Anatomy Chapter 7, Part I – Skeletal System Lecture Notes I. Skeletal System A. Consists of 1. Bones – 206 in average adult 2. Associated Connective Tissue a. cartilage b. tendons c. ligaments II. Bone Structure – differ greatly in size & shape, yet are similar in structure, development, & function A. Long bone structure 1. epiphysis – expanded portion at each end of bone which articulate with another bone a. articular cartilage - a layer of hyaline cartilage which coats the outer portion of articulating surface 2. diaphysis – shaft of the bone located between the epiphyses 3. periosteum – tough, vascular covering of fibrous tissue surrounding bones except for articular cartilage at ends of bone a. firmly attached to bone b. attachment site for muscles via tendons c. periosteal fibers are continuous with ligaments & tendons that connect to the membrane d. helps form & repair bone tissue 4. compact bone (cortical bone) – tightly packed tissue a. diaphyses are largely made of compact bone b. has a continuous matrix with no gaps 5. spongy bone (cancellous bone) – consists of numerous branching bony plates a. spongy bone make up epiphyses b. covered with thin layer of compact bone on the surface c. irregular, connecting spaces between plates help reduce bone’s weight d. bony plates are most highly developed in epiphyses that are subjected to compressive forces 6. medullary cavity – hollow chamber within in diaphysis and small spaces of epiphyses formed by compact bone arranged in a semirigid tube & small chambers in spongy bone a. tube is continuous with spaces of the spongy bone b. marrow – specialized type of soft connective tissue in medullary cavities 7. endosteum – thin layer of cells that lines medullary cavity B. Microscopic Structure 1. osteocytes – mature bone cells 1 2. lacunae – small, bony chambers which form concentric circles around osteonic canal 3. lamellae –mineralized matrix arranged in concentric circles around central canal 4. osteonic canal (Haversian canal) – tube through bony tissue which hold blood vessels and nerves a. extend longitudinally through bone b. perforating canals (Volkmann’s canals) – horizontal canals that connect osteonic canals 1) contain larger blood vessels and nerves by which smaller blood vessels and nerve fibers in osteonic canals communicate with surface of bone & medullary cavity 5. canaliculi – tunnels between osteocytes though which cell processes extend a. allow osteocytes to communicate with each other 6. Compact bone – composed of osteons (Haversian systems) – cylindershaped units a. consists of osteocytes and layers of intercellular material concentrically clustered around an osteonic canal b. many of these units cemented together form substance of compact bone 7. Spongy bone - composed of trabeculae-osteocytes & intercellular material a. osteocytes are not arranged around osteonic canals b. substances diffuse into canaliculi to nourish bone cells III. Bone development and growth A. ossification – the process of changing cartilage into bone B. formation of bone begins during first few weeks of prenatal development C. continue to develop and grow into adulthood D. form by replacing existing connective tissues in either of two ways: 1. intramembranous ossification – broad, flat bones of skull a. membranelike layers of connective tissues appear at the sites of future bones b. some of connective tissue cells enlarge & differentiate into boneforming cells called osteoblasts c. ostoeblasts become active within membranes and deposit bone matrix around themselves d. results in spongy bone tissue forming in all directions within layers of connective tissues e. membranous tissue outside the developing bone become the periosteum f. osteoblasts on inside of periosteum form a layer of compact bone over newly formed spongy bone g. when matrix completely surrounds osteoblasts, they are called osteocytes 2 2. endochondral bones – most bones of the skeleton a. develop from masses of hyaline cartilage shaped like future bony structure b. cartilage cells grow rapidly and then begin to change 1) in long bones, change begins in center of diaphysis 2) cartilage breaks down and disappears c. at same time, periosteum forms from connective tissue that encircles the developing diaphysis d. blood vessels & osteoblasts from periosteum invade disintegrating cartilage & spongy bones forms in its place e. primary ossification center – region of original bone formation in center of diaphysis f. osteoblasts from periosteum deposit thin layer of compact bone around primary ossification center g. epiphyses of bone remain cartilaginous & continue to grow h. secondary ossification centers – growth areas that appear later within epiphyses i. spongy bone forms in secondary ossification centers and branches in all directions j. epiphyseal disk - band of cartilage between two ossification centers 1) cells (chondrocytes) undergo mitosis & produce new cells 2) new cells enlarge & matrix forms around them causing the disk to thicken which lengthens the bone 3) calcium salts accumulate in matrix adjacent to oldest cartilaginous cells 4) as matrix calcifies, cells begin to die 5) osteoclasts – large, multinucleated cells that break down the calcified matrix a) originate in bone marrow when certain white blood cells fuse b) secrete an acid that dissolves the inorganic component of calcified matrix c) their lysosomal enzymes digest the organic components d) cleans the matrix 6) osteoblasts invade region & deposit bone tissue in place of calcified cartilage 7) osteocytes – when osteoblasts are surrounded by matrix k. long bone continues to lengthen while cartilage in epiphyseal disks are active l. bone growth in length is complete when ossificaion centers meet and epiphyseal disks ossify m. thickening of bones 1) compact bone is deposited on outside beneath periosteum 3 2) as compact bone forms on surface, osteoclasts erode bone tissue on the inside 3) space created by osteoclasts becomes medullary cavity n. bone in center of epiphyses & diaphysis remain spongy & hyaline cartilage on ends of epiphyses remain as articular cartilage C. Homeostasis of bone tissue 1. resorption – continual destruction of bone matrix by osteoclasts throughout life 2. deposition – continual replacement of bone matrix by osteoblasts 3. regulated by hormones 4. total mass of bone tissue within adult skeleton remains nearly constant 5. 