Letter to Parents - Dorrington Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs M. Hopkins BA (Hons), NPQH, MaST
Church Road, Dorrington, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY5 7JL
Telephone: 01743 718462
Email: admin@dorringtonprimaryschool.co.uk
Thursday 7th January 2016
Dear Parents
To parents of Class 2 children
Welcome back and we hope you had a lovely Christmas break.
Morning Classes starting promptly at 9.00am:
Class 1: EYFS and Year 1
Teachers- Mrs Mandy Turner and Mrs Louise Felton
Class 2: Year 2, 3 and 4
Teacher – Mrs Mandy Hopkins
Class 3: Year 5 and 6
Teacher – Mr John Ratcliffe
Afternoon Classes:
Class 1: EYFS and KS1
Teachers – Mrs Mandy Turner and Mrs Louise Felton
Class 3: KS2
Teacher – Mr John Ratcliffe
Our theme this term is Earth and Beyond. If you have any information, artefacts or pictures
relating to this theme, please do let us know.
On Tuesday and Friday afternoons P.E. sessions will take place at school. Full P.E. kit (white Tshirt and red shorts, dark sweatshirt, navy blue or black jogging bottoms) and trainers are
required. Please keep this kit in school all week as the children are often involved in interschool events.
If the weather is poor the children will be accompanied to the village hall for P.E.
Outdoor Learning
On Monday mornings Years 3 & 4 will take part in outdoor maths and science activities using
ideas based on Forest Schools. All KS2 children will also be taking part in outdoor activities
throughout the week based on Science activities. Therefore children will need to bring
waterproof clothing and wellington boots (or similar) to be kept in school.
The children have been asked to keep a record, this will be in the front of their Homework book
(alongside a Homework Guide), of all the books they read and the dates they started them. It is
important that they read at home every day and can discuss favourite books by author or genre.
This book is also a key link between home and school. Please ask your child to hand in their
book if you have any messages. Please do not hesitate to come into school if you want to
discuss the books your child is reading; we are always happy to help.
Comprehension activities and reading different texts form an integral part of many lessons. All
of this is monitored carefully by teachers and support staff. In addition, there is a quiet reading
time every day.
Each Monday the children will be given spellings from the National Curriculum to learn. The
children will have a spelling test on a Monday.
Please see your child’s Homework book for any additional activities, these will include
multiplication tests, mental maths, and homework follow up.
Homework Projects for the Spring Term are below. These need to be completed and in school
by Wednesday 23rd March for the whole school ‘Earth and Beyond’ day.
Early Bird Club will continue on a Monday to Thursday (8.00 – 8.55 am) – See Amy Foulger for
more details.
Homework club will continue on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (3.15 – 4.15 pm), the cost
is £1.50 per session (subsidies for pupil premium pupils).
Tea Time Club will continue on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (3.15 to 5.30pm) – please
see Amy Foulger or Penny Hill for more details.
Clubs this term, see attached letter for full details:
Before school
After school
Early Bird
Early Bird
Multi Sports
Tea Time
Early Bird
Match Attax
Tea Time
Early Bird
Tea Time
Wider Opportunities
This term, Years 3 & 4 and Class 3 will be split up into two mixed-age activity groups every
Tuesday & Friday (2.15 – 3.15).
Activity 1
Leader: Mrs Jane Lawrence
Please ensure your child has warm clothes and wellington/ outdoor boots in school.
The school will provide gardening gloves.
Design and Technology
Leader: Mr John Ratcliffe
Children will be working outside.
Please ensure your child has warm clothes and wellington/ outdoor boots in school.
Activity 2
Leader: Jonny Hughes Coaching
Children will be learning Gym skills and dance this term.
Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school.
Please let us know if you are interested in helping with any of these activities.
Diary Dates For Spring Term 2016
Monday 4 January:
Tuesday 5 January:
Friday 15th January:
Friday 22nd January:
Thursday 28 January:
Tuesday 9th February:
Wednesday 10th February:
Thurs. 11th & 23rd Feb:
Monday 15 February:
Monday 22 February:
Thursday 25 February:
Thursday 10 March:
Thursday 24 March:
14th to 18th March:
Wednesday 23rd March:
Friday 25 March:
Monday 11 April:
PD Day
Children return to school for spring term
Parent Forum, 2.00pm in the school hall
PTA meeting, 3.00pm in the school hall
KS1 Sports Festival, Church Stretton
Birmingham Symphony Hall trip
Yr 5 STEM day at CSS
Yr 3 & 4 Stepping Out
Half Term
Children return to school
KS2 Tri-Golf, Church Stretton
KS2 Change4Life, Church Stretton
Years 3 & 4 Hockey, Church Stretton
Science Week
Earth and Beyond Day
Easter Holiday starts
Summer term starts.
Class 2 Timetable Spring 2016
Mrs Hopkins and Mrs Peacock
As always, we will keep you informed through the weekly newsletter.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Hopkins & Mrs Peacock