Clinical Summary Guidelines

General Guidelines
Clinical Summary Forms are one-page documents that comprise a student appraisal and
timesheet. Clinical Educators / Mentors are to complete the CLINICAL SUMMARY form
at the end of each week. Students should fill in their personal details before giving the book
to the educator/mentor. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all information is
Both the Clinical Summary forms and the Clinical Performance Reports are carbonated. The
original (white copy) and the pink copy are to be returned to the Clinical Unit. The yellow copy
stays in the student’s book as their own record. Please remember to press firmly with a biro/pen
and to place the cardboard under the yellow copy before writing.
Clinical Summary forms are to be sent to the Clinical Unit, School of Nursing and Midwifery, at
the end of each fortnight of the clinical placement. For facilitated groups, the educator will submit
the forms while students who are mentored will need to post their forms to the Unit.
The University requires that students are given early and regular feedback (not at the end of the
week or the placement) to allow students adequate time and opportunity to improve. Each
“unsatisfactory” or “needs development” criteria and rating must be supported with a
CLINICAL PERFORMANCE REPORT with specific objectives to develop practice.
Unsatisfactory Clinical Summary forms, with attached Clinical Performance Reports, are to be
sent to the Clinical Unit, School of Nursing and Midwifery, immediately. This is to ensure areas
of unsatisfactory professional or clinical performance are immediately identified, communicated
and addressed.
Process for managing a student with “unsatisfactory” or “needs development”
clinical performance:
1 Provide oral feedback to the student immediately
2. Provide written feedback on the Clinical Performance Report
3. Send the Clinical Performance Report to the Clinical Unit immediately
4. Contact Course Coordinator/s if you have any concerns or questions
5. Provide and document specific goals for improvement
6. Monitor and document improvement
7. Notify the Clinical Unit or Course coordinator if the student does not indicate
commitment to improvement.
©University of Newcastle School of Nursing and Midwifery, January 2007
Clinical Summary Guidelines
It is essential that these guidelines are closely followed to ensure consistency across clinical
educators and mentors as well as ensuring equity for students being assessed. Students’
completion of each course is dependent on the provision of all the required information in
the clinical summary sheets.
The following statements are provided to help students, clinical educators and mentors interpret
the Clinical Summary Criteria. The statements are intended as a guide only and should not be used
in a prescriptive or all encompassing manner. It is envisaged that the majority of students would
achieve “Satisfactory” performance on clinical placement in relation to their year of study. A small
percentage may receive “needs development” and should be given the opportunity to attain
satisfactory grades either on this placement or in a make up placement. Students who receive
“unsatisfactory” for one or more criteria, if approved by the Course coordinator, will be given the
opportunity to achieve satisfactory grades in this placement or in a makeup placement organized
by the clinical unit.
The course coordinator must be notified immediately if the student is given “unsatisfactory” for
Items 13 – 16 and the student’s ability to continue the current placement will be discussed.
Each criterion is numbered and the following dot points may be used for interpretation, grading
and to assist student feedback.
1. Adheres to University Attendance Policy i.e. attends for required clinical hours and
notifies appropriate person regarding absence.
Student is punctual and leaves on time.
Student is committed to using their time productively for learning
If absent:
o Informs University Clinical Unit Staff
o Informs allocated ward NUM
o Informs Clinical Educator or mentor by page or phone
o Absence is valid (i.e. Supported by medical certificate or other
appropriate, documentation)
o Completes Special Consideration Form.
2. Adheres to University and Facility protocols (excludes Criteria 1 – Attendance
Students are aware of University and facility policies
Students adhere to, or do not violate, these policies/protocols
Please note: All students are required to have the following items on Clinical Placement from
day 1 onwards (or may be requested to leave the facility):
©University of Newcastle School of Nursing and Midwifery, January 2007
Name badge
Plastic holder with student ID card and body fluid exposure instructions
Criminal Record Clearance card
Prohibited Persons Employment declaration
Immunisation record card - completed
Confidentiality undertaking (included in this booklet)
Clinical Summary Book
Personal Protective equipment (PPE)
Watch with second hand (preferably fob watch)
Black pen
Clinical learning objectives
Personal learning objectives
Tollefson text (2004)
Core skills list.
Letter for mentor (All NURS3163; NURS3197; NURS3198; NURS3273 and NURS 3274)
students and other students in a mentored placement.
3. Demonstrates appropriate professional conduct and appearance.
 Wears correct uniform and adheres to university and facility requirements
 Practices in accordance with professional requirements i.e. Professional Code of
Conduct and Confidentiality requirements.
 Respect for others is consistently demonstrated.
 Boundaries of professional practice adhered to.
 Appropriate language used.
4. Practices within own abilities/knowledge level and recognises own limitations.
 Is aware of and works within scope of practice.
 Seeks help when care is beyond limitations.
 Requests RN assistance for care requirements as appropriate.
 Excuses self from requested care requirements if they exceed the student level of
5. Accepts and integrates constructive feedback.
 Accepts information/feedback provided by Clinical Educator /Mentor/Facility
Registered Nurse.
 Listens to the issues presented and is able to discuss without being argumentative.
 Focuses on the issues identified and works to implement strategies for
 Works to integrate information/feedback into practice.
©University of Newcastle School of Nursing and Midwifery, January 2007
6. Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills.
 Discusses client care with RN/Clinical Educator / Mentor.
 Integrates confidentiality and privacy concepts into relationships.
 Questions nursing practice using a positive approach.
 Shows courtesy to others, respects others in group meetings.
 Demonstrates appropriate behaviours in debriefing sessions, team meetings and
other group meetings.
 Proactive in establishing therapeutic relationships.
 Proactive in establishing professional relationships.
7. Provides appropriate support to peers and colleagues.
 Participates as an effective member of the team.
 Demonstrates respect to others.
 Acknowledges the rights of others.
 Is non-judgmental of others.
 Shows support to others as required
o Allows others to speak in turn.
o Actively listens.
8. Participates in ward/health service activities e.g. handover, ward rounds.
 Provides/receives handover for allocated clients.
 Notates care requirements from handover.
 Practices according to facility requirements.
 Engages in activities as designated by the RN/Clinical Educator / Mentor.
9. Cares for clients in a holistic manner.
 Takes responsibility for allocated client(s) to level of student enrolment.
 Practices holistic care of clients.
 Undertakes plan of care for allocated clients.
 Incorporates care within a multidisciplinary framework.
10. Demonstrates an ability to apply and integrate knowledge and skill into practice.
 Incorporates prior learning into practice i.e. Previous knowledge/skills are
cumulative in the care process e.g. asepsis knowledge, medication knowledge, etc.
 Demonstrates Core Skills at a competent level.
 Demonstrates an ability to undertake clinical skills in a competent manner.
 Reflects on practice and develops strategies for ongoing improvement.
 Applies theoretical concepts to practice.
11. Bases practice on current knowledge and skill level.
 Practices according to level of student enrolment.
 Actively pursues opportunities to achieve clinical and personal objectives.
 Identifies deficits & related strategies to meet skill requirements.
 Seeks assistance and / or guidance as required.
©University of Newcastle School of Nursing and Midwifery, January 2007
12. Demonstrates effective time management.
 Demonstrates the ability to prioritize care.
 Organises self-care requirements.
 Undertakes nursing care in a timely manner.
 Acknowledges client time frame requirements.
 Shows evidence of having practiced the relevant clinical skills.
13. Provides safe and effective nursing practice consistent with client needs and plan
of care.
 Nursing practice is consistent with client needs and goals.
 Nursing practice meets ANMC National Competency Standards for the Registered
 Considers and implements OH&S requirements, including care of self.
 Recognizes an unsafe environment and /or practices, and acts accordingly.
 Advocates for the client.
 Considers the client’s health care issues and potential needs.
14. Consistently demonstrates safe and effective oral communication.
 Demonstrates satisfactory communication with clients, staff, colleagues, clinical
educator / mentor and other personnel.
 Communication results in:
o Student understanding verbal instructions.
o Student being understood.
o Student understanding handover and relevant terminology used.
15. Consistently demonstrates appropriate professional documentation skills.
 Student documents client care as per health facility/University of Newcastle
 Documentation adheres to nursing professional standards.
 Care is documented immediately following the nursing activity.
 Documentation is legible, accurate and complete.
 Utilises correct nursing forms and charts
 Adheres to confidentiality requirements and Privacy Act (2004)
16. Consistently practices within ethico/legal boundaries.
 Nursing practice is ethically based as per Nurses Code of Ethics.
 Nursing practice meets specific NSW Health requirements
 Student safeguards the rights of individuals
 Nursing practice meets legal requirements.
 Nursing practice conforms to:
o ANMC Professional Code of Conduct
o Boundaries of professional practice
o ANMC National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse
The University of Western Sydney is acknowledged for allowing the adaptation and use of these guidelines.
©University of Newcastle School of Nursing and Midwifery, January 2007