3-5% of bone calcium is exchanged each year IV. Bone Function A. Support and protection B. Body movement – created with interaction of muscles 1. form levers C. Blood cell formation 1. hematopoiesis – blood cell formation 2. occurs in bone marrow a. soft, netlike mass of connective tissue b. found in medullary cavities of long bones, spaces in spongy bones, & larger osteonic canals of compact bone c. two types of bone marrow 1) red marrow – functions in formation of red blood cells, white blood cells, & platelets a) hemoglobin – oxygen carrying pigment that gives it red color b) occupies cavities of most bones in infants c) in adults, most red marrow is replaced by yellow marrow; d) in adults, found primarily in spongy bone of skull, ribs, sternum, clavicle, vertebrae, & pelvis 2) yellow marrow – stores fat a) active in blood cell production D. Storage of inorganic salts 1. intercellular matrix is rich in calcium salt (calcium phosphate) 2. when calcium in blood is low, osteoclasts break down bone tissue releasing calcium into blood 3. magnesium, sodium, potassium, & carbonate ions also stored V. Joints (articulations) – functional junctions between bones A. vary in structure & function B. Can be classified by degree of movement 1. immovable (skull bones) 2. slightly movable (joints between vertebrae) 3. freely movable (elbows & knees) 4 C. Can be classified by type of tissue that binds bones together; most common classification 1. Fibrous joints – lie between bones that closely contact one another a. thin layer of dense connective tissue joins bones b. sutures – fibrous joints between bones of skull c. no movement or very limited movement 2. Cartilaginous joints – disks of fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage connect bones a. slightly movable (intervetebral joints) 3. Synovial joints - most joints a. Characteristics of synovial joints 1) freely movable 2) joint capsule – tubular capsule of dense connective tissue that holds articular ends of bones together a) outer layer is composed of ligaments b) inner layer is composed of synovial membrane i. secretes synovial fluid to lubricate joint 3) menisci – flattened, shock –absorbing pads of fibrocartilage between the articulating surfaces in some joints 4) bursae – fluid-filled sac a) lined with synovial membrane which may be continous with synovial membrane of joint cavity b) located between the skin & underlying bony prominences c) aid movement of tendons b. Types of synovial joints – based on shapes of parts and movement they allow 1) ball-and-socket – made of bone with ball-shaped head that articulates with a cup-shaped cavity of another bone a) allows wide range of motion including rotation around a central axis b) examples – shoulder & hip 2) chondyloid joint – oval-shaped condyle of one bone fits into an elliptical cavity of another bone a) permits movement on a variety of planes, but does not include rotation b) example – joints between metacarpals & phalanges (knuckles) 3) gliding joints – almost flat or slightly curved a) allow sliding & twisting movement b) examples – wrists and ankles 4) hinge joint – the convex surface of one bone fits into to concave surface of another a) permits movement in one plane only b) examples – elbows and joints of phalanges (fingers) 5) pivot joint – cylindrical surface of one bone rotates within a ring formed of bone & ligament 5 a) movement is limited to rotation around a central axis b) example – joint between proximal ends of radius & ulna 6) saddle joint – forms between bones whose articulating surfaces have both concave & convex regions a) surface of one bone fits the complementary surface of the other b) permits variety of movements c) example – base of thumb c. Movements of synovial joints 1) produced by skeletal muscles a) insertion – movable end pulled by muscle contraction b) origin – fixed end of muscle 2) flexion – bending parts at a joint so that the angle between them decreases & parts become closer together 3) extension – straightening parts at a joint so that the angle between them increases & the parts move farther apart 4) dorsiflexion – bending the foot at the ankle toward the shin (standing on heels) 5) plantar flexion– bending the foot at the ankle toward the sole (pointing toes) 6) hyperextension – excess extension of the parts at a joint beyond the anatomical position 7) abduction – moving a part away from the midline 8) adduction – moving a part toward the midline 9) rotation – moving a part around an axis 10) circumduction – moving a part so that its end follows a circular path 11) pronation – turning the hand so that the palm is downward or turning the foot so that the medial margin is lowered 12) supination – turning the hand so that the palm is upward or turning the foot so that the medial margin is raised 13) eversion – turning the foot so that the sole is outward 14) inversion – turning the foot so that the sole is inward 15) retraction – moving a part backward 16) protraction – moving a part forward 17) elevation – raising a part 18) depression – lowering a part 6