary for
our primary pupils.