Christmas Lunch Wednesday 14th December 2006

Christmas Lunch Thursday 10th December 2015
A Christmas lunch of turkey and all the trimmings will be served on Thursday 10th
December. If you would like your child to have this option please complete the tearoff slip below. The cost is £1.95 which will be deducted from your child’s account in
the usual way. Slips must be returned by Wednesday 18th November to enable
catering staff to order the food.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christmas Lunch Thursday 10th December 2015
I would like my child ______________________________ in class __________
to have Christmas Lunch Thursday 10th December 2015
Please select from the following options
Turkey with roast potatoes, carrots, stuffing, chipolatas, gravy
Party (tomato) pasta with roasted veg & garlic bread
Christmas sausage with mash and baked beans
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Soup & Sandwich Tuesday 22nd December 2015
On the last day of term school closes at 2.30 pm. There will be no hot lunches
cooked that day but there will be soup and a sandwich on offer. If you would like
your child to have this option please complete the tear-off slip below indicating
choice of sandwich and return it to school by Wednesday 18th November
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Soup & Sandwich Tuesday 22nd December
Child’s Name ___________________________________________ Class ______
Would like soup and a sandwich on Tuesday 22nd Dec
Signed _____________________________________
Date ______________