A Method for Portal Verification of 4D Lung Treatment Geoffrey Hugo1, Di Yan1, Lindsay Watt2, Carlos Vargas1, Mark Oldham1, Daniel Létourneau1, John Wong1 1 Radiation Oncology Department, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan, USA 2 Elekta, Inc., Crawley, UK Abstract The implementation of respiratory-compensated treatment techniques requires new methods for verification. Specifically, a technique which creates the planning target volume at the mean position of the tumor position as a function of time must be associated with verification that this mean position is stable throughout the treatment. This study focuses on the development of a "4D" portal verification technique formed from a respiratory correlated computed tomography scan. An onboard cone beam CT was used to generate a respiratory correlated scan; a digitally reconstructed fluoroscopic movie (DRF) was then generated from the volumetric data for each beam portal. For daily verification, fluoroscopic imaging using the same cone beam equipment is acquired along each beam portal. The resulting fluoroscopic data and the DRF can be compared for conventional patient position and orientation verification, as well as for verification of the extent and pattern of tumor motion to ensure stability of the mean tumor position. Keywords 4D, Respiratory correlated CT, Cone beam, lung cancer. Introduction Dose escalation in lung cancer has required the advent of new methods to improve the accuracy and precision of targeting. Techniques such as active breathing control [1] and voluntary breath hold [2] aim to reduce tumor motion. Other methods aim to compensate for respiratory motion by gating on a respiratory signal [3, 4] or by adjusting the position and size of the planning target volume (PTV) [5]. Regardless of the method utilized for respiratory compensation during treatment, simulation and planning must also account for "4D" changes in the patient volume due to respiration. The development of prospectively [6] and retrospectively [7, 8, 9] gated CT has allowed for the development of 4D planning techniques to complement respiratory-compensated treatment techniques. Margins for the creation of the internal target volume (ITV) are patient-specific, minimized based on the probability density function of tumor position and on the planned dose distribution. As reported [5], the margins are mainly dependent on the standard deviation of the density function, while less effected by the actual shape of the density distribution. The PTV is created from the ITV using population-based interfraction motion data initially, and the PTV margins are modified after 4 fractions based on patient specific setup information in an adaptive approach. This adaptive method is similar to an approach used clinically for the treatment of prostate cancer [10]. However, the development of treatment verification methods for 4D treatment has not been explored. The purpose of this study is the development and validation of a "4D" portal verification technique for 4D-planned lung treatment. Material and methods Effects of patient respiratory motion can be minimized by designing the treatment plan with the target at the mean respiratory position [5]. This mean position can be found using the maximal positional excursion of the tumor (derived from a retrospectively-gated CT scan) and the probability density function of the tumor position (derived from a fluoroscopic scan over multiple breathing cycles). The probability density function is simply a histogram of tumor center of mass position as a function of time, where the bins of the histogram are based on the tumor position. An example histogram is shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1: Probability density function of tumor position as a function of time. Due to the near-sinusoidal nature of respiratory-driven tumor motion, the histogram is weighted higher near the end exhalation and inhalation positions. The use of a mean position approach for respiratory compensation relies on the assumptions that the mean position of the tumor and the standard deviation of the motion are reproducible over the course of one fraction or between subsequent fractions. This assumption holds when the maximum excursion of the tumor (amplitude) and the probability density function of the tumor position remain constant both intra- and interfraction. The portal verification technique for 4D lung cancer radiotherapy must allow conventional parameters such as position and orientation to be verified. In addition it should also provide information on the amplitude and probability density of the tumor motion. The method of 4D fluoroscopic portal verification consisted of the creation of a digitally reconstructed fluoroscopic movie loop (DRF) from a respiratory-correlated CT scan for each beam portal. Before the treatment of each beam, the DRF could then be compared to a fluoroscopic movie loop acquired at the same angle as the beam portal. First, the position and orientation of the bony anatomy could be verified, as with a conventional DRF. Then, the amplitude and probability distribution (frequency) of the tumor motion could be verified in order to confirm that the mean position of the tumor was stable. subsequent production of a breathing trace based on the superior/inferior position of this edge was based on a previously published algorithm [11]. The advantage of such a technique is that an external respiratory signal from external markers or a spirometer