teacher announcements - monday, september 12, 2005 #9

Monday, January 20, 2015 #79
Good afternoon Paw Paw Middle School where our students are college career and community
ready. This is Mr. McDaniel with your afternoon announcements.
Welcome to our Guest Teachers in the building today:
Mrs. Bouchard for Mrs. Taylor
Ms. DeRoo for Mrs. Jackson (1/2 day am)
Mrs. Brickle for Mr. VanderMeulen (1/2 day am)
We know that our students here at Paw Paw Middle School will treat them with RESPECT and
Isaac Cole (1/21)
Samuel Cole (1/21)
Sara Matheny (1/21)
Alison Austin (1/22)
Dylon Antles (1/22)
Hannah Marcon (1/24)
Kimberly Gomez-Garcia (1/25)
Reese Golisek-Wisser (1/25)
Cafeteria menu this week:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: WG Pepperoni Bosco sticks, WG pizza, breaded chicken sandwich, deli sandwich
Wednesday: Hot ham & swiss sandwich, BBQ riblet sandwich, deli sandwich
Thursday: Beefy Nachos, grilled chicken sandwich, WG pizza, deli sandwich
Friday: WG Fried chicken, corn dog, WG pizza, deli sandwich
Detention Assignments for week:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: No Detention
Wednesday: Mrs. Taylor room 703
Thursday: Mrs. Taylor room 703
Friday: No Detention
Chess Club meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 22 after school. All Chess Club
meetings are held in Mr. Taylor's room.
Attention student council members, there will be a meeting in Ms. Fortin's room on Thursday the
22nd. If you have questions please see Ms. Fortin.
Bridge Building Teams can work with Mrs. Koeneke every week Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday from 2:30 - 3:30. And Saturdays from 10 - 2 p.m.
Starting THIS week. Teams who have not picked up their paperwork need to ASAP.
PTO Bowing is starting up again…5 weeks for bowling with your friends at Rainbow
Lanes. Cost is $5.00 per week and includes 2 games, shoe rental and a small drink.
First bowling date is Friday, January 30, 2015. Pick up your permission slips in the
cafeteria or in the office.
The HS has invited us to attend their Musical "Catch Me If You Can" on February 19th. The
performance will begin at 9amand should end by 11am.
This should be a fun performance for all of our students!
LEO's Club will be meeting next Wednesday, Jan. 21st after school in room 606. Students who
are taking the late bus, please remember to sign up for it either today, or Tuesday next week.. If
you have not already joined us. WE WELCOME YOU!!! Come check it out!
We will be going to Timber Ridge Ski area next week Wednesday Jan 21 from 3:00 -6:30 please
remember to pick up permission slip if you did not do it yet for next week. Reminder $5 for the
bus ride. Great job this past Wednesday with getting picked up by parents. We are in need of
one parent chaperon to stay inside for this coming Wednesday. If you have a parent interested
please let me know.
Do you enjoy Minecraft? After school Minecraft gaming sessions will be coming soon, but
until then there is a Minecraft Committee forming! Visit Mr. Taylor's website for more
information and to download a copy of the application which should be completed to
apply as a member of the Minecraft Committee. All are welcome to apply since we are
looking for representatives from all three grade levels. Minecraft Committee applications
are available at Mr. Taylor's room as well. We'll look for your app!
Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls…Girls ON The Run is back! Enrollment packets are
in the office. Space is limited and selection is on a first come first serve basis. Payment
and all completed forms are due by tomorrow January 21, 2015.
The PTO Box Top Contest has started and will continue through January 30th. Bring in
Box Tops, Campbell labels and Spartan UPC codes to your advisory teacher. There will
be prizes for the Advisory classes with the most labels.
Sports Information
Lifetouch will be here January 27nd to take sports pictures for Girls Basketball,
Cheerleading and Wrestling players. Extra order forms are in the office.
2015 Winter Tumbling Clinic: Paw Paw High School Cheer is again offering the winter
tumbling clinic to students Kindergarten through 8th grade. The cost is $30.00 and all
proceeds will go to benefit the PPHS Cheer Program. Clinic goes from January 29th thru
February 19th. Registration information sheet are in the office.
The Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual free throw competition at the Paw
Paw High School gym for boys and girls 9-14 years old on Sunday, January 25.
Registration is 1:00-2:00 contest at 2:00. There will be a 3 point contest for boys and
girls 8th grade-12th grade at 3:00 the same afternoon. Come see if you are the area’s
We are looking for volunteers to help at the girls’ basketball games. If you are interested in
running the clock, keeping the scorebook or helping in the concession stand, see Mr. Daoust.
Girls Basketball
Cheer party will be today after school until 3:30 please bring a dish to pass and share with your
teammates. Shirt orders will also be due on Tuesday.
Paw Paw Youth Baseball/Softball Registration Dates:
Saturday, Jan 24, (9a-12:30p) @ Paw Paw Public Library
Saturday, Feb. 7, (9a-12:30p) @ Paw Paw Public Library
*On-line registration is available at the Paw Paw Youth Baseball and Softball website
*Questions can be directed to: pawpawyouthbaseball@gmail.com or
call/text Amy @ (269)501-1817
Parent Information
Please keep an eye out for your students report card, will be mailing them out the
week of January 26, 2015.
The PTO is looking for volunteers to organize and run the 6th and 7th grade games. The 6th
Grade Games will be held on February 4th from 11:30am-2:30pm. The 7th Grade Games will be
held on May 6th from 12:30pm-2:30pm. These events are not possible without parent volunteers.
Please contact Julie Courter at 615-5732 if you want to find out more about this opportunity or to
volunteer to help.
Here’s a preview of upcoming events that you might want to add to your calendar now:
January 21st – PTO Meeting @ 6:30 in the Middle School Media Center
OK2SAY encourages confidential tips on potential harm or criminal activities
directed at students, school employees and schools. Please check out this link to
the OK2SAY newsletter for more information: