Burntisland Primary School Newsletter February 2012 Inset and Holidays School is closed on Wednesday, 15 February for Staff In-Service and on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 February for the mid-term holidays. Events for this term Pupils have been visited by the SSPCA to hear about their work. Our P7 Burns Competition was of a high quality. The winner judged by the Rotary Club was Natalie Sellar. P7 pupils are busy preparing their talks for the Speakers Club. P3/4, P4 and P4/5 classes visited Edinburgh Castle. P6 pupils took part in the Big Brain Quiz. P3 and P5 pupils received talks from Road Safety Officers. P1 pupils are busy creating their own books about the Magic Carpet. P1s to be visited by ‘Cherry’ from the Hearing Dogs Charity. P1s to hold ‘Mothers Day Afternoon’ – 16 March 2012. P2s planning to perform ‘Litter Muncher’ to parents – details to follow. Nursery Scottish Day – 14 February – 11 am and 2.40 pm – All welcome. M & M productions will be visiting us on 28 February to perform ‘Dick Whittington’ for the pupils. Our Parent Council have kindly agreed to fund the cost of this. P7 pupils are rehearsing for their show “Pirates of the Curry Bean” to be held on 28 March. Details of tickets and performances will be sent to you. Charity Day – Wear Yellow Day on 2 March for the Marie Curie Appeal. Erskine Church concert – pupils will be performing on 5 March – 2 pm. Tickets available at the school office. Learning Jotters go home to you on Friday 23 March. Easter Service (pupils only) takes place on Friday 30 March at 11.15 am in the Erskine Church. Film Award Nomination Granny Mac’s Meringues – the film made last session by the then P3 pupils has been nominated for a First Light Award in London on 5 March. The Scotland on Sunday newspaper featured this story last week and STV are visiting the school to interview the pupils involved. We hope to send a group of pupils, Mrs Whatmore and Mrs Rossborough to London to the Award Ceremony. Good luck to all of them and well done. Parent Interviews Dates for these are - Thursday 15 March 6 – 8.30 pm Monday 19 March 4 – 6.30 pm Wednesday 21 March 4 – 5 pm Information will be sent to you soon so that you can select suitable dates. Christmas Nativity 2011 We appreciate greatly the support parents, carers and visitors give to this and the enjoyment we all get from such an event. It is clear though that for our latest nativity space in the Church was problematic. As our pupil numbers in the early years continue to increase, it is likely that we will have to consider how we can accommodate our audience. Clearly our Nativity for 2012 will require two performances. School Accommodation As our school roll continues to rise, a number of parents have been concerned about space for our August Primary 1 pupils. Let me reassure you that we still have 1 classroom space in the huts (currently a music room) which can house the additional class we will need for 2012 – 2013. As we move towards a new school space is at a premium for assemblies, drama, and music instruction. We will certainly have to be creative before we move into our new school. Playground space at lunch-time is a concern though which will need some action. There is simply not enough space for all our pupils to be able to run about outside and enjoy their playtimes. Very few pupils go home at lunch-times. It is likely that from August 2012, I will need to organise two lunchtimes. I shall be discussing this further with the Parent Council and asking your views on this later on. This is not an easy decision, however I think our pupils deserve a better provision at lunch-time than they currently experience. Holiday Dates Friday 30 March Schools closes at 3.10pm for Easter Holidays Monday 2 – Friday 13 April School closed – Easter Holidays Monday 16 April Schools opens to staff and pupils Monday 7 May May Day – school closed to staff and pupils Monday 4 June Tuesday 5 June Victoria Day – school closed to staff and pupils Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – school closed to staff and pupils Inset Day – school closed to pupils only Wednesday 6 June Nursery Mrs Kathleen Duncan has joined the Nursery Team – and will be with us until July 2012. A Nursery Induction for our new April starts will be held on Thursday 1 March at 2.15 pm in school. Then on Monday 5 March and Wednesday 7 March two Welcome Evenings will be held from 3.30 – 4 pm. Finally Our school will be featured in Fife Council’s Raising Achievement Policy. Our pupils and staff have worked hard to achieve high levels of performance and we continue to do this. We are all very pleased to see this hard work and commitment recognised and shared across other schools as best practice.