is not necessary. Each volumetric CT set for each individual phase was imported into a treatment planning system (Pinnacle, Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands). The CT scans were fused based on vertebral bodies only. A physician outlined the gross tumor volume (GTV) for each phase. The mean tumor position was determined using the center of mass of the CTV from the two phases that corresponded to the maximal tumor excursion (the end inhalation and end exhalation phases). Using these two positions, the mean CTV position can be determined by averaging the probability density function, which is generated from the fluoroscopy study. Digitally reconstructed fluoroscopy In order to create a DRF, two separate studies are required. Both a respiratory correlated CT and a fluoroscopic study containing both the tumor and the diaphragm are used to create the DRF. For this paper, an onboard cone beam CT (Elekta Synergy, Elekta Oncology Systems, Crawley, UK) was used to generate volumetric data for six independent respiratory phases. Figure 2 shows an example scan, which consisted of the acquisition of 1012 projections dispersed around 360 degrees of gantry rotation. Approximately 168 projections were used to reconstruct a volume image for each respiratory phase. Assuming a breathing period of 4s and a projection acquisition rate of 2 projections per second, the angular spread for the acquisition of one respiratory cycle was 2.4 degrees. Each individual projection was sorted into one of six phases based on the position of the diaphragm in the projection image. The algorithm for the detection of the diaphragm edge and The DRF for each beam portal is created by first producing a DRR from each volume image. The probability density function is then used to calculate the time length of each DRR frame in the DRF as a fraction of the total length of the DRF movie loop. The DRF is then assembled from each of the individual DRRs. Fluoroscopic portal verification The onboard cone beam CT allows for fluoroscopic imaging at a static gantry angle in addition to x-ray volumetric imaging (XVI). The kV imaging plane is oriented 90 degrees to the megavoltage treatment plane, so the gantry is rotated 90 degrees for each beam portal to allow the fluoroscopic beam portal to correspond to the intended megavoltage beam portal. A few seconds of fluoroscopic imaging data is acquired for each beam portal. Figure 2: Coronal sections from a respiratory correlated cone beam CT. Each image is corresponds to the same position spatially, each from a different phase of respiration. The cycle proceeds clockwise from top left. Figure 3: DRF for an AP beam. Each individual DRR corresponds to the same phase as in figure 1. The cycle proceeds clockwise from top left. Verification of the beam portal is comprised of two separate procedures. First, the patient position and orientation are verified using the visible bony anatomy. Second, the extent of tumor motion and probability density of motion are verified. The extent of tumor motion can be verified qualitatively by assessing the position of the tumor at end inhalation and exhalation on both the DRF and fluoroscopic movies. The probability density can be assessed qualitatively by measuring the period of motion in terms of number of frames between successive end inhalation or exhalation positions. If the tumor is not visible, then the diaphragm can be used as a surrogate for verifying the stability of the respiratory cycle. Currently, quantitative measures of the stability of the respiratory cycle are being investigated. The extent of tumor motion and the probability density function are already measured from the respiratory-correlated CT and fluoroscopic Figure 4: Fluoroscopic frames corresponding to the frames for the DRF in figure 3. The cycle proceeds clockwise from top left. study during simulation. Work is under way to develop a similar quantitative analysis of the diaphragm position on the fluoroscopic movies. Results and discussion Figure 3 shows all the frames from a DRF movie loop. Figure 4 shows the frames from the corresponding fluoroscopic loop for an AP beam portal. These two movie loops allow patient position and orientation, as well as the extent and probability distribution of motion, to be compared. From this comparison, the stability of the mean position and standard deviation of motion of the tumor can be assessed. Conclusion The implementation of respiratory-compensated radiotherapy requires additional verification with respect to treatment with conventional methods. The stability of the patient’s respiratory cycle must be verified over the course of one treatment and for subsequent treatments. A DRF with fluoroscopic portal images is one possible method for implementing this additional verification. This technique allows for the verification of patient position and orientation as well as the extent and probability distribution of respiratory motion. The extent and probability distribution of respiratory motion must be stable in order to ensure that the location and size of the PTV is correct. Studies are underway to assess the intra- and interfraction stability of the mean position-based PTV. References [1] Wong J W, Sharpe M B, Jaffray D A, Kini V R, Robertson J M, Stromberg J S, and Martinez A A 1999 The use of active breathing control (ABC) to reduce margin for breathing motion Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. 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