Settling in

Settling in
Staff are pleased at how well each of the classes have settled into the new
session. Pupils are busy in all areas of the curriculum and are regularly
evaluating their work and setting next steps for their learning.
Our Primary 1 pupils in particular are doing exceptionally well. They have
had a very smooth transition into primary 1 and are very much part of the
Lawhead family.
School Lunches
Just before the primary 1 children started coming all day they were invited
along with a family member to sample school dinners. There was a
wonderful social atmosphere in the dinner hall and it helped the pupils get
used to choosing their own lunch. If your child, whatever stage they are
at, has never tried a school lunch we would encourage them to do so. If
you would like to discuss specific dietary needs the school cook would be
only too happy to speak to you either by telephone or you could pop in to
see her (before 11.30am) if possible.
PLP Discussion
Thank you to all family members who came out on Tuesday evening for a
brief explanation on how this session’s Personal Learning Planning sheets
will be completed. I hope through talking to members of staff after the
small introduction has helped you understand the changes for this session.
This next session is a period of transition as we move over to full
implementation of the main components of Curriculum for Excellence. A
slip will come out in the first week of next term asking you which nights you
will be available for the PLP meeting in November. Please check
schoolbags on Friday 30th October.
Supporters Bus
On Saturday 5th September 16 P6&7 pupils, Mrs Stewart, Mr Munro, Mrs
Cunningham (Wormit HT) and a parent headed off to join the other
50, 000 plus tartan army supporters in cheering on Scotland to a victory
over Macedonia. We had a great time and enjoyed our first win as
members of the tartan army. We are hoping it is not too long to wait for
our next one.
The next venture for the supporters’ bus is on Saturday 21st November
when 15 P5-7 pupils, Mr Munro and Mrs Stewart head off to Murrayfield
this time to cheer on the Scotland Rugby team as they face the
Australians. No mean task.
House Championship
Pupils are working hard to gain points for their house and the competition
is hotting up already. A new venture this year is house meetings, initially
for P4-7 pupils where the house captains can motivate their housemates
and gain feedback on how things are going as well as get ideas for
possible house events. The house captains are also meeting with the
headteacher regularly to let her know how things are going and to talk over
any issues which they or their housemates are experiencing. Next
Tuesday the house captains will be announcing the first venture for this
session and we hope as many of the upper school pupils as possible will
get involved.
Cross Country Running
Some of our P6&7 runners will be heading off to Kirkcaldy on Tuesday
next week accompanied by Mrs Johnston to take part in the Fife Schools’
Cross Country Championships. We wish them all well and hope they are
good ambassadors for the school.
Our P5-7 pupils are busy working on a special event they will be doing in
partnership with Scottish Opera. It is a junior opera based on the French
revolution. They are working extremely hard at the moment learning all
their songs (in French!). It is thanks to Ms Henshaw, Mrs Jackson and Mr
Munro that it is all going so well and for enthusing the children. Their first
workshop with Scottish Opera is on 8th October when they should have a
good grounding in the songs. Parents of the pupils taking part should have
had an invitation to the opera (Tuesday 3rd November) earlier in the week.
If you didn’t receive it please get in touch with the school office.
The Home Front
Our P7 class are busy studying aspects of how those at home were
affected by the events surrounding WW2. The plan is to work as pupils
from this period for the last week of this term. To make it authentic school
lunches, on Thursday 8th October, across the school will have a VE theme
so the hall may look slightly different and the normal menu will be changed
(WW2 rations will not apply!!) This will give the whole school the
opportunity to take part in a very small way in the P7 topic for this term.
Lawhead School
Diary Dates
My apologies for the errors in some of the dates I put into the leaflet about
when the PLP folders would come home. I obviously looked at the dates
for 2011 and not 2010. The days of the week will be correct but the dates
will be slightly out. As we get nearer the time I will remind folks of the
exact dates, but they are not too different to what was published.
School Holiday
The school will close to pupils on Friday 9th October at 3.05pm and reopen
on Monday 26th October at 9am. It has been a very quick term and we
know the next one is likely to seem even quicker!
The school is currently collecting the garden tokens being issued by
Morrisons and the nursery are collecting Nestle tokens to help them get
new books for their lending library. Please encourage family and friends to
ask for the tokens if this is the supermarket they shop in or to cut out the
tokens from the cereal boxes.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 30th September – rearranged PTA meeting at 6.30pm in the
Wednesday 7th October – nursery curriculum evening at 6.30pm in the hall
Advance Notice
The PTA fair this year is on Sunday 22nd November. They
thought they would try a Sunday for a change so please try
and keep the afternoon free.
September 